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Spectrum is a JUnit 5{:target="_blank"} and Selenium 4{:target="_blank"} framework that aims to simplify the writing of e2e tests, providing these features:

Spectrum leverages JUnit's extension model to initialise and inject all the needed objects in your test classes, so that you can focus just on writing the logic to test your application.

Spectrum supports both browsers automation via Selenium{:target="_blank"} and mobile and desktop applications via Appium{:target="_blank"}.


Acronym Meaning
AUT Application Under Test
POM Page Object Model{:target="_blank"}
QG Quality Gate
POJO Plain Old java Object


⚠️ JDK
Since Spectrum is compiled with a jdk 21, you need a jdk 21+{:target="_blank"} to be able to run your tests. If you get an Unsupported major.minor version exception, the reason is that you're using an incompatible java version.

Spectrum Archetype

You should leverage the latest published version of the Spectrum Archetype{:target="_blank"} to create a new project either via your IDE or by running this from command line:

{% include copyCode.html %}

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=io.github.giulong -DarchetypeArtifactId=spectrum-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=LATEST

⚠️ Maven archetype:generate
If you want to tweak the behaviour of the command above, check the official archetype:generate docs{:target="_blank"}.

The project created contains a demo test you can immediately run. If you don't want to leverage the archetype, you can manually add the Spectrum dependency{:target="_blank"} to your project:


{% include copyCode.html %}



{% include copyCode.html %}

dependencies {
  implementation group: 'io.github.giulong', name: 'spectrum', version: '1.23.2'

Test creation

In general, all you need to do is create a JUnit 5 test class extending the SpectrumTest class:

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.SpectrumTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    public void dummyTest() {

After running it, you will find a html report in the target/spectrum/reports folder.

⚠️ Running with Maven
If you run tests with Maven, the name of your test classes should end with IT as in the example above (HelloWorldIT), to leverage the default inclusions{:target="_blank"} of the failsafe plugin.

💡 Tip
The default driver is chrome. If you want to use another one, you can switch via the -Dspectrum.driver system property, setting its value to one of the possible values:

  • -Dspectrum.driver=chrome
  • -Dspectrum.driver=firefox
  • -Dspectrum.driver=edge
  • -Dspectrum.driver=safari
  • -Dspectrum.driver=uiAutomator2
  • -Dspectrum.driver=espresso
  • -Dspectrum.driver=xcuiTest
  • -Dspectrum.driver=windows
  • -Dspectrum.driver=mac2
  • -Dspectrum.driver=appiumGeneric

💡 Tip
The default log level is INFO. If you want to change it, run with -Dspectrum.log.level=<LEVEL>, for example:

  • -Dspectrum.log.level=DEBUG
  • -Dspectrum.log.level=TRACE

SpectrumTest and SpectrumPage

These are the two main entities you will need to know to fully leverage Spectrum:

💡 Tip
Check the Javadoc{:target="_blank"} for a detailed api description of SpectrumTest{:target="_blank"}, SpectrumPage{:target="_blank"}, and their superclass SpectrumEntity{:target="_blank"}


Your test classes must extend [SpectrumTest]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/{:target="_blank"}. As you might have noticed in the examples above, you need to provide a generic parameter when extending it. That is the Data type of your own. In case you don't need any, you just need to set Void as generic.

SpectrumTest extends SpectrumEntity and inherits its fields and methods.

Beyond having direct access to driver, configuration, data, and all the other inherited objects, by extending SpectrumTest each SpectrumPage that you declare in your test class will automatically be initialised.

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.SpectrumTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    // page class that extends SpectrumPage. 
    // Simply declare it. Spectrum will inject it
    private MyPage myPage;

    public void dummyTest() {

        // getting direct access to both driver and configuration without declaring
        // nor instantiating them. Spectrum does that for you.
        // Here we're opening the landing page of the AUT

        // assuming in MyPage we have a WebElement named "button", now we're clicking on it

💡 Example
Check the [tests]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests){:target="_blank"} package to see real examples of SpectrumTests.


As per Selenium's best practices, you should leverage the page object model{:target="_ blank"} to represent the objects of the web pages you need to interact with. To fully leverage Spectrum, your pages must extend the [SpectrumPage]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/{: target="_blank"} class.

SpectrumPage extends SpectrumEntity and inherits its fields and methods.

Each SpectrumPage takes two generics:

  1. the page itself
  2. the Data type of your own, the same used as generic in your SpectrumTests.

For example, assuming you need no data, this would be the signature of a page class named WebAppPage:

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.SpectrumPage;

public class WebAppPage extends SpectrumPage<WebAppPage, Void> {
    // ...

💡 Example
Check the [pages]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/pages){:target="_blank"} package to see real examples of SpectrumPages.

SpectrumPage Service Methods

By extending SpectrumPage, you inherit few service methods listed here:

  • open():

    You can specify an endpoint for your pages by annotating them with the @Endpoint annotation:

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.SpectrumPage;
import io.github.giulong.spectrum.interfaces.Endpoint;

public class WebAppPage extends SpectrumPage<WebAppPage, Void> {
    // ...

Then, in your tests, you can leverage the open method. Spectrum will combine the AUT's base url from the configuration*.yaml with the endpoint:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# configuration.yaml

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    private WebAppPage webAppPage;

    public void myTest() {;  // will open

Moreover, open will internally call the waitForPageLoading method.

  • waitForPageLoading():

    This is a method that by default just logs a warning. If you need to check for custom conditions before considering a page fully loaded, you should override this method, so that calling open on pages will call your implementation automatically.

    For example, you could have a spinner shown by default when opening pages, and disappearing once the page is fully loaded. You should override the waitForPageLoading like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import static;

public class WebAppPage extends SpectrumPage<WebAppPage, Void> {

    @FindBy(id = "spinner")
    private WebElement spinner;

    public WebAppPage waitForPageLoading() {

        return this;

💡 Tip
Both the open and waitForPageLoading methods return the instance calling them. This is meant to provide a fluent API{:target="_blank"}, so that you can rely on method chaining. You should write your service methods with this in mind. Check [FilesIT]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it_testbook/tests/{:target="_blank"} for an example:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  • isLoaded():

    This is a method to check if the caller page is loaded. It returns a boolean which is true if the current url is equal to the AUT's base url combined with the page's endpoint.

