- HDR imaging (Merging an exposure stack)
- Light probe spheres; image-based relighting
- Eulerian video magnification
- https://www.cbrnetechindex.com/Search/s/camera?s=camera
- Neutron Interrogation; Gamma Spectroscopy; https://www.cbrnetechindex.com/p/3792/EADS-Sodern/Unattended-Luggage-Inspection-System-ULIS
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) ;Scintillation Detectors;
- Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique, used in chemistry to provide a structural fingerprint by which molecules can be identified. Raman spectroscopy relies upon inelastic scattering of photons. "A source of monochromatic light, usually from a laser, interacts with molecular vibrations in the subject, resulting in the energy of the laser photons being shifted up or down. This shift in energy gives information about the vibrational modes in the system." ResQ-CQL Raman analyzer
- Scintillation Detectors. The RadCam is a radiation detection camera that locates gamma radiation sources by acquiring and superimposing a color-coded nuclear image over a video image of the interrogated area.
- Ultrasound + AR: Sonic flashlight at CMU
- Magnified sense of touch Hand Held Force Magnfier
- https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/16/12/2047/htm
- Frame Interpolation video, paper, source code
- Re-Lighting Photographs Using Deep Learning
- Online super-resolution
- neural net slowmo
- Train and run StyleGAN to make more of something using Runway
- Workshop in DepthKit (Chloe)
- Workshop in Electron Microscopy (Donna)
- Rottytooth Straightened trees
- Viewing wifi
- hunter or farmer?
- index or trace?
- https://www.photopedagogy.com/threshold-concept-2.html
- Barthes: studium vs punctum
Case Studies
- Sarah Parcak & PCA
- Swiss Cheese
This page borrows significantly from the Computational Portraiture Workshop curriculum developed by James George & Alexander Porter of Specular.cc.
- Muybridge Extreme classical nature photographer
- Telescopy: Trevor paglen "a guy who points his camera through astronomy telescopes at secret military sites to photograph things that are off limits to the public."
- Microscopy: Robert Hooke, Micrographia - microscope history
- Paul Debevec lecture from RI/HCII? Youtube?
- Telestereoscope (Cassidy)
- Taper, Blindspot Tim Hawkinson photographic self-portrait
- John Gerrard, "Infinite Freedom Exercise" (2011), landscapes
- Luke duBois, Play, 2006.
- Tinapple breath debate = video + data
- Visual hulls for thermal carving
- breathing life into 3d models, michael black
- eulerian video magnification
- Digital portraits by Chris Coleman
- Pseudo-analog 3D scanner Sculptural Device, Balint Bolygo - Trace (Self Portrait)
GL put these back, 9/12/2015 (they're for mocap & bodies):
- Going to the Store by David Lewandowski
- Late for Meeting by David Lewandowski
- Bodies from mocap
- [All Things Fall by Mat Collishaw] (https://vimeo.com/125791075), a 3D-printed zoetrope
- Make a realistic human with makehuman
- 3D printed zoetrope of multiple people
- bodies from mocap
- Going to the Store by David Lewandowski
- Late for Meeting by David Lewandowski *Pitt Orthopedics - contacted Drs. Musahl, Debski, Bell, and Miller...
- Yang Cai
Camera on fishing trawler moving through blood (hard to watch), by the Harvard Sensory Ethnography Lab
Portrait from motion capture: Merce Cunningham & Open-Ended Group
Once you have a 3D scan https://twitter.com/albertomoss/status/634870714856660992 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yyLIG935zc
Human Flesh Search
- http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/10/what-is-a-human-flesh-search-and-how-is-it-changing-china/263258/
- http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/how-i-became-a-minor-celebrity-in-china-after-my#.mawpEk5Rb
Robert Hooke, Micrographia
- https://www.reading.ac.uk/web/FILES/special-collections/featuremicrographia.pdf
- http://digitalcollections.library.cmu.edu/portal/pdfopener?sid=769E294948EBDB6B2DB081B6D777987E&ctm=1441088078640&md=1&attachment=yes
- http://doi.library.cmu.edu/10.1184/OCLC/02940462
Camera shutter speed synchronized with helicopter blade frequency
- Japan’s New Satellite Captures an Image of Earth Every 10 Minutes (Himawari-8 weather satellite)
Still Life Lost Childhood Object: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgHsYOybXa0 Embarrassing Object: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mxM6mNSv5s Desktop Monument: Never Seen, Never Will
Landscape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktcd2ZMWqAU
MoCap Movement Telephone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AneJi1wGYvw
- Erik Kessels 24 Hours http://www.kesselskramer.com/exhibitions/24-hrs-of-photos
- Penelope Umbrico Suns (From Sunsets) from Flickr http://www.penelopeumbrico.net/Suns/Suns_brisbane.html
