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Part 2: Configure Teleport RBAC with Terraform
Terraform Starter: Configure RBAC
Explains how to manage Teleport roles and authentication connectors with Terraform so you can implement the principle of least privilege in your infrastructure.

This guide is Part Two of the Teleport Terraform starter guide. Read the overview for the scope and purpose of the Terraform starter guide.

In Part One of this series, we showed you how to use Terraform to deploy Teleport Agents in order to enroll infrastructure resources with your Teleport cluster. While configuring Agents, you labeled them based on their environment, with some falling under dev and others under prod.

In this guide, you will configure your Teleport cluster to manage access to resources with the dev and prod labels in order to implement the principle of least privilege.

How it works

This guide shows you how to create:

  • A role that can access prod resources.
  • A role that can access dev resources and request access to prod resources.
  • An authentication connector that allows users to sign into your organization's identity provider and automatically gain access to dev resources.

In this setup, the only way to access prod resources is with an Access Request, meaning that there are no standing credentials for accessing prod resources that an attacker can compromise.


This guide assumes that you have completed Part 1: Enroll Infrastructure with Terraform.

(!docs/pages/includes/edition-prereqs-tabs.mdx version="16.2.0"!)

  • Resources enrolled with Teleport that include the dev and prod labels. We show you how to enroll these resources using Terraform in Part One.
  • An identity provider that supports OIDC or SAML. You should have either:
    • The ability to modify SAML attributes or OIDC claims in your organization.
    • Pre-existing groups of users that you want to map to two levels of access: the ability to connect to dev resources; and the ability to review Access Requests for prod access.

We recommend following this guide on the same Teleport demo cluster you used for Part One. After you are familiar with the setup, you can apply the lessons from this guide to manage RBAC with Terraform.

  • Terraform v(=terraform.version=) or higher.
  • (!docs/pages/includes/tctl.mdx!)
  • To help with troubleshooting, we recommend completing the setup steps in this guide with a local user that has the preset editor and auditor roles. In production, you can apply the lessons in this guide using a less privileged user.

Step 1/4. Import Terraform modules

In this step, you will download Terraform modules that show you how to get started managing Teleport RBAC. These modules are minimal examples of how Teleport Terraform resources work together to enable you to manage Teleport roles and authentication connectors.

After finishing this guide and becoming familiar with the setup, you should modify your Terraform configuration to accommodate your infrastructure in production.

  1. Navigate to the directory where you organized files for your root Terraform module.

  2. Fetch the Teleport code repository and copy the example Terraform configuration for this project into your current working directory.

    Since you will enable users to authenticate to Teleport through your organization's identity provider (IdP), the modules depend on whether your organization uses OIDC or SAML to communicate with services:

    $ git clone --depth=1 teleport-clone
    $ cp -R teleport-clone/examples/terraform-starter/env_role env_role
    $ cp -R teleport-clone/examples/terraform-starter/oidc oidc
    $ rm -rf teleport-clone
    $ git clone --depth=1 teleport-clone
    $ cp -R teleport-clone/examples/terraform-starter/env_role env_role
    $ cp -R teleport-clone/examples/terraform-starter/saml saml
    $ rm -rf teleport-clone

    Your project directory will include two new modules:

    Name Description
    env_role A module for a Teleport role that grants access to resources with a specific env label.
    oidc Teleport resources to configure an OIDC authentication connector and require that users authenticate with it.
    Name Description
    env_role A module for a Teleport role that grants access to resources with a specific env label.
    saml Teleport resources to configure a SAML authentication connector and require that users authenticate with it.
  3. Create a file called that includes the following module blocks:

    module "oidc" {
      source               = "./oidc"
      oidc_claims_to_roles = []
      oidc_client_id       = ""
      oidc_connector_name  = "Log in with OIDC"
      oidc_redirect_url    = ""
      oidc_secret          = ""
      teleport_domain      = ""
    module "prod_role" {
      source        = "./env_role"
      env_label     = "prod"
      principals    = {}
      request_roles = []
    module "dev_role" {
      source        = "./env_role"
      env_label     = "dev"
      principals    = {}
      request_roles = [module.prod_role.role_name]
    module "saml" {
      source                   = "./saml"
      saml_connector_name      = "Log in with SAML"
      saml_attributes_to_roles = []
      saml_acs                 = ""
      saml_entity_descriptor   = ""
      teleport_domain          = ""
    module "prod_role" {
      source        = "./env_role"
      env_label     = "prod"
      principals    = {}
      request_roles = []
    module "dev_role" {
      source        = "./env_role"
      env_label     = "dev"
      principals    = {}
      request_roles = [module.prod_role.role_name]

Next, we will show you how to configure the two child modules, and walk you through the Terraform resources that they apply.

