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SLING Frames


SLING has a framework for storing, inspecting, manipulating, and transporting semantic frames compactly and efficiently. The frames can be used both for linguistic annotations as well as knowledge representations. SLING is not tied to any particular frame semantic theory or knowledge ontology, but allows you to combine information from many different sources in a unified representation and perform inference across these domains.

At the most basic technical level, a frame consists of a list of slots, where each slot has a name (role) and a value. The slot values can be literals like numbers and strings, or links to other frames. The frames essentially form a graph where the frames are the (typed) nodes and the slots are the labeled edges. The frames can also be viewed as a feature structure and unification can be used for induction of new frames from existing frames. Frames can also be used for representing more basic data structures like a C struct with fields, a protocol buffer, or a record in a database.

This guide will use a simple schema with persons, locations, and organization as a toy example for modeling frames for characters from The Simpsons, e.g.:

  name: "Homer Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 36
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/spouse: /en/marge
  /toy/person/child: /en/bart
  /toy/person/child: /en/lisa
  /toy/person/child: /en/maggie
  /toy/person/employer: /en/snpp

Frame Semantics

(source: Wikipedia)

SLING is inspired by frame semantics, which is a theory of linguistic meaning developed by Charles Fillmore (1929 – 2014) of University of California, Berkeley. Frame semantics relates linguistic semantics to encyclopedic knowledge and the basic idea is that one cannot understand the meaning of a word without access to all the essential knowledge that relates to that word. For example, one would not be able to understand the word "sell" without knowing anything about the situation of a commercial transaction, which also involves, among other things, a seller, a buyer, goods, payment, and the relations between these. Thus, a word evokes a frame of semantic knowledge relating to the specific concept it refers to.

A semantic frame is a collection of facts that specify "characteristic features, attributes, and functions of a denotatum, and its characteristic interactions with things necessarily or typically associated with it." [Keith Alan, 2001] A semantic frame can also be defined as a coherent structure of related concepts that are related such that without knowledge of all of them, one does not have complete knowledge of any one.

Frame semantics not only relates to individual concept, but can be expanded to phrases, entities, grammatical constructions and other larger and more complex linguistic and ontological units. Semantic frames can be used in information modeling for constructing knowledge bases of world knowledge and common sense, and frame semantics can also form the basis for reasoning about metaphors, metonymy, actions, perspective, etc.

Creating frames

SLING frames live inside a Store. A store is a container that tracks the all the frames that have been allocated in the store, and serves as a memory allocation arena for the allocated frames. When making a new frame, you specify the store that the frame should be allocated in. The frame will live in this store until its store is deleted or the frame is garbage collected because there are no references to it.

#include "sling/frame/objects.h"
using namespace sling;

Store store;

A frame consists of a list of slots where each slot has a name and a value. A Builder object is used to create a new frame. The example frame from the Introduction can be created in the following way:

Builder homer(&store);

homer.Add("name", "Homer Simpson");
homer.Add("/toy/person/age", 39);
homer.AddLink("/toy/person/place", "/en/springfield");
homer.AddLink("/toy/person/spouse", "/en/marge");
homer.AddLink("/toy/person/child", "/en/bart");
homer.AddLink("/toy/person/child", "/en/lisa");
homer.AddLink("/toy/person/child", "/en/maggie");
homer.AddLink("/toy/person/employer", "/en/snpp");

Frame homer_simpson = homer.Create();

Each store has a symbol table that maps symbols like /en/homer to the frame that it is mapped to. The AddId() method can be used for assigning an id to a frame. This will add an id: slot to the frame, and the name will be added to the symbol table and bound to the frame when it is created. A frame doesn't need to have an id, and some frames have multiple ids.

You can assign a type to the frame using the AddIsA() method e.g. /toy/person in the example above. This will add an isa: slot to the frame to indicate its type. A frame can have multiple types or can be untyped.

Slots are added to the frame using the Add() methods. This is an overloaded method that allows you to set string, integer, boolean, and float values for slots. In the example above, the name role is set to the string "Homer Simpson", and /toy/person/age is set to the integer 39. A frame can have multiple instance of the same slot name which can be used for encoding one-to-many or many-to-many relationships, e.g. /toy/person/child.

