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Git Repositories

The GitRepository API defines a Source to produce an Artifact for a Git repository revision.


The following is an example of a GitRepository. It creates a tarball (.tar.gz) Artifact with the fetched data from a Git repository for the resolved reference.

kind: GitRepository
  name: podinfo
  namespace: default
  interval: 5m0s
    branch: master

In the above example:

  • A GitRepository named podinfo is created, indicated by the field.
  • The source-controller checks the Git repository every five minutes, indicated by the .spec.interval field.
  • It clones the master branch of the repository, indicated by the .spec.ref.branch and .spec.url fields.
  • The specified branch and resolved HEAD revision are used as the Artifact revision, reported in-cluster in the .status.artifact.revision field.
  • When the current GitRepository revision differs from the latest fetched revision, a new Artifact is archived.
  • The new Artifact is reported in the .status.artifact field.

You can run this example by saving the manifest into gitrepository.yaml.

  1. Apply the resource on the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f gitrepository.yaml
  2. Run kubectl get gitrepository to see the GitRepository:

    NAME      URL                                       AGE   READY   STATUS                                                                        
    podinfo   5s    True    stored artifact for revision 'master@sha1:132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc'
  3. Run kubectl describe gitrepository podinfo to see the Artifact and Conditions in the GitRepository's Status:

        Digest:            sha256:95e386f421272710c4cedbbd8607dbbaa019d500e7a5a0b6720bc7bebefc7bf2
        Last Update Time:  2022-02-14T11:23:36Z
        Path:              gitrepository/default/podinfo/132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc.tar.gz
        Revision:          master@sha1:132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc
        Size:              91318
        URL:               http://source-controller.source-system.svc.cluster.local./gitrepository/default/podinfo/132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc.tar.gz
        Last Transition Time:  2022-02-14T11:23:36Z
        Message:               stored artifact for revision 'master@sha1:132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc'
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Succeeded
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Ready
        Last Transition Time:  2022-02-14T11:23:36Z
        Message:               stored artifact for revision 'master@sha1:132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc'
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Succeeded
        Status:                True
        Type:                  ArtifactInStorage
      Observed Generation:     1
      Type    Reason               Age   From               Message
      ----    ------               ----  ----               -------
      Normal  NewArtifact          62s   source-controller  stored artifact for commit 'Merge pull request #160 from stefanprodan/release-6.0.3'

Writing a GitRepository spec

As with all other Kubernetes config, a GitRepository needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. The name of a GitRepository object must be a valid DNS subdomain name.

A GitRepository also needs a .spec section.


.spec.url is a required field that specifies the HTTP/S or SSH address of the Git repository.

Note: Unlike using git, the shorter scp-like syntax is not supported for SSH addresses (e.g. [email protected]:repository.git). Instead, the valid URL format is ssh://[email protected]:22/repository.git.

Secret reference is an optional field to specify a name reference to a Secret in the same namespace as the GitRepository, containing authentication credentials for the Git repository.

The required fields in the Secret depend on the specified protocol in the URL.

Basic access authentication

To authenticate towards a Git repository over HTTPS using basic access authentication (in other words: using a username and password), the referenced Secret is expected to contain .data.username and .data.password values.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: basic-access-auth
type: Opaque
  username: <BASE64>
  password: <BASE64>

Bearer token authentication

To authenticate towards a Git repository over HTTPS using bearer token authentication (in other words: using a Authorization: Bearer header), the referenced Secret is expected to contain the token in .data.bearerToken.

