A basic explination of how each network payload is implemented
For now, we will have one space per server. If I eventually want scaliblity, this will have to be parsed out.
//User JSON
GUID:$(User GUID),
//todo figure out user tokens needed for OAuth2
//Do I need user stalking? probably not. If I do, it
//Topic JSON
GUID:$(Topic GUID),
Body:$(Title or URL of post),
Owner:$(GUID of owner)
Created:$(Epoch created),
Updated:$(Created or last comment date),
Comments:[]//array of comments
//Comment JSON
GUID:$(Comment GUID),
Owner:$(Owner GUID),
Body:$(Contents of text)
Created:$(Epoch created)
//for DB reasons, it might make sense to doublely link this;
//ie put a GUID of the parrent. Maybe not. we'll see
Gets json list of topic titles or links
GUID:$(Topic GUID),
Body:$(Title or URL of post),
Owner:$(GUID of owner)
Created:$(Epoch created),
Updated:$(Created or last comment date),
//.. more, array
Same as GetTopicList, but returns 10 (?) at a time.
//Same format as /API/GetTopicList, but shorter
gets json list of given topic's messages
GUID:$(Topic GUID),
Body:$(Title or URL of post),
Owner:$(GUID of owner)
Created:$(Epoch created),
Updated:$(Created or last comment date),
GUID:$(Comment GUID),
GUID:$(User GUID),
Text:$(Contence of text)
Created:$(Epoch created)
//more, array,
//maybe this should be transposed for network saving?
//array of comments
create new topic, either with a title or link, content in body
//Put Body:
OwnerGUID:$(User GUID)//TODO replace with tokens!
Body:$(Some user-input text; link or message or both)
Note: On Body Error, return error
post comment. content in body
//Put Body:
OwnerGUID:$(User GUID)//TODO replace with tokens!
Body:$(Some user-input text; link or message or both)
Note: On Body Error, return error
Returns when new topic is created or comment is added.
$(Epoch of last content?)
Returns when comment posted. Client should only subscribe after grabbing full comment list.
//URL=/API/PollTopic/$(Topic_GUID)/$(Epoch of last comment)
//Returns same as /API/GetTopic/$(Topic_GUID) after put
//If Epoch of last comment != URL input, return immedeately