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Releases: golang/tools


21 Jan 16:49
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Configuration changes

templateExtensions now defaults to []

Following feedback on the template features introduced with v0.7.4, we have made improvements to the way the active set of template files is configured. The templateExtensions setting is now empty by default, and gopls recognizes any open files with the "gotmpl" language identifier as a template file. As a result, unopened files will not be loaded as Go templates unless the templateExtensions is configured to be non-empty, but gopls will still provide template language features to any open files configured to be Go template files by the LSP client.

As always, your feedback helps make gopls better, and is greatly appreciated!


New postfix completions

  • The split! completion on values of string type inserts a strings.Split snippet.

  • The join! completion on values of []string type inserts a strings.Join snippet.

New suggested fix for unused function parameters

The diagnostic for unused function parameters now includes a suggested fix to rename the parameter to _. This diagnostic is disabled by default, but can be enabled via the unusedparams setting in the analyses section.

UPDATE 2022-01-26: Final Support for Go 1.12

Due to compatibility issues, v0.7.5 will be the final gopls version to support building at Go 1.12. This is consistent with our stated goal of supporting the four most recent Go versions.

Longer term, we are planning features that will make it easier to build gopls with a recent Go version, but continue to develop projects for older Go versions. At that point we will begin to narrow our support window toward an eventual goal of supporting the two most recent Go versions. See golang/go#50825 for more details.


A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.7.5 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@pjweinb @suzmue @jba @A-UNDERSCORE-D


15 Dec 16:56
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Editing support for Go template files

Gopls support for template files is now generally available. While editing files intended for use with the text/template or html/template packages, gopls can provide completion, syntax highlighting, jump-to-definition, find references, and diagnostics.

To use this feature, your editor or LSP client must be configured to activate gopls for Go template files. By default, gopls considers files ending with .tmpl or .gotmpl to be template files, though this is configurable via the templateExtensions setting. More information in the documentation.


Improved support for generic code when using the Go 1.18 beta

This release includes several bug fixes related to editing generic code, as well as many improvements to diagnostic precision when operating on type parameters. See the documentation for instructions on how to build gopls using a version of Go that supports generic code.



A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.7.4 milestone. To report a new problem, please file an issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@guodongli-google @hyangah @jmesyou @pjweinbgo @ShoshinNikita @stamblerre @suzmue @timothy-king @zpavlinovic


19 Oct 20:50
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Exclude node_modules from the workspace by default

The directoryFilters setting now defaults to [-node_modules], since these directories never include Go code. This only applies to node_modules directories at the top level of the workspace, not arbitrary depths.

Detailed hover for runes

You will now see more information about the rune when you hover over it. For example:

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 4 31 31 PM

Undeclared name suggested fix for functions

The undeclaredname analyzer now offers a suggested fix for undeclared function. Depending on the surrounding code, the suggested fix will either insert a new variable declaration (as before), or a new function declaration with inferred parameters and a body that panics. For example:

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 4 25 30 PM

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 4 25 40 PM

New analyzers for generic code (only with Go 1.18)

useany: Check for constraints that could be simplified to "any"
infertypeargs: Check for unnecessary type arguments in call expressions

Explicit type arguments may be omitted from call expressions if they can be
inferred from function arguments, or from other type arguments:

func f[T any](T) {}

func _() {
	f[string]("foo") // string could be inferred


A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.7.3 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@chitoku-k @danp @rentziass @jhchabran @krobelus @marwan-at-work @leitzler


09 Sep 17:56
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A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.7.2 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@mdempsky @muirdm @NicholasAsimov @leitzler @ShoshinNikita @suzmue


04 Aug 19:07
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Support files (proposal)

In order to better support the new proposal for a multi-module workspace mode (golang/go#45713), gopls has added support for files. Try adding a file to the root of your module (you still need to enable experimentalWorkspaceModule mode) and try out the proposal!

Use invalid metadata

Set experimentalUseInvalidMetadata to true in your settings, and gopls will reuse outdated metadata until new package metadata has been successfully reloaded. This is useful if your go.mod file is temporarily invalid. In a future release, this setting will be moved out of experimental and deleted.


A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.7.1 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@bcmills @dr2chase @dominikh @rentziass @GGCristo @jadekler Johnny Jacobs @KarthikNayak @marwan-at-work @muirdm @NicholasAsimov @OneOfOne @zyctree @leitzler @ShoshinNikita @danishprakash


09 Jun 18:44
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Postfix completions

Postfix completions are a new style of completions that can save you time by inserting more complex pieces of commonly-written code. All of the results end with !. This feature was added experimentally in gopls/v0.6.10 and is now enabled by default.

See this example:


New commands: List known packages and add import

These commands can be used to manually list available packages to import and then add an import to your file. They are currently not used by any known clients, but they will be made available through the Command Palette in VS Code in the next VS Code Go release.


Memory usage

Improved trimming of the ASTs of dependency packages results in reduced memory usage, especially for projects with many dependencies. This may result in some hard-to-diagnose bugs that we're not yet aware of, so please report any surprising behavior via


A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.7.0 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@muirdm @marwan-at-work @dominikh @leitzler @OneOfOne @zyctree @ShoshinNikita @KarthikNayak @suzmue @bcmills


06 May 19:41
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This release contains mainly bug fixes. A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.11 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@ShoshinNikita @sakateka @muirdm Will Langford @empire @justplesh @suzmue


13 Apr 20:30
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t.Fatal snippet

If you trigger completion in a test function, on the line after a call to a function that returns an error, you will be offered a completion snippet for:

if err != nil {

See the example below:

Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 4 17 41 PM


Postfix completion snippets

Postfix completions are a new style of completions that can save you time by inserting more complex pieces of commonly-written code. All of the results end with !. Enable this feature by setting "ui.completion.experimentalPostfixCompletions": true.

See this example:



A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.10 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@marwan-at-work @soluchok @zchee @ShoshinNikita @Makima0 @muirdm @steeve


19 Mar 20:32
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This is a patch release to fix golang/go#45092.


17 Mar 21:39
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This is a patch release to fix golang/go#45075.