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- Version: Vitis 2022.2
- Target boards: ZCU102 and VCK190
- Last update: 01 March 2023
0 Tools Setup (Vitis, Env. Variables)
3 Median Filter for Image Processing
4 Compute the Histogram of an Image
5 Image Histogram Equalization
9 Floating Point Matrix Multiplication
10 Two Examples with Vitis Acceleration Flow Running on HW
This tutorial explains how to properly optimize C/C++ code, suitable for DSP designs and algorithms, in order to get the maximum performance in term of lowest latency with maximum throughput with the Vitis HLS design flow.
You will also see how to create an embedded system running on either ZCU102 or VCK190 embedded boards which includes one of the IP cores (acknowledged as "kernel") designed with Vitis HLS, by applying the so called Vitis Acceleration Flow.
Within a "simplified" HLS terminology:
- latency is the amount of clock cycles estimated by the Vitis HLS scheduler among the first input and the last output of a certain function,
- Initialization_Interval (shortly II) is the amount of clock cycles between two events (either two subsequent calls to the same function or two following iterations in the same loop) and it is intimately related to the throughput, which is given by Estimated_Clock_Frequency/Initialization_Interval
In some cases, the maximum performance can be obtained just with Vitis HLS compiler directives without touching the code, in other cases this can require also some code change to "help" the compiler doing a better job. There is not a single solution that fits for all the possible applications, each application is a world in itself, but the examples here illustrated cover a large variety of cases seen in a lot of years of activity all around the world, as the most representative to illustrate "good" coding style for HLS.
In the following of this document, it is assumed you have named this tutorial repository 03-HLS_Code_Optimization
and placed it into a certain working directory ${WRK_DIR}
(for example, in my case: export WRK_DIR=/media/danieleb/DATA/2022.2/Vitis-Tutorials-2022.2/Developer_Contributed
Here is illustrated the organization of the folders tree of this tutorial:
└── 03-HLS_Code_Optimization
├── README.md
├── run_all.sh
├── files
| ├── docs
| ├── examples
| | ├── 1_fix_fir_filter
| | ├── 2_float_fir_filter
| | ├── 3_img_median_filter
| | ├── 4_dependency
| | ├── 5_img_histEq
| | ├── 6_sqrt
| | ├── 7_atan2
| | ├── 8_vector_add
| | | ├── make-flow (zcu102 only)
| | ├── 9_matrix_mult
| | | ├── make-flow
| | | | ├── zcu102
| | | | ├── vck190
| |
| ├── images
| ├── log
| ├── scripts
The shell script named run_all.sh contains the commands to launch the Vitis HLS flow all the applications placed in the examples folder. Once you have properly setup the environment, according to the 0-Tools Setup) described in the next section (with something similar to set_proj_env_2022v2_zcu102.sh), you can run that script with the command:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./scripts/set_proj_env_2022v2_zcu102.sh
source ./run_all.sh
Note that the Vitis HLS flow adopted in this tutorial is composed of three major steps:
- functional C Simulation (known as csim in HLS terminology),
- Synthesis from C/C++ to RTL (known as syn),
- cycle accurate C/RTL Simulation (known as sim).
The fourth step, named Implementation (known as imp) will be applied transparently by the Vitis Acceleration flow described in section 10 Two Examples with Vitis Acceleration Flow Running on HW.
Everything shown in this project was done on an Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop with Vitis 2022.2 release (with or without its updates).
Some figure adopted in this tutorial might be related to earlier Vitis Releases, therefore your current results could show slightly different numbers.
In case you might get some strange errors during the execution of the scripts, you have to pre-process -just once- all the*.sh
, *.cpp
, *.h
files with the dos2unix utility.
In that case run the following commands from your Ubuntu host PC:
#sudo apt-get install dos2unix
cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
for file in $(find . -name "*.sh" ); do dos2unix ${file}; done
for file in $(find . -name "*.tcl"); do dos2unix ${file}; done
for file in $(find . -name "*.h" ); do dos2unix ${file}; done
for file in $(find . -name "config" ); do dos2unix ${file}; done
for file in $(find . -name "*.c*" ); do dos2unix ${file}; done
You need the following archives, in particular:
from Vitis (SW Developer) Downloads area take the 2022.2 Vitis Installer (it makes the Vitis install process much easier) and the 2022.2 Vitis Update;
from Vitis Embedded Platforms are take the Common Images for Embedded Vitis Platforms 2022.2;
from Petalinux area take the 2022.2 Petalinux Tools Installer;
go to the bottom of Petalinux 2022.2 - Product Update Release Notes and Known Issues and take 2022.2_PetaLinux_Package_List.xlsx file which contains all the packages needed by Petalinux into your Ubuntu OS computer (you have to install all of them before installing Petalinux);
go to the Xilinx GitHub page and zip both the Vitis Libraries and Vitis Tutorials;
go to the Alveo Packages area, select release 2022.2 and Ubuntu 18.04 OS and then take the Xilinx Run Time (XRT) archive;
At the end you should have the following files:
First, install the basic version of Vitis 2022.2 via its installer Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888_Lin64.bin
, then its update Xilinx_Vivado_Vitis_Update_2022.2.1_1208_2036.tar.gz
Everything must be placed in the /tools/Xilinx/
You might need sudo
privilege to install the tools on these folders, primarily /tools
and /opt
, unless you do not change accordingly the ownership and group of those folders.
In fact, if you created the /tools
directory as super-user (or root
, or with sudo
), whatever you wish to write/install there can be done only by the root
This is basic Linux OS behavior. But nobody prevents you to change the group and owner so that you -as normal user – can do what you like there too, as if you were in your $HOME
So, if you run the following commands (and you must need sudo
sudo su
mkdir /tools
mkdir /opt
# -R stays for recursively on each subfolder
chown -R you_user_name /tools
chgrp -R you_user_name /tools
chown -R you_user_name /opt
chgrp -R you_user_name /opt
then you can install all the above tools and archives without sudo
privilege, just as a normal user.
This means installation with user rights works as well: some people in some forums mentioned that this is not possible, but perhaps they do not know these Linux OS concepts.
As a last crosscheck, if you installed the tools as normal user, you will see the hidden folder .Xilinx
inside your $HOME
directory, otherwise if you installed them as super-user, you should see
the hidden folder .Xilinx
inside your /root
In case of install done with the sudo
privilege, there seems to be only a small issue with one line in the installLibs.sh
su - $user -c "touch $logFile; chmod 777 $logFile"
The touch
and chmod
commands cannot be executed because the logfile is located below the /root
directory and the shell was switched to a normal user without root privileges.