Step 2/4. Configure role principals

Together, the prod_role and dev_role modules you declared in Step 1 create three Teleport roles:

Role Description
prod_access Allows access to infrastructure resources with the env:prod label.
dev_access Allows access to infrastructure resources with the env:dev label, and Access Requests for the prod_access role.
prod_reviewer Allows reviews of Access Requests for the prod_access role.

When Teleport users connect to resources in your infrastructure, they assume a principal, such as an operating system login or Kubernetes user, in order to interact with those resources. In this step, you will configure the prod_role and dev_role modules to grant access to principals in your infrastructure.

In, edit the prod_role and dev_role blocks so that the principals field contains a mapping, similar to the example below. Use the list of keys below the example to configure the principals.

module "prod_role" {
  principals = {
    KEY = "value"
  // ...

// ...
Key Description
aws_role_arns AWS role ARNs the user can access when authenticating to an AWS API.
azure_identities Azure identities the user can access when authenticating to an Azure API.
db_names Names of databases the user can access within a database server.
db_roles Roles the user can access on a database when they authenticate to a database server.
db_users Users the user can access on a database when they authenticate to a database server.
gcp_service_accounts Google Cloud service accounts the user can access when authenticating to a Google Cloud API.
kubernetes_groups Kubernetes groups the Teleport Database Service can impersonate when proxying requests from the user.
kubernetes_users Kubernetes users the Teleport Database Service can impersonate when proxying requests from the user.
logins Operating system logins the user can access when authenticating to a Linux server.
windows_desktop_logins Operating system logins the user can access when authenticating to a Windows desktop.

For example, the following configuration allows users with the dev_access role to assume the dev login on Linux hosts and the developers group on Kubernetes. prod users have more privileges and can assume the root login and system:masters Kubernetes group:

module "dev_role" {
  principals = {
    logins            = ["dev"]
    kubernetes_groups = ["developers"]
  // ...

module "prod_role" {
  principals = {
    logins            = ["root"]
    kubernetes_groups = ["system:masters"]
  // ...

Step 3/4. [Optional] Configure the single sign-on connector

In this step, you will configure your Terraform module to enable authentication through your organization's IdP. Configure the saml or oidc module you declared in Step 1 by following the instructions.

You can skip this step for now if you want to assign the dev_access and prod_access roles to local Teleport users instead of single sign-on users. To do so, you can:

  • Import existing teleport_user resources and modify them to include the dev_access and prod_access roles (see the documentation).
  • Create a new teleport_user resource that includes the roles (documentation.

If you plan to skip this step, make sure to remove the module "saml" or module "oidc" block from your Terraform configuration.

  1. Register your Teleport cluster with your IdP as a relying party. The instructions depend on your IdP.

    The following guides show you how to set up your IdP to support the SAML or OIDC authentication connector. Read only the linked section, since these guides assume you are using tctl instead of Terraform to manage authentication connectors:

  2. Configure the redirect URL (for OIDC) or assertion consumer service (for SAML):

    Set oidc_redirect_url to, replacing with the domain name of your Teleport cluster.

    Ensure that oidc_redirect_url matches match the URL you configured with your IdP when registering your Teleport cluster as a relying party.

    Set saml_acs to, replacing with the domain name of your Teleport cluster.

    Ensure that saml_acs matches the URL you configured with your IdP when registering your Teleport cluster as a relying party.

  3. After you register Teleport as a relying party, your identity provider will print information that you will use to configure the authentication connector. Fill in the information depending on your provider type:

    Fill in the oidc_client_id and oidc_secret with the client ID and secret returned by the IdP.

    Assign saml_entity_descriptor to the contents of the XML document that contains the SAML entity descriptor for the IdP.