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    private WebAppPage webAppPage;

    public void myTest() {
        // assuming:
        //  - base url in configuration.yaml is
        //  - webAppPage is annotated with @Endpoint("login")
        //  will be true if the current url in the driver is
        boolean loaded = webAppPage.isLoaded();


[SpectrumEntity]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/{:target="_blank"} is the parent class of both SpectrumTest and SpectrumPage. Whenever extending any of those, you will inherit its fields and methods.

Spectrum takes care of resolving and injecting all the fields below, so you can directly use them in your tests/pages.

💡 Tip
Check the Javadoc{:target="_blank"} for a detailed api description of SpectrumTest{:target="_blank"}, SpectrumPage{:target="_blank"}, and their superclass SpectrumEntity{:target="_blank"}

Field Description
configuration maps the result of the merge of all the configuration*.yaml files. You can use it to access to all of its values
extentReports instance of the Extent Report
extentTest instance linked to the section of the Extent Report that will represent the current test. You can use it to add info/screenshots programmatically.
actions instance of Selenium Actions class{:target="_blank"}, useful to simulate complex user gestures
testData instance of [TestData]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/types/{:target="_blank"} that contains info related to the current test
driver instance of the WebDriver{:target="_blank"} running for the current test, configured via the configuration*.yaml
implicitWait instance of WebDriverWait{:target="_blank"} with the duration taken from the drivers.waits.implicit in the configuration.yaml
pageLoadWait instance of WebDriverWait{:target="_blank"} with the duration taken from the drivers.waits.pageLoadTimeout in the configuration.yaml
scriptWait instance of WebDriverWait{:target="_blank"} with the duration taken from the drivers.waits.scriptTimeout in the configuration.yaml
downloadWait instance of WebDriverWait{:target="_blank"} with the duration taken from the drivers.waits.downloadTimeout in the configuration.yaml
eventsDispatcher you can use it to fire custom events
js instance of Js{:target="_blank"}. Check the Javascript Executor paragraph to see the available Javascript helper methods
data maps the result of the merge of all the data*.yaml files. You can use it to access to all of its values

SpectrumEntity Service Methods

⚠️ Methods returning T
in the list below, the T return type means that method returns the caller instance, so you can leverage method chaining.

  • T hover(WebElement): hovers on the provided WebElement, leveraging the actions field
  • T screenshot(): adds a screenshot at INFO level to the current test in the Extent Report
  • T screenshotInfo(String): adds a screenshot with the provided message and INFO status to the current test in the Extent Report
  • T screenshotWarning(String): adds a screenshot status with the provided message and WARN to the current test in the Extent Report
  • T screenshotFail(String): adds a screenshot with the provided message and FAIL status to the current test in the Extent Report
  • Media addScreenshotToReport(String, Status): adds a screenshot with the provided message and the provided status to the current test in the Extent Report
  • void deleteDownloadsFolder(): deletes the download folder (its path is provided in the configuration*.yaml)
  • T waitForDownloadOf(Path): leverages the configurable downloadWait to check fluently if the file at the provided path is fully downloaded
  • boolean checkDownloadedFile(String, String): leverages the waitForDownloadOf method and then compares checksum of the two files provided. Check the File Download section
  • boolean checkDownloadedFile(String): leverages the waitForDownloadOf method and then compares checksum of the file provided. Check the File Download section
  • WebElement clearAndSendKeys(WebElement, CharSequence): helper method to call Selenium's clear and sendKeys on the provided WebElement, which is then returned
  • T upload(WebElement, String): uploads to the provided WebElement (usually an input field with type="file") the file with the provided name, taken from the configurable runtime.filesFolder. Check the File Upload section
  • boolean isPresent(By): checks if the WebElement with the provided by is present in the current page
  • boolean isNotPresent(By): checks if no WebElement with the provided by is present in the current page
  • boolean hasClass(WebElement, String): checks if the provided WebElement has the provided css class
  • boolean hasClasses(WebElement, String...): checks if the provided WebElement has all the provided css classes

Drivers and Environments

The two main things you need when running an e2e test are the driver and the environment. Spectrum lets you configure all the supported values in the same configuration file, and then select the ones to be activated either via the same configuration or via runtime properties. Let's see a configuration snippet to have a clear picture:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# All needed drivers' configurations
    downloadTimeout: 5
      - --headless=new
      - -headless
      - --headless=new
      binary: /usr/bin/microsoft-edge

# All needed environments' configuration. This is the default environments node, 
# so no need to explicitly override this with these values
  local: { }
    url: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
    url: http://localhost:4723/

# Node to select, among other properties, a specific driver and environment. This is the default, no need to explicitly set these.
  driver: ${spectrum.driver:-chrome}
  environment: ${spectrum.environment:-local}

💡 Tip
The snippet above leverages interpolation.

As you can see in the snippet above, in the configuration.yaml you can statically configure many drivers such as chrome, firefox, edge and many environments such as local, grid and appium. Then, you can choose to run with a specific combination of those, such as firefox on a remote grid, either via configuration.yaml or via the corresponding runtime property.

Configuration Node Selection Node Selection Property
drivers runtime.driver -Dspectrum.driver
environments runtime.environment -Dspectrum.environment

Where the columns are:

  • Configuration Node: name of the node in the configuration.yaml to map the configurations of all the possible drivers/environments
  • Selection Node: name of the node in the configuration.yaml to select the specific driver/environment to be used
  • Selection Property: name of the runtime property to select the specific driver/environment to be used

Selecting the driver

You can select the driver via the runtime.driver node. As you can see in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}, its value leverages interpolation with the default set to chrome:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  driver: ${spectrum.driver:-chrome}

This means you can either change it directly in your configuration*.yaml by hardcoding it:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  driver: firefox

or overriding it at runtime by providing the spectrum.driver property: -Dspectrum.driver=firefox

Before actually providing the list of available drivers, it's important to spend a few words on the runtime environment.

