#Panoramic imaging, 360-degree, and environmental capture
- Full Circle by Callum Cooper
- Michael Kontopoulous, Horizons
- Time lapse panorama tool
- Aleppo Syria in 360-degree video
- LIDAR-scanned woodland, Marshmallow Laser Feast
Fantastic discussion of various 360 rigs:
There are two main types of 360-degree panoramic cameras:
- Single-lens omnidirectional cameras (generally using Folded catadioptric panoramic lenses)
- Cameras that stitch images from several lenses (often fisheyes) together.
Examples include:
- Sony Bloggie
- Ricoh Theta M15 360 (Tutorial)
- V.360 (Tutorial)
- Samsung Gear 360
- LG 360 CAM
- 360 Heros
- 360 fly
- Point Grey
##Virtual Reality (from James George)
- EleVR VR Research team
- Felix & PaulVR creatives
- [VRSE Chris Milk] (http://vrse.works/)
- Framestore VR Ad agency
- Road to VR
- [Cardboard] (https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/)
- [Gear VR] (http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/gearvr/)
- [VR Player] (https://vrplayer.codeplex.com/)
- Kolor
- Cloud Compare
- Dot Swarm
- [Room Alive] (http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/5/6912979/microsoft-roomalive-research-projector-system )
- [HoloLens] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAKfdeOX3-o)
- [Magic Leap] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPMHcanq0xM)
- Stitch
- [Terrestrial laser scanning by CyArk] (http://www.cyark.org/education/terrestrial-lidar-3d-laser-scanning )
- [Phantom by Scanlab] (http://scanlabprojects.co.uk/projects/newmuseumnewyork) VR Brazilian rainforest
Time-displacement (slit scanning) with 360° video:
Note that Photoshop has tools for 360 collage in Spherical Panoramas. Example / Article