Thanks for considering making a contribution to AccName! 🎉
- Fork this repository.
- Clone your fork to download a local copy.
git clone <your-fork-url>
- In the root folder of the project
npm install
Tests are run using Jasmine and Karma
- To run tests:
npm run test
- Any new features added to AccName should be appropriately tested with unit
tests in a corresponding
file in the same directory as the edited file. For example, tests forlib/ruleA.ts
should be inlib/ruleA_test.ts
- Google TypeScript Style (GTS) is used
to format the TypeScript code for AccName. The code is automatically
formatted using a commit-hook. This means that the code is often
automatically changed by GTS when it is committed, in which case you can
$ git add .
and$ git commit --amend
to update your commit with the newly-formatted code. - AccName uses JSDoc style comments.
It is important to keep in mind the accuracy of AccName's output with respect to other implementations of the algorithm. Accuracy is currently being measured using the AccName Comparison App. Specifically, we use the following metrics:
- % of Web Platform Tests passed.
- % Nodes in real world web-pages for which AccName is likely incorrect. This
is defined as the % of Nodes for which AccName produces an accessible name
of X with all comparison implementations producing an accessible name of Y.
In the context of the Comparison App, this can be described with an
agreement grouping of the following form:
{{chrome, aom, axe, bg},{accname}}
This implementation is based on the accname spec, which is a living document subject to regular change. For this reason, we follow the philosophy of mirroring the spec as closely as possible, to a reasonable degree. Our code should have the same logical structure as the spec as well as using similar language to that used in the spec.
The spec can be vague or ambiguous at times. To combat this we keep a list of
spec assumptions in
. Any time that an assumption about
Accessible Name Computation needs to made in order to implement some feature,
that assumption should be labelled in the code as well as documented in
. These assumptions often highlight areas of the spec that
could be improved. Consider making a PR to the accname spec to save future
implementors from having to make assumptions in their code, this will improve
implementation parity and standardisation in the long run :)