A slot can refer to another frame. The AddLink() method can be used for adding slots with references to other named frames, i.e. other frames that have ids. In the example above, we add references to frames that don't exist yet, like /en/marge. If the target frame doesn't exist, a proxy frame will be created and bound to this id. A proxy frame is a placeholder for a frame that has not yet been created. You can then later create a frame with this id, and this will replace the proxy frame so the previously added links to the proxy frame will now refer to the new frame.

When all the slots have been added to the builder, you can use the Create() method to actually allocate the frame in the store. It returns a Frame object, which is a reference to the newly created frame. While the Builder class has value semantics, the Frame class has reference semantics, i.e. it represents a reference to a frame in the store rather than the frame itself, so it is more similar to Java objects than regular C++ objects. For instance, when assigning one Frame object to another it will just reference the same frame instead of making a copy of the frame. The Frame will also lock the object in the store to prevent it from being reclaimed by the garbage collector as long as the Frame object is still alive.

Connecting frames

After a frame has been created, it can be used as the value of a slot when defining other frames, e.g.:

Builder marge(&store);
marge.Add("name", "Marge Simpson");
marge.Add("/toy/person/age", 33);
marge.AddLink("/toy/person/place", "/en/springfield");
marge.Add("/toy/person/spouse", homer_simpson);
marge.AddLink("/toy/person/child", "/en/bart");
marge.AddLink("/toy/person/child", "/en/lisa");
Frame marge_simpsons = marge.Create();

Here the /toy/person/spouse role for Marge is set to refer to the Homer frame directly without using an id by using Add() instead of AddLink() and specifying homer_simpson instead of the id /en/homer.

Since the Marge frame has the id /en/marge, the new frame will also replace the proxy that was created for /en/marge in the previous example so the /toy/person/spouse role for Homer will refer to the Marge frame:

Frame spouse = homer_simpson.GetFrame("/toy/person/spouse");
if (spouse == marge_simpsons) {
  std::cout << "Homer and Marge are married\n";

Printing frames

A frame can be converted to text format using the ToText() function, e.g.:

#include "sling/frame/serialization.h"

std::cout << ToText(marge_simpsons, 2);

The second parameter to ToText() is the indent. If this parameter is omitted, the frame will be output without line breaks and indentation. With two-space indentation, the output will look like this:

  name: "Marge Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 33
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/spouse: /en/homer
  /toy/person/child: /en/bart
  /toy/person/child: /en/lisa

Inspecting frames

If you have an id for a frame, you can create a Frame object to inspect the role values of the frame:

Frame ms(&store, "/en/marge");
std::cout << "Age: " << ms.GetInt("/toy/person/age");

You can also iterate over all the slots in the frame. It is faster to lookup the role handle ahead of time instead of resolving it inside the for loop.

Handle n_child = store.Lookup("/toy/person/child");
for (const Slot &s : ms) {
  if ( == n_child) {
    Frame child(&store, s.value);
    std::cout << "Child: " << child.GetString("name");

Updating frames

The Builder class can also be used for updating a frame by initializing it with the id or handle of the frame. This will initialize the builder with the existing slots for the frame and the Add, Delete, and Set methods can be used for modifying the frame.

Builder marge(marge_simpsons);
marge.Set("/toy/person/age", 34);
marge.AddLink("/toy/person/child", "/en/maggie");

If you only need to update or add a single slot of a frame, you can use the Set and Add methods on the Frame object. However, if you need to update two or more slots, it is usually faster to use a Builder object for updating the frame.

Global stores

A store can normally only be accessed from one thread at a time. Updating a store from multiple threads concurrently without serializing access, e.g. with a mutex, can lead to corruption of the store.

You can freeze a store by calling the Freeze() method on the store. This will make the store read-only, and it is then safe to access it from multiple threads concurrently. Such a store is called a global store. When the store is frozen, it is cleaned up by first garbage collecting all unused objects and the internal heaps are shrunk to remove any unused memory areas. After the store has been frozen, the frames in the store can no longer be modified and no new frames can be added to the store.

