diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index e83b41ab..e016bd4e 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ repos:
rev: 'v4.6.0'
- id: end-of-file-fixer
+ exclude: '^tests/control/.*'
- id: trailing-whitespace
- exclude: '(?:setup.cfg.*|paper/.*)'
+ exclude: '(?:setup.cfg.*|paper/.*)|^tests/control/.*'
- id: debug-statements
- id: check-builtin-literals
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
diff --git a/coxeter/__init__.py b/coxeter/__init__.py
index 5199402f..6ccb9fc9 100644
--- a/coxeter/__init__.py
+++ b/coxeter/__init__.py
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
applications such as inertia tensors.
-from . import families, shapes
-from .shape_getters import from_gsd_type_shapes
+__version__ = "0.8.0"
-__all__ = ["families", "shapes", "from_gsd_type_shapes"]
+from . import families, io, shapes
+from .shape_getters import from_gsd_type_shapes
-__version__ = "0.8.0"
+__all__ = ["families", "shapes", "from_gsd_type_shapes", "io"]
diff --git a/coxeter/io.py b/coxeter/io.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bc6c6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coxeter/io.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Regents of the University of Michigan.
+# This file is from the coxeter project, released under the BSD 3-Clause License.
+"""Import/Export utilities for shape classes.
+This module contains functions for saving shapes to disk and creating shapes from
+local files. Currently, the following formats are supported:
+- Export: OBJ, OFF, STL, PLY, VTK, X3D, HTML
+These functions currently only work with `Polyhedron` and its subclasses.
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+import numpy as np
+from coxeter import __version__
+def to_obj(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to a wavefront OBJ file.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Note:
+ In OBJ files, vertices in face definitions are indexed from one.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ content = ""
+ content += (
+ f"# wavefront obj file written by Coxeter "
+ f"version {__version__}\n"
+ f"# {shape.__class__.__name__}\n\n"
+ )
+ for v in shape.vertices:
+ content += f"v {' '.join([str(coord) for coord in v])}\n"
+ content += "\n"
+ for f in shape.faces:
+ content += f"f {' '.join([str(v_index+1) for v_index in f])}\n"
+ content = content[:-1]
+ with open(filename, "w") as file:
+ file.write(content)
+def to_off(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to an Object File Format (OFF) file.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ content = ""
+ content += (
+ f"OFF\n# OFF file written by Coxeter "
+ f"version {__version__}\n"
+ f"# {shape.__class__.__name__}\n"
+ )
+ content += f"{len(shape.vertices)} f{len(shape.faces)} " f"{len(shape.edges)}\n"
+ for v in shape.vertices:
+ content += f"{' '.join([str(coord) for coord in v])}\n"
+ for f in shape.faces:
+ content += f"{len(f)} {' '.join([str(v_index) for v_index in f])}\n"
+ content = content[:-1]
+ with open(filename, "w") as file:
+ file.write(content)
+def to_stl(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to a stereolithography (STL) file.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Note:
+ The output file is ASCII-encoded.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ with open(filename, "w") as file:
+ # Ensure shape is not mutated
+ shape = deepcopy(shape)
+ # Shift vertices so all coordinates are positive
+ mins = np.amin(a=shape.vertices, axis=0)
+ for i, m in enumerate(mins):
+ if m < 0:
+ shape.centroid[i] -= m
+ # Write data
+ vs = shape.vertices
+ file.write(f"solid {shape.__class__.__name__}\n")
+ for f in shape.faces:
+ # Decompose face into triangles
+ # ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66586936/15426433
+ triangles = [[vs[f[0]], vs[b], vs[c]] for b, c in zip(f[1:], f[2:])]
+ for t in triangles:
+ n = np.cross(t[1] - t[0], t[2] - t[1]) # order?