Selecting the environment

You can select the environment via the runtime.environment node. As you can see in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}, its value leverages interpolation with the default set to local:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  environment: ${spectrum.environment:-local}

This means you can either change it directly in your configuration*.yaml by hardcoding it:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  environment: grid

or overriding it at runtime by providing the spectrum.environment property: -Dspectrum.environment=grid

Available Drivers and Environments

These are the drivers currently supported, each must be used with a compatible environment:

Driver Local Grid Appium
chromium based
geckodriver based


Spectrum is fully configurable and comes with default values which you can find in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}. Be sure to check it: each key is properly commented to clarify its purpose. You should also leverage the Json Schema to have autocompletion and fields' descriptions directly in your IDE.

⚠️ *Running on nix
When running on *nix, the [configuration.default.unix.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.unix.yaml){:target="_blank"} will be merged onto the base one to set filesystem-specific values such as path separators.

To provide your own configuration and customise these values, you can create the src/test/resources/configuration.yaml file in your project.

⚠️ Files Extension
The extension can be either .yaml or .yml. This is valid not only for the configuration, but also for all the yaml files you'll see in this docs, such as data and tesbook for instance.

Furthermore, you can provide how many profile-specific configurations in the same folder, by naming them configuration-<PROFILE>.yaml, where <PROFILE> is a placeholder that you need to replace with the actual profile name of your choice.

To let Spectrum pick the right profiles-related configurations, you must run with the -Dspectrum.profiles flag, which is a comma separated list of profile names you want to activate.

💡 Example
When running tests with -Dspectrum.profiles=test,grid, Spectrum will merge the files below in this exact order. The first file loaded is the internal one, which has the lowest priority. This means if the same key is provided in any of the other files, it will be overridden. Values in the most specific configuration file will take precedence over the others.

Configuration file Priority Description
configuration.default.yaml 1 Spectrum internal defaults
configuration.default.unix.yaml 2 Spectrum internal defaults for *nix, not read on Windows
configuration.yaml 3 Provided by you
configuration-test.yaml 4 Provided by you. A warning is raised if not found, no errors
configuration-grid.yaml 5 Provided by you. A warning is raised if not found, no errors

💡 Tip
There's no need to repeat everything: configuration files are merged, so it's better to keep values that are common to all the profiles in the base configuration.yaml, while providing <PROFILE>-specific ones in the configuration-<PROFILE>.yaml.

In this way, when you need to run with a different configuration, you don't need to change any configuration file. This is important, since configurations are versioned alongside your tests, so you avoid errors and keep your scm history clean. You then just need to activate the right one by creating different run configurations in your IDE.

⚠️ Merging Lists
Watch out that list-type nodes will not be overridden. Their values will be merged by appending elements! Let's clarify with an example:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# configuration.yaml
  - baseValue

# configuration-test.yaml
  - valueForTest

# merged configurations
  - baseValue
  - valueForTest

💡 Tip
Working in a team where devs need different local configurations? You can gitignore a file like configuration-personal.yaml, so that everyone can provide their own configuration without interfering with others. Remember to run with -Dspectrum.profiles=personal to activate it!

💡 Example
Check the application.baseUrl node in these configurations used in Spectrum's own tests to see an example of merging:

  • [configuration.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook/src/test/resources/configuration.yaml){:target="_blank"}
  • [configuration-first.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook/src/test/resources/configuration-first.yaml){:target="_ blank"} [Actually ignored, active profiles are local and second]
  • [configuration-second.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook/src/test/resources/configuration-second.yaml){:target="_blank"}

The very first node of the base configuration.yaml linked above sets the active profiles, instructing Spectrum to load the other two configurations, and overriding the application.baseUrl accordingly:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  profiles: local,second

Values interpolation

Plain values (not objects nor arrays) in configuration*.yaml and data*.yaml can be interpolated with a dollar-string in one of these two ways, depending on the type needed as result. Let's suppose we have the variable key = 123:

Needed type Interpolation key Result Behaviour if not found
String ${key} '123' The placeholder ${key} is returned and a warning is raised
Numeric $<key> 123 0 is returned

Let's clarify this with an example where you run behind a proxy. You could store the proxy port as a common variable, and then interpolate it in each driver's preferences with the proper type:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  proxyPort: 8080

      - --proxy-server=${proxyHost}:${proxyPort} # proxyPort interpolated as string, numeric interpolation doesn't make sense here
      network.proxy.type: 1
      network.proxy.http: ${proxyHost}
      network.proxy.http_port: $<proxyPort> # proxyPort interpolated as number, since Firefox requires this preference to be numeric
      network.proxy.ssl: ${proxyHost}
      network.proxy.ssl_port: $<proxyPort>

This is the full syntax for values interpolation, where ':-' is the separator between the name of the key to search for and the default value to use in case that key is not found:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# String example
  myVar: ${key:-defaultValue}

# Number example
  myVar: $<key:-defaultValue>

⚠️ Default value
The default value is optional: you can have just ${key} or $<key>. Mind that the default value for numeric interpolation must resolve to a number! If a string is provided, like in the line below, 0 is returned.

$<key:-someStringDefault> → will return 0 in case key is not found.