Note: If you are looking to use OAuth tokens with popular servers (e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab), you should use basic access authentication instead. These servers use basic HTTP authentication, with the OAuth token as the password. Check the documentation of your Git server for details.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: bearer-token-auth
type: Opaque
  bearerToken: <BASE64>

HTTPS Certificate Authority

To provide a Certificate Authority to trust while connecting with a Git repository over HTTPS, the referenced Secret's .data can contain a ca.crt or caFile key. ca.crt takes precedence over caFile, i.e. if both keys are present, the value of ca.crt will be taken into consideration.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: https-ca-credentials
  namespace: default
type: Opaque
  ca.crt: <BASE64>

SSH authentication

To authenticate towards a Git repository over SSH, the referenced Secret is expected to contain identity and known_hosts fields. With the respective private key of the SSH key pair, and the host keys of the Git repository.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ssh-credentials
type: Opaque
  identity: |
  known_hosts: | ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAA...

Alternatively, the Flux CLI can be used to automatically create the secret, and also populate the known_hosts:

flux create secret git podinfo-auth \
    --url=ssh://[email protected]/stefanprodan/podinfo \

For password-protected SSH private keys, the password must be provided via an additional password field in the secret. Flux CLI also supports this via the --password flag.


.spec.interval is a required field that specifies the interval at which the Git repository must be fetched.

After successfully reconciling the object, the source-controller requeues it for inspection after the specified interval. The value must be in a Go recognized duration string format, e.g. 10m0s to reconcile the object every 10 minutes.

If the .metadata.generation of a resource changes (due to e.g. a change to the spec), this is handled instantly outside the interval window.

Note: The controller can be configured to apply a jitter to the interval in order to distribute the load more evenly when multiple GitRepository objects are set up with the same interval. For more information, please refer to the source-controller configuration options.


.spec.timeout is an optional field to specify a timeout for Git operations like cloning. The value must be in a Go recognized duration string format, e.g. 1m30s for a timeout of one minute and thirty seconds. The default value is 60s.


.spec.ref is an optional field to specify the Git reference to resolve and watch for changes. References are specified in one or more subfields (.branch, .tag, .semver, .name, .commit), with latter listed fields taking precedence over earlier ones. If not specified, it defaults to a master branch reference.

Branch example

To Git checkout a specified branch, use .spec.ref.branch:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    branch: <branch-name>

This will perform a shallow clone to only fetch the specified branch.

Tag example

To Git checkout a specified tag, use .spec.ref.tag:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    tag: <tag-name>

This field takes precedence over .branch.

SemVer example

To Git checkout a tag based on a SemVer range, use .spec.ref.semver:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    # SemVer range reference:
    semver: "<semver-range>"

This field takes precedence over .branch and .tag.

Name example

To Git checkout a specified reference, use

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    # Ref name format reference:
    name: <reference-name>

Valid examples are: refs/heads/main, refs/tags/v0.1.0, refs/pull/420/head, refs/merge-requests/1/head.

This field takes precedence over .branch, .tag, and .semver.

Note: Azure DevOps and AWS CodeCommit do not support fetching the HEAD of a pull request. While Azure DevOps allows you to fetch the merge commit that will be created after merging a PR (using refs/pull/<id>/merge), this field can only be used to fetch references that exist in the current state of the Git repository and not references that will be created in the future.

Commit example

To Git checkout a specified commit, use .spec.ref.commit:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    commit: "<commit SHA>"

This field takes precedence over all other fields. It can be combined with .spec.ref.branch to perform a shallow clone of the branch, in which the commit must exist:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    branch: <branch>
    commit: "<commit SHA within branch>"


.spec.verify is an optional field to enable the verification of Git commit signatures. The field offers two subfields:

  • .mode, to specify what Git object(s) should be verified. Supported values are:

    • HEAD: Verifies the commit object pointed to by the HEAD of the repository after performing a checkout via .spec.ref.
    • head: Same as HEAD, supported for backwards compatibility purposes.
    • Tag: Verifies the tag object pointed to by the specified/inferred tag reference in .spec.ref.tag, .spec.ref.semver or
    • TagAndHEAD: Verifies the tag object pointed to by the specified/inferred tag reference in .spec.ref.tag, .spec.ref.semver or and the commit object pointed to by the tag.
  •, to specify a reference to a Secret in the same namespace as the GitRepository. Containing the (PGP) public keys of trusted Git authors.