+ file.write(f"facet normal {n[0]} {n[1]} {n[2]}\n" f"\touter loop\n")
+ for point in t:
+ file.write(f"\t\tvertex {point[0]} {point[1]} {point[2]}\n")
+ file.write("\tendloop\nendfacet\n")
+ file.write(f"endsolid {shape.__class__.__name__}")
+def to_ply(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to a Polygon File Format (PLY) file.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Note:
+ The output file is ASCII-encoded.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ content = ""
+ content += (
+ f"ply\nformat ascii 1.0\n"
+ f"comment PLY file written by Coxeter version {__version__}\n"
+ f"comment {shape.__class__.__name__}\n"
+ f"element vertex {len(shape.vertices)}\n"
+ f"property float x\nproperty float y\nproperty float z\n"
+ f"element face {len(shape.faces)}\n"
+ f"property list uchar uint vertex_indices\n"
+ f"end_header\n"
+ )
+ for v in shape.vertices:
+ content += f"{' '.join([str(coord) for coord in v])}\n"
+ for f in shape.faces:
+ content += f"{len(f)} {' '.join([str(int(v_index)) for v_index in f])}\n"
+ content = content[:-1]
+ with open(filename, "w") as file:
+ file.write(content)
+def to_x3d(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to an Extensible 3D (X3D) file.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ # TODO: translate shape so that its centroid is at the origin
+ # Parent elements
+ root = ElementTree.Element(
+ "x3d",
+ attrib={
+ "profile": "Interchange",
+ "version": "4.0",
+ "xmlns:xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
+ "xsd:schemaLocation": "http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-4.0.xsd",
+ },
+ )
+ x3d_scene = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "Scene")
+ x3d_shape = ElementTree.SubElement(
+ x3d_scene, "shape", attrib={"DEF": f"{shape.__class__.__name__}"}
+ )
+ x3d_appearance = ElementTree.SubElement(x3d_shape, "Appearance")
+ ElementTree.SubElement(
+ x3d_appearance, "Material", attrib={"diffuseColor": "#6495ED"}
+ )
+ # Geometry data
+ point_indices = list(range(sum([len(f) for f in shape.faces])))
+ prev_index = 0
+ for f in shape.faces:
+ point_indices.insert(len(f) + prev_index, -1)
+ prev_index += len(f) + 1
+ points = [v for f in shape.faces for v_index in f for v in shape.vertices[v_index]]
+ x3d_indexedfaceset = ElementTree.SubElement(
+ x3d_shape,
+ "IndexedFaceSet",
+ attrib={"coordIndex": " ".join([str(c_index) for c_index in point_indices])},
+ )
+ ElementTree.SubElement(
+ x3d_indexedfaceset,
+ "Coordinate",
+ attrib={"point": " ".join([str(p) for p in points])},
+ )
+ # Write to file
+ ElementTree.ElementTree(root).write(filename, encoding="UTF-8")
+def to_vtk(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to a legacy VTK file.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ content = ""
+ # Title and Header
+ content += (
+ f"# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n"
+ f"{shape.__class__.__name__} created by "
+ f"Coxeter version {__version__}\n"
+ f"ASCII\n"
+ )
+ # Geometry
+ content += f"DATASET POLYDATA\n" f"POINTS {len(shape.vertices)} float\n"
+ for v in shape.vertices:
+ content += f"{v[0]} {v[1]} {v[2]}\n"
+ num_points = len(shape.faces)
+ num_connections = sum([len(f) for f in shape.faces])
+ content += f"POLYGONS {num_points} {num_points + num_connections}\n"
+ for f in shape.faces:
+ content += f"{len(f)} {' '.join([str(v_index) for v_index in f])}\n"
+ content = content.rstrip("\n")
+ # Write file
+ with open(filename, "wb") as file:
+ file.write(content.encode("ascii"))
+def to_html(shape, filename):
+ """Save shape to an HTML file.
+ This method calls shape.to_x3d to create a temporary X3D file, then
+ parses that X3D file and creates an HTML file in its place.
+ Args:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ # Create, parse, and remove x3d file
+ to_x3d(shape, filename)
+ x3d = ElementTree.parse(filename)
+ os.remove(filename)
+ # HTML Head
+ html = ElementTree.Element("html", attrib={"xmlns": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"})
+ head = ElementTree.SubElement(html, "head")
+ script = ElementTree.SubElement(
+ head,
+ "script",
+ attrib={"type": "text/javascript", "src": "http://x3dom.org/release/x3dom.js"},
+ )
+ script.text = " " # ensures the tag is not shape-closing
+ ElementTree.SubElement(
+ head,
+ "link",
+ attrib={
+ "rel": "stylesheet",
+ "type": "text/css",
+ "href": "http://x3dom.org/release/x3dom.css",
+ },
+ )
+ # HTML body
+ body = ElementTree.SubElement(html, "body")
+ body.append(x3d.getroot())
+ # Write file
+ with open(filename, "w") as file:
+ file.write("")
+ file.write(ElementTree.tostring(html, encoding="unicode"))
diff --git a/coxeter/shapes/polyhedron.py b/coxeter/shapes/polyhedron.py
index 6a3290e8..54c1081d 100644
--- a/coxeter/shapes/polyhedron.py
+++ b/coxeter/shapes/polyhedron.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
import rowan
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components
+from .. import io
from ..extern.polytri import polytri
from .base_classes import Shape3D
from .convex_polygon import ConvexPolygon, _is_convex
@@ -1020,3 +1021,39 @@ def to_hoomd(self):
self.centroid = old_centroid
return hoomd_dict
+ def save(self, filetype, filename):
+ """Save the polyhedron object to a file using methods from ``coxeter.io``.
+ Args:
+ filetype (str):
+ The file format to export polyhedron to. Must be one of the following:
+ filename (str, pathlib.Path, or os.PathLike):
+ The name or path of the output file, including the extension.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError: If filetype is not one of the required strings.
+ OSError: If open() encounters a problem.
+ """
+ if filetype == "OBJ":
+ io.to_obj(self, filename)
+ elif filetype == "OFF":
+ io.to_off(self, filename)
+ elif filetype == "STL":
+ io.to_stl(self, filename)
+ elif filetype == "PLY":
+ io.to_ply(self, filename)
+ elif filetype == "VTK":
+ io.to_vtk(self, filename)
+ elif filetype == "X3D":
+ io.to_x3d(self, filename)
+ elif filetype == "HTML":
+ io.to_html(self, filename)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "filetype must be one of the following: OBJ, OFF, "
+ )
diff --git a/tests/control/convex_polyhedron.html b/tests/control/convex_polyhedron.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f27b53d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/control/convex_polyhedron.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@