This document is a brief introduction to julia
. It is a reworked
Brief Introduction to R (which is an abbreviated Chapter 2 of IPSUR)
which I usually distribute to students using R for the first time.
One of the reasons for this document is that I wanted to get better
acquainted with julia
and thought it might make it easier for others
to get better acquainted with it, too. In what follows, we assume you
have at least a passing familiarity with Org-mode and Emacs
Please bear in mind that the discussion below is written as if a
person has launched julia
with M-x julia
and is sitting in front
of an ESS julia
interactive session right now. But that isn’t
required. In fact, one of the best things about Org-mode is that such
a thing in fact is not required, and a person can happily breeze
through an org file tapping C-c C-c
as (s)he goes. For the purpose
of this introductory document it doesn’t matter which approach you
use; be warned, however, that some of the lower code blocks depend on
values from the upper code blocks and if you try to execute them out
of order then you will get an error.
You will need to install =julia=, a recent version of ESS, and an
updated version of Org-mode. Instructions for how to accomplish all
three tasks are detailed in Org-mode and julia
: an introduction.
Please read that document first to get up to speed before continuing.
Note: several code blocks below have the header argument :eval
which means that the code block can be evaluated
interactively in this session by C-c C-c
with point in the code
block but will not be evaluated during export. The reason is that
those blocks have settings which conflict with my current setup yet
are meant to be useful for others people.
There are three basic methods (provided by ESS) for communicating with
- An Interactive session (julia>). This is the most basic way to
complete simple, one-line commands. Do
M-x julia RET
during an Emacs session and the Emacs/ESSjulia
mode will open in a buffer. Type whatever command you like;julia
will evaluate what is typed there and output the results in the buffer. This method is akin to launchingjulia
in a terminal. - Source files. For longer programs (called scripts) there is too
much code to write all at once in an interactive session. Further,
sometimes we only wish to modify a small piece of the script and
before running it again in
.The way to do this is to open a dedicated
script buffer with the sequenceC-x C-f whatever.jl
, wherewhatever.jl
is ajulia
script which you’ve named whatever. Write the code in the buffer, then when satisfied the user evaluates lines or regions according to the following table. Thenjulia
will evaluate the respective code and give output in the interactive buffer.C-RET
Send region or current line and step to next line of code. M-C-x
Send region or function or paragraph. C-c C-c
Send region or function or paragraph and step to next line. - Script mode. It is also possible to write a
script (say,myscript.jl
and evaluate the script from a terminal like this:~$ julia myscript.jl
Depending on what’s in the script,
can be instructed to do all sorts of things. Seejulia --help
for additional options. (Note: you will need to addjulia
to yourPATH
or otherwise executejulia
from its location before proceeding with this method.)
can do any arithmetic you can imagine. For example, in an
interactive session type 2 + 3
and observe
2 + 3
The julia>
means that julia
is waiting on your next command. Entry
numbers will be generated for each row, such as
Notice that julia
doesn’t show the whole list of numbers, it elides
them with vertical ellipses \(\vdots\). Note also the [3:50]
notation, which generates all integers in sequence from 3 to 50. One
can also do things like
2 * 3 * 4 * 5 # multiply
sqrt(10) # square root
pi # pi
Notice that a DomainError()
was produced; we are not allowed to take
square roots of negative numbers. Also notice the number sign #
which is used for comments. Everything typed on the same line after
the #
will be ignored by julia. There is no julia
prompt. If you press RET
before a statement is complete then empty
lines keep piling up until you finish the command.
Some other fuctions that will be of use are abs()
for absolute
value, log()
for the natural logarithm, exp()
for the exponential
function, and factorial()
for… uh… factorials.