You can then create local stores on top of a global store:

Store global;
<<< initialize global store>>>

Store local1(&global);
Store local2(&global);

The global store then serves as an extension of the local store. The frames in the local store can have reference to the frames in the global store. You can create multiple local store on top of the same global store. Typically you initialize one global store with all the shared information like schemas or other static common knowledge data. You then create a local store for each document/query/request that can contain the frame analysis for the item being analyzed. This analysis can contain references to the frames in the global store. By construction, you cannot have references from the global store to the local store since the local stores cannot be created until the global store has been frozen and then the global store can no longer be updated.


Normally you use Frame objects to keep references to frames in the store. The references are tracked so frames in the store that are referenced directly or indirectly by Frame objects will not be reclaimed by the garbage collector.

Internally, SLING represents references to frames using handles. A handle is a 32-bit integer with a special encoding. The Handle type is implemented as a POD struct type wrapping the handle value. Besides referencing frames, a handle can also be used for representing integers and floating-point values. There is no explicit boolean handle type, so boolean values are represented as integers where false is 0 and true is 1. The Handle::Integer(), Handle::Float() and Handle::Bool() methods can be used for converting integers, floats, and booleans into handle values.

While Frame objects are tracked, this is not the case for Handle objects so special care should be taken when dealing with these. Any update to a store can trigger a garbage collection, and if there are no tracked references to a frame it will be reclaimed by the garbage collector. Frames with ids are registered in the symbol table in the store which is tracked, so these frames will not be reclaimed. Custom reference tracking can be implemented by specializing the External class.

The Handles class can be used for arrays of handles that need to be tracked, and similarly the Slots class can be be used for tracked slots which are basically pairs of name and value handles. These are example of classes specializing External to implement tracking of external references.

The Handle type has a custom hash function so they can be used in as keys in hashed containers. For example, HandleMap<T> is a hash map with Handle keys and HandleSet is a set of handles. Please note that these handles are not tracked.


A store has one or more internal heaps where the frames are stored. These heaps also contain other type of objects like string, symbols and arrays as well as the symbol table. A Frame object references one frame in the store. It is a subclass of Object which can reference any type of object in the store. The Object class has methods for determining the type of the object, e.g. Object::IsFrame(), Object::IsString(), and Object::IsInt(). Please refer to frame/object.h for a complete list of methods.

Object f = FromText(store, "{=/en/usa :/toy/location name: \"United States\"}");
Object n = FromText(store, "1234");
Object a = FromText(store, "[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]");
if (f.IsFrame()) {
  Frame usa = f.AsFrame();
  std::cout << "Name: " << usa.GetString("name") << "\n";
if (n.IsInt()) {
  std::cout << "Number: " << n.AsInt() << "\n";
if (a.IsArray()) {
  Array primes = a.AsArray();
  std::cout << "Length: " << a.length() << "\n";

The following types of objects are supported:

  • Object
    This is a general reference to any type of object in a SLING store. It can be used for both handles where the value is encoded in the handle, e.g. integers and floats, as well as reference types like strings, frames, arrays, and symbols. The Object class has methods for inspecting the type and value of the handle as well as methods for casting to other more specific types. The Object class is the superclass for the other classes below.
  • Frame
    The Frame class allows you to get and set the role values for the frame. A Frame object can also be used as container for iterating the slots for the frame.
  • String
    A String object references a string in the store. Strings are allocated in the store heaps and are treated as immutable. You can get the value of a string using the String::value() method. The String class has a constructor for creating new strings.
  • Symbol
    The Symbol class is a reference to a symbol in the store. A symbol links a name to a value. Symbols are part of the symbol table which is implemented as hash table with buckets of linked lists of symbol. The symbol has a reference to the symbol name and also contains a hash value for the name for fast symbol lookup. It also has a next pointer for linking the symbols in the map buckets. A symbol can either be bound or unbound. An unbound symbol has itself as the value and is just a symbolic name. A bound symbol can either be resolved or unresolved. A resolved symbol references another object, typically a frame, but an unresolved symbol points to a proxy object, which can later be replaced when the symbol is resolved.
  • Array
    An array is used for storing a list of values that can be accessed by index. Array elements can be any type of objects. You can get and set the individual elements. The Array class has a constructor that can be used for allocating a new array from a vector of handles.

