This example demonstrates simulation of fireworks using point sprites and has been adapted from the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide.
Sources Movie
Voronoi diagrams
This example shows dynamic voronoi based on an old technique where the hardware is used to compute the diagram using 3D occluded cones.
Surface elevation
This example shows a 10x10 numpy array represented as a heightfield that is generated entirely on the GPU (using a default mesh).
Point cloud
This example shows a 3D cloud of a million anti-aliased and stroked points animated in real-time. Most of them are hidden though !
Mandelbrot set
The mandatory Mandelbrot set computed in the GPU with single float precision even tough double precision through emulation is possible.
Klein bottle
Just because we can ! This example demonstrates parametric surface generation and visualization with uv mapping.
Quiver plot
Using GPU power, we can litteraly draw a quiver plot using a single quad. Adapted from Morgan McGuire original idea on shadertoy
Reaction Diffusion
This example simulates a Reaction diffusion using Gray-Scott model largely inspired from this great site that gives all the details.
Hello world !
Text rendering uses both regular textured glyph with higher quality and signed distance fields. Glyphy to follow soon (hopefully).
Post processing filters
Post-processing is applied through python context manager. This example combines two filters to produce Gaussian blur.
Most colormaps can be computed just in time within GPU. But color lookup tables are also available through 1D textures.
UTF8 Terminal
This is a fast & failsafe terminal that allows to quickly display information on screen. It uses the UCS 6x13 bitmap character sets.
Realtime signals
From an idea by Cyrille Rossant, this example shows 320 signals with 10,000 points each. Each signal can be zoomed in/out individually.
Smoke simulation
Porting the fluid simulation from the little grasshopper, this example shows a very nice smoke simulation using GPU Eulerian approach.