- Update GNULUG website
- Rebrand GLUG -> GNULUG
- Join webring
- Join https://wiby.me/
- TOR onion protocol
- Implement https://indieweb.org/ standards
- https://gemini.circumlunar.space/
- Merkle Tree File System (FUSE)
- Write a kernel mod in Rust
- RPi screen pixel
- ACM/GNULUG cloud
- Maintain open source packages
- Package stuff for Spack, Nix, Guix
- Maintain stdeb
- Grid computing network
- Globus Toolkit
- Donate to other projects.
- Run Covidsim
- Experiment with distributed schedulers
- Slurm vs HTCondor vs PBS
- Beowulf cluster
- PXE boot?
- Experiment with FS
- NFS?
- ZFS?
- Experiment: best perf per watt?
- Hardware
- Raspberry pi (use SPI interconnects?)
- Pine64
- Cubieboard
- Obsolete workstations
- Analog computing
- Switches?
- Experiment with other kernels
- Microkernels
- Unikernels
- Distrubed kernels
- *BSD
- Plan9
- Container migration
- Talk to SIG INFRA and SIG OPS
- Scavenge ACM cabinets for machines
- Experiment with virtualization tech
- k8s, Firecracker VM, others?
- Collaborative infrastructure
- Ham radio
- GNU Radio
- Archive physical optical media within ACM
- E.g. Apple developer code, etc.