Assignment is useful for storing values to be used later. Notice the
semicolon at the end of the first statement. Without the semicolon,
would print the result of the assigment (namely, 5
y = 5; # stores the value 5 in y
3 + y
There aren’t other assignment operators (like <-
in R). For
variable names you can use letters (perhaps followed by) numbers,
and/or underscore “_” characters. You cannot use mathematical
operators, you cannot use dots, and numbers can’t go in front of
numbers (those are interpreted by julia
as coefficients). Here are
some valid variable names: x
, x1
, y32
, z_var
If you would like to enter the data 74,31,95,61,76,34,23,54,96 into
, you may create a data array with double brackets (the analogue
of the c()
function in R).
fred = [74, 31, 95, 61, 76, 34, 23, 54, 96]
The array fred
has 9 entries. We can access individual components
with bracket [ ]
fred[[1, 3, 5, 8]]
Notice we needed double brackets for the third example. If you would
like to empty the array fred
, you can do it by typing fred = []
Data arrays in julia
have type. There are all sorts of integer types
, uInt8
, Int32
, …), strings (ASCIIString
), logical
), unicode characters (Char
), then there are floating-point
types (Float16
, Float32
), even complex numbers like 1 + 2im
even rational numbers like 3//4
, not to mention Inf
, -Inf
, and
(which stands for not a number). If you ever want to know what
it is you’re dealing with you can find out with the typeof
simpsons = ["Homer", "Marge", "Bart", "Lisa", "Maggie"];
Here is an example of a logical vector:
x = 5;
x >= 6
Notice the >=
symbol which stands for “greater than or equal to”.
Many functions in julia
are vectorized. Once we have stored a data
vector then we can evaluate functions on it.
mean(fred) # sample mean, should be same answer
Other popular functions for vectors are min()
, max()
, sort()
and cumsum()
Arithmetic in julia
is usually done element-wise, and the operands
(usually) must be of conformable dimensions.
mary = [4, 5, 3, 6, 4, 6, 7, 3, 1];
fred + mary
fred - mean(mary)
The operations +
and -
are performed element-wise. Notice in the
last vector that mean(fred)
was subtracted from each entry in
turn. This is also known as data recycling. Other popular vectorizing
functions are sin()
, cos()
, exp()
, log()
, and sqrt()
An operation which is not performed elementwise is array multiplication, *
. If were were to try fred*mary
then we would get an error:
ERROR: no method *(Array{Int32,1},Array{Int32,1})
The reason for the error is that julia
is trying to do matrix multiplication on two 9x1
arrays which, we know from Linear Algebra, is not allowed. Instead, we can accomplish element-wise multiplication with the following:
Notice the dot before the multiplication. A similar trick works for
elementwise division. By the way, with two 9x1
arrays it is legal
to compute the dot product like this:
where notice we have transposed fred
and done ordinary matrix
multiplication with fred'*mary
When you get in the thick of julia
you will soon find yourself
looking for help. The help resources for julia
are not (yet) as
extensive as those for some other languages that have been around for
a while (such as R). julia
is new and many of the help topics
haven’t been written yet. Nevertheless, sometimes a person is lucky
and you can get help on a function when it’s available with the
In addition to this, you can type help()
which gives an extended
list of help topics. For instance, I find myself doing
a lot.
It is unnecessary to retype commands repeatedly, since Emacs/ESS
remembers what you have entered at the julia>
prompt. To navigate
through previous commands put point at the lowest command line and
do either M-p
or M-n
- Check out the official
manual here. - The Standard Library (a different type of manual) is here.
- There is a vibrant and growing
community whose gateway is here. - There is a large and growing list of contributed packages here.
There’s a pretty well fleshed out plotting example in the Graphics
section of Org-mode and julia
: an introduction. Check it out.
Douglas Bates (of Mixed Effects Models in S and S-PLUS fame) has been
putting together a julia
package called GLM which already supports
fitting generalized linear models to datasets. This, together with
the RDatasets package means there is already a bunch of stuff to keep
a person busy. Below is a modified example from the Multiple
Regression chapter of IPSUR, translated to julia
First, we start using
the packages we’ll need.
using RDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions, GLM
Next we load the trees
data frame from the RDatasets package (via
the DataFrames package) and fit a linear model to the data.
trees = data("datasets", "trees")
treeslm = lm(:(Girth ~ Height + Volume), trees)
There is a ton of output from both the above commands which we omit
here for the sake of brevity. Most of it, though, is similar to to
output we might see in an R session. We can extract the model
coefficients with the coef
and we can finish by looking at a summary table similar to something
like summary(treeslm)
in R.