Spectrum will interpolate the dollar-string with the first value found in this list:

  1. vars node:

    {% include copyCode.html %}

      key: value 
  2. system property: -Dkey=value

  3. environment variable named key

  4. defaultValue (if provided)

Both key name and default value might contain dots like in ${some.key:-default.value}

⚠️ Combined keys
It's possible to interpolate multiple string values in the same key, for example:


Nested interpolation works as well, for example if you need a default which is stored in another variable:


It doesn't make any sense to do the same with numeric interpolation, since the result would be a string. These are not valid:

  • ${key:-default}-something_else-$<anotherVar>
  • $<key:-default>$<anotherVar>

If you need to combine strings and numbers, rely on string interpolation only. It doesn't matter if the original value of these variables is a number. The composed result will always be a string, so use string interpolation only:

  • ${key:-default}-something_else-${anotherVar}
  • ${key:-default}${anotherVar}

This is the same thing you saw in the proxy example above, where proxyPort is a number which gets interpolated as a string:


💡 Tip
This trick is used in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} to allow for variables to be read from outside. For example, profiles are set like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# internal configuration.default.yaml
  profiles: ${spectrum.profiles:-local}

This allows you to just run with -Dspectrum.profiles=... while having a default, but you can still explicitly set them in your configuration.yaml:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# your configuration.yaml
  profiles: my-profile,another-one

You can also choose to provide your own variable, which could be useful to create and leverage your own naming convention for env variables.

{% include copyCode.html %}

# your configuration.yaml
  profiles: ${active-profiles:-local}

These are the variables already available in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){: target="_blank"}. You can add your own and even override the default ones in your configuration*.yaml:

Variable Default Windows Default *nix
spectrum.profiles local local
spectrum.driver chrome chrome
downloadsFolder ${user.dir}\target\downloads ${user.dir}/target/downloads
summaryReportOutput target/spectrum/summary target/spectrum/summary
testBookReportOutput target/spectrum/testbook target/spectrum/testbook

Configuring the Driver

Let's now see how to configure the available drivers in detail, for each the default snippet taken from the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} is provided.

You can provide the configurations of all the drivers you need in the base configuration.yaml, and then activate the one you want to use in a specific run, as we saw in the Selecting the Driver section. All the drivers are configured via the drivers node directly under the root of the configuration.yaml.



Parameter Type Description
args List<String> Chrome's args
capabilities Map<String, Object> Chrome's capabilities
service Service{:target="_blank"} Chrome's driver service

{% include copyCode.html %}

      - --disable-search-engine-choice-screen
    capabilities: { }
        download.prompt_for_download: false
        download.directory_upgrade: true
        download.default_directory: ${downloadsFolder}
        safebrowsing.enabled: true
      buildCheckDisabled: false
      appendLog: false
      readableTimestamp: false
      logLevel: SEVERE
      silent: false
      verbose: false
      allowedListIps: ''

Chromium Based

As explained in Start browser in a specified location{:target="_blank"}, you can provide the path to any Chromium based browser in Chrome's binary capability:

{% include copyCode.html %}

      binary: /Applications/
      buildCheckDisabled: true # this is needed if the Chromium based browser is not compatible with the ChromeDriver you have in local



Parameter Type Description
binary String Absolute path to the custom Firefox binary to use
args List<String> Firefox's args
preferences Map<String, Object> Firefox's preferences
service Service{:target="_blank"} Firefox's driver service

{% include copyCode.html %}

    binary: null
    args: [ ]
    preferences: 2 true ${downloadsFolder}
      browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk: application/pdf
      pdfjs.disabled: true
      allowHosts: null
      logLevel: FATAL
      truncatedLogs: false
      profileRoot: ''

Geckodriver Based

As explained in Start browser in a specified location{:target="_blank"}, you can provide the path to any Geckodriver based browser in Firefox's binary parameter:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    binary: /Applications/Tor


See{: target="_blank"}

Parameter Type Description
args List<String> Edge's args
capabilities Map<String, Object> Edge's capabilities
service Service{:target="_blank"} Edge's driver service

{% include copyCode.html %}

    args: [ ]
    capabilities: { }
        download.default_directory: ${downloadsFolder}
      buildCheckDisabled: false
      appendLog: false
      readableTimestamp: false
      logLevel: SEVERE
      silent: false
      verbose: false
      allowedListIps: ''



Parameter Type Description
service Service{:target="_blank"} Safari's driver service

{% include copyCode.html %}

      logging: false



Parameter Type Description
capabilities Map<String, Object> Android UiAutomator2's capabilities

{% include copyCode.html %}

    capabilities: { }



Parameter Type Description
capabilities Map<String, Object> Android Espresso's capabilities

{% include copyCode.html %}

    capabilities: { }



Parameter Type Description
capabilities Map<String, Object> iOS XCUITest's capabilities

{% include copyCode.html %}

    capabilities: { }



Parameter Type Description
capabilities Map<String, Object> Windows' capabilities

{% include copyCode.html %}

    capabilities: { }



Parameter Type Description
capabilities Map<String, Object> Mac2's capabilities

{% include copyCode.html %}

    capabilities: { }



Parameter Type Description
capabilities Map<String, Object> Appium generic's capabilities

{% include copyCode.html %}

    capabilities: { }

Configuring the Environment

Let's now see how to configure the available environments. You can provide the configurations of all the environments you need in the same configuration.yaml, and then activate the one you want to use in a specific run, as we saw in the Selecting the Environment section. All the environments are configured via the environments node directly under the root of the configuration.yaml:

As a reference, let's see the environments under the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  local: { }
    url: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
    url: http://localhost:4723/

Local environment

The local environment doesn't have any additional property, which means you need to configure it as an empty object like in the internal default you can see above:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  local: { }

Watch out that providing no value at all like in "local: " is equivalent to set "local: null" ! This is generally valid in yaml.

💡 Tip
Since no additional properties are available for the local environment, it doesn't make any sense to explicitly configure it on your side.

Grid environment

To run on a remote grid{:target="_blank"}, you just need to provide at least the grid url:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    url: https://my-grid-url:4444/wd/hub
      someCapability: its value
      another: 123
    localFileDetector: true

Where the params are:

Param Type Default Mandatory Description
url String null url of the remote grid
capabilities Map<String,String> empty map additional driver capabilities to be added to driver-specific ones only when running on a grid
localFileDetector boolean false if true, allows to transfer files from the client machine to the remote server. Docs{:target="_blank"}

Appium environment

⚠️ Appium
Appium and all the needed drivers need to be already installed, check the quickstart section{:target="_blank"} in its docs.