This means that the script assumes that the installation was done without root privileges. That line in the script could be replaced by following commands:
sudo touch $logFile
sudo chmod 777 $logFile
In conclusion: either the installation is done with root privileges (sudo
) then the installLibs.sh
needs to be changed or the installation is done as normal user.
You have to install the two archives xilinx-*-common-v2022.2_*.tar.gz
in the /opt/xilinx/common/
Then, you have to execute the following commands to build the sdk
folders, as a normal user, according to what discussed in the previous sub-section:
cd /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2022.2/
chmod 777 sdk.h # only if needed
./sdk.sh -p -y -d .
cd /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/
chmod 777 sdk.h # only if needed
./sdk.sh -p -y -d .
Check that rootfs.ext4
is not compressed as rootfs.ext4.gz
, otherwise you have to manually decompress it.
if you want to save storage space, you can remove both sdk.sh
files, being them very large.
The easiest way to download XRT was from the ALVEO site, I selected the ALVEO U200 card and then the Ubuntu 18 OS to arrive at this link.
Then install the archive via the following command:
sudo apt install --reinstall ./xrt_<version>.deb
To set xrt
into your terminal you need the following command:
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/settings.sh
which was also put in the script set_proj_env_2022v2_*.sh
IMPORTANT!: You cannot install Petalinux into a NFS driver, otherwise the install process will end with a not-predictable error message.
Before installing petalinux
, you should check in the Excel foil 2022.2_PetaLinux_Package_List.xlsx
what are all the packages that petalinux
requires and eventually install the missing ones.
#create the destination folder
sudo mkdir /petalinux_2022.2
#change permissions
$ chmod 777 ~/Downloads/petalinux-v2022.2-10141622-installer.run
$ ~/Downloads/petalinux-v2022.2-10141622-installer.run -d /petalinux_2022.2
. . .
INFO: Installing PetaLinux...
INFO: Checking PetaLinux installer integrity...
INFO: Installing PetaLinux SDK to "/petalinux_2022.2/."
INFO: Installing buildtools in /petalinux_2022.2/./components/yocto/buildtools
INFO: Installing buildtools-extended in /petalinux_2022.2/./components/yocto/buildtools_extended
INFO: PetaLinux SDK has been installed to /petalinux_2022.2/.
To set petalinux
into your terminal you need the following command:
source /petalinux_2022.2/settings.sh
which was also placed in the script set_proj_env_2022v2_*.sh
The scripts set_proj_env_2022v2_zcu102.sh and set_proj_env_2022v2_vck190.sh create the proper environmental variables respectively for either the ZCU102 or the VCK190 target boards on the Ubuntu Desktop. Make sure they are executable by setting correctly their permissions. Note that they are mutually exclusive and must be launched at least once in the shell window you are using, before doing anything else:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
# make both scripts executable
chmod a+x scripts/set_proj_env_2022v2_*.sh
# select one of the next two lines
source scripts/set_proj_env_2022v2_zcu102.sh ## valid for ZCU102 only
source scripts/set_proj_env_2022v2_vck190.sh ## valid for VCK190 only
# to build all the design examples
#source ./run_all.sh
Each of the nine examples illustrated in this tutorial come with their own *_script.tcl
and Makefile
and you can use one of them alternatively to run the three HLS design flow steps (cism, syn, sim), with commands like these:
vitis_hls *_script.tcl
(if you want to use TCL scripts) or make all
if you want to apply the related makefiles.
Of course, it is better you read carefully the source code of such files to understand better what they do.
Note that running make clean
from the files/examples
folder will clean all the nine HLS designs and the three Vitis embedded designs.
In this section you will analyze a single rate FIR filter design and you will apply a step-by-step approach through the most important HLS directives to increase the performance - lower latency and higher throughput (happening when II=1). The FIR filter has 16 coefficients (or "taps").
The code in this subsection applies fractional arbitrary precision data types from the ap_fixed.h
library; the Vitis HLS project vhls_fix_fir_prj
has eight solutions to illustrate the different usage of some HLS compiler directives. More information can be seen in the related HLS TCL script named fix_fir_filter.tcl
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
cd 1_fix_fir_filter
vitis_hls fix_fir_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the estimated performance of the different solutions in terms of Latency, Initialization_Interval and FPGA resources (LUT, FF, RAM, DSP), in particular:
shows what you get from HLS compiler without any optimization. Note theset_directive_pipeline -off "fir_filter/Shift_Accum_Loop"
in the filedirectives1.tcl
to "force" the HLS compiler doing no optimizations; -
shows what you get by pipelining the internal loop withset_directive_pipeline "fir_filter/Shift_Accum_Loop"
in the filedirectives2.tcl
. As expected, thanks to this HLS directive, the latency is reduced a lot; -
is like the previous solution plus theset_directive_array_partition -dim 1 -type complete "fir_filter" shift_reg
, in the filedirectives3.tcl
, to map the arrayshift_reg
(which models the tapped delay line of the FIR filter) into a set of 16 standalone registers, which helps the compiler to schedule better the operations and reduces further the latency; -
is like the previous solution plusset_directive_unroll -factor 16 "fir_filter/Shift_Accum_Loop"
, in the filedirectives4.tcl
; now the loop is fully unrolled and you can see that the DSP resources utilized to implement the MAC (multiply-and-accumulate) operation are now 16 instead of 1 of the previous solution. Also, this directive allows for further latency reduction; -
is like the previous solution plusset_directive_array_partition -dim 1 -type complete "fir_filter" c
, in the filedirectives5.tcl
. Now, even the input array of coefficients (variablec
) is partitioned in a set of registers, and you can see this by looking at the interfaces reported in the filefir_filter_csynth.rpt
, changed from:
| RTL Ports | Dir | Bits| Protocol | Source Object| C Type |
|c_address0 | out| 4| ap_memory| c| array|
|c_ce0 | out| 1| ap_memory| c| array|
|c_q0 | in| 18| ap_memory| c| array|
|c_address1 | out| 4| ap_memory| c| array|
|c_ce1 | out| 1| ap_memory| c| array|
|c_q1 | in| 18| ap_memory| c| array|
in solution 4 to
| RTL Ports | Dir | Bits| Protocol | Source Object| C Type |
|c_0 | in| 18| ap_none| c_0| pointer|
. . .
