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doc: wayland: update for the extension release #3

doc: wayland: update for the extension release

doc: wayland: update for the extension release #3

# Enforce rebasing Pull Requests if Toolchain was modified on target branch
# If new commits, which modifies toolchain files was pushed to given branch, find all PRs targeting
# this branch, which also change toolchain files. Then, enforce rebasing them by changing
# CI/Jenkins/toolchain check to FAILURE.
# This prevents race condition issue when new toolchain bundle has to be built after PR is merged.
# Toolchain files:
# * scripts/requirements-fixed.txt
# * scripts/tools-versions-darwin.yml
# * scripts/tools-versions-win10.yml
# * scripts/tools-versions-linux.yml
name: Enforce rebasing Pull Requests if Toolchain was modified on target branch
- '**' # Triggers on pushes to any branch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Define list of files to check
id: define_files
run: |
echo "TOOLCHAIN_FILES=scripts/requirements-fixed.txt,scripts/tools-versions-linux.yml,scripts/tools-versions-darwin.yml,scripts/tools-versions-win10.yml" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Checkout the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
persist-credentials: false
- name: Get files modified by recent commits
id: get_files
run: |
echo "Modified files in this commit:"
git diff --name-only ${{ github.event.before }} ${{ github.sha }} > modified_files.txt
cat modified_files.txt
- name: Check if any watched files are modified
id: check_files
run: |
modified_files=$(cat modified_files.txt)
IFS=',' read -r -a watched_files <<< "${{ env.TOOLCHAIN_FILES }}"
for file in "${watched_files[@]}"; do
if echo "$modified_files" | grep -q "$file"; then
echo "$file was modified."
echo "modified=$modified" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# App token is required to update Check Status
- name: Get jenkins-ncs App token
if: env.modified == 'true'
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
id: app-token
app-id: ${{ vars.JENKINS_NCS_APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.JENKINS_NCS_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Find open pull requests targeting this branch and modyfing Toolchain files
if: env.modified == 'true'
id: find_prs
run: |
PRs=$(gh pr list --base ${{ github.ref_name }} --state open --json url,headRefName,files --jq '[.[] | select(.files[]? | .path as $file | [$file] | inside([env.TOOLCHAIN_FILES]))]')
echo "Found PRs: $PRs"
echo "prs=$PRs" >> $GITHUB_ENV
GH_TOKEN: ${{ }}
- name: Set CI/Jenkins/toolchain status check to failure
if: env.modified == 'true' && steps.find_prs.outputs.prs != '[]'
GH_TOKEN: ${{ }}
run: |
for pr in $(echo "$prs" | jq -r '.[].url'); do
pr_url=$(echo $pr | sed 's|||')
pr_owner=$(echo $pr_url | cut -d'/' -f1)
pr_repo=$(echo $pr_url | cut -d'/' -f2)
pr_number=$(echo $pr_url | cut -d'/' -f4)
echo "Setting CI/Jenkins/toolchain status to failure for PR: $pr"
# Get the SHA of the last commit in the PR branch
commit_sha=$(gh pr view $pr_number --json headRefOid --jq '.headRefOid')
# Get the Check Run ID by listing the check runs for the PR's head commit
check_run_id=$(gh api \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
/repos/$pr_owner/$pr_repo/commits/$commit_sha/check-runs \
--jq '.check_runs[] | select(.name == "CI/Jenkins/toolchain") | .id')
# If no check run exists, create a new one; otherwise, update the existing one
if [ -z "$check_run_id" ]; then
echo "Creating new check run for PR: $pr"
gh api \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
--method POST /repos/$pr_owner/$pr_repo/check-runs \
-f name="CI/Jenkins/toolchain" \
-f head_sha="$commit_sha" \
-f status="completed" \
-f conclusion="failure" \
-f output[title]="Rebase needed - Toolchain changed on '${{ github.ref_name }}' branch" \
-f output[summary]="Toolchain was modified on '${{ github.ref_name }}' and this PR has to be rebased"
echo "Updating existing check run with ID $check_run_id"
gh api \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
--method PATCH /repos/$pr_owner/$pr_repo/check-runs/$check_run_id \
-f conclusion="failure" \
-f status="completed" \
-f output[title]="Rebase needed - Toolchain changed on '${{ github.ref_name }}' branch" \
-f output[summary]="Toolchain was modified on '${{ github.ref_name }}' and this PR has to be rebased"