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369 lines (314 loc) · 18.4 KB

File metadata and controls

369 lines (314 loc) · 18.4 KB


  • New test: Create simple vala classes, build the gir files from that, generate the typescript type definitions for that and test if the result looks good
  • Create a Reporter to create a text or json file with warnings like unknown types, renaming, etc and a summary of all that (e.g. 5 type conflicts resolved, 8 unknown types of *gint)
  • Update types for GJS v1.75.2, see


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Update examples and removed deprecated function calls like byteArray.toString()
  • Add dom.js, ambient.js and node-ambient.js to allow importing there type definitions in the codebase with a bundler
  • Update TSDoc documentation for system
  • node-gtk: Add new gtk-4-application example
  • node-gtk: Uses snake_case for property names at constructor, fixes #131

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for additional underscore properties (next to lowerCamelCase) in the generated types, if this causes problems please let us know, then we will undo it again


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Add type for import.meta.url, see 142
  • C type const is readonly in typescript
  • Constants are not nullable, fixes #141


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Generate camel cased property accessors, see #138
  • Add runAsync override for GLib.MainLoop, see #130


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Allow ambient modules without version for NPM packages, see #139
  • Add information about ESM and CommonJS modules to for NPM packages


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Add instruction to install GnomeBluetooth-3.0.gir on Fedora
  • Add more *.gir files to ./girs directory


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Upgrade gir files


  • TypeDoc: Only include main entry point
  • Upgrade dependencies


  • TypeDoc: Improved support for TypeDoc 0.24.x
  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Upgrade gir files


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Move conflicting global GJS types to dom.d.ts for optional import

Breaking Changes

Move conflicting global GJS types to dom.d.ts, allowing you to optionally import them in your project. By doing so, you have the flexibility to choose whether or not to include these types based on your specific needs. This resolves the conflict between the GJS and DOM types and provides you with more control over managing the type definitions.

To use the previous behavior and include the conflicting GJS types, you can import both ./@types/gjs.d.ts and ./@types/dom.d.ts in your code.

Alternatively, if you are using the NPM packages, you can import the following:

  • @girs/gjs: This package provides the GJS types.
  • @girs/gjs/dom: This package provides the conflicting DOM types.

Please update your imports accordingly based on your chosen approach.


  • Update badges on README template files
  • Node-gtk: Readd gobject signal method, fixes #126


  • NPM package Yarn workspace support is optional now, see #124
  • Upgrade all dependencies (except xml2js, see #125)
  • Parse app version from package.json
  • Moved templates, packages.xml, package-data-parser.ts and template-processor.ts from @ts-for-gir/lib to @ts-for-gir/generator-typescript
  • Cleanup yarn scripts in ./package.json


  • Add missing packages.xml to @ts-for-gir/lib


This is the first stable release of version 3.0.0 with support for NPM package generation.


  • Add support to generate a package for each GIR module we can publish on NPM, see #106
  • Add a new CLI option to generate NPM packages
  • Add a new CLI option to change the NPM package scope name
  • Documentation for the new CLI options
  • Generate a package.json for each package
  • One folder for each package
  • New example
  • Add dependencies to each package.json
  • Package names in lower case
  • Separate package names for node-gtk types
  • Package directory and file names in lower case
  • Parse library versions
  • Add a for each NPM package
  • Different for node-gtk NPM packages
  • Add an test to CI
  • Fix tsconfig.alias.json
  • Add support for ambient modules
  • Documentation for ambient modules
  • Generate both CJS and ESM modules
  • Add node-gtk to the peer dependencies to the node-gtk NPM packages
  • Remove destination environment directory
  • Separate for the main NPM packages (@gir/gjs and @gir/node-gtk)
  • Generate and publish the new NPM packages
  • Provide system and gettext as ESM, see #114
  • Include only desired types (instead of all existing ones)
  • Add repository and homepage to package.json
  • Updated Documentation for the new NPM packages
  • Move the GNOME Shell type definitions to a NPM package and make use of the new generated NPM packages

Braking changes

  • All filenames for the generated types now contain the name of the module
  • All filenames for the generated types are now lowercase
  • All filenames for the generated types for Node.js now have a node- prefix
  • Now no parent folder Gjs or note-gtk is created. When types are generated for both environments, they all end up in the same folder
  • Now not all GIR modules are imported in the gjs.js, who wants to have types for a certain GIR module, must include this module now itself. This saves a lot of processing work in your IDE
  • Some default values of the CLI options have changed, for example now by default only the types for Gjs are generated and the default module format is now ESM with namespaces


  • UTF-8 string pointers are nullable, so all of this pointers are handled as nullable now, see #108
  • Extract default GIR directories from XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable, this fixes ts-for-gir on NixOS. See #107 by @samdroid-apps

Breaking Changes

  • More parameters and returned UTF-8 strings are nullable now, so maybe you need to update your code to check if the string is not null. Please give us feedback about this change


  • Split this project into more submodules: 'cli', 'lib', 'generator-base', 'generator-typescript' and 'generator-html-doc'
  • Fix node bin path for ts-for-gir execution
  • Upgrade dependencies