|c_15 | in| 18| ap_none| c_15| pointer|
in solution 5;
is like the previous solution plusset_directive_pipeline -II 1 "fir_filter"
, in in the filedirectives6.tcl
. Now you have achieved II=1 for the top function. Note that the effective data rate is now equal to the estimated clock frequency, because of II=1. Note also that this solution has the lowest latency among the previous ones; -
generates the same performance ofsol6_II1_top
, just with only three directives, in the filedirectives6b.tcl
. This was done to illustrate that pipelining a function at the top level (set_directive_pipeline -II 1 "fir_filter"
) is quite aggressive but it could also be very risky, as it forces unrolling of all internal loops, which could make the resources utilization to grow too much. Note that you anyway need theset_directive_array_partition -dim 1 -type complete "fir_filter" c
to partition the input array of coefficients, as this array is an I/O parameter ("out of the top function", using an improper terminology). So, I strongly recommend to apply one directive at a time, as done from solution 1 to 6, instead of starting to pipeline the function at top level; -
you can see how using jointlyset_directive_pipeline -II X "fir_filter"
andset_directive_allocation -limit Y -type operation "fir_filter" mul
to use the DSP slices (for the MAC operations) in Time-Division-Multiplexing. Note thatX
stay in the equationY = 16 / X
, in fact if you have 16 taps you need 16 MAC operations and if you limit them to be onlyY=8
- to make an example - then theII
and the data rate changes accordingly. Note that this behavior is the effect of the two directives applied jointly together; -
applies the same directives ofsol6_II1_top
and it was compiled with-DHLS_FIXED_POINT
to replace thesigned int
ANSI-C data types withap_fixed<18,2>
HLS proprietary fixed point data. Now the latency is only 1 clock cycle.
[Figure 1-1] Fixed-Point FIR Filter designed with Vitis HLS: estimated performance of the various solutions from 1 to 8.
The Vitis HLS project vhls_float_fir_prj
applies the same code of previous section with the same directives, but with 32-bit floating point data types.
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/2_float_fir_filter
vitis_hls float_fir_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
This section shows how the directive set_directive_bind_op
can force the adoption of a certain Vivado® floating point IP core (illustrated in Figure 2-1), which influences the estimated performance in terms of Latency, Initialization_Interval and FPGA resources.
Figure 2-2 shows how trading LUT
vs. DSP
FPGA resources with the BIND_OP
directive with floating point operators and the related variables.
Note that there are four possible cores to implement a 32-bit floating point multiplication: fabric
(using no DSP slices), meddsp
(using 1 DSP slice), fulldsp
(using 2 DSP slices), maxdsp
(using 3 DSP slices).
There are two possible cores to implement a 32-bit floating point addition: fabric
(using no DSP slices), fulldsp
(using 2 DSP slices).
More information can be seen in the HLS TCL script named float_fir_filter.tcl
From sol0
to sol3
the floating point operation are progressively bind to more and more DSP slices. Note that sol4
is there only to illustrate how getting a II=1 from a floating point design like this (based on sol3
): you get 80 DSP slices because the loop is fully unrolled and there are 16 MAC operations each using 5 DSP slices.
[Figure 2-1] Vitis HLS BIND_OP directive to bind a C/C++ variable (i.e., "mult") to an FPGA operator (i.e., "fmul_maxdsp").
[Figure 2-2] Floating-Point FIR Filter designed with Vitis HLS: estimated performance of the various solutions from 0 to 3 (sol4 is like sol3 but with II=1).
This article describes a 2D median filter for image processing based on a sorting network, it was public in year 2014 but it is still a good example of how improving the performance of a naively-written code (in this case a median filter) by changing the code in order to directly model local memory as if it was in a real hardware implementation. This code change dramatically helps the HLS compiler in achieving much better performance, in terms of both higher throughput and shorter latency.
Note that when you achieve II=1 in the innermost loop your design is effectively working at pixel rate, so the entire latency to process the whole image is basically slightly larger than the image size (in estimated clock cycles). This happens because the IP core you are creating works on the entire image.
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/3_img_median_filter
vitis_hls run_median_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
This code is named "naive" as it assumes that all the pixels of the image (with size 1920x1080) are accessed from an external memory independently on each other, which is impossible since in real life all the pixels flow in a stream from top-left corner to bottom-right corner of the 2D array composing the image (the so called "raster-scan" order). Due to that, the HLS compiler can achieve only an II=5 in the inner loop thus generating a huge latency for filtering the entire image. Figure 3-1 reports the II=5 in red color from the hls_naive_median3x3_prj
Vitis HLS project.
[Figure 3-1] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation of a 2D naive median filter code. Note that II=5 (in red color).
Respect to the naive case, this code is much more optimized as it contains N local memories called Line Buffers, which are more typical of hardware designs than of software designs. Each Line-Buffer stores an entire horizontal line of the 2D image; if the filter kernel size is NxN, then you need N Line Buffers. In this design case N can assume the values of either 3 or 5 or 7. Furthermore, the NxN sliding window is also modeled in the code, thus shifting from left to right for an efficient implementation of the 2D filter behavior.
Sorting the data to generate the median value is applied via a sorting network algorithm, which allows for better performance by exploiting the inner parallel resources in the FPGA when N is not a large number (the sorting network resources increase linearly with N).
Note that the HLS compiler is so smart that it uses only N-1 BRAM_18K
(memory resources) instead of N (with N=3,5,7), because it considers that the current incoming line does not need to be stored locally. Of course, larger the N larger also the amount of FF and LUT to implement the sliding window and sorting network (both having NxN size).
Figure 3-2 illustrates the HLS Synthesis Estimation of a median filter with three examples of 2D window size (from the hls_median_prj
project): 3x3, 5x5 and 7x7; they all work at pixel rate. From this Figure you can also realize how "easy" is the architectural exploration job with a tool like HLS.
[Figure 3-2] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation of a 2D optimized median filter based on Line-Buffers directly coded with sliding window sizes of 3x3 (left) 5x5 (central) and 7x7.
In this section you compute the histogram of an image.
This HLS example applies the set_directive_dependence
directive on an array mapped to a True Dual Port RAM by the #pragma HLS BIND_STORAGE variable=hist type=ram_t2p impl=bram
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/4_dependency
vitis_hls run_dependence_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
The dependence directive
is quite an advanced HLS concept, therefore I suggested you to read carefully Managing-Pipeline-Dependencies from UG 1399 to gain more knowledge on this argument.
The code to illustrate how using this directive, is just one statement as hist[val] = hist[val]+1
, normally applied when computing the histogram of an image.
The Vitis HLS compiler maps the hist[]
array into a Dual Port Block RAM of the FPGA with the #pragma HLS BIND_STORAGE variable=hist type=ram_t2p impl=bram
At run time execution it might happen that while storing the n-th sample at address val
, the n+1 sample is read again at address val
. This behavior is managed by assuming a Read After Write policy (shortly RAW) between the two ports of the same BRAM in the hardware world.
