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This project is a learning exercise for digital design, writing a RISC-V core and also have a deeper understanding of Chisel, an HDL language based on Scala.
Currently the target builds a RV32I core.
Verilog code can be generated from Chisel by using the chisel
Makefile target. It requires a -board
parameter so the correct PLL is included in the design. If it's not provided, a bypass PLL will be used.
make chisel BOARD=artya7-35
argument must match one of the pll_BOARD.v]
files in /src/main/resources
The core can be simulated in Verilator using the commands:
make verilator # this will build the SOC, generate the Verilog files and Verilator project
make verirun # This will copy the UART demo (RAM/ROM) from gcc/helloUART and run Verilator
The demo application can be adjusted in the Makefile to point to the dir and files for ROM and RAM.
The standard build process uses locally installed tools like Java (for Chisel generation), Yosys, NextPNR, Vivado and others. It's recommended to use Fusesoc for building the complete workflow by using containers thru a command launcher.
Installing FuseSOC
To install Fusesoc (requires Python3 and pip3):
pip3 install --upgrade --user fusesoc
Check if it's working:
$ fusesoc --version
If the terminal reports an error about the command not being found check that the directory ~/.local/bin
is in your command search path (export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
Fusesoc allows multiple boards from different vendors to be supported by the project. It uses chisel-generator to generate Verilog from Scala sources and calls the correct board EDA backend to create it's project files.
For example, to generate the programming files for the ULX3s board based on Lattice ECP5:
mkdir fusesoc-chiselv && cd fusesoc-chiselv
# Add fusesoc standard library and this core
fusesoc library add fusesoc-cores https://github.com/fusesoc/fusesoc-cores
fusesoc library add chiselv https://github.com/carlosedp/chiselv
# Download the command wrapper
wget https://gist.github.com/carlosedp/c0e29d55e48309a48961f2e3939acfe9/raw/bfeb1cfe2e188c1d5ced0b09aabc9902fdfda6aa/runme.py
chmod +x runme.py
# Run fusesoc with the wrapper as an environment var
EDALIZE_LAUNCHER=$(realpath ./runme.py) fusesoc run --target=ulx3s_85 carlosedp:chiselv:singlecycle
# The output files will be on the local ./build dir:
# Output bitstream will be on build/carlosedp_demo_chiselblinky_0/ulx3s_85-trellis
❯ ll build/carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0/ulx3s_85-trellis
total 6.9M
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 1.2K Oct 15 16:25 proginfo.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 507 Oct 15 16:25 boardconfig.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 198 Oct 15 16:25 progload.mem
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 1.6K Oct 15 16:25 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.eda.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 483 Oct 15 16:25 edalize_yosys_procs.tcl
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 247 Oct 15 16:25 edalize_yosys_template.tcl
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 1.1K Oct 15 16:25 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 67K Oct 15 16:25 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.blif
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 708K Oct 15 16:25 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 57K Oct 15 16:25 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.edif
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 74K Oct 15 16:25 yosys.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 32K Oct 15 16:25 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.config
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 9.8K Oct 15 16:25 next.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 1.9M Oct 15 16:26 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.bit
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdepaula staff 3.9M Oct 15 16:26 carlosedp_chiselv_singlecycle_0.svf
# Programming instructions will be printed-out.
Just program it to your FPGA with OpenOCD
or in ULX3S case, ujprog
- Add a standard bus like Wishbone
- Integrate peripherals thru this bus (UART, etc)
- Add memory controller for SDRAM or DDR
Click to expand
Support for new boards can be added in the chiselv.core
file and programming instructions in the proginfo/buildconfig.yaml
together with a board template text.
Three sections are required:
Filesets lists the dependency from the chisel-generator, that outputs Verilog from Chisel (Scala) code. It also contains the static files used for each board like constraints and programming config that must be copied to the output project dir and used by EDA. The programming info text template is also added.
depend: ["fusesoc:utils:generators:0.1.6"]
- constraints/ecp5-ulx3s.lpf: { file_type: LPF }
- openocd/ft231x.cfg: { file_type: user }
- openocd/LFE5U-85F.cfg: { file_type: user }
- proginfo/ulx3s-template.txt: { file_type: user }
The generator section contains the Chisel generator parameters. It has the arguments to be passed to Chisel (the board), the project name and the output files created by the generator to be used by the EDA.
generator: chisel
extraargs: "--target:fpga -board ulx3s"
buildtool: sbt
copy_core: true
- generated/Toplevel.v: { file_type: verilogSource }
- generated/GPIOInOut.v: { file_type: verilogSource }
- generated/pll_ulx3s.v: { file_type: verilogSource }
Finally the target section has the board information to be passed to the EDA tools. Parameters like the package/die or extra parameters to synthesis or PnR. This is highly dependent of the EDA backend. It's name is the one passed on the --target=
param on FuseSoc. It also references the fileset and generate configs.
default_tool: trellis
description: ULX3S 85k version
filesets: [ulx3s-85, proginfo, progload]
generate: [ulx3s]
post_run: [ulx3s-85f]
part: LFE5U-85F-6BG381C
nextpnr_options: [--package, CABGA381, --85k]
yosys_synth_options: [-abc9, -nowidelut]
toplevel: Toplevel
If you desire to add a programming information text output after generating the bitstream files, add the board to the scripts
section (and to it's target hooks) calling the proginfo.py with a board identifier that must match the boardconfig.yaml
file in the proginfo
cmd : [python3, proginfo.py, ulx3s-85f]
The boardconfig.yaml
file must contain the files names used by each board and a corresponding template .txt
file that will contain the output text. This will be printed after bitstream generation.