  • Add GNOME Shell types for:
    • ui/checkBox
    • ui/closeDialog
  • Paths in the config file are now relative to the path of the config file itself
  • Add TSDoc @returns for return values
  • Fixed VSCode launch.json for debugging
  • Reenable ts-node to develop without the need to rebuild ts-for-gir for debugging
  • Add support for promisified function generation, see #104 by @CharlieQLe
  • Upgrade dependencies


  • Add support for the "gi://..." import syntax, see #103 by @CharlieQLe
  • greatly simplified and split into several files
  • Add new DependencyManager to be able to search for a dependency regardless of the version
  • Improved GNOME Shell types
  • Only extend class/interface parent if the dependency of the parent exists
  • Add more properties to the dependency object like exists to be able to check if a dependency gir file was found
  • Upgrade dependencies

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the pretty and noCheck options
  • Changed default options to:
    • noNamespace: true (was useNamespace: false before)
    • environments: ["gjs"] (was ["gjs", "node"] before)
    • moduleType: "esm" (was "commonjs" before)


  • Add new option to enable type generation for GNOME Shell (disabled by default now)
  • Add some more types for GNOME Shell


  • Set verbose to false by default
  • Removed casts.ts
  • Removed ava test
  • Upgrade dependencies, yarn and vala-girs
  • Add initial support for GNOME Shell imports, see #99
  • Added new GNOME Shell Extension example, see #99
  • Added new example with types only generation, see #101
  • Add missing getttext functions: pgettext, dpgettext, see #97 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Replace typescript runtime dependency with get-tsconfig, see #96 by @HeavenVolkoff


  • Change Class Signal conflict resolution logic, see #91 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Expose GJS global imports.signals type, see #89 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Enhance Glib.Error type with GJS specific additions, see #88 by @HeavenVolkoff


  • CLI: Fix noDOMLib option in templates


  • CLI: Allow to disable generation of types that are in conflict with the DOM types
  • Add typing definition for GLib.Bytes.toArray()
  • Upgrade dependencies


  • Follow user defined verbose option in ConflictResolver, see #83 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Fix prepend logic in Logger's static methods, see #84 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Expose GIRepositoryNamespace underscore properties in TS namespace, see #85 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Solution for #72 + Add type definitions for Text(D)Encoder, see #86 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Added new simple GJS example with Libadwaita and Vite


  • Rename package to @ts-for-gir/cli, see #82
  • Ported more examples, see #81
  • Add overrides for Gio-2.0, see #80
  • Add GLib.Variant unpacking methods, see #70 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • node-gtk: Now supports virtual methods, see #77
  • Wrap constructor properties and signal callback interfaces to a class name module, see #73
  • Improve typing definition of log and logError, see #71 by @HeavenVolkoff


  • Real inheritance and implementations instead of copy all inherited methods / properties to the classes / interfaces, see #63
  • During the implementation of the upper pull request many other small improvements have been made.
  • Upgrade dependencies
  • More splitting of the Github workflows so that more can be tested in parallel


  • Expect error on gi ESM imports, see #69 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Add typing definition for imports.package, see #67 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Allow Node.js versions greater or equal than v16 , see #65 by @HeavenVolkoff
  • Ported GJS for http server + client example to node-gtk
  • Split GObject template for separate templates for gjs and node-gtk
  • Do not skip generation of GObject fields anymore
  • Add TSDoc tags which identifies the type with the original gir type
  • Also generate TSDocs for classes
  • Split Github workflows into gjs and node-gtk
  • General improvements #59
    • Added new GJS example for http server + client with Soap 3
    • Renamed to because as it is not always a detailed changelog
    • Cleanup detection / generation of Array types
    • Added new GJS example for Gtk.ListStore
    • Inject additional static methods to GObject.ParamSpec and other GObject overrides
    • Export GJS System namespace
    • Ignore depreciated allow-none if optional or nullable is used
    • Distinguish between optional and nullable types
    • Add types for timer functions (setTimeout, setInterval), supported by GJS since 1.71.1
    • Renamed GObject.Type to GObject.Gtype
    • General improvements to the generated types
    • Add initial support for generic type parameters
  • Add initial support for TSDoc with text and @param tag support, see #49
  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Fix logic around property's readonly & construct-only, see #52
  • Fix properties with the name of constructor
  • Fix enums with duplicate identifiers
  • Disabled Ava test for now, because it needs a refactoring


  • Fix config file loading, see #48
  • The browser example now uses ESM for GJS and Node.js
  • Upgrade all dependencies to latest
  • [node-gtk] don't add $obj parameter in connect() method either, by @peat-psuwit
  • [node-gtk] Fixed Return types, see #46
  • New and simpler patch format
  • Replaced ESLint with prettier for prettify output, this fixes #29
  • New doc command for future implementation
  • New class HtmlDocGenerator this is not implemented yet, but can serve as a template for a future implementation
  • Fix type Uint8Array (should not be Uint8Array[])
  • CI: Run GJS CLI examples to test working bindings
  • The generated types now contain a note that they are automatically generated with ts-for-gir
  • Split option exportDefault to useNamespace and moduleType to specify ESM or CommonJS module generation
  • Fix VSCode debugging configuration to work with ESM
  • Debugging information added to
  • Moved all signature generations to new TypeDefinitionGenerator
  • The utility functions are no longer static members of a class
  • Fixed a bug in the forEachInterface method, which caused that not all inherited methods were implemented anymore (slipped in with the last PR)
  • Added this

