Enables client applications to check web resources (most commonly URLs) against Google-generated lists of unsafe web resources. The Safe Browsing APIs are for non-commercial use only. If you need to use APIs to detect malicious URLs for commercial purposes – meaning “for sale or revenue-generating purposes” – please refer to the Web Risk API.
This page contains information about getting started with the Safe Browsing API using the Google API Client Library for Java. In addition, you may be interested in the following documentation:
- Browse the Javadoc reference for the Safe Browsing API
- Read the Developer's Guide for the Google API Client Library for Java.
- Interact with this API in your browser using the APIs Explorer for the Safe Browsing API
Add the following lines to your pom.xml
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.apis:google-api-services-safebrowsing:v5-rev20240505-2.0.0'