To avoid possible issues, the HLS compiler in most cases will schedule the code in a way to get II=2. In fact, in a perfectly pipelined design with II=1, if for any reason the HLS compiler has scheduled two writes at the same address, then at run time execution there will be a collision and the RAW policy generates a not-valid output which will be captured ONLY by the cycles accurate simulation sim, whereas the simple functional C simulation csim will generate no errors.
This scenario happens in sol1_orig_depINTER_RAW
solution of the hls_dep_prj
project if you use the
set_directive_dependence -dependent false -direction RAW -type inter -variable hist "top_histogram"
and here is what you will see in the cycle accurate simulation:
$finish called at time : 21942500 ps : File "/media/danieleb/DATA/2022.2/Vitis-Tutorials-2022.2/Developer_contributed/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples/4_dependency/hls_dep_prj/sol1_orig_depINTER_RAW/sim/verilog/top_histogram.autotb.v" Line 389
## quit
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting xsim at Mon Sep 26 17:28:01 2022...
got 23 expected 24
got 22 expected 23
got 21 expected 22
got 17 expected 18
got 18 expected 19
got 15 expected 16
got 19 expected 20
got 18 expected 19
got 17 expected 18
got 11 expected 12
TEST FAILED: 10 wrong values
INFO: [COSIM-1000] *** C/RTL co-simulation finished: FAIL ***
In all the other situations you have a perfect match between functional and cycle accurate simulations, here summarized in this table:
solution | II | latency | Cycle Accurate Sim |
sol0: default | 1 | 4362 | PASS |
sol1: inter WAR | 1 | 4362 | PASS |
sol1: inter RAW | 1 | 4362 | FAIL |
sol1: intra RAW | 2 | 8457 | PASS |
sol2: default | 2 | 8458 | PASS |
sol3: inter RAW | 2 | 8458 | PASS |
sol3: inter WAR | 2 | 8458 | PASS |
sol3: intra RAW | 1 | 4362 | PASS |
Figure 4-1 illustrates the various solutions of hls_dep_prj
In sol0_orig_default
the compiler works without any directive from the user and achieves II=1 and a maximum latency of 4362 cycles. This is the same result that can be achieved by the user in sol1_orig_depINTER_WAR
set_directive_dependence -dependent false -direction WAR -type inter -variable hist "top_histogram"
, which explains what the HLS compiler made by default.
If you try to use the set_directive_dependence -dependent false -direction RAW -type inter -variable hist "top_histogram"
as in sol1_orig_depINTER_RAW
you will get again same maximum latency and II but the cycle accurate simulation now fails.
On the other hand, if you try to adopt the
set_directive_dependence -dependent false -direction RAW -type intra -variable hist "top_histogram"
as in the sol1_orig_depINTRA
the HLS compiler now will schedule code with II=2 and so you get twice the latency of previous cases.
The simple code
L1:for (int i=0; i<n_Of_Samples; i++)
val = din[i];
adopted so far can be replaced by more sophisticated code as
old = 0;
L1:for (int i=0; i<n_Of_Samples; i++)
val = din[i];
if (old==val)
old = val;
and this code should avoid any possible run time bad behavior since it directly removes any dependency by using variables old
and val
that cannot have the same value at the same time of Read and Write, in fact old
variable works like a cache for the val
The cycle accurate simulation does not fail at all independently if you set
or intra
type of dependence (see sol2_cache_default
, sol3_cache_depINTER_RAW
, sol3_cache_depINTER_WAR
, sol3_cache_depINTRA_RAW
), but always schedules the internal loop with II=2. The only way to force it to generate II=1 is by setting
set_directive_dependence -dependent false -direction RAW -type intra -variable hist "top_histogram"
[Figure 4-1] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation solutions with different usage of dependence directive for the histogram computation case study.
In this section you use the histogram computed in previous section to equalize an image (procedure called "histogram equalization"). This is a "not trivial" example of set_directive_dataflow
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/5_img_histEq
vitis_hls run_src3_hls_script.tcl
vitis_hls run_src4_hls_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
From an algorithm point of view, in order to equalize the current image I(n), I assume to apply the histogram computed for the previous image I(n-1), in this mode you get the minimum processing delay. Otherwise, you would need to read twice the same current image: first time to compute its histogram and second time to equalize it; by doing in this way there would be one frame of processing delay and the current image has to be stored into the external DDR memory (the FPGA does not have enough memory).
Here is the code of the top function:
void top_histogram_equaliz( uint11_t width, uint11_t height,
uint25_t cdf[GRAY_LEVELS],
uint8_t inp_R[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT],
uint8_t inp_G[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT],
uint8_t inp_B[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT],
uint8_t out_R[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT],
uint8_t out_G[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT],
uint8_t out_B[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT])
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo depth=IMG_DEPTH port=inp_G
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo depth=IMG_DEPTH port=inp_B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo depth=IMG_DEPTH port=out_R
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo depth=IMG_DEPTH port=out_G
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo depth=IMG_DEPTH port=out_B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo depth=CDF_DEPTH port=cdf
//NOTE: in HW this is a big chunk of memory
uint8_t yuv_R[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT];
uint8_t yuv_G[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT];
uint8_t yuv_B[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT];
uint8_t yeq_R[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT];
uint8_t yeq_G[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT];
uint8_t yeq_B[MAX_WIDTH*MAX_HEIGHT];
// RGB to YUV conversion of current image I(n)
rgb2yuv(width, height, inp_R,inp_G,inp_B, yuv_R,yuv_G,yuv_B);
// equalize the current image I(n) and compute its histogram for next image I(n+1)
img_hist_equaliz(width, height, cdf, yuv_R,yuv_G,yuv_B, yeq_R,yeq_G,yeq_B);
// YUV to RGB conversion of current image I(n)
yuv2rgb(width, height, yeq_R,yeq_G,yeq_B, out_R,out_G,out_B);
Note the #pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo
for each input/output array.
The three subroutines have a perfect producer-consumer relationship so they could be ideally put in dataflow mode and become concurrent processes instead of the standalone processes executed sequentially one after the other.
Note that each subroutine has an II=1 in its innermost loop (scanning each column of the same row of the image), thus working at the nominal data rate. Therefore, the total latency of the subroutine is around the image size in clock cycles, due to the outermost loop (scanning each row of the image), that is 2M cycles (the image size is 1920x1080).