Name binding

In the previous examples we used strings symbols for role names etc. This can be expensive since these need to be looked up in the symbol table. It is often more efficient to look these up in advance. You can use the Store::Lookup() method for looking up frames in the symbol table and these can then be used instead of the string symbols when setting and getting values:

Handle n_age = store.Lookup("/toy/person/age");
std::cout << "Homer age: " << homer_simpson.GetInt(n_age);

The Store::Lookup() method looks up the handle for the symbol name in the symbol table. If the id does not exist, a proxy frame is created. You can look up symbols in a global store that can later be used for local stores based on this global store.

Alternatively, you can use Name objects to bind names to symbols. These support static initialization and can be early bound to symbols. A Name object can be used for setting and getting role values instead of string symbols or handles. A Name object is assigned to a Names object. When the Bind() method is called on the Names object all the names assigned to the Names object will be looked up and resolved.

class Homer {
  Homer(Store *global) { CHECK(names_.Bind(global); }

  Frame Create(Store *store) {
    Builder homer(store);
    homer.Add(n_name_, "Homer Simpson");
    homer.Add(n_age_, 39);
    homer.AddLink(n_place_, "/en/springfield");
    homer.AddLink(n_spouse_, "/en/marge");
    homer.AddLink(n_child_, "/en/bart");
    homer.AddLink(n_child_, "/en/lisa");
    homer.AddLink(n_child_, "/en/maggie");
    homer.AddLink(n_employer_, "/en/snpp");
    return homer.Create();

  Names names_;
  Name n_person_{names_, "/toy/person"};
  Name n_name_{names_, "name"};
  Name n_age_{names_, "/toy/person/age"};
  Name n_place_{names_, "/toy/person/place"};
  Name n_spouse_{names_, "/toy/person/spouse"};
  Name n_child_{names_, "/toy/person/child"};
  Name n_employer_{names_, "/toy/person/employer"};

Reading and writing frames in text format

SLING frames are stored internally in a compact format but they can be converted to text format using the ToText() function, see Printing frames. Frames are output as a list of pairs of slot names and values. Frames are bracketed by curly braces. The slot name and value are separated by colon and slots are separated by space and optionally a comma. Integers, floating-point numbers, and string are output in the same format as C/C++. Strings are delimited with double-quotes and are using the same escaping rules as in C/C++. Symbols are output verbatim if they consist of letters, digits, slashes, hyphens and underscores. Other characters are escaped with a backslash.

There are three reserved symbols that are output with a special syntax. The id slots are preceded by an equal sign, e.g. =/en/homer. The id slots are used for registering frames in the symbol table. The isa slots are preceded by a colon, e.g. :/toy/person and are used for adding types to frames. Last, you can use is slots to indicate subtyping in schemas and these are output with a preceding plus sign, e.g. +/toy/entity.

Symbol Example Description
id: =/en/homer Frame id for registration in symbol table
isa: :/toy/person Frame type for typed frames
is: +/toy/entity Base type for specialization of schemas

You can read frames in text format back into a store using the FromText() function:

#include "sling/frame/object.h"
#include "sling/frame/serialization.h"
#include "sling/frame/store.h"

Store store;
Object obj = FromText(&store,
    "{=/en/springfield :/toy/location "
    "name: \"Springfield\" "
    "/toy/location/country: /en/usa}");
if (obj.valid() && obj.IsFrame()) {
  Frame springfield = obj.AsFrame();
  std::cout << "Name: " << springfield.GetString("name") << "\n";

The FromText() function will return the first object in the input string or nil in case of an error. It can read all types of SLING objects, including numbers, strings, symbols, and frames. You can use the Object::valid() method to check if any object was returned and Object::IsFrame() to check that a frame was read. The Object::AsFrame() method can be used to cast the return value to a frame.

