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Manual Proofs of Mathematical Laws

Left Identity Law for the Parser Monad

NTS: return a >>= f ~ f a

1.  return a >>= f                                      -- Begin
2.  Parser $ \s -> [Done a s] >>= f                     -- Definition of return
3.  Parser $ \s -> [Done a s] >=> g                     -- Definition of bind
4.  Parser $ \x -> (\s -> [Done a s]) x >>= g           -- Definition of (>=>)
5.  Parser $ \x -> [Done a x] >>= g                     -- Eta-reduce
6.  Parser $ \x -> concat (map g [Done a x])            -- Definition of bind for lists
7.  Parser $ \x -> concat [g (Done a x)]                -- Inline map
8.  Parser $ \x -> g (Done a x)                         -- concat of a 1-item list is the item
9.  Parser $ \x -> parse (f a) x                        -- Definition of g for a Done
10. Parser $ parse (f a)                                -- Eta-reduce
11. f a                                                 -- Definition of Parser 

Right Identity Law for the Parser Monad

NTS: m >>= return ~ m

1.  Parser $ p >=> g                                    -- Begin
2.  Parser $ \x -> p x >>= g                            -- Definition of (>=>)
3.  Parser $ \x -> concat (map g (p x))                 -- Definition of (>>=) for lists

    CASE 1: (p x) !! n ~ Done a s
    1. g (Done a s)                                     -- Begin
    2. parse (return a) s                               -- Definition of g
    3. parse (Parser $ \s -> [Done a s]) s              -- Definition of return
    4. (\s -> [Done a s]) s                             -- Apply record
    5. [Done a s]                                       -- Beta-reduce

    CASE 2: (p x) !! n ~ Partial p
    1. g (Partial p)                                    -- Begin
    2. [Partial $ p >=> g]                              -- Definition of g
    3. Induction 

4. Parser $ \x -> p x                                   -- When f ~ return, g r = [r], hence concat (map g (p x)) ~ id
5. Parser p                                             -- Eta-reduce
6. m                                                    -- Definition of m

Associativity Law for the Parser Monad

NTS (m >>= a) >>= b ~ m >>= (\x -> a x >>= b)

1. (m >>= a) >>= b                                      -- Begin
2. (Parser $ parse m >=> a) >>= b                       -- Definition of (>>=)
3. Parser $ parse (Parser $ parse m >=> a) >=> b        -- Definition of (>>=)
4. Parser $ parse m >=> a >=> b                         -- Apply record
5. Parser $ parse m >=> (\x -> a x >>= b)               -- Definition of (>=>)
6. Parser $ \y -> parse m y >>= (\x -> a x >>= b)       -- Definition of (>=>)
7. m >>= (\x -> a x >>= b)                              -- Unwrap parser