Spectrum supports Appium{:target="_blank"}. To run against an Appium server you need to configure the related environment like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    url: http://localhost:4723/ # this is the default, no need to provide it explicitly
      someCapability: its value
      another: 123
    localFileDetector: true
    collectServerLogs: true
    service: # this node and its children are the internal defaults, no need to provide them explicitly
      port: 4723
      timeout: 20

Appium server is a specialized kind of a Selenium Grid, so its configuration extends the one of the Grid environment above.

When running the Appium server in local, you can either start it manually or let Spectrum do it for you. It's enough to have Appium installed: if the Appium server is already running, Spectrum will just send execution commands to it. Otherwise, it will start the server process when the tests execution start, and will shut it down once the execution is done.

That said, all the parameters available for a Grid environment can be used in Appium environment. Here's the list of Appium specific parameters:

Param Type Default Mandatory Description
collectServerLogs boolean false if true, redirect Appium server's logs to Spectrum's logs, at the level specified in the drivers.logs.level node
service Service --- arguments to be provided to the AppiumServiceBuilder{:target="_blank"}

💡 Tip
Use collectServerLogs only if you really want to send Appium server's logs to Spectrum's log file. When the Appium server is started by Spectrum, its logs are already visible in the same console where you see Spectrum's logs, since they're printed on the stout/stderr by default.

If you don't need any particular configuration, it's enough to run with:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  environment: appium

You can see few working examples in the [it-appium]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-appium){:target="_blank"} module.

Vars node

The vars node is a special one in the configuration.yaml. You can use it to define common vars once and refer to them in several nodes. vars is a Map<String, String>, so you can define all the keys you need, naming them how you want.

{% include copyCode.html %}

  commonKey: some-value # commonKey is a name of your choice

  property: ${commonKey} # Will be replaced with `some-value`

    key: ${commonKey} # Will be replaced with `some-value`

Running Behind a Proxy

In case you're running behind a proxy, you can see the [ProxyIT]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-grid/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it_grid/tests/{:target="_blank"} test in the it-grid module. For completeness, let's report it here as well.

The test is very simple. We're just checking that a domain in the proxy's bypass list is reachable, while others are not:

{% include copyCode.html %}

@DisplayName("should prove that connections towards domains in the proxy bypass list are allowed, while others are not reachable")
public void proxyShouldAllowOnlyCertainDomains() {
    driver.get("");    // OK
    assertThrows(WebDriverException.class, () -> driver.get(""));  // NOT REACHABLE

Regarding the proxy, these are the relevant part of its [configuration.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-grid/src/test/resources/configuration.yaml){:target="_blank"}, where you can see how to configure a proxy server for every driver.

Mind that this is just an example. Its only purpose is to show how to configure a proxy and prove it's working, leveraging the domain bypass list: there's no proxy actually running, so trying to reach any domain which is not bypassed would throw an exception.

{% include copyCode.html %}

  proxyPort: 8080
  proxyBypass: '*' # we need to explicitly wrap the string literal since it starts with a special char

      - --proxy-server=${proxyHost}:${proxyPort} # proxyPort interpolated as string, numeric interpolation won't make sense here
      - --proxy-bypass-list=${proxyBypass}
      network.proxy.type: 1
      network.proxy.http: ${proxyHost}
      network.proxy.http_port: $<proxyPort> # proxyPort interpolated as number, since Firefox requires this preference to be numeric
      network.proxy.ssl: ${proxyHost}
      network.proxy.ssl_port: $<proxyPort>
      network.proxy.no_proxies_on: ${proxyBypass}
      - --proxy-server=${proxyHost}:${proxyPort}
      - --proxy-bypass-list=${proxyBypass}


Spectrum runs some expected conditions before interacting with web elements to highly reduce flakiness. For example, when you click on an element, it checks that to be clickable before actually trying to click it. Spectrum also scrolls automatically to the element, in order to bring it into the viewport. If this is not possible, for example when the element is in an inactive JQuery tab, this action is skipped.

The auto-wait is enabled by default and runs expected conditions with a 30s timeout. You can override these in you configuration*-yaml. This is the auto node in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    auto: # Auto-wait configuration
      enabled: true # Whether to enable the auto-wait
      timeout: 30 # Timeout in seconds

This is the set of actions and conditions run before the corresponding action:

Action Scroll Visible Enabled

Javascript Executor

Generally speaking, Javascript execution should be avoided: a Selenium test should mimic a real user interaction with the AUT, and a user would never run scripts (unless they want to try hacky things on the frontend application, of course). That said, there are some scenarios where there is no option rather than delegating the execution to Javascript, e.g. Safari not doing what it's expected to with regular Selenium methods.

For such scenarios, Spectrum injects the js object you can use to perform basic operations with Javascript, instead of relying on the regular Selenium API. Each method available replicates the methods of the original WebElement{:target="_blank"} interface.

You can check the Js javadocs{:target="_blank"} for details and the [JavascriptIT]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"} test to see real examples of all the js methods in action. For completeness, we're reporting one here:

{% include copyCode.html %}

public void testInputFieldActions() {

    final WebElement usernameField = loginPage.getUsername();
    final WebElement passwordField = loginPage.getPassword();
    final WebElement form = loginPage.getForm();

    js.sendKeys(usernameField, "tomsmith");
    assertTrue(js.getDomProperty(usernameField, "value").isEmpty());

    js.sendKeys(usernameField, "tomsmith");
    js.sendKeys(passwordField, "SuperSecretPassword!");

    assertEquals("", driver.getCurrentUrl());

⚠️ WebDriver Events
Since js relies on JavaScript to interact with the AUT, regular events such as those when clicking buttons or filling forms won't be fired. The only events emitted are beforeExecuteScript and afterExecuteScript, so be sure to configure those if you want to rely on automatic screenshots and video generation.

