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Protocol overview

dm_env_rpc is a protocol for agents (clients) to communicate with environments (servers). A server has a single remote procedural call (RPC) named Process for handling messages from clients.

service Environment {
  // Process incoming environment requests.
  rpc Process(stream EnvironmentRequest) returns (stream EnvironmentResponse) {}

Each call to Process creates a bidirectional streaming connection between a client and the server. It is up to each server to decide if it can support multiple simultaneous clients, if each client can instantiate its own world, or if each client is expected to connect to the same underlying world.

Each connection accepts a stream of EnvironmentRequest messages from the client. The server sends exactly one EnvironmentResponse for each request. The payload of the response always either corresponds to that of the request (e.g. a StepResponse in response to a StepRequest) or is an error Status message.


Clients may send multiple requests without waiting for responses. The server processes these requests in the order that they are sent and returns the corresponding responses in the same order. It is the client's responsibility to ensure each request is valid when processed.

Note: gRPC guarantees messages will be delivered in the order they are sent.


An Environment connection can be in one of two states: joined to a world or not. When not joined to a world, StepRequest and ResetRequest calls are unavailable (the server will send an error upon receiving them).

A joined connection may be in a variety of sub-states (ie: RUNNING, TERMINATED, and INTERRUPTED). Agents transition between these states using StepRequest, ResetRequest and ResetWorldRequest calls, though the environment controls which state is transitioned to.

State transitions


For the purposes of this protocol tensors are loosely based on NumPy arrays: n-dimensional arrays of data with the same data type. A tensor with "n" dimensions can be referred to as an n-tensor. A 0-tensor is just a scalar value, such as a single float. A 1-tensor can be thought of either as a single dimensional array or vector. A 2-tensor is a two dimensional array or a matrix. In principle there's no limit to the number of dimensions a tensor can have in the protocol, but in practice we rarely have more than 3 or 4 dimensions. Tensors are not allowed to be ragged (have rows with different numbers of elements), though they may have a variable length along one dimension.

A tensor's shape represents the number of elements along each dimension. A 2-tensor with a shape of [3, 4] would be a 2 dimensional array with 3 rows and 4 columns.

In order to pack these tensors in a way that can be sent over the network they have to be flattened to a one dimensional array. For multidimensional tensors it's expected that they will be packed in a row-major format. That is, the values at indices [2, 3, 4] and [2, 3, 5] are located next to each other in the flattened array. This is the default memory layout in C based languages, such as C/C++, Java, and C#, and NumPy in Python and TensorFlow, but is opposite to how column-major languages work, such as Fortran.

Consult the Row- and column-major order article for more information.

Variable lengths:

Normally a tensor has a well defined shape. However, if one of the elements in a Tensor's shape is negative it represents a variable dimension. Either the client or the server, upon receiving a Tensor message with a Shape with a negative element, will attempt to infer the correct value for the shape based on the number of elements in the Tensor's array part and the rest of the shape.

Note: even though this dimension has variable length, the tensor itself is still not ragged. The variable dimension has a definite length that can be inferred.

For instance, a Tensor with shape [2, -1] represents a variable length 2-tensor with two rows and a variable number of columns. If this Tensor's array part contains 6 elements [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] then the final produced 2-tensor will look like:

2x3 matrix with first row 1, 2, 3 and second row 4, 5, 6

Variable length tensors are useful for situations where a given observation or action's length is unknowable from frame to frame. For instance, the number of words in a sentence or the number of stochastic events in a given time frame.

Note: At most one dimension is allowed to be variable on a given tensor.

Note: servers should provide actions and observations with non-variable length if possible, as it can reduce the complexity of agent implementations.


If a tensor contains all elements of the same value, it is "broadcastable" and can be represented with a single value in the array part of the Tensor, even if the shape requires more elements. Either the client or server, upon receiving a broadcastable tensor, will unpack it to an appropriately sized multidimensional array with each element being set to the value from the lone element in the array part of the Tensor.

For instance, a Tensor with Shape [2, 2] and a single element 1 in its array part will produce a 2-tensor that looks like:

2x2 matrix of all 1s


A TensorSpec provides metadata about a tensor, such as its name, type, and expected shape. Tensor names must be unique within a given domain (action or observation) so clients can use them as keys. A period "." character in a Tensor name indicates a level of nesting. See Nested actions/observations for more details.


Numerical tensors can have min and max ranges on the TensorSpec. These ranges are inclusive, and can be either:

  • Scalar: Indicates all Tensor elements must adhere to this min/max value.
  • N-dimensional: Must match the TensorSpec shape, where each Tensor element has a distinct min/max value.

For a TensorSpec with a shape of variable-length, only scalar ranges are supported.

Whilst distinct, per-element min/max ranges are supported, we encourage implementers to instead provide separate actions. For more discussion, see the per-element min/max range appendix.

Note: Range is not enforced by the protocol. Servers and clients should be careful to validate any incoming or outgoing tensors to make sure they are in range. Servers should return an error for any out of range tensors from the client.


Unique Identifications (UIDs) are 64 bit numbers used as keys for data that is sent over the wire frequently, specifically observations and actions. This reduces the amount of data compared to string keys, since a key is needed for each action and observation every step. For data that is not intended to be referenced frequently, such as create and join settings, string keys are used for clarity.

For more information on UIDs see JoinWorld specs


If an EnvironmentRequest fails for any reason, the payload will contain an error Status instead of the normal response message. It’s up to the server implementation to decide what error codes and messages to use. For fatal errors, the server can close the stream after sending the error. For recoverable errors the server can treat the failed request as a no-op and clients can retry.

The client cannot send errors to the server. If the client has an error that it can’t recover from, it should just close the connection (gracefully, if possible).

Since a server can only send messages in response to a given EnvironmentRequest, the errors should ideally be focused on problems from a specific client request. More general issues or warnings from a given server implementation should be logged through a separate mechanism.

If a server implementation needs to report an error, it should send as much detail about the nature of the problem as possible and any likely remedies. A client may have difficulties debugging a server, perhaps because the server is running on a different machine, so the server should send enough information to properly diagnose the problem. Any additional relevant information about the error that would normally be logged by the server should also be included in the error sent to the client.

Nested actions or observations

Nested actions or observations are not directly supported by the protocol, however there are two ways they can be handled:

  1. Flattening the hierarchy, using a period "." character to indicate a level of nesting. Servers can flatten the nested structure to push through the wire and the client can reconstruct the nested structure on its side. Servers need to be careful not to use "." as part of the tensor's name, except to indicate a level of nesting.

  2. Defining a custom proto message type, or using the proto common type Struct, and setting it as the payload in a Tensor message’s array field.

Flattening the hierarchy is easier for clients to consume, but can involve a great deal of work on the server. A custom proto message is more flexible but means every client needs to compile the custom protobuf for their desired language.

Nested data structures occur commonly with object-oriented codebases, such as from an existing game, and flattening them can be difficult. For an in-depth discussion see the nested observations example.

Reward and discount

dm_env_rpc does not provide explicit channels for reward or discount (common reinforcement learning signals). For servers where there's a sensible reward or discount already available they can be provided through a reward or discount observation respectively. For dm_env, the provided DmEnvAdaptor will properly route the reward and discount for client code if available.

A server may choose not to provide reward and discount observations, however. See reward functions for a discussion on the pitfalls of reward design.

Multiagent support

Some servers may support multiple joined connections on the same world. These multiagent servers are responsible for coordinating how agents interact through the world, and ensuring each connection has a separate environment for each agent.