Figure 5-1 illustrates the various cases from vhls_hist_src3_prj
is the baseline, with the default behavior of HLS compiler generating a maximum latency of about 6M clock cycles, which is the total of the latency of each subroutine standalone (each one needs 2M cycles). Note the 6097 BRAM_18K which are much beyond the FPGA capability, they are due to store the local array variablesyuv_*
; -
you apply theset_directive_dataflow "top_histogram_equaliz"
with the target to reduce the clock cycles from 6M to 2M only, but this does not happen: the latency remains 6M cycles and the BRAM_18K doubles in size. The reason is that the default configuration of HLS compiler assumes ping-pong buffers in a dataflow communication, therefore even if the three functions are really executed in parallel (and no more sequentially) they double ping pong buffering consumes a lot of cycles due to the read/write operations. -
is likesolution2
plus theconfig_dataflow -default_channel fifo
in thescript.tcl
. This is a global directive to force the HLS compiler adopting FIFO in dataflow channels communication. You can see that now the maximum latency is indeed 2M clock cycles, which means the dataflow directive finally works as expected, although there are still 6097 BRAM_18K to store the local arrays in the FIFOs. -
is likesolution3
plus theset_directive_stream -depth 2 -type fifo
applied to all the local array variables. In that way they are transformed into streams (C++ objects) which are then mapped into FPGA FIFOs with depth 2, now BRAM_18K are no more wasted.
Can you do better than this? You can try to manually merge the code of the three subroutines and in this case, you do not need anymore the dataflow directive. This trial was done in the new vhls_hist_src4_prj
project as reported in Fig 5-2, but all this effort generates results aligned with solution4
of vhls_hist_src3_prj
[Figure 5-1] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation solutions for the histogram image equalization case study with dataflow and streams directives.
[Figure 5-2] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation solution for the histogram image equalization case study with subroutines manually merged.
In this section, you will see how ANSI-C double (64-bit) and single (32-bit) precision floating point datatype can be used to implement a math function like sqrt(x^2+x^2)
and how to improve performance with an alternative algorithm (which is iterative) named CORDIC making use of Vitis HLS arbitrary precision integer data types.
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/6_sqrt
vitis_hls run_sqrt_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
The sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
function is usually applied to compute either the magnitude of a complex number or the Euclidean distance between two points in a 2D space.
Figure 6-1 illustrates the various cases from vhls_isqrt_prj
shows the resources occupation in case of 64-bit floating point (double
) data types and sqrt() function (by callingsqrt
which isdouble
); -
shows the resources occupation in case of 32-bit floating point (float
) data type and sqrt() function (by callingsqrtf
which isfloat
) when applied on 32-bit integer data types; -
shows the resources occupation in case of 32-bit floating point data types and sqrt() function call ((by callingsqrtf
); -
shows the resources occupation when sqrt() function frommath.h
is replaced by the iterative CORDIC algorithm from filecordic_isqrt.cpp
, the data types are now 16-bit (short
) integers; -
is likesolution4
but the data types are now 10-bit integers from HLSap_int.h
, see filecordic_sqrt.cpp
It is evident that the latency, as well as the resources occupation, reduces by lowering the width in bits of the data.
[Figure 6-1] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation solution for sqrt() case study.
Similarly, to the previous section, you now implement a math function like atan2(y,x), which computes the angle between the positive x axis and the ray from the origin to the point (x,y).
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/6_sqrt
vitis_hls run_atan2_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
Figure 7-1 illustrates the various cases from vhls_atan2_prj
shows the resources occupation in case of 64-bit floating point (double
) data types and atan2() function (by callingatan2
which isdouble
); -
shows the resources occupation in case of 32-bit floating point (float
) data types and sqrt() function (by callingatan2f
which isfloat
); -
shows the resources occupation in case of 18-bit integers data types from HLS<ap_fixed.h>
using a cordic implementation of atan2(), see filecordic_atan2.cpp
; -
is like previous solution, just more optimized for less resources occupation.
It is evident that the latency, as well as the resources occupation, reduces by lowering the width in bits of the data.
[Figure 7-1] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation solution for atan2() case study.
This example applies the load/compute/store coding style, which is generally the most efficient for implementing kernels when using HLS:
the load and store functions are responsible for moving data in and out of the kernel as efficiently as possible;
the core functionality is decomposed across one of more compute functions;
whenever possible, the compute function should pass data through HLS stream objects and should contain a single set of nested loops;
HLS stream objects are used to pass data between producer and consumer functions. Stream read and write operations have a blocking behavior which allows consumers and producers to synchronize with each other automatically.
The dataflow pragma instructs the compiler to enable task-level pipelining so that all the subroutines can run in parallel (as a concurrent process in VHDL).
This is required for to load/compute/store functions to execute in a parallel
and pipelined manner. Here the kernel loads, computes and stores size
integer values per clock cycle and is implemented as below (see hls_krnl_vadd.cpp file):
Vector Addition Kernel
in1 (input) --> Input vector 1
in2 (input) --> Input vector 2
out (output) --> Output vector
size (input) --> Number of elements in vector
void krnl_vadd(uint32_t* in1, uint32_t* in2, uint32_t* out, int size)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port = in1 bundle = gmem0
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port = in2 bundle = gmem1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port = out bundle = gmem0
static hls::stream<uint32_t> in1_stream("input_stream_1");
static hls::stream<uint32_t> in2_stream("input_stream_2");
static hls::stream<uint32_t> out_stream("output_stream");
#pragma HLS dataflow //to run following routines as parallel tasks
load_input(in1, in1_stream, size);
load_input(in2, in2_stream, size);
compute_add(in1_stream, in2_stream, out_stream, size);
store_result(out, out_stream, size);
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/8_vect_add
vitis_hls run_vect_add_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
Figures 8-1 and 8-2 respectively show the HLS Synthesis Estimation and the Dataflow View related to the solution_vitis
solution targeting the Vitis flow.
[Figure 8-1] Vitis HLS Synthesis Estimation of Vector Addition case study (Vitis flow solution).
[Figure 8-2] Dataflow View of Vector Addition case study (Vitis flow solution).
In this section you will deal with the matrix multiplier (matrix size 32x32, 32-bit floating point data) described in XAPP1170: A Zynq Accelerator for Floating Point Matrix Multiplication Designed with Vivado HLS v2.0 of 21 Jan 2016, which was designed with Vivado 2015.4 System Edition released at that time.
Similarly, to what done in the previous section, also this example applies the load/compute/store coding style.