kind: GitRepository
  name: podinfo
  namespace: default
  interval: 1m
    branch: master
    mode: HEAD
      name: pgp-public-keys

When the verification succeeds, the controller adds a Condition with the following attributes to the GitRepository's .status.conditions:

  • type: SourceVerifiedCondition
  • status: "True"
  • reason: Succeeded

Verification Secret example

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: pgp-public-keys
  namespace: default
type: Opaque
  author1.asc: <BASE64>
  author2.asc: <BASE64>

Exporting armored public keys (.asc files) using gpg, and generating a Secret:

# Export armored public keys
gpg --export --armor 3CB12BA185C47B67 > author1.asc
gpg --export --armor 6A7436E8790F8689 > author2.asc
# Generate secret
kubectl create secret generic pgp-public-keys \
    --from-file=author1.asc \
    --from-file=author2.asc \
    -o yaml


.spec.ignore is an optional field to specify rules in the .gitignore pattern format. Paths matching the defined rules are excluded while archiving.

When specified, .spec.ignore overrides the default exclusion list, and may overrule the .sourceignore file exclusions. See excluding files for more information.


.spec.suspend is an optional field to suspend the reconciliation of a GitRepository. When set to true, the controller will stop reconciling the GitRepository, and changes to the resource or in the Git repository will not result in a new Artifact. When the field is set to false or removed, it will resume.

Proxy secret reference is an optional field used to specify the name of a Secret that contains the proxy settings for the object. These settings are used for all remote Git operations related to the GitRepository. The Secret can contain three keys:

  • address, to specify the address of the proxy server. This is a required key.
  • username, to specify the username to use if the proxy server is protected by basic authentication. This is an optional key.
  • password, to specify the password to use if the proxy server is protected by basic authentication. This is an optional key.

The proxy server must be either HTTP/S or SOCKS5. You can use a SOCKS5 proxy with a HTTP/S Git repository url.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: http-proxy
type: Opaque
  username: mandalorian
  password: grogu
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ssh-proxy
type: Opaque
  address: socks5://
  username: mandalorian
  password: grogu

Proxying can also be configured in the source-controller Deployment directly by using the standard environment variables such as HTTPS_PROXY, ALL_PROXY, etc. takes precedence over all environment variables.

Recurse submodules

.spec.recurseSubmodules is an optional field to enable the initialization of all submodules within the cloned Git repository, using their default settings. This option defaults to false.

Note that for most Git providers (e.g. GitHub and GitLab), deploy keys can not be used as reusing a key across multiple repositories is not allowed. You have to use either HTTPS token-based authentication, or an SSH key belonging to a (bot) user who has access to the main repository and all submodules.


.spec.include is an optional field to map the contents of GitRepository Artifacts into another. This may look identical to Git submodules but has multiple benefits over regular submodules:

  • Including a GitRepository allows you to use different authentication methods for different repositories.
  • A change in the included repository will trigger an update of the including repository.
  • Multiple GitRepository objects could include the same repository, which decreases the amount of cloning done compared to using submodules.
kind: GitRepository
  name: include-example
    - repository:
        name: other-repository
      fromPath: deploy/kubernetes
      toPath: base/app

The .fromPath and .toPath fields allow you to limit the files included, and where they will be copied to. If you do not specify a value for .fromPath, all files from the referenced GitRepository Artifact will be included. The .toPath defaults to the (e.g. ./other-repository/*).

Working with GitRepositories

Excluding files

By default, files which match the default exclusion rules are excluded while archiving the Git repository contents as an Artifact. It is possible to overwrite and/or overrule the default exclusions using a file in the Git repository and/or an in-spec set of rules.

.sourceignore file

Excluding files is possible by adding a .sourceignore file in the Git repository. The .sourceignore file follows the .gitignore pattern format, and pattern entries may overrule default exclusions.

The controller recursively loads ignore files so a .sourceignore can be placed in the repository root or in subdirectories.