⚠️ Methods not supported
Currently, the js object doesn't support these WebElement methods:

  • getAriaRole
  • getAccessibleName
  • getScreenshotAs


If you find yourself frequently running Javascript to interact with a particular web element, you should probably annotate it with @JsWebElement like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

// applied on a single WebElement
@FindBy(tagName = "h1")
private WebElement title;

// applied on a list of WebElements, the annotation is the same
        @FindBy(id = "wrapper-id"),
        @FindBy(tagName = "input")
private List<WebElement> inputFields;

By applying the @JsWebElement annotation, each interaction with the annotated web element will be executed in the corresponding Javascript way. This means you don't need to do anything programmatically, the annotation on the field is enough: by calling any regular webElement method on the fields above, such as title.getText() or inputFields.getFirst().sendKeys("username"), the execution will actually be delegated to the js object, and will behave as explained in the Javascript Executor paragraph. This means that:

  • title.getText() will behave as js.getText(title)
  • inputFields.getFirst().sendKeys("username") will behave as js.sendKeys(inputFields.getFirst(), "username")

Remember: you just need to annotate the webElement(s) with @JsWebElement and Spectrum will take care of interacting with the annotated webElement(s) via Javascript. That's it!

Be sure to check the [JsWebElementIT]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"} to see some working example tests.

⚠️ WebDriver Events
Since elements annotated with @JsWebElement relies on JavaScript to interact with the AUT, regular events such as those when clicking buttons or filling forms won't be fired. The only events emitted are beforeExecuteScript and afterExecuteScript, so be sure to configure those if you want to rely on automatic screenshots and video generation.

Secured WebElements

Some web elements could be used for sensitive data, such as passwords input fields. Given Spectrum intercepts web driver's events, it might happen that some events, such as beforeSendKeys and afterSendKeys, send sensitive data to logs and html report in plain text.

To avoid this, you just need to decorate the sensitive web elements with @Secured, and the sensitive data will be redacted with [***]. The replacement will only affect events' consumers such as logs and html report, of course the actual value will still be sent to or read from the web element.

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.interfaces.Secured;

@FindBy(id = "password")
private WebElement password;

💡 Example
Given you execute password.sendKeys("SuperSecretPassword!"); this is what is going to be logged if the beforeSendKeys event gets consumed:

  • without @Secured → "Sending keys [SuperSecretPassword!] to id: password"
  • with @Secured → "Sending keys [***] to id: password"

Highlight WebElements

For debugging purposes, it might be useful to highlight the web elements your test interacts with, such as input fields and buttons. You just need to configure this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  highlight: { }

This is the highlight node in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

    js: js/highlight.js # Path to the js used to highlight. Relative to the resources folder

The js points to the javascript to apply to the web elements. No need to provide it explicitly if you don't need to customise it. This is the internal [highlight.js]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/js/highlight.js){:target="_blank"}, that applies a 3px red border for 500ms to the web elements, as in the screenshot below:

{% include copyCode.html %}

const border = arguments[0].style.border;
const borderRadius = arguments[0].style.borderRadius;

arguments[0].style.border = '3px solid red';
arguments[0].style.borderRadius = '5px';

setTimeout(() => {
    arguments[0].style.border = border;
    arguments[0].style.borderRadius = borderRadius;
}, 500);


Highlighting is bound to WebDriver Events, meaning only events occurring at a proper log level will lead to highlighting the corresponding web element(s). For instance, the beforeSendKeys event is logged at INFO by default, and this is why the input field in the screenshot above was highlighted:

  1. some text is being sent to an input field
  2. the web driver fires the beforeSendKeys event
  3. the beforeSendKeys event is configured at level INFO, and the default log level is INFO
  4. Spectrum consumes the event, highlighting the input

If you'd like to customise the js applied when highlighting, you have 2 options where to place your own script:

  • at the js/highlight.js path, overriding the default, or
  • at a custom path, setting it explicitly in your configuration*.yaml

JSON Schema

JSON Schema really comes in handy when editing configuration*.yaml, since it allows you to have autocompletion and a non-blocking validation (just warnings). This is the list of the available schemas, be sure to pick the right one according to the version of Spectrum you are using.

💡 Tip
You can either download the file or copy the path to reference it in your IDE. Check how to configure JSON Schema for IntelliJ Idea{:target="_blank"} and VSCode{:target="_blank"}

{% include jsonSchemas.html %}

WebDriver Events Listener

Spectrum decorates the webDriver{:target="_blank"} with an events listener used to automatically take actions such as logging and generating reports. You can tweak each event in your configuration.yaml, by providing these:

Key Type Default Description
level Level{:target="_blank"} null Level at which this event will be logged
message String null Message to be logged upon receiving this event
wait long 0 Milliseconds to wait before listening to this event

For example, you can set these:

{% include copyCode.html %}

      level: INFO
      message: Finding element %2$s
      wait: 1000
      level: DEBUG
      message: Closing...

Check the node in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} to see the defaults.

Event Level

The available values for the level property are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. Let's check the default value of the click events:

{% include copyCode.html %}

      level: INFO
      message: Clicking on <code>%1$s</code>
      message: Clicked on <code>%1$s</code>

The configuration snippet above means that the beforeClick event is logged at INFO by default, while afterClick isn't logged at all. If you want to completely turn off the beforeClick event, you need to explicitly set it to null, which in yaml is done by not specifying any value:

{% include copyCode.html %}

      message: Clicking on <code>%1$s</code>

Event message

The message property specifies what to add to logs and reports upon receiving the related event, and is affected by the level property. Check the Automatically Generated Reports section below.

Event wait

On the other hand, wait is a standalone property, meaning it will be considered even if the related event won't be logged, and specifies how many milliseconds to wait before actually processing the related event.