- Shinseungback Kimyonghun Cloud Faces http://ssbkyh.com/works/cloud_face/
- "Onformative (Cedric Kiefer, Julia Laub)" Google Faces http://www.onformative.com/lab/googlefaces/
- Lev Manovitch et. al Selfie City http://selfiecity.net/#
- Rollin Leonard Lilia360 http://rollinleonard.com/projects/2013/lilia360/ Croix Gagnon, Frank Schott 12:31 http://www.frankschott.com/project/1231/photos.html
- Visible Human Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPPjUtiAGYs
- 123D Catch
- Lorna Barnshaw Reality Reduction https://www.behance.net/gallery/Reality-Reduction/8137337
- Sophie Kahn http://www.sophiekahn.net/#!Laura:RGB, 2011/zoom/c199t/image1afu
- Marshmallow Laser Feast Duologue - Memex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFrdG-ZPVLQ
- Infinite Realities | Lee Perry-Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUO1k52OBos
- Hugo Arcier Camgirl Odalisque http://hugoarcier.com/en/camgirl-odalisque/
- Mike Pelletier Kinect Portraits http://mikepelletier.nl/Kinect-Portraits-1
- Mark Payne http://metredux.tumblr.com/
- Dmitry Zakharov Inside Me https://vimeo.com/106671329
- Michael Arrigo Visualizing Melinda https://vimeo.com/117179641
- Andrew Gant Alexandra https://vimeo.com/71444158
- Jurdo Human Body https://vimeo.com/73069592
- Andre Uhl Infinity Portrait https://vimeo.com/93704024
- Ellen Page Quantic Dream http://www.fastcodesign.com/3020630/ellen-page-is-naked-in-the-uncanny-valley
- http://www.leegriggs.com/335056/5938177/gallery/deformations
- http://wearechopchop.com/%E2%80%9Cunnamed-soundsculpture%E2%80%9D/
Uncanny Valley
- NYT http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/03/07/are-digital-effects-cgi-ruining-the-movies/beware-of-the-uncanny-valley
- Buzzfeed on the Uncanny Valley http://www.buzzfeed.com/danmeth/welcome-to-uncanny-valley#.mw59Yjg23
- Polar Express http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0442933/
- Beowulf http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0442933/
- Holy Motors Motion Capture love scene (NSFW) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2076220/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcEjSvUiqeY
- Agisoft 4D http://vimeo.com/43719708
- Photogrammetry + Light Stages for Video games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUvAVjUnE8M
- Motion Capture http://www.quanticdream.com/en/
- 4D Views http://www.4dviews.com/
- LightField http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/22/5625264/lytro-changed-photography-meet-the-new-illum-camera
- Raytrix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YIJg6Dp5ew
- RGB+Z Cam http://www.arri.com/news/news/prototype-motion-scene-camera/
- EleVR VR Research team http://elevr.com/
- Felix & Paul VR creatives http://www.felixandpaul.com/wp/?portfolio=strangers
- VRSE Chris Milk http://vrse.works/
- Framestore VR Ad agency http://www.framestore.com/work/vr-studio
- Road to VR http://www.roadtovr.com/hello-director-chris-milk-revolutionary-virtual-reality-concert-experience-featuring-beck/
- Cardboard https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/
- Gear VR http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/gearvr/
- 360 Heros http://www.360heros.com/2014/01/worlds-first-fully-spherical-3d-360-video-and-photo-gear/
- 360 fly http://www.360fly.com/
- Point Grey http://ww2.ptgrey.com/spherical-vision
- VR Player https://vrplayer.codeplex.com/
- Kolor http://www.kolor.com/
- Cloud Compare http://www.danielgm.net/cc/
- Dot Swarm http://dotswarm.nz/
- Room Alive http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/5/6912979/microsoft-roomalive-research-projector-system
- HoloLens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAKfdeOX3-o
- Magic Leap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPMHcanq0xM
- Magic Leap Tech http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/science/taking-real-life-sickness-out-of-virtual-reality.html?_r=0
- Stitch http://www.video-stitch.com/
- BORGES http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/08/bblonder/phys120/docs/borges.pdf
Face Dance Motion Capture & FaceShift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dplBh_rxoUcArchive of museum 3D models http://sites.museum.upenn.edu/monrepos/evidence/evidence.html- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/explore-ancient-egypt.html
tutorials on the photogrammetry work we did on Sunday.
https://vimeo.com/specularprojects/photoscan1 https://vimeo.com/specularprojects/photoscan2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrsVa3CzQj0 https://vimeo.com/38360045 Snack and Drink
- Michael Naimark
- NYPL stereograms, gif generation tool
Portraiture Assignment (by James George)
Create an portrait of a subject using a computational photography technique.
