All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Memo for deposit in deGIRO CSV has changed from "iDEAL storting" to "iDEAL Deposit".
- Issues with release ?
- Added "SHELL = cmd" to Makefile for Windows
- Transaction date is now 'Journaaldatum' and not 'Boekingsdatum' for ASN CSV.
- Enhanced documentation for ASN CSV.
- The transaction id for ASN CSV is now <'Journaaldatum' in yyyymmdd format>.<'Volgnummer transactie'>
- Reading CSV of the ASN Bank
- Build and test behaviour reviewed
- Dependency of pdftotext.
- Layout of the README improved.
- Contents of this CHANGELOG for version 1.3.0.
- Added ability to parse ING balance statements.
- Improved installation guide using Miniconda3
- Improved code quality by using pycodestyle and Python typing module
- Fixed bug for KNAB converter when counterparty is empty (for interest for example)
- Added converter for:
- KNAB Online Bank, The Netherlands, CSV (
- Enhanced header handling for ING and DEGIRO.
- Enhanced documentation.
- Added converter for:
- DEGIRO trader platform, The Netherlands, CSV (
- Added reference to the Changelog in the Readme.
- The Readme mentions test_requirements.txt for installing test modules.
- More checks concerning the content (dates with start and end date exclusive) that may result in a ValidationError exception.
- Added Makefile for keeping the important operations together.
- The generation af a unique OFX id did only return a counter in case of duplicates.
- The Readme mentions now my fork of the ofxstatement instead of
- The file outputs the version number and that is used in the Makefile.
- The Makefile depends now on GNU make for tagging a release.
- now includes the Makefile and
- Code refactoring.
- Changed bank id (BIC) for ING from INGBNL2AXXX to INGBNL2A.
- Added poppler library to the instructions.
- Readme enhanced.
- First version to convert:
- ICSCards, The Netherlands, PDF (
- ING bank, The Netherlands, CSV (