⚠️ Static waits
If you leverage the wait property, a static Thread.sleep call is executed. This property is here for convenience, for example to be used if you have flaky tests, and you need a quick way to slow down the execution. In general, you should leverage better waiting conditions, such as fluent waits, as explained in Selenium's Waiting Strategies docs{:target="_blank"}.

As an example, you might want to add a 1 second sleep before each call like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

      wait: 1000

Or a sleep only before clicking elements:

{% include copyCode.html %}

      wait: 1000

Automatically Generated Reports

After each execution, Spectrum produces two files:

The WebDriver fires events that are automatically logged and added to the html report. Check the node in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} to see the defaults log levels and messages.

Remember that the log level is set with -Dspectrum.log.level and defaults to INFO. Each event with a configured log level equal or higher than the one specified with -Dspectrum.log.level will be logged and added to the html report.

Needless to say, you can also log and add info and screenshots to html report programmatically.

Log file

The log file will contain the same information you see in the console. It will be produced by default under the target/spectrum/logs folder.

It's generated using Logback{:target="_blank"}, and [here]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/logback.xml){:target="_blank"} you can find its configuration. Logs are rotated daily, meaning the results of each execution occurred in the same day will be appended to the same file.

💡 Tip
By default, logs are generated using a colored pattern. In case the console you use doesn't support it (if you see weird characters at the beginning of each line), you should deactivate colors by running with -Dspectrum.log.colors=false.

💡 Tip
You can provide your own log configuration by adding the src/test/resources/logback-test.xml. This file will completely override the one provided by Spectrum

Html report

Spectrum generates a html report using Extent Reports{:target="_blank"}. By default, it will be produced under the target/spectrum/reports folder. Check the extent node in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} to see how to customise it.

💡 Tip
The default file name of the produced html report contains a timestamp, which is useful to always generate a new file. While developing, it could be worth it to override the extent.fileName to have a fixed name. This way the report will be overridden, so you can keep it open in a driver and just refresh the page after each execution.

You can see an example report here:

Extent Report

💡 Tip
You can provide your own look and feel by putting:

  • additional css rules in the src/test/resources/css/report.css file
  • additional css rules in the src/test/resources/js/report.js file

Spectrum will automatically load and apply them to the Extent Report. You can also customise the folder and name of the files above by changing the extent.css and extent.js keys in your configuration*.yaml. This is indeed the default in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  css: css/report.css # Path to the custom css to apply. Relative to the resources folder
  js: js/report.js # Path to the custom js to apply. Relative to the resources folder

Upon a test failure, Spectrum adds a screenshot to the report automatically.

You can also add logs to the report programmatically. Check the SpectrumEntity Service Methods section for details. For example, to add a screenshot with a message at INFO level to the dummyTest:

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    public void dummyTest() {
        screenshotInfo("Custom message");

The html report, as well as any other file produced (testbook, summary, ...) can be automatically opened at the end of the execution. You simply need to set the extent.openAtEnd flag, and the file will be opened in the default application you set for that file extension. This means that unless you overrode the default, html files will be opened in the web browser.

{% include copyCode.html %}

  openAtEnd: true

⚠️ Dynamic Tests
Dynamic Tests{:target="_blank"} are shown in the html report as a single one in the left column. In the test's details on the right, you'll see one collapsible nested block for each dynamic test. Additionally, if you enabled video generation, you'll find the full video attached on top of the right column, as well as the video related to the specific dynamic test execution in its own nested block.

The example report shown here is the one generated from []({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"}.


Inline report

The generated html report embeds external resources such as images and videos. You can optionally choose to produce an inline report, that will be exactly the same, but with all the external images and videos replaced with their Base64{:target="_blank"} encoded data.

This is particularly useful if you want to send the html report to someone else, without packing it with the associated folder containing all the external resources.

💡 Tip
Check the Mail Consumer section to see how to send the inline report as an attachment to an email.

To generate the inline report, you need to set the extent.inline key to true. By default, the inline report will be generated in the target/spectrum/inline-reports folder. You can optionally override that as well with the corresponding property, as you can see here:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  fileName: report.html # this is the name of both the regular report and the inline one
  inline: true
  inlineReportFolder: target/spectrum/inline-reports # This is the default, no need to add it in your configuration

⚠️ Reports names
Mind that the inline report has the same name of the regular one, so it's important to have them generated in separate folders not to override each other.

Tests order

By default, tests are shown in the html report in the order of execution. You can override this behaviour via the extent.sort key, which accepts an object.

💡 Tip
Providing a fixed sorting can be particularly useful when running tests in parallel, so that they're shown in the same order regardless of the execution randomness.

The available sorters are:

  • noOp: leaves the tests in the order of execution. This is the default, as you can see in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  sort: # How to sort tests in the produced report
    noOp: { } # By default, no sort is applied
  • name: sorts tests alphabetically by their name

{% include copyCode.html %}

    name: { }
  • status: sorts tests by their status (passed, failed...). You can decide which to show first via the weights map.

{% include copyCode.html %}

      weights: # Weights of tests statuses. A lower weight means the test is shown before those with a higher one in the Extent report
        INFO: 10
        PASS: 20
        WARNING: 30
        SKIP: 40
        FAIL: 50

⚠️ Default weights
The weights shown in the snippet above are the default, meaning passed tests are shown before skipped ones, which in turn are shown before those that failed. If this order is fine for you, there's no need to explicitly provide those weights. You can just write:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    status: { }

Custom locators

Selenium doesn't provide any way to get a webElement's locator, by design. So, Spectrum extracts the locator from the webElement.toString(). You can leverage the extent.locatorRegex property to extract the important bits out of it, using the capturing group (the one wrapped by parentheses). For example, for a field annotated like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

        @FindBy(id = "checkboxes"),
        @FindBy(tagName = "input")
private List<WebElement> checkboxes;

this would be the full toString():

extent locator full

The regex in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} is:

{% include copyCode.html %}

locatorRegex: \s->\s([\w:\s\-.#]+)

which extracts just this (mind the capturing group above):

extent locator

For example, if you want to shrink it even more, you could add this as extent.locatorRegex in your configuration.yaml:

{% include copyCode.html %}

locatorRegex: \s->[\w\s]+:\s([()^\w\s\-.#]+)

and you'd see this:

extent locator custom

Automatic Execution Video Generation

Spectrum can generate the video of the execution of each single test, leveraging JCodec{:target="_blank"}. By default, this is disabled, so you need to explicitly activate this feature in your configuration.yaml. Check the video node in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} for all the available parameters along with their details.