17 Jan 2022

  • All types in vala-gir can now be built and validated without errors, this can be tested with npm run test:girs:all, this test is now also executed with github actions
  • Switch to ESM for ts-for-gir itself
  • Replaced oclif with yargs for CLI parsing (yargs has ESM Support, oclif not)
  • Improved @realh's GJS ESM support
  • Improved types based on gobject-introspection/docs/gir-1.2.rnc and gi.ts/parser/src/xml.ts
  • Changed examples/gjs/builder example to use the GJS ESM feature using gi:// imports
  • Version conflicts in Gir modules fixed, now multiple versions of the same module name can be generated
  • Made the source code more readable in some places, this mainly affects places where an array was returned, here a more meaningful tuple / object is now returned
  • Dependencies updated
  • It is now possible to build all gir modules from the vala-girs repository.
  • Some older girs are missing in the vala-girs repository, they are now included in this repository
  • Added some new examples

Breaking Changes

  • Node.js minimum version is now 16 for ESM support
  • The config files must also be in ESM format if you are inside a ESM Package, this is the case if "type": "module" is defined in your package.json. Alternatively, the file can be saved in json format, then it works in both cases.

See PR #44

5 Jan 2022

  • Fix error type

See PR #43

1 Aug 2021

  • Add support for ES modules using default exports

See PR #41

14 Jan 2021

  • Use /usr/local/share when on Darwin systems

See PR #39

21 Apr 2021

  • Missing quote in generate example

See PR #38

13 Dec 2020

  • Use qualified names in circular dependency check (fixes #28)
  • Fixed type transformations for arrays of bytes
  • Add support for inline callback types
  • Expose instance parameters of class methods
  • Add CI / action tests using Github workflow

See PR #30, #31, #34, #36 and #37

16 Oct 2020

  • Improved types and also use more types in test data
  • Fixed test npm run build:test:girs
  • Upgrade dependencies (With the upgrade of eslint some new automatic formatting has been added which increases the PR)
  • Added tests to
  • Added version to fix
  • Add versions property type to for gobject-introspection classes #25
  • Added src to NPM module
  • Is it possible to use ts-for-gir as dev dependency #20
  • Split method exportObjectInternal in more methods to make it more readable
  • Improved debugging by log the full error when an error occurs
  • Some improvements taken from @realh `s fork

See PR #27

10 Oct 2020

  • Add ts-node as devDep to fix running in-tree
  • Improve typing for cast.ts

See PR #22 and #23

7 Mar 2020

  • Moved CLI specific code to cli.ts
  • Add a new TemplateProcessor class to generate definitions from templates to reduce the GirModule class
  • Add a new Transformation class to transform methods, enums, etc for the specific environment (gjs or node)
  • Convert string templates to ejs templates
  • Because there are now more source files, I have moved them all to src/
  • The compiled source files now in lib/
  • I have moved the dependencies loading to module-loader.ts
  • I have moved the file parser to module-loader.ts
  • I have moved the cli specific to ./src/commands/* and ./src/config
  • All types now in ./src/types, each type / interface in his own file
  • Added bin/bin.js, required to use ts-for-gir as a cl tool by npm
  • Added ESLint with the Prettier plugin, I tried to keep the code style (for example, there is a rule to not use semicolon's).
  • ESLint and Prettier are also used to validate and auto format the generated template files.
  • I've changed the default output dir to @types/ to make it easier to generate type definitions in other projects without having to specify the output path each time
  • The output path now contains subfolder's for GJS and / or node-gtk (the directory name node-gtk is required to get typescript automatically working with import * as gi from 'node-gtk')
  • There is now a new option called --build-type which can be "lib" or "types", "lib" is the default for generating types for GJS and the way it was before. I added "types" for node-gtk and generates the types e.g. as you would publish them on DefinitelyTyped.
  • Source maps are now also generated, which simplify debugging, Zhe IDE can now points directly to the typescript files e.g. at a breakpoint
  • Updated dependencies
  • Replaced commander.js with oclif because commander.js was a difficult to use with multiple arguments
  • Added wild card support for module names to load (e.g. Gtk*)
  • Ask which module version should be used if several are found
  • It can now be specified which modules should be ignored
  • A config can now be created in which the cli options are available (e.g. the modules that should be ignored)
  • Added new reserved keywords for functions, class names, etc
  • Fixed data type errors
  • Added a new list

See PR #19

19 Jul 2019

  • Export symbols used by registerClass

See PR #16

14 Jul 2019

  • Add GObject signal connect methods
  • Fix GType and add $gtype properties

See PR #14 and #15

2 Jul 2019

  • Fix return value of signal connect methods

See PR #10