Ignore spec

Another option is to define the exclusions within the GitRepository spec, using the .spec.ignore field. Specified rules override the default exclusion list, and may overrule .sourceignore file exclusions.

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
  ignore: |
    # exclude all
    # include deploy dir
    # exclude file extensions from deploy dir

Triggering a reconcile

To manually tell the source-controller to reconcile a GitRepository outside the specified interval window, a GitRepository can be annotated with <arbitrary value>. Annotating the resource queues the GitRepository for reconciliation if the <arbitrary-value> differs from the last value the controller acted on, as reported in .status.lastHandledReconcileAt.

Using kubectl:

kubectl annotate --field-manager=flux-client-side-apply --overwrite gitrepository/<repository-name>"$(date +%s)"

Using flux:

flux reconcile source git <repository-name>

Waiting for Ready

When a change is applied, it is possible to wait for the GitRepository to reach a ready state using kubectl:

kubectl wait gitrepository/<repository-name> --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m

Suspending and resuming

When you find yourself in a situation where you temporarily want to pause the reconciliation of a GitRepository, you can suspend it using the .spec.suspend field.

Suspend a GitRepository

In your YAML declaration:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
  suspend: true

Using kubectl:

kubectl patch gitrepository <repository-name> --field-manager=flux-client-side-apply -p '{\"spec\": {\"suspend\" : true }}'

Using flux:

flux suspend source git <repository-name>

Note: When a GitRepository has an Artifact and is suspended, and this Artifact later disappears from the storage due to e.g. the source-controller Pod being evicted from a Node, this will not be reflected in the GitRepository's Status until it is resumed.

Resume a GitRepository

In your YAML declaration, comment out (or remove) the field:

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
  # suspend: true

Note: Setting the field value to false has the same effect as removing it, but does not allow for "hot patching" using e.g. kubectl while practicing GitOps; as the manually applied patch would be overwritten by the declared state in Git.

Using kubectl:

kubectl patch gitrepository <repository-name> --field-manager=flux-client-side-apply -p '{\"spec\" : {\"suspend\" : false }}'

Using flux:

flux resume source git <repository-name>

Debugging a GitRepository

There are several ways to gather information about a GitRepository for debugging purposes.

Describe the GitRepository

Describing a GitRepository using kubectl describe gitrepository <repository-name> displays the latest recorded information for the resource in the Status and Events sections:

    Last Transition Time:  2022-02-14T09:40:27Z
    Message:               processing object: new generation 1 -> 2
    Observed Generation:   2
    Reason:                ProgressingWithRetry
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Reconciling
    Last Transition Time:  2022-02-14T09:40:27Z
    Message:               failed to checkout and determine revision: unable to clone '': couldn't find remote ref "refs/heads/invalid"
    Observed Generation:   2
    Reason:                GitOperationFailed
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
    Last Transition Time:  2022-02-14T09:40:27Z
    Message:               failed to checkout and determine revision: unable to clone '': couldn't find remote ref "refs/heads/invalid"
    Observed Generation:   2
    Reason:                GitOperationFailed
    Status:                True
    Type:                  FetchFailed
  Observed Generation:     1
  Type     Reason                      Age                  From               Message
  ----     ------                      ----                 ----               -------
  Warning  GitOperationFailed          2s (x9 over 4s)      source-controller  failed to checkout and determine revision: unable to clone '': couldn't find remote ref "refs/heads/invalid"

Trace emitted Events

To view events for specific GitRepository(s), kubectl events can be used in combination with --for to list the Events for specific objects. For example, running

kubectl events --for GitRepository/<repository-name>


LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON                OBJECT                               MESSAGE
2m14s       Normal   NewArtifact           gitrepository/<repository-name>      stored artifact for commit 'Merge pull request #160 from stefanprodan/release-6.0.3'
36s         Normal   ArtifactUpToDate      gitrepository/<repository-name>      artifact up-to-date with remote revision: 'master@sha1:132f4e719209eb10b9485302f8593fc0e680f4fc'
94s         Warning  GitOperationFailed    gitrepository/<repository-name>      failed to checkout and determine revision: unable to clone '': couldn't find remote ref "refs/heads/invalid"

Besides being reported in Events, the reconciliation errors are also logged by the controller. The Flux CLI offer commands for filtering the logs for a specific GitRepository, e.g. flux logs --level=error --kind=GitRepository --name=<repository-name>.

