Everything you need is now in one place. The Active Record Model represents a table schema, an entity or a collection of entities of that table, integrated with the Query Builder to speed up your coding process. Quick Start.
Implements: \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Serializable
- setConnection
- getConnection
- connection
- driver
- cleanup
- cleanClone
- Row
- Row Set
- Table
- name
- prefix
- fullName
- alias
- label
- columns
- hasColumn
- column
- primary
- unique
- firstUnique
- autoIncrement
- nameColumn
- casts
- cast
- setDefaults
- getDefaults
- describe
- new
- create
- prepareRecord
- prepareValue
- Select
- Update
- Insert
- Delete
- Query Builder
- query
- hasQuery
- setQuery
- getQuery
- clearQuery
- clause
- hasClause
- setClause
- getClause
- clearClause
- hasClauses
- getClauses
- clearClauses
- when
- toSql
- toString
- Select
- distinct
- fromTable
- selectFrom
- select
- selectOnly
- selectColumn
- selectConcat
- selectSelect
- selectRaw
- selectCount
- selectMax
- selectMin
- selectAvg
- selectSum
- hasSelect
- getSelect
- clearSelect
- union
- unionAll
- unionDistinct
- unionRaw
- unionAllRaw
- unionDistinctRaw
- hasUnions
- getUnions
- clearUnions
- lockForUpdate
- lockInShareMode
- hasLock
- getLock
- clearLock
- selectQuery
- getSelectQuery
- newSelectQuery
- Update
- Delete
- Insert
- From
- Join
- Where
- assignWhereAppliers
- setWhereApplier
- hasWhereAppliers
- getWhereAppliers
- clearWhereAppliers
- where
- orWhere
- whereMultiple
- orWhereMultiple
- whereDate
- orWhereDate
- whereTime
- orWhereTime
- whereYear
- orWhereYear
- whereMonth
- orWhereMonth
- whereDay
- orWhereDay
- whereRelation
- orWhereRelation
- whereRelations
- orWhereRelations
- whereIs
- orWhereIs
- whereIsNot
- orWhereIsNot
- whereIsNull
- orWhereIsNull
- whereIsNotNull
- orWhereIsNotNull
- whereBetween
- orWhereBetween
- whereNotBetween
- orWhereNotBetween
- whereConditions
- orWhereConditions
- whereRaw
- orWhereRaw
- hasWhere
- getWhere
- clearWhere
- whereExists
- whereNotExists
- whereExistsRaw
- whereNotExistsRaw
- hasExists
- getExists
- clearExists
- whereToSql
- whereToString
- whereClause
- getWhereClause
- whereStrategy
- getWhereStrategy
- Group By
- Having
- assignHavingAppliers
- setHavingApplier
- hasHavingAppliers
- getHavingAppliers
- clearHavingAppliers
- having
- orHaving
- havingMultiple
- orHavingMultiple
- havingDate
- orHavingDate
- havingTime
- orHavingTime
- havingYear
- orHavingYear
- havingMonth
- orHavingMonth
- havingDay
- orHavingDay
- havingRelation
- orHavingRelation
- havingRelations
- orHavingRelations
- havingIs
- orHavingIs
- havingIsNot
- orHavingIsNot
- havingIsNull
- orHavingIsNull
- havingIsNotNull
- orHavingIsNotNull
- havingBetween
- orHavingBetween
- havingNotBetween
- orHavingNotBetween
- havingConditions
- orHavingConditions
- havingRaw
- orHavingRaw
- hasHaving
- getHaving
- clearHaving
- havingToSql
- havingToString
- havingClause
- getHavingClause
- havingStrategy
- getHavingStrategy
- Order By
- Limit
- Offset