- just try to build your very first website, step by step 👷♀️
- and learn the first important fundamentals of web development right away 🧑🔬
- also, don't be shy and show us your result 👨💻
- we're all here to learn from and with others, no matter how advanced someone is 🐣
- the site has content (with hyperlinks) 📰
- it's styled 🎨
- clicking on the image will show another one 🖼️
- the user is asked for a name, which is displayed under the main heading and can also be changed by clicking the button 🪄
- the website is online using github pages 🌎
🔮 i've created an upgraded version of this website - give the upgraded project a chance and check it out
- spoiler: it's way better and can do much more 🦾
- upgraded repository
- upgraded website
- as a complete beginner, the following just looks impressive - i was surprised myself at what i achieved 🤩
- but you'll see, once you get started, it's not that difficult at all ⚡️
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My First Site</title>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet">
<h1>hello world!</h1>
<h2>Nice to meet you!</h2>
<img src="images/hello-world.png" alt="the earth saying hello and the moon">
<h3>"Hello, World!" program</h3>
<p>A "Hello, World!" program is generally a simple computer program that outputs (or displays) to the screen (often the console) a message similar to "Hello, World!" while ignoring any user input. A small piece of code in most general-purpose programming languages, this program is used to illustrate a language's basic syntax. A "Hello, World!" program is often the first written by a student of a new programming language, but such a program can also be used as a sanity check to ensure that the computer software intended to compile or run source code is correctly installed, and that its operator understands how to use it.</p>
<h4>Note that HTML is not a programming language</h4>
<p>The HyperText Markup Language, or <strong>HTML</strong>, is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.</p>
<p>It can be assisted by technologies such as</p>
<li>Cascading Style Sheets (<strong>CSS</strong>)</li>
<li>and scripting languages such as <strong>JavaScript</strong>.</li>
<p>Created along with the beginner-friendly learning resource <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web">"Getting started with the Web"</a> from the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/">MDN Web Docs</a>.</p>
<p>Definitions: <a href="https://wikipedia.org/">Wikipedia</a></p>
<h6>Change your name:</h6>
<button>Change user</button>
<a href="https://glmvc.github.io/first-site-upgrade/"><h6>Check out the upgraded version of this site!</h6></a>
<script src="scripts/main.js"></script>
/* i am a comment (a browser ignores comments as it renders the code) */
html {
font-size: 10px; /* px means "pixels": the base font size is now 10 pixels */
font-family: "Source Code Pro", monospace; /* from google fonts */
color: whitesmoke;
background-color: #1A1A1A;
h1 {
font-size: 60px;
text-align: center;
p, li {
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 2;
letter-spacing: 1px;
body {
width: 800px; /* forces the body to always be 800px */
margin: 0 auto; /* first value: top & bottom; second value: left & right (2 values order) */
background-color: #2B2B2B;
padding: 0 30px 30px 30px; /* 4 values order: top, right, bottom, left = clockwise (for margin the same logic) */
border: 3px solid black; /* values for: width, style and color of the border */
h1 {
color: #0FB55E;
margin: 0; /* 1 value order: all four sides */
padding: 20px 0 5px; /* 3 values order: top, right & left, bottom */
text-shadow: 5px 5px 3px #1A1A1A; /* 1. horizontal offset; 2. vertical offset; 3. blur radius 4. color */
h2 {
font-size: 40px;
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
padding: 20px 0 20px;
text-shadow: 4px 4px 2px #1A1A1A;
h3 {
font-size: 20px;
margin: 0;
padding: 40px 0 10px;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 1px #1A1A1A;
h4 {
font-size: 16px;
margin: 0;
padding: 20px 0 5px;
text-shadow: 1.5px 1.5px 0.5px #1A1A1A;
h5, h6 {
font-size: 14px;
margin: 0;
padding: 20px 0 5px;
img {
display: block; /* images are inline elements - give them block-level behavior to make the auto margin trick working */
margin: 0 auto;
a {
color: #7CB7ED;
a:hover {
color: #0FB55E;
strong {
color: #0FB55E;
/* i am a comment
(a browser ignores text marked as comments) */
// i am a single line comment
const correctedHeading = document.querySelector('h1');
correctedHeading.textContent = 'Hello, World!';
document.querySelector('h1').onclick = function() {
alert('Ouch! Stop poking me!');
/* alternative (longer) code:
let myHeadline1 = document.querySelector('h1');
myHeadline1.onclick = function() {
alert('Ouch! Stop poking me!');
// image switcher code:
let myImage = document.querySelector('img');
myImage.onclick = function() {
let mySrc = myImage.getAttribute('src');
if(mySrc === 'images/hello-world.png') {
myImage.setAttribute ('src','images/js-code.png');
} else {
myImage.setAttribute ('src','images/hello-world.png');
// personalized welcome message code:
let myButton = document.querySelector('button');
let myHeading = document.querySelector('h2');
function setUserName() {
let myName = prompt('Please enter your name.');
if(!myName) {
} else {
localStorage.setItem('name', myName);
myHeading.textContent = 'Nice to meet you, ' + myName + '!';
if(!localStorage.getItem('name')) {
} else {
let storedName = localStorage.getItem('name');
myHeading.textContent = 'Nice to meet you, ' + storedName + '!';
myButton.onclick = function() {
created along with the beginner-friendly learning resource "getting started with the web" from the mdn web docs