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Key Rotation Module

Terraform module to deploy the Key Rotation services.


Key components of this module consist of

  • Key rotation service deployed in Cloud Run
  • Secret in Secret Manager with Rotation Schedule

Technical Details

These are important details of this module's behavior.

  • When this module is deployed for the first time, the key rotaton service will generate new key pairs, store them in Secret Manager secret and send key rotation request to ONDC registry. Sending key rotation request will fail if your entity is not registerd. If it fails, it will retry for 2 - 3 times.
  • Key pairs generated by this service is in the JSON format eg.
  "encryptionKey": {
    "privateKeyEncryption": "3nrQndffw/dhO7OlwW4uk5d7er5W5E0B+R6Ua0+f6YM=",
    "publicKeyEncryption": "K+YtJdFIXxaIhuX3P5KAT3Z8zxUc/qibwHn8aWmSd1c=",
    "publicKeyEncryptionDER": "MCowBQYDK2VuAyEAK+YtJdFIXxaIhuX3P5KAT3Z8zxUc/qibwHn8aWmSd1c="
  "signingKey": {
    "publicKeySigning": "R/4cp5ZCTPlRrTtth7Yt/v+/04K9lEnACdOz65q6GYA=",
    "signingKeySet": "eyJwcmltYXJ5S2V5SWQiOjEyNTE4NDA0MzEsICJrZXkiOlt7ImtleURhdGEiOnsidHlwZVVybCI6InR5cGUuZ29vZ2xlYXBpcy5jb20vZ29vZ2xlLmNyeXB0by50aW5rLkVkMjU1MTlQcml2YXRlS2V5IiwgInZhbHVlIjoiRWlBOUdDRm5rckJ0MHkrMVB3elByVzdVWHRyRWQyNWNDYW5zSzdRZjNaNHE3Um9pRWlCSC9oeW5sa0pNK1ZHdE8yMkh0aTMrLzcvVGdyMlVTY0FKMDdQcm1yb1pnQT09IiwgImtleU1hdGVyaWFsVHlwZSI6IkFTWU1NRVRSSUNfUFJJVkFURSJ9LCAic3RhdHVzIjoiRU5BQkxFRCIsICJrZXlJZCI6MTI1MTg0MDQzMSwgIm91dHB1dFByZWZpeFR5cGUiOiJSQVcifV19"

When you need to provide public keys to ONDC, use these values in the following fields

  • encryptionKey.publicKeyEncryptionDER for public encryption key
  • signingKey.publicKeySigning for public signing key

Example Usage

See the terraform/examples/sample


Name Version
google 4.73.1
google-beta 4.73.1
random 3.5.1


Name Version
google 4.73.1
google-beta 4.73.1
random 3.5.1


Name Description Type Default Required
artifact_registry Artifact Registry where the Docker images stored
project_id = string,
location = string,
repository = string,
n/a yes
location Cloud Run location. string n/a yes
prefix Resouce Prefix. If it's not empty, it should contains - as a last character eg. dev- string "" no
project_id Google Cloud Project ID string n/a yes
registry_url ONDC Registry URL string n/a yes
request_id Arbitary ID (eg. UUID). This will be used when sending key rotation request to ONDC registry. It should be the same ID you will use in onboarding module. string n/a yes
rotation_period Time between each key rotation. Default to 6 months. WARNING: changing this field after created the Secret Manager secret can delete all sercet versions. See this issue string "15780000s" no
secret_id Secret Manager's Secret ID string n/a yes
service_accounts Service Accounts List as Secret Manager Admins list(string) n/a yes
subscriber_id Subscriber ID of the ONDC entity ex. string n/a yes


Name Description
secret_id Secret Manager's Secret ID


No modules.


Name Type
google-beta_google_project_service_identity.pubsub_agent resource
google-beta_google_project_service_identity.secret_manager_identity resource
google_cloud_run_service.key_rotater resource
google_cloud_run_service_iam_member.rotation_trigger_run_invoker resource
google_project_iam_member.project_token_creator resource
google_project_service.cloud_run resource
google_project_service.pubsub resource
google_project_service.secret_manager resource
google_pubsub_subscription.key_rotation resource
google_pubsub_topic.key_rotation resource
google_pubsub_topic_iam_member.sm_sa_publisher resource
google_secret_manager_secret.keys resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.key_rotater_secret_adder resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.secretmanagerAdmin resource
google_service_account.key_rotater resource
google_service_account.rotation_trigger resource
random_id.subscription_suffix resource
random_id.topic_suffix resource