- feat(project-types): updated project types to have latest eslint and typedoc configurations (761676d), closes #7
- fix(cli): fix a bug preventing the use of package.json config when using CLI (f07a82f)
- The task copy now has different arguments expected.
- feat(project-types): updated project types to have latest eslint and typedoc configurations (5e9e91f), closes #7
- fix(cli): fix a bug preventing the use of package.json config when using CLI (f07a82f)
- The task copy now has different arguments expected.
- fix(cli): fix a bug preventing the use of package.json config when using CLI (f07a82f)
- fix(cli): fix a bug preventing the use of package.json config when using CLI (00698dd)
- fix(cli): fix a bug preventing the use of package.json config when using CLI (9b5a247)
- fix(cli): fix a bug preventing the use of package.json config when using CLI (56a2d91)
- feat: updated ESLint and other dependencies (598d440)
- The configuration update is required
- feat: updated ESLint and other dependencies (598d440)
- The configuration update is required
- feat: updated ESLint and other dependencies (9b5870c)
- The configuration update is required
- fix: fix path for license header that stayed with lowercase (0a0662c)
- fix: Project casing not correctly changed in origin (075f063)
- fix: fix husky pre-push in new projects not obtaining parameters correctly (0a4e131)
- style: change casing of submodules to be uppercase always (c51d58c)
- fix: fix husky scripts not being POSIX compliant (690f2ab)
- fix: fixed license badges and links to guidelines (57b72bc)
- fix: wrap LICENSE text to 80 columns (79f45dc)
- fix: fix license header (c0f59aa)
- feat: added license text support (3c6d238)
- Uppon commit, every file will end up with a license header
- fix(nocode): noCode projects had a problem when trying to run certain tasks (651fca5)
- feat: added new type of project - noCode (cadf5f1)
- chore: update the version to 0.7.0 (3593caf), closes #14 #16
- refactor: major refactor of configuration system (3cdc7c0)
- build(husky): change the way the scripts are run in bash (36476d7)
- API changes in regards of names of project types.
- The API of the configuration was completely changed. The name of the typedoc configuration file, typedoc.js, was changed to typedoc.config.js to properly support windows consoles.
- fix: bump version to 0.6.0 and fix minimal errors in husky (ee3c04e)
- feat: change configuration location for the tooling (720f3cb)
- All projects now are required to change their package.json to adapt to the new configuration location
- fix: fix publishing on github releases not naming releases properly (81a5ed5)
- feat: add conventional commits support (5855c75), closes #4
- Change on-tag-release deprecated dependency (ce97583)
- Now commiting to a project requires to use conventional commits
- Updated github actions to latest versions (0fac13e)
- Set no-underscore-dangle as off both in project and new projects (7f82906)
- Fix LICENSE and test problem for simple library (e17d28a)
- Updated github workflows (1a4c6a1)
- Ready for version 0.4.0 (4b9afc7)
- Updated all dependencies to latest (99e2c33)
- Updated dependencies and finished library and cli (17b9694)
- Add docs generated to commit (2a7feee)
- Added web-library as module type (14f244c)
- Update docs (a017676)
- Updated github actions to v3 (5ddac55)
- Updated prettier configuration (cac9ed5)
- Add VSCode support and Husky (4147504)
- Set common run configurations for projects (9548034)
- Set npm as default instead of pnpm (b8f90fd)
- Fix multiple issues with the tool on react (f5b5d34)
- Fix react dependencies and project types (561748e)
- Move dependencies from project to tool (6a22797)
- Fix CLI build not finding correct tsconfig (2dcff06)
- Fix lintingin internal_api (d3fa622)
- Updating version to 0.3.2 (b52cec2)
- Re-add lint as part of test process (91ea482)
- Update links to contribution guidelines (84d95cc)
- Update version of gobstones-core to 0.3.7 (27dcebb)
- v0.3.0 - Updated peer dependencies management (5525774)
- Move stories to custom folder and update react-components (c78a46b)
- Update react-library test scripts to pass (11df088)
- Fix linting and added dependencies to react project for eslint (b5c6085)
- Added missing dependencies for common-tags and fs-extra (4d1f3ea)
- Added missing dependencies for tsconfig.js (5c892f0)
- Added missing dependencies for figlet and ansi-colors (51dd8dd)
- Support for multiple templates (73f2cac)
- Fixed release-npm not publishing as public by default (ea669c2)