Furthermore, note that this HLS design makes use of C++ templates and unions data types to model the AXI4-Stream interfaces, as shown in the following code fragment taken from mmult.h header file:
// functions to insert and extract elements from an axi stream
// includes conversion to correct data type
template <typename T, int U, int TI, int TD>
T pop_stream(hls::stream< ap_axis<sizeof(T)*8,U,TI,TD>> &inp_stream)
ap_axis<sizeof(T)*8,U,TI,TD> e;
int ival;
T oval;
} converter;
converter.ival = e.data;
T ret = converter.oval;
ap_uint<sizeof(T)> strb = e.strb;
ap_uint<sizeof(T)> keep = e.keep;
ap_uint<U> user = e.user;
ap_uint<1> last = e.last;
return ret;
Once you have setup the Vitis HLS environment, launch the following shell commands (they are already included in the run_all.sh script):
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/9_matrix_ mult
vitis_hls run_matix_mult_script.tcl
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
make hls_kernels
Note that make hls_kernels
will process all the 9 HLS design examples, by launching their appropriate TCL scripts.
Two HLS projects are then created:
, which contains the standalone matrix multiplier core from the baselinesolution1
to the most optimizedsolution3
; -
, which contains the previous core ofsolution3
wrapped with some C++ functions to model the AXI4-Stream interfaces and local memory buffers. This is the real accelerator that will become part of the embedded system.
You can open these projects with the following commands (they are valid in both Windows and Linus OS):
cd ..
vitis_hls -p hls_mmult_prj
vitis_hls -p hls_wrapped_mmult_prj
and use the HLS GUI to visualize the following reports:
[Figure 9-1] Comparison of HLS Synthesis solutions for the hls_mmult_prj
[Figure 9-2] HLS Synthesis report for the hls_wrapped_mmult_prj
Looking at Figure 9-1, you can note that the calculation of a 32-bit Floating Point real matrix of size 32x32 has a latency of 1354 clock cycles at 300MHz on the ZCU102 target board in the most optimized solution3
of project hls_mmult_prj
, whereas it takes about 12 times more clock cycles in the unoptimized baseline solution1
. The design does not consume any BRAM_18K, which means that all the 32x32 matrix elements are not stored in the core itself. Finally, the number of DSP slices increases as soon as you optimize the design to decrease its latency from 10 slices in solution1
to 160 slices in solution3
In the hls_wrapped_mmult_prj
design the two input matrices A
and B
and the output matrix C
are stored locally in the core itself (see C++ function wrapped_mmult_hw()
in file mmult.h); the data are first read from the external world with 32-bit HLS stream objects (hls::stream
and axis<32,2,5,6>
HLS proprietary data types) through the AXI4-Stream interfaces (which takes 2x 1024 clock cycles), then the real matrix multiplication starts (taking about 1354 clock cycles) and finally the output matrix is written to the external world (in other 1024 clock cycles), the overall core latency is so 4443 clock cycles as reported in the HLS synthesis report of Figure 9-2.
So far, you have seen different examples of how to design a high-performance DSP IP core with HLS. Now, it is time to grab one of those DSP IP cores and run it on the target board, in a real embedded system.
In this section, you will use the Vitis Acceleration Flow (UG1393) to build an embedded system that includes:
one kernel -designed with HLS- placed in the Programmable Logic (PL);
the software application running on the ARM host CPU Programmable System (PS), making usage of either OpenCL or XRT host APIs;
either the ZynqUS MPSoC ZCU102 or the Versal VCK190 target board;
the petalinux OS to boot the target board from sd-card.
There are a lot of tutorials about the Xilinx GitHub Vitis Acceleration Flow, but most of them cover only ALVEO cards for data center applications, although the procedure is basically the same also for Edge devices like Zynq MPSoC, as described in the Brad Whitlock's Xilinx Vitis 2020.2 Edge Acceleration external tutorial.
Then you will run your example on target board (which is what I mean for "HW").
Note that the code running on the ARM host CPU of ZCU102 board applies XRT APIs, enabled with the #define DB_USE_XRT
from vadd_include.h header file (if you comment that line, OpenCL Host API will be used).
You can open the Vitis GUI with the commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/8_vect_add
vitis -workspace ./wrk
Note the next screenshots of Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-2, 10.1-3, 10.1-4, 10.1-5, 10.1-6 and 10.1-7, they highlight the project settings you need to add to the GUI-based environment if you ever developed the project from scratch.
If you import the zip archive directly in Vitis, all you have to do is changing these three environmental variables (Sysroot path
, Root File System
, Kernel Image
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux #Sysroot path
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/rootfs.ext4 #Root FS
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/Image #Kernel Image
The various project settings are here shown in more detail for your reference:
in the
zcu102_vadd_prj [xrt]
PS domain- note the following lines created by Vitis:
-include="${env_var:XILINX_HLS}/include -include="${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src}" -include=${SYSROOT}/usr/include/xrt/
- and note the following library search paths (
flag) created by Vitis:
- and libraries (
flag) added manually by the user:
xilinxopencl xrt_core xrt_coreutil
- last but not least, for the GCC host compiler the dialect flag is set (by default) as:
Note that the
file (created by Vitis) for*_system_hw_link [pl]
PL domain has the following line:[connectivity] nk=krnl_vadd:1:krnl_vadd_1
[Figure 10.1-1] Setting OS paths to compile the host software subsystem.
[Figure 10.1-2] Setting C++ dialect to compile the host software subsystem.
[Figure 10.1-3] Setting the libraries and related paths to compile the host software subsystem ("-l" and "-L" linker flags).
[Figure 10.1-4] Setting the include paths to compile the host software subsystem ("-I" C-preprocessor flag).
[Figure 10.1-5] Setting C-Preprocessor symbols to compile the host software subsystem ("-D" C-preprocessor flag).
[Figure 10.1-6] Vitis Linker Settings.
[Figure 10.1-7] Setting the HLS kernels of PL subsystem.
Alternatively, to the GUI-based flow, you can use Vitis from command line with the proper makefile by typing the following:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/8_vect_add
make zcu102_clean zcu102_all
The makefiles here adopted were automatically generated by Vitis (Eclipse) GUI and then manually modified to use the environmental variables and avoid absolute path names.