GitRepository Status


The GitRepository reports the latest synchronized state from the Git repository as an Artifact object in the .status.artifact of the resource.

The Artifact file is a gzip compressed TAR archive (<commit sha>.tar.gz), and can be retrieved in-cluster from the .status.artifact.url HTTP address.

Artifact example

kind: GitRepository
  name: <repository-name>
    digest: sha256:e750c7a46724acaef8f8aa926259af30bbd9face2ae065ae8896ba5ee5ab832b
    lastUpdateTime: "2022-01-29T06:59:23Z"
    path: gitrepository/<namespace>/<repository-name>/c3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714caef0c4f2.tar.gz
    revision: master@sha1:363a6a8fe6a7f13e05d34c163b0ef02a777da20a
    size: 91318
    url: http://source-controller.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local./gitrepository/<namespace>/<repository-name>/363a6a8fe6a7f13e05d34c163b0ef02a777da20a.tar.gz

Default exclusions

The following files and extensions are excluded from the Artifact by default:

  • Git files (.git/, .gitignore, .gitmodules, .gitattributes)
  • File extensions (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .wmv, .flv, .tar.gz, .zip)
  • CI configs (.github/, .circleci/, .travis.yml, .gitlab-ci.yml, appveyor.yml, .drone.yml, cloudbuild.yaml, codeship-services.yml, codeship-steps.yml)
  • CLI configs (.goreleaser.yml, .sops.yaml)
  • Flux v1 config (.flux.yaml)

To define your own exclusion rules, see excluding files.


A GitRepository enters various states during its lifecycle, reflected as Kubernetes Conditions. It can be reconciling while fetching the Git state, it can be ready, or it can fail during reconciliation.

The GitRepository API is compatible with the kstatus specification, and reports Reconciling and Stalled conditions where applicable to provide better (timeout) support to solutions polling the GitRepository to become Ready.

Reconciling GitRepository

The source-controller marks a GitRepository as reconciling when one of the following is true:

  • There is no current Artifact for the GitRepository, or the reported Artifact is determined to have disappeared from the storage.
  • The generation of the GitRepository is newer than the Observed Generation.
  • The newly resolved Artifact revision differs from the current Artifact.

When the GitRepository is "reconciling", the Ready Condition status becomes Unknown when the controller detects drift, and the controller adds a Condition with the following attributes to the GitRepository's .status.conditions:

  • type: Reconciling
  • status: "True"
  • reason: Progressing | reason: ProgressingWithRetry

If the reconciling state is due to a new revision, an additional Condition is added with the following attributes:

  • type: ArtifactOutdated
  • status: "True"
  • reason: NewRevision

Both Conditions have a "negative polarity", and are only present on the GitRepository while their status value is "True".

Ready GitRepository

The source-controller marks a GitRepository as ready when it has the following characteristics:

  • The GitRepository reports an Artifact.
  • The reported Artifact exists in the controller's Artifact storage.
  • The controller was able to communicate with the remote Git repository using the current spec.
  • The revision of the reported Artifact is up-to-date with the latest resolved revision of the remote Git repository.

When the GitRepository is "ready", the controller sets a Condition with the following attributes in the GitRepository's .status.conditions:

  • type: Ready
  • status: "True"
  • reason: Succeeded

This Ready Condition will retain a status value of "True" until the GitRepository is marked as reconciling, or e.g. a transient error occurs due to a temporary network issue.

