Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The item's externalID in the partner system. | |
grab_item_id | string | The item's ID in Grab system. Partner can use this field in the `EditOrder` endpoint. | |
quantity | int | The number of the item ordered. | |
price | int | The price for a single item along with its associated modifiers in minor unit and tax-inclusive. ``` price = Item price(tax inclusive) + Modifier price(tax inclusive) | (22411.06)+(1651.06)=2550 |
tax | int | Tax in minor format for a single item along with its associated modifiers. `0` if tax configuration is absent. Refer to FAQs for more details about tax. ``` tax = Item tax + Modifier tax | (22410.06)+(1650.06)=144 |
specifications | string | An extra note for the merchant. Empty if no note from consumer. | [optional] |
out_of_stock_instruction | \Grab\GrabfoodApiSdk\Model\OutOfStockInstruction | [optional] | |
modifiers | \Grab\GrabfoodApiSdk\Model\OrderItemModifier[] | An array of JSON objects modifiers. | [optional] |