You must choose one of the following explicit constraints when executing your portrait:
- The viewer of the portrait may interactively influence the perspective of the portrait.
- The portrait is synthesized from entirely found images that you did not take yourself.
- Reappropriate a technology that was not intended for expressive photography (i.e. medical imaging, recognition, forensics, etc)
- The portrait’s final form is not an image, but rather a sculpture.
- Capture a geometric portrait without a computer, using a manual technique.
- Create an environmental portrait of a subject using multiple scans composited into a 3D collage.
Be mindful of form and content connection. How does your chosen medium or technique help illustrate something unique about your
subject, beyond what a normal photograph could? The environment, effects or geometry should be illustrative of their nature.
Collaborate with and gain the trust of your subject. Make a good faith effort to show them their portrait when it’s complete.
- Fast to process
- Regular geometry
- real time feedback
- non cloud based
- free tool
- limited scale
- does not work in sunlight
- color is not very good
- requires specific sensor with wall power
- no texture map, per vertex color
- works at any scale
- works outside
- works with any regular camera, even your cell phone
- generates a texture map
- Photographic quality in color
- Cloud based
- slow to process
- dense geometry
- tools are not free and open
- no real time feedback
- more chaotic geometry
https://vimeo.com/109422156 I used Element 3D. It lets you import OBJ files into after effects https://www.videocopilot.net/products/element/ It managed to handle the hi res exported file from 123D scan relatively easy.
I also used Particular to add the floating dust particle ( that you barely see:)) http://www.redgiant.com/products/all/trapcode-particular/
All camera movement is done in After effects
I mentioned that we used both Kinect Fusion and 123D Catch because they are free powerful but that there are other options out there. Here are a few of those tools:
Photogrammetry The paid version -- http://www.agisoft.com/ I used this for the landscapes I showed. It looks like they have just added a free trial! I haven't used it and I don't know the limitations but this tool is a very good and fully featured toolset with a well attended forum. If you want more control than 123D Catch offers I recommend this tool! One highlight with this tool is that you can re-import aligned geometry (remember the Meshlab align tool!) and retexture it using your original photographs.
Open source version(s) -- Visual SFM - http://ccwu.me/vsfm/ http://opensourcephotogrammetry.blogspot.com/ Bundler - http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~snavely/bundler/
Kinect Scanning http://skanect.occipital.com/ http://reconstructme.net/
Last email of the day I promise! remember you can see all the posts here if they are getting lost in your inbox:
One tool I forgot to mention today is WebGL & Javascript
The Three.js library has native support for both OBJ and PLY and some really nice shaders built in
So if you'd like to use Javascript go for it!
-- There are also examples out there of people using morph targets (the same as the blendshapes we were looking at today) in three.js.
See the animation examples here: http://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_animation_skinning_blending
- show quoted text -
OBJ and PLY files are commonly used open 3D file formats. This is what we'll be working with in Computational Portraiture.
The free tool MeshLab provides a very handy way to convert formats. It's like a 3D pocket knife. We'll be using it not just for converting 3D files to different formats, but also reducing and combining meshes. *see below for how to reduce meshes using a few other applications
Here are some more comprehensive tutorials for cleaning geometry in MeshLab https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBBF41579E4B65566
After capturing your geo, the following links will help you get it into your preferred application
Unity Supports OBJ like any other 3D file format!
Processing The Saito OBJ loader Processing Library https://code.google.com/p/saitoobjloader/ Tutorial Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VSaneuiaWs (scrub to 3:30 for the good stuff)
OpenFrameworks The ofMesh and ofVboMesh objects support PLY's with color with the mesh .load() function. This is what you saw in class.
Satoru HIga has a nice OBJ loader addon: https://github.com/satoruhiga/ofxObjLoader
The built in addon ofxAssimpModelLoader also works on OBJ files
Cinder Cinder has built in support for OBJ http://libcinder.org/docs/v0.8.3/classcinder_1_1_obj_loader.html
There is also a Mesh extension block that supports PLY https://github.com/simongeilfus/Cinder-OpenMesh
3D Printing NetFabb will help you clean up models if you wish to 3D print them. You'll want to take them through the STL format in MeshLab http://www.netfabb.com/downloadcenter.php?basic=1
Creative Tools: Many applications support OBJ (and sometimes PLY files)
Photoshop (really!) Photoshop natively supports importing and painting on 3D files! Check out this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD39wgDoiHE
After Effects The 3D Animator Pro plugin (they offer a free trial) accepts OBJ files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEQUba16V5o
Plexus is an amazing tool for After Effects that works on 3D geometry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44hz_fsjX7o
There is also mesh reduction tutorial for the free program Blender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttU6Gz1W0Xw
- You may also explore MeshMixer and MudBox, which ITP has a student license for through Autodesk
Programs like Maya, Cinema4D, Houdini, 3D Studio Max, Modo also work well with OBJ files but are beyond the scope of what we expect to teach in this class. But if you know these programs, by all means use them for your portraits.