At the end of the Vitis build process you will find the sd_card.img
file (~4.2GB size) to boot the ZCU102 board in the folder wrk/zcu102_vadd_system/Hardware/package
Once you have booted the ZCU102 board, at the prompt you can launch the following commands:
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
./zcu102_vadd_prj ./binary_container_1.xclbin
The runtime execution on ZCU102 works correctly:
root@zynqmp-common-20221:~# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
root@zynqmp-common-20221:~# cd /mnt
root@zynqmp-common-20221:/mnt# ls -l
total 75655
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 28251160 Jan 1 2015 BOOT.BIN
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 22401536 Jan 1 2015 Image
drwxrwx--- 2 root disk 512 Oct 13 2022 System Volume Information
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 26543585 Jan 1 2015 binary_container_1.xclbin
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 2777 Jan 1 2015 boot.scr
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 269672 Jan 1 2015 zcu102_vadd_prj
root@zynqmp-common-20221:/mnt# ./zcu102_vadd_prj ./binary_container_1.xclbin
INFO: DATA size in words = 4096
INFO: DATA size in bytes = 16384
PASSED: auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
PASSED: auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(./binary_container_1.xclbin)
PASSED: auto krnl = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "krnl_vadd:{krnl_vadd_1}")
INFO: Allocate Buffers in Global Memory
PASSED: auto bo0 = xrt::bo(my_device, size_in_bytes, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, krnl.group_id(0) (=4))
PASSED: auto bo1 = xrt::bo(my_device, size_in_bytes, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, krnl.group_id(1) (=4))
PASSED: auto bo2 = xrt::bo(my_device, size_in_bytes, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, krnl.group_id(2) (=4))
PASSED: auto bo0_map = bo0.map<TYPE_DATA*>()
PASSED: auto bo1_map = bo1.map<TYPE_DATA*>()
PASSED: auto bo2_map = bo2_map<TYPE_DATA*>()
INFO: Creating random input data
INFO: synchronize input buffer data to device global memory
INFO: Execution of the kernel
INFO: Waiting for kernels to end...
PASSED: run.wait()
INFO: Checking the results
root@zynqmp-common-20221:/mnt# ls -l
total 75832
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 28251160 Jan 1 2015 BOOT.BIN
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 22401536 Jan 1 2015 Image
drwxrwx--- 2 root disk 512 Oct 13 2022 System Volume Information
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 26543585 Jan 1 2015 binary_container_1.xclbin
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 2777 Jan 1 2015 boot.scr
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 1115 Oct 13 08:27 vadd_zcu102_logfile.txt
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 90112 Oct 13 08:27 vector_inputs.txt
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 90112 Oct 13 08:27 vector_out.txt
-rwxrwx--- 1 root disk 269672 Jan 1 2015 zcu102_vadd_prj
The files generated during the run time execution, vector_*.txt
, can then be further checked with the Matlab script check_res.m
If you want to use the matrix multiplier accelerator (HLS_accel
) code as it is, you have to add two more kernels in the PL: mm2s
and s2mm
respectively from mm2s.cpp and s2mm.cpp files, as illustrated in Figure 10.2-1; they implement DMAs to transfer data either from the main memory (for example the external DDR) with a streaming communication to the matrix multiplier kernel, which is the case of mm2s
kernel, or from the matrix multiplier kernel to the main memory, which is the case of s2mm
Due to these two further kernels, you have to expose their connectivity to the Vitis linker with the file system.cfg, here reported for your comfort:
The ARM host application using XRT APIs is written in the file xrt_mmult_test.cpp.
These last four files are placed in the 9_matrix_mult/vitis_src folder. They are needed to complete the Vitis design, besides the matrix multiplier standalone HLS project, located in 9_matrix_mult/src folder.
[Figure 10.2-1] Matrix multiplier HLS implementation architecture.
Note the next screenshots of Figures 10.2-2, 10.2-3, 10.2-4, 10.2-5, 10.2-6, 10.2-7 and 10.2-8, they highlight the ZCU102 target board project settings you need to add to the GUI-based environment if you ever developed the project from scratch. Those project settings are the same independently on the target board, that is, they are valid for both ZCU102 and VCK190 targets.
Here they are shown in more detail for your reference:
in the application for PS domain (either
zcu102_mmult_prj [xrt]
for ZCU102 orvck190_mmult_prj [xrt]
for VCK190)-
note the following lines created by Vitis:
-include="${env_var:XILINX_HLS}/include -include="${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src}" -include=${SYSROOT}/usr/include/xrt/
and note the following library search paths (
flag) created by Vitis:-L"${SYSROOT}/usr/lib/"
and libraries (
flag) added manually by the user:xilinxopencl xrt_core xrt_coreutil
last but not least, for the GCC host compiler the dialect flag is set (by default) as:
Note that the
file (created by the user) for the PL domain has the following lines:[connectivity] sc=mm2s_1.s:HLS_accel_1.INPUT_STREAM sc=HLS_accel_1.OUTPUT_STREAM:s2mm_1.s
The project settings that are different for each target board are related to Sysroot path
, Root File System
and Kernel Image
path names, as shown in the next two subsections.
[Figure 10.2-2] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Setting OS paths to compile the host software subsystem.
[Figure 10.2-3] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Setting C++ dialect to compile the host software subsystem.
[Figure 10.2-4] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Setting the libraries and related paths to compile the host software subsystem ("-l" and "-L" linker flags).
[Figure 10.2-5] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Setting the include paths to compile the host software subsystem ("-I" C-preprocessor flag).
[Figure 10.2-6] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Setting C-Preprocessor symbols to compile the host software subsystem ("-D" C-preprocessor flag).
[Figure 10.2-7] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Vitis Linker Settings.
[Figure 10.2-8] Matrix Multiplier on ZCU102: Setting the HLS kernels of PL subsystem.
You can open the Vitis GUI with the commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/9_matrix_mult
vitis -workspace ./wrk
Make sure to check these three environmental variables (Sysroot path
, Root File System
, Kernel Image
), in my case I have:
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux #Sysroot path
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/rootfs.ext4 #Root FS
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.2/Image #Kernel Image
Alternatively, to the GUI-based flow, you can use Vitis from command line with the proper makefile by typing the following:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
cd 9_matrix_mult
make zcu102_clean zcu102_all
The makefiles here adopted were automatically generated by Vitis (Eclipse) GUI and then manually modified to use the environmental variables and avoid absolute path names.
At the end of the Vitis build process you will find the sd_card.img
file (~4.2GB size) to boot the ZCU102 board in the folder wrk/zcu102_mmult_system/Hardware/package
Once you have booted the ZCU102 board, at the prompt you can launch the following commands:
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
./mtrx_mult ./binary_container_1.xclbin
The runtime execution on ZCU102 works correctly:
INFO: wSizeIn = 2048
INFO: wSizeOut = 1024
INFO: bSizeIn = 8192
INFO: bSizeOut = 4096
PASSED: auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
PASSED: auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(binary_container_1.xclbin)
INFO: Opening the Input mm2s Kernel...
PASSED: auto in_0 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "mm2s:{mm2s_1}")
PASSED: auto in_0_bo = xrt::bo(my_device, bSizeIn, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, in_0.group_id(0) (=4))
PASSED: auto in_0_bo_mapped = in_0_bo.map<TYPE_DATA*>()
INFO: Setting Input Data
PASSED: in_0_bo_mapped[i] = t
INFO: Compute Golden Result
INFO: Sync Input Buffer...
