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Intel® Confidential Compute for MySQL

In the following two sections, we explain how a Docker image for a Gramine-protected MySQL version can be built and how the image can be executed. We assume that the prerequisites for the build and the execution phase are met.

Build a Gramine-protected MySQL image

Perform the following steps on your system:

  1. Clone the Gramine Contrib repository:

    git clone --depth 1
  2. Move to the Intel® Confidential Compute for X folder:

    cd contrib/Intel-Confidential-Compute-for-X
  3. If a new MySQL database should be used, use the following commands to initialize the database and to stop the initialized database afterwards. If you want to use an existing MySQL database, skip this step. Note that the following steps assume a new database and you need to adjust the commands when an exiting database is used.

    mkdir workloads/mysql/test_db
    docker run --rm --net=host --name init_test_db --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
        -v $PWD/workloads/mysql/test_db:/test_db \
        -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test_db mysql:8.0.35-debian \
        --datadir /test_db &
    docker stop init_test_db
  4. Encrypt MySQL database:

    1. Install Gramine as the encryption is done using the gramine-sgx-pf-crypt tool which is part of Gramine installation.

    2. Use the gramine-sgx-pf-crypt tool to encrypt the MySQL database workloads/mysql/test_db. The following command with generate a weak encryption key, which must not be used in production. The encrypted database will be stored in /var/run/test_db_encrypted.

      dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 > workloads/mysql/base_image_helper/encryption_key
      sudo rm -rf /var/run/test_db_encrypted
      sudo gramine-sgx-pf-crypt encrypt -w workloads/mysql/base_image_helper/encryption_key \
          -i workloads/mysql/test_db -o /var/run/test_db_encrypted

      You can learn more about Gramine's support of encrypted files in the corresponding documentation.

  5. Perform one of the following alternatives:

    • To generate a Gramine-protected, pre-configured, non-production ready, test image for MySQL, execute the following script:

      python3 ./ mysql mysql:8.0.35-debian --test
    • To generate a Gramine-protected, pre-configured MySQL image based on a user-provided MySQL image, execute the following to launch an interactive setup script:

      python3 ./ mysql <your_image>

      Please provide the following inputs to the script:

      • --datadir <database_abs_path> when prompted for command-line arguments.
      • -v <abs_path_to_encrypted_database>:<abs_path_to_encrypted_database> when prompted for additional docker flags.
      • <abs_path_to_encrypted_database> and <encryption_key> when prompted for encrypted files and encryption key respectively.

Execute Gramine-protected MySQL image

Follow the output of the image build script to run the generated Docker image.

Note that validation was only done on a Standard_DC8s_v3 Azure VM.

Connect MySQL client to MySQL database

  • Install MySQL client:
    sudo apt-get -y install mysql-client
  • Connect the client to the test MySQL server:
    mysql -h -uroot

Decrypt MySQL database

  • Execute the following command to decrypt the MySQL database:
    gramine-sgx-pf-crypt decrypt -w workloads/mysql/base_image_helper/encryption_key \
        -i /var/run/test_db_encrypted -o workloads/mysql/test_db_plain


This directory contains the following artifacts, which help to create a Gramine-protected MySQL image:

|-- mysql-gsc.dockerfile.template     # Template used by `` to create a
|                                       wrapper dockerfile `mysql-gsc.dockerfile` that
|                                       includes user-provided inputs, e.g., `ca.cert` file etc.
|                                       into the graminized MySQL image.
|-- mysql.manifest.template           # Template used by `` to create a
|                                       user manifest file (with basic set of values defined
|                                       for graminizing MySQL images) that will be passed to
|                                       GSC.
|-- base_image_helper/                # This directory contains `encrypted_files.txt` which
|                                       contains encrypted database directory path required
|                                       for running the test MySQL image.
|-- docker_run_flags.txt              # This file contains docker run flags required for
|                                       running the test MySQL image.
|-- insecure_args.txt                 # This file contains command line arguments required
|                                       for running the test MySQL image.