  4. Assign teleport_domain to the domain name of your Teleport Proxy Service, with no scheme or path, e.g., The child module uses this to configure WebAuthn for local users. This way, you can authenticate as a local user as a fallback if you need to troubleshoot your single sign-on authentication connector.

  5. Configure role mapping for your authentication connector. When a user authenticates to Teleport through your organization's IdP, Teleport assigns roles to the user based on your connector's role mapping configuration:

    In this example, users with a group claim with the developers value receive the dev_access role, while users with a group claim with the value admins receive the prod_reviewer role:

         oidc_claims_to_roles = [
             claim = "group"
             value = "developers"
             roles = [
             claim = "group"
             value = "admins"
             roles = module.dev_role.reviewer_role_names

    Edit the claim value for each item in oidc_claims_to_roles to match the name of an OIDC claim you have configured on your IdP.

    In this example, users with a group attribute with the developers value receive the dev_access role, while users with a group attribute with the value admins receive the prod_reviewer role:

         saml_attributes_to_roles = [
             name  = "group"
             value = "developers"
             roles = [
             name  = "group"
             value = "admins"
             roles = module.dev_role.reviewer_role_names

Step 4/4. Apply and verify changes

In this step, you will create a Teleport bot to apply your Terraform configuration. The bot will exist for one hour and will be granted the default terraform-provider role that can edit every resource the TF provider supports.

  1. Navigate to your Terraform project directory and run the following command. The evalcommand assigns environment variables in your shell to credentials for the Teleport Terraform provider:

    $ eval "$(tctl terraform env)"
    🔑 Detecting if MFA is required
    This is an admin-level action and requires MFA to complete
    Tap any security key
    Detected security key tap
    ⚙️ Creating temporary bot "tctl-terraform-env-82ab1a2e" and its token
    🤖 Using the temporary bot to obtain certificates
    🚀 Certificates obtained, you can now use Terraform in this terminal for 1h0m0s
  2. Make sure your cloud provider credentials are available to Terraform using the standard approach for your organization.

  3. Apply the Terraform configuration:

    $ terraform init
    $ terraform apply
  4. Open the Teleport Web UI in a browser and sign in to Teleport as a user on your IdP with the groups trait assigned to the value that you mapped to the role in your authentication connector. Your user should have the dev_access role.

    If you receive errors logging in using your authentication connector, log in as a local user with permissions to view the Teleport audit log. These is available in the preset auditor role. Check for error messages in events related with the "SSO Login" type.

  5. Request access to the prod_access role through the Web UI. Visit the "Access Requests" tab and click "New Request".

  6. Sign out of the Web UI and, as a user in a group that you mapped to the prod_access role, sign in. In the "Access Requests" tab, you should be able to see and resolve the Access Request you created.

Further reading: How the module works

This section describes the resources managed by the env_role, saml, and oidc child modules. We encourage you to copy and customize these configurations in order to refine your settings and choose the best reusable interface for your environment.

The env_access role

The env_role child module creates Teleport roles with the ability to access Teleport-protected resources with the env label:


The role hardcodes an allow rule with the ability to access applications, databases, Linux servers, Kubernetes clusters, and Windows desktops with the user-configured env label.

Since we cannot predict which principals are available in your infrastructure, this role leaves the aws_role_arns, logins, and other principal-related role attributes for the user to configure.

The role also configures an allow rule that enables users to request access for the roles configured in the request_roles input variable.

An output prints the name of the role to allow us to create a dependency relationship between this role and an authentication connector.

The env_access_reviewer role

If var.request_roles in the env_access role is nonempty, the env_role module creates a role that can review those roles. This is a separate role to make permissions more composable:


As with the env_access role, there is an output to print the name of the env_access_reviewer role to create a dependency relationship with the authentication connector.

Configuring an authentication connector

The authentication connector resources are minimal. Beyond providing the attributes necessary to send and receive Teleport OIDC and SAML messages, the connectors configure role mappings based on user-provided values:


Since the role mappings inputs are composite data types, we add a complex type definition when declaring the input variables for the oidc and saml child modules:


For each authentication connector, we declare a cluster authentication preference that enables the connector. The cluster authentication preference enables local user login with WebAuthn as a secure fallback in case you need to troubleshoot the single sign-on provider.


Next steps

Now that you have configured RBAC in your Terraform demo cluster, fine-tune your setup by reading the comprehensive Terraform provider reference.