INFO: Starting Input mm2s Kernel...
PASSED: auto in_0_run = in_0(in_0_bo, nullptr, 2048)
INFO: Opening Output s2mm Kernel...
PASSED: auto out_0 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "s2mm:{s2mm_1}")
PASSED: auto out_0_bo = xrt::bo(my_device, bsize, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, out.group_id(0) (=4))
PASSED: auto out_0_bo_mapped = out_0_bo.map<TYPE_DATA*>()
INFO: Starting Output s2mm Kernel...
PASSED: auto out_0_run = out(out_0_bo, nullptr, 1024)
INFO: Opening and Starting HLS Accel kernel
PASSED: auto my_krnl = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "HLS_accel")
PASSED: my_krnl_run
INFO: Waiting for kernels to end...
PASSED: in_0_run.wait()
PASSED: my_krnl_run.wait()
PASSED: out_0_run.wait()
INFO: Sync Output Buffer...
INFO: Verifying output data vs. golden ones
PASSED: ./mtrx_mult
You can open the Vitis GUI with the commands:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files
#source ./run_all.sh
cd examples/9_matrix_mult
vitis -workspace ./vck190_wrk
Make sure to check these three environmental variables (Sysroot path
, Root File System
, Kernel Image
), in my case I have:
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2022.2/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux #Sysroot path
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2022.2/rootfs.ext4 #Root FS
- /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2022.2/Image #Kernel Image
Alternatively, to the GUI-based flow, you can use Vitis from command line with the proper makefile by typing the following:
cd /${WRK_DIR}/03-HLS_Code_Optimization/files/examples
cd 9_matrix_mult
make vck190_clean vck190_all
The makefiles here adopted were automatically generated by Vitis (Eclipse) GUI and then manually modified to use the environmental variables and avoid absolute path names.
At the end of the Vitis build process you will find the sd_card.img
file (~4.2GB size) to boot the VCK190 board in the folder vck190_wrk/vck190_mmult_system/Hardware/package
Once you have booted the VCK190 board, at the prompt you can launch the following commands:
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
./xrt_mmult_app ./binary_container_1.xclbin
The runtime execution on VCK190 works correctly:
root@versal-rootfs-common-20221:/# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
root@versal-rootfs-common-20221:/# cd /mnt
root@versal-rootfs-common-20221:/mnt# ls
BOOT.BIN System Volume Information boot.scr
Image binary_container_1.xclbin xrt_mmult_app
root@versal-rootfs-common-20221:/mnt# ./xrt_mmult_app ./binary_container_1.xclbin
INFO: wSizeIn = 2048
INFO: wSizeOut = 1024
INFO: bSizeIn = 8192
INFO: bSizeOut = 4096
PASSED: auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
PASSED: auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(./binary_container_1.xclbin)
INFO: Opening the Input mm2s Kernel...
PASSED: auto in_0 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "mm2s:{mm2s_1}")
PASSED: auto in_0_bo = xrt::bo(my_device, bSizeIn, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, in_0.group_id(0) (=1))
PASSED: auto in_0_bo_mapped = in_0_bo.map<TYPE_DATA*>()
INFO: Setting Input Data
PASSED: in_0_bo_mapped[i] = t
INFO: Compute Golden Result
INFO: Sync Input Buffer...
INFO: Opening Output s2mm Kernel...
PASSED: auto out_0 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "s2mm:{s2mm_1}")
PASSED: auto out_0_bo = xrt::bo(my_device, bsize, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, out.group_id(0) (=1))
PASSED: auto out_0_bo_mapped = out_0_bo.map<TYPE_DATA*>()
INFO: Opening HLS Accel kernel
PASSED: auto my_krnl = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "HLS_accel")
INFO: Starting Input mm2s Kernel...
PASSED: auto in_0_run = in_0(in_0_bo, nullptr, 2048)
INFO: Starting Output s2mm Kernel...
PASSED: auto out_0_run = out(out_0_bo, nullptr, 1024)
INFO: starting HLS Accel kernel
PASSED: my_krnl_run
INFO: Waiting for kernels to end...
PASSED: in_0_run.wait()
PASSED: my_krnl_run.wait()
PASSED: out_0_run.wait()
INFO: Sync Output Buffer...
INFO: Verifying output data vs. golden ones
PASSED: ./xrt_mmult_app
From the ZCU102 web page read its user guide (ug1182-zcu102-eval-bd.pdf) and make sure that you have followed what described there in Table 2-4: Switch SW6 Configuration Option Settings to enable the SD boot mode via the SW6 switch pins (3:0) set as 1110
, as illustrated in
Figures A1-1 and A1-2.
[Figure A1-1] ZCU102 SW6 switch setting for SD boot mode (Table 2-4 of UG1182).
[Figure A1-2] Picture of SW6 switch from my ZCU102 board.
If you use a Windows10 PC, I recommend you install TeraTerm VT
utility (I have version 4.106(SVN# 9298)
Then, from CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers website, download and install the CP210x Universal Windows Driver
, see also what described in this forum about ZCU102 UART ports.
Now turn on the ZCU102 board with the USB cable connected from J83 micro USB connector to the PC as illustrated in Figure A1-3 and open TeraTerm VT
and configure the proper COMX port for the Silicon Labs Quad CP2108 USB to UART Bridge (in my case X=7) as illustrated in Figures A1-4. You have to set the following parameters in the GUI: speed 115200, data 8bit, parity none, stop bits 1 bit, flow control none, as illustrated in figure A1-5 (note that it should be COM7 and not COM3 as wrongly reported in the Figure).
If you save it into a zcu102_board.ini
setup file, as illustrated in Figure A1-6, you can then restore the board settings from there. Finally, you can launch your application on the ZCU102, as illustrated in Figure A1-7.
[Figure A1-3] My ZCU102 board connected to my Windows PC.
[Figure A1-4] Select the proper COM port for the USB to UART Bridge in TeraTerm.
[Figure A1-5] Serial port setup.
[Figure A1-6] Save your ZCU102 configuration for future restore.
[Figure A1-7] Launching the application on ZCU102 from TeraTerm.
If you use an Ubuntu PC, I recommend you install PuTTY
utility with the command sudo apt install -y putty
. Then you can call it with command line (you have to be sudo
user) sudo putty
, as illustrated in Figures A1-8 and A1-9.
[Figure A1-8] Setting PuTTY utility for the UART communication with ZCU102 from a Linux PC.
[Figure A1-9] Launching an application on ZCu102 from PuTTY terminal.
Below are links to Vitis related information referenced in this tutorial:
GitHub issues will be used for tracking requests and bugs. For questions, go to forums.xilinx.com.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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