Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The category's ID that is on the partner system. This ID should be unique. | |
name | string | The name of the category. | |
name_translation | array<string,string> | Translation of the category name. Only support up to 1 translated language. Refer Menu Translation. | [optional] |
available_status | string | The status for the category. Refer to FAQs for more details about availableStatus. | |
selling_time_id | string | The selling time's ID for the category. All items within the category will apply the same selling time unless there is another selling time specified for the item. | |
sequence | int | The sort or display order of the category within the menu. | [optional] |
items | \Grab\GrabfoodApiSdk\Model\MenuItem[] | An array of item JSON objects. Max 300 allowed per category. Refer to Items for more information. |