The ToText() and FromText() functions are wrappers around more general classes for reading and writing frames in text format. SLING uses the zero-copy stream interface from the protocol buffer library as the basic input/output abstraction. The Input and Output classes in stream/stream.h uses the zero-copy stream abstraction for providing input and output to SLING. SLING objects are parsed using the Reader class, which takes its input from an Input object. Likewise, the Printer class is used for converting frames to text and it outputs the text to an Output object.

I/O interface SLING stream SLING text serialization
sling::InputStream sling::Input sling::Reader
sling::OutputStream sling::Output sling::Printer

The StringReader and FileReader classes in frame/serialization.h are utility classes for reading frames from either strings or files. The StringPrinter and FilePrinter utility classes can be used for writing frames to strings and files.

The id slots are used for making references between frames when reading them into a store. This will add all the frames with ids to the symbol table. If this is not desirable, you can instead use temporary ids with the form #<number>. These ids are only used while reading the frame from the input, but this does not add any id slots to the frames, e.g.:

{=#1 :/toy/person name: "Homer Simpson" /toy/person/spouse: #2}
{=#2 :/toy/person name: "Marge Simpson" /toy/person/spouse: #1}

A number of flags can be used to control which frames are output by the frame printer:

Flag Default Description
shallow true output frames with public ids by reference
global false output frames in the global store by value
byref true output anonymous frames by reference using temporary ids

Encoding and decoding frames in binary format

While frames in text format are human-readable, they can be quite verbose and take up a lot of space. Alternatively, you can store frames in binary encoded format. This is both more compact and it is faster to serialize frames to and from binary format. The binary serialization wire format is described in frame/wire.h. Strings, symbols names, and frames are varint size-encoded and each symbol only needs to be serialized once. This requires substantially fewer memory allocations and symbol table lookups when decoding.

The binary SLING encoder/decoder uses the same input/output streams as the text reader/printer. The StringDecoder and FileDecoder classes in frame/serialization.h are utility classes for decoding frames in binary format from either strings or files. The StringEncoder and FileEncoder utility classes can be used for writing frames in binary format to strings and files.

I/O interface SLING stream SLING binary serialization
sling::InputStream sling::Input sling::Decoder
sling::OutputStream sling::Output sling::Encoder

This example shows how you can binary encode a frame and read it into another store:

#include "sling/frame/object.h"
#include "sling/frame/serialization.h"
#include "sling/frame/store.h"

Store source;
Homer homer(&source);
Frame homer_simpsons = homer.Create(&source);

StringEncoder encoder(&source)
const string &encoded = encoder.buffer();

Store target;
StringDecoder decoder(&target)
Object doh = decoder.Decode(encoded);

The shallow, global, and byref flags can be used for controlling which frame are output by the frame encoder. These flags have the same meaning as for text serialization.

You can encode and decode a whole store at a time. The Encoder::EncodeAll() method can be used for outputting all frames in the symbol table of a store. This can be read into another store later using the Decoder::DecodeAll() method which keeps decoding frames from the input until all the input has been read.


You can assign types to frames by adding isa: slots to the frame. A frame can have zero, one or more types. A frame type is called a schema. For an example of a schema, see the schema for the examples used in this guide.

Schemas are defined as frames with the type schema. This is a simple schema definition of an organization:

{=/toy/organization :schema +/toy/entity
  name: "Organization"
  role: {=/toy/organization/place :slot
    name: "place"
    source: /toy/organization
    target: /toy/location
  role: {=/toy/organization/leader :slot
    name: "leader"
    source: /toy/organization
    target: /toy/person
  role: {=/toy/organization/employee :slot
    name: "employee"
    source: /toy/organization
    target: /toy/person
    multi: 1

A schema usually always has an id (=/toy/organization). In this example, the /toy/organization extends the /toy/entity schema which means that it inherits all the types, roles and bindings from /toy/entity. A schema can extend multiple other schemas allowing for multiple inheritance. A schema can have a name: and a description:. These are mostly just for display purposes.