Alignment Meshlab 3D Scanning: Alignment - http://youtu.be/4g9Hap4rX0k
Alignment and Registration in CloudCompare - http://www.danielgm.net/cc/doc/wiki/index.php5?title=Alignment_and_Registration I've found that CloudCompare is really good for loading large pointclouds or found research data in lasercanning formats like .las, .xyz etc. and it will do a great job with Kinect or photogrammetry pointclouds.
Reduction & Remeshing Poisson Reconstruction in Meshlab - This is a good general purpose approach for Kinect or other pointclouds. Can also be used to combine meshes when used after "flatten visible layers" in Meshlab.
Color MeshLab Features: Vertex Attribute Transfer http://youtu.be/sKKmJdsk7Tg?list=UU70CKZQPj_ZAJ0Osrm6TyTg
References from today Kinect Fusion SDK -- http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindows/develop/downloads-docs.aspx http://monoskop.org/images/c/c4/Flusser_Vilem_Towards_a_Philosophy_of_Photography.pdf http://www.creativeapplications.net/tutorials/guide-to-meshes-in-cinder-cinder-tutorials/
- FaceShift & Unity
Synthetic re-lighting (debevec)
xperimental capture
Full 360: spherical , catadioptric Ricoh theta M15 360 http://www.amazon.com/360-Degree-Spherical-Digital-Monopod-Cleaning/dp/B00TXGYC06/ V.360 http://www.vsnmobil.com/products/v360
Google cardboard,
Microscope Telescope 9dof sensor sparkfun, gps Time lapse Slitscan Panoramic stitching
CanonSDK open frameworks Sensor-Triggered capture 3d point field capture - Larry Sick LIDAR LMS-111 or ...other inexpensive LIDAR Laser distance ranger Flatbed scanner
Fiducials barcodes tuio Opentsps Retroreflective tracker FaceOSC
Sensor tracker: Breath snibbe breath portrait Lozano hammer breath portrait
Visit to CMOA photo archive?
Time lapse panorama
View-dependent texturing Multi-camera arrays 2-camera calibration Kinect Depth-Kit slam Point cloud library
Retroreflective sheet
Motion position capture Mouse Phantom Flock of birds Leap controller Eye tribe Kinect skeleton Motion capture lab Rotoscoping Arduino with sensors and datalogger
Cameraless imaging Photograms, lumenprints
Lensless photography Pinhole camera Lytro Kinect
Alan Hauptmann LTI
Cinema4d, Netfabb, cura Scanify by fuel3d, Skanect, autodesk memento
Paul Debevec light field capture, reflectance capture
Surveillance camera players Andrew Hammerand 9 eyes of google street view Huge archive of sirvellanxe cameras Motion retargeting BVH reuse mashup Patricio Gonzalez vivo Kyle cat scan Medical imaging Visible human http://www.timothyscaffidi.com/opensource/ofxvolumetrics/ For CT scan http://plum.museum.upenn.edu/~orsa/Overview.html http://www.oasis-brains.org
Faceshift license Wiimote Autodesk motionBuilder (free..) http://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/motionbuilder
Witrack http://witrack.csail.mit.edu/witrack-paper.pdf
Capture reflectance Scanner - quarter Princeton Debevec Rusinkiewicz Levoy
http://www.zarria.net/nrmphoto/nrmphoto.html ftp://carbonforumasia.com/Public/Melissa/SA2013/A0%20Posters/2%20October/posters_0039.pdf
Norman McLaren “animation is not the art of drawings that move, but rather the art of movements that are drawn”
Zach Lieberman, Inkspace, drawing apps Golan Levin, Yellowtail Merce Cunningham & Open Ended Group Kyle McDonald & YCAM (mocap)
Kyle & Arturo Face Substitution https://vimeo.com/29348533
GRL Laser Tag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY6vfJAxtH8
- Acoustic Mirrors Pre-Radar WWI listening devices
- Ambisonic recording for VR
The Robotic Cameraman
- Cameras on robots (Bot & Dolly)
- Cinetics Axis360 Camera Motion Control
- Kyle McDonald, Highsight Testing
- The Marmalade: High-speed camera on high-speed robot
Come into my world - Gondry
http://imgur.com/LrpYIem selfie stick 900 mpixel portraits https://vimeo.com/94662582?ref=tw-share
Perspective camera drawing machines
The Human Clock is a clock made from crowdsourced photographs. The Photo'Clock is similar, by Mono-1.
Michael Kontopoulous, Horizons
SLAM building reconstruction
retroreflection https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/lab/forensic-science-communications/fsc/oct1999/images/coaxialb.jpg