When the GitRepository Artifact is archived in the controller's Artifact storage, the controller sets a Condition with the following attributes in the GitRepository's .status.conditions:

  • type: ArtifactInStorage
  • status: "True"
  • reason: Succeeded

This ArtifactInStorage Condition will retain a status value of "True" until the Artifact in the storage no longer exists.

Failed GitRepository

The source-controller may get stuck trying to produce an Artifact for a GitRepository without completing. This can occur due to some of the following factors:

  • The remote Git repository URL is temporarily unavailable.
  • The Git repository does not exist.
  • The Secret reference contains a reference to a non-existing Secret.
  • A specified Include is unavailable.
  • The verification of the Git commit signature failed.
  • The credentials in the referenced Secret are invalid.
  • The GitRepository spec contains a generic misconfiguration.
  • A storage related failure when storing the artifact.

When this happens, the controller sets the Ready Condition status to False, and adds a Condition with the following attributes to the GitRepository's .status.conditions:

  • type: FetchFailed | type: IncludeUnavailable | type: StorageOperationFailed
  • status: "True"
  • reason: AuthenticationFailed | reason: GitOperationFailed

This condition has a "negative polarity", and is only present on the GitRepository while the status value is "True". There may be more arbitrary values for the reason field to provide accurate reason for a condition.

In addition to the above Condition types, when the verification of a Git commit signature fails. A condition with the following attributes is added to the GitRepository's .status.conditions:

  • type: SourceVerifiedCondition
  • status: "False"
  • reason: Failed

While the GitRepository has one or more of these Conditions, the controller will continue to attempt to produce an Artifact for the resource with an exponential backoff, until it succeeds and the GitRepository is marked as ready.

Note that a GitRepository can be reconciling while failing at the same time, for example due to a newly introduced configuration issue in the GitRepository spec. When a reconciliation fails, the Reconciling Condition reason would be ProgressingWithRetry. When the reconciliation is performed again after the failure, the reason is updated to Progressing.

Observed Ignore

The source-controller reports an observed ignore in the GitRepository's .status.observedIgnore. The observed ignore is the latest .spec.ignore value which resulted in a ready state, or stalled due to error it can not recover from without human intervention. The value is the same as the ignore in spec. It indicates the ignore rules used in building the current artifact in storage. It is also used by the controller to determine if an artifact needs to be rebuilt.


  observedIgnore: |

Observed Recurse Submodules

The source-controller reports an observed recurse submodule in the GitRepository's .status.observedRecurseSubmodules. The observed recurse submodules is the latest .spec.recurseSubmodules value which resulted in a ready state, or stalled due to error it can not recover from without human intervention. The value is the same as the recurse submodules in spec. It indicates the recurse submodules configuration used in building the current artifact in storage. It is also used by the controller to determine if an artifact needs to be rebuilt.


  observedRecurseSubmodules: true

Observed Include

The source-controller reports observed include in the GitRepository's .status.observedInclude. The observed include is the latest .spec.recurseSubmodules value which resulted in a ready state, or stalled due to error it can not recover from without human intervention. The value is the same as the include in spec. It indicates the include configuration used in building the current artifact in storage. It is also used by the controller to determine if an artifact needs to be rebuilt.


  - fromPath: deploy/webapp
      name: repo1
    toPath: foo
  - fromPath: deploy/secure
      name: repo2
    toPath: bar

Source Verification Mode

The source-controller reports the Git object(s) it verified in the Git repository to create an artifact in the GitRepository's .status.sourceVerificationMode. This value is the same as the verification mode in spec. The verification status is applicable only to the latest Git repository revision used to successfully build and store an artifact.

Observed Generation

The source-controller reports an observed generation in the GitRepository's .status.observedGeneration. The observed generation is the latest .metadata.generation which resulted in either a ready state, or stalled due to error it can not recover from without human intervention.

Last Handled Reconcile At

The source-controller reports the last annotation value it acted on in the .status.lastHandledReconcileAt field.

For practical information about this field, see triggering a reconcile.