A schema defines a number of role: roles of type slot. These are the roles that frames of this type can have according to the schema. Just like a schema definition, a role definition has an id, and optionally name and description. The id for a role usually has the source schema as a prefix. A role also defines the source: and target: schemas for the role. If a frame can have multiple instances of a role, the role can be marked with multi: 1. Roles also support inheritance. Role inheritance is indicated by adding is: slots to the role definition. An inherited role acts like an alias although its target type can be specialized. In terms of schema unification, this adds an implicit binding between the role and the inherited role.

{=/toy/company :schema +/toy/organization
  name: "Company"
  role: {=/toy/company/company_name :slot +name
    name: "company name"
    source: /toy/company
    target: string

A schema can also define binding: roles which are constraints between the roles in the schema. The following binding types are supported:

binding: [ <path> equals <path> ]
binding: [ <path> equals self ]
binding: [ <path> assign <value> ]
binding: [ <path> hastype <type> ]

For example, you can express the constraint that the children of your spouse are also your children (not always true in real life):

binding: [ /toy/person/child equals /toy/person/spouse /toy/person/child ]

The schema compiler can compile these bindings into feature structure templates which can then be used for constructing frames according to the schema definitions. Please refer to sling/schemata.h for details.

In light of schema and role definitions, we can now see what is going on when defining a frame like:

  name: "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant"
  /toy/organization/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/organization/leader: /en/burns
  /toy/organization/employee: /en/homer

The value of the isa: role, :/toy/organization, which is defining the type for this frame, is actually a reference to the schema for this type. This way you have direct access to the schema definition for the frame and can use this for processing the frame. Likewise, the role "name", e.g. /toy/organization/place, is not just a symbolic name but is actually a reference to the role definition of this role. In this way, frames, schemas, and roles are tightly integrated and meta data is readily available for inference. Since the role values like /en/homer are also translated into references to other frames, the /en/snpp frame above consists entirely of references to other frames for both the slot names and values, with the exception of the value of the name: role which points to the string object "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant".

The meta schema for schemas are defined in data/sling/ This defines the basic schemas for making other schemas, as well as simple types like int, string, float, etc. It also defines schema families and the catalog which can be used for organization schemas by domain. Schemas have been defined for a number of different domains. Each domain uses a reserved id prefix to avoid collisions:

Prefix Schema domain
/cxn/ Constructionary
/f/ Framery
/fn/ FrameNet
/g/ Knowledge Graph MID
/kg/ Knowledge Graph schema
/m/ Freebase MID
/nc/ Noun compounds
/proto/ Protocol buffer message types
/pb/ PropBank
/saft/ Entity types
/schema/ Schema families
/vn/ VerbNet
/wn/ WordNet

The SchemaCompiler can be used for pre-computing information needed for efficient type inference and unification. The SchemaCompiler::PreCompute() method will pre-compute the following information for schemas and add these as extra roles for the schema definition:

  • ancestors:
    A list of all the schema types that this schema inherits from, directly or indirectly. This list includes the schema itself. This makes it fast to check if a frame is an instance of a certain schema type.
  • rolemap:
    A mapping of all inherited roles to their aliased roles in the schema. This is used during feature structure unification to prune aliased roles.
  • template:
    A unification template for the schema definition. Using pre-compiled schema templates is much more efficient for frame construction and projection that having to generate the unification template each time it is needed.
  • projections:
    A list of all projection mappings that have this schemas as the source schema.

Feature structures and unification

A feature structure is a directed graph, where each node represents a frame, and the edges between nodes represents frame slots. Each node in the graph defines a subgraph which can be considered a feature structure in itself. This connection between graphs with nodes and edges and frames with slots gives rise to a correspondence between feature structures and frames where one can be converted to the other.

A FeatureStructure represents a whole graph as an array of slots, where special index handles are used for encoding references between nodes. A feature structure can be initialized from a frame in the object store, or a pre-compiled template containing a complete graph. A feature structure can also be converted to a set of frames representing the same graph. A feature structure can be assigned a type (or types) by adding isa: slots to the node.

A feature structure can either be atomic or complex. An atomic feature structure is regarded as a simple value, e.g. an integer or string. A frame is also regarded as atomic if it has (non-local) identity. All other frames are considered complex feature structures.

The primary operation on feature structures is unification. Unification is a binary operation over two features structures, used for comparing and combining the information in the two feature structures and can be thought of as a way of merging two graphs and detecting merge conflicts. Unification either returns a merged feature structure with the information from both feature structures, or fails if they are incompatible. Unification preserves and possibly adds information to the resulting feature structure (monotonicity).

Two atomic feature structures can be unified if they have the same value, or if one or both are nil or empty. The result of the unification is the value itself.

Two complex feature structures can be unified if the values of all the common slots can be unified. The result of the unification is then the unified values of all the common slots plus the slots from the each that are not in common.

Feature structure types are unified according to a type system that defines the subsumption relationship between types.

The SchemaCompiler in frame/schemata.h can produce a feature structure template for a schema. The SchemaFeatureStructure uses the inheritance relations between schemas to define a type system and a subsumption relation for the schema system. The following schema information is used for creating the features structure template for a schema:

  • The is: slots include the the schema feature structure for parent schemas recursively so all constraints are inherited.
  • The role: slots generate target type nodes and alias node for inherited roles.
  • The binding: slots generate constraints depending on the binding type. The paths in the bindings are generated as path in the feature structure graph. The equals operator creates an alias node for the two path. The assign operator creates a value constraint for the path, and the hastype operator generates a type node for the path.

The Schemata class can be used for constructing frames from the schema templates using the Schemata::Construct() method. The Schemata class can also be used for projecting frames though mappings and doing subsumption checking.

Appendix A: Simpsons toy example

This guide uses examples from The Simpsons as examples of frames. This appendix contains the complete set of frames for this toy frame set.

  name: "Homer Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 36
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/spouse: /en/marge
  /toy/person/child: /en/bart
  /toy/person/child: /en/lisa
  /toy/person/child: /en/maggie
  /toy/person/employer: /en/snpp

  name: "Marge Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 34
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/spouse: /en/homer
  /toy/person/child: /en/bart
  /toy/person/child: /en/lisa
  /toy/person/child: /en/maggie

  name: "Bart Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 10
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/parent: /en/homer
  /toy/person/parent: /en/marge

  name: "Lisa Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 8
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/parent: /en/homer
  /toy/person/parent: /en/marge

  name: "Maggie Simpson"
  /toy/person/age: 1
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/parent: /en/homer
  /toy/person/parent: /en/marge

  name: "Springfield"
  /toy/location/country: /en/usa

  name: "United States"

  name: "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant"
  /toy/organization/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/organization/leader: /en/burns
  /toy/organization/employee: /en/homer

  name: "Montgomery Burns"
  /toy/person/place: /en/springfield
  /toy/person/employer: /en/snpp


Appendix B: Simpsons schema

This appendix defines the schemas for the toy example in this guide. It defines schemas for persons, locations, and organizations, which are all subcases of entities.

{=/toy/entity :schema +named name: "Entity"}

{=/toy/person :schema +/toy/entity
  name: "Person"
  role: {=/toy/person/age :slot
    name: "place"
    source: /toy/person
    target: int
  role: {=/toy/person/place :slot
    name: "place"
    source: /toy/person
    target: /toy/location
  role: {=/toy/person/parent :slot
    name: "parent"
    source: /toy/person
    target: /toy/person
    multi: 1
  role: {=/toy/person/child :slot
    name: "child"
    source: /toy/person
    target: /toy/person
    multi: 1
  role: {=/toy/person/spouse :slot
    name: "spouse"
    source: /toy/person
    target: /toy/person
  role: {=/toy/person/employer :slot
    name: "employer"
    source: /toy/person
    target: /toy/organization

{=/toy/location :schema +/toy/entity
  name: "Location"
  role: {=/toy/location/country :slot
    name: "country"
    source: /toy/location
    target: /toy/location

{=/toy/organization :schema +/toy/entity
  name: "Organization"
  role: {=/toy/organization/place :slot
    name: "place"
    source: /toy/organization
    target: /toy/location
  role: {=/toy/organization/leader :slot
    name: "leader"
    source: /toy/organization
    target: /toy/person
  role: {=/toy/organization/employee :slot
    name: "employee"
    source: /toy/organization
    target: /toy/person
    multi: 1