Once enabled, the video is attached to the extent report as the very first element:

Video Extent Report

The video is sticky, meaning when you scroll down on the test steps it remains visible at the top of the page. Moreover, the video is synced with the steps: when you play it, the step currently displayed in the video is highlighted. You can also click on the steps and the video is sought to the corresponding point, as you can see in the video below:

To be precise, the video is generated from screenshots taken during the execution. You can specify which screenshots to be used as frames providing one or more of these values in the video.frames field:

Frame Description
autoBefore Screenshots taken before an event happening in the WebDriver
autoAfter Screenshots taken after an event happening in the WebDriver
manual Screenshots programmatically taken by you by invoking one of the SpectrumEntity Service Methods

⚠️ Auto screenshots
Screenshots are taken automatically (with autoBefore and autoAfter) according to the current log level and the settings. For example, if running with the default INFO log level and the configuration below, no screenshot will be taken before clicking any element. It will when raising the log level at DEBUG or higher.

{% include copyCode.html %}

      level: DEBUG  # Screenshots for this event are taken only when running at `DEBUG` level or higher
      message: Clicking on %1$s

💡 Tip
Setting both autoBefore and autoAfter is likely to be useless. In this flow, screenshots at bullets 3 and 4 will be equal:

  1. screenshot: before click
  2. click event
  3. → screenshot: after click
  4. → screenshot: before set text
  5. set text in input field
  6. screenshot: after set text

There might be cases where this is actually useful, though. For example, if those events are not consecutive.
If you're not sure, you can leave both autoBefore and autoAfter: Spectrum will automatically discard consecutive duplicate frames by default. You can disable frame skipping by setting the video.skipDuplicateFrames to false.

The video will be saved in the <extent.reportFolder>/<extent.fileName>/videos/<CLASS NAME>/<TEST NAME> folder and attached to the Extent Report as well, where:

  • extent.reportFoldertarget/spectrum/reports by default
  • extent.fileNamespectrum-report-${timestamp}.html by default
  • CLASS NAME → the test class' simple name
  • TEST NAME → the test method's name

💡 Video Configuration Example
Here's a quick example snippet. Remember you just need to provide fields with a value different from the corresponding one in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    - autoAfter
    - manual
  skipDuplicateFrames: false
    width: 640  # we want a bigger video tag in the report
    height: 480

⚠️ Video Frame Rate
Since the execution video is made up of screenshots, for performance reason it has a fixed rate of 1 frame per second. This allows to avoid encoding the same frame multiple times, while producing a very light video.
The consequence is that the video recorded does NOT replicate the actual timing of the test execution.

⚠️ Empty Video
When video recording is enabled but no frame was added to it, which might happen when no screenshot was taken according to the events configured and the current log level, a default "No Video" frame is added to it:


Artifacts Retention Policies

You can configure the retention policies for the artifacts produced by each execution. This includes:

  • Extent reports
  • Summary reports (both txt and html)
  • TestBook reports (both txt and html)

For each, you can define a retention node like the one below. As an example, let's say we'd like to keep a total of 10 reports, of which at least 1 successful. This means that, considering the last 10 executions, we can have one of these:

  • 10 failed reports, if there are no successful ones at all, even before those, or
  • 9 failed reports and 1 successful, if there was at least 1 successful execution, even if the last 10 runs failed, or
  • a mixed number of failed and successful reports, if the last 10 executions are mixed.

So, when configured, a successful number of report(s), if present, are retained even if they're older than the last total number of failed executions. This is meant to have an evidence of the last successful run(s), even if there's a long recent history of failed ones. This snippet shows how to configure the example we just saw:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  total: 10
  successful: 1

Additionally, you can configure a number of days after which reports will be deleted. A successful number of reports, if present, will still be kept, regardless of their age. Let's make another example. Say we configured this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  total: 5
  successful: 2
  days: 3

In this scenario:

  • 2 successful reports (if present) will always be kept, regardless of the date they were produced: the last successful execution could have been 10 days ago, and with this configuration it will still be retained.
  • Among young reports (those produced in the last 2 days as per this configuration), at most a total of 5 (if present) will be kept. These could be either successful or not.
  • All remaining reports that are 3 or more days old will be deleted.
Field Name Default Description
total Integer.MAX_VALUE Number of reports to retain. Older ones will be deleted
successful 0 Number of successful reports to retain. Older ones will be deleted
days Integer.MAX_VALUE Number of days after which reports will be deleted

As you can see, by default no report will be deleted, regardless of the execution status. As a further example, this is how you can configure it for the extent report and testbook. Mind how you can have just the retention parameters you need, it's not mandatory to use them all:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    total: 10
    successful: 1
    days: 30

    - html:
          days: 10
    - txt:
          total: 3

⚠️ Artifacts output folders
Mind that retention policies are applied to the whole folder where artifacts are produced. This means you should always generate reports in their own dedicated folder:

  • one for extent reports
  • one for html summaries
  • one for txt summaries
  • one for html testbook
  • one for txt testbook
  • ...

If you use the same folder for many report kinds, the retention policy will not manage them correctly, possibly deleting files that should not be deleted. By default, such reports are already produced in dedicated folders.

Common Use Cases

Here you can find how Spectrum helps you in a few common use cases. If you think your use case is interesting and it would be worth sharing with the community, please open tell open a discussion in show and tell{:target="_blank"}. We'll evaluate to add it here as well.

File Upload

You can add files to be uploaded in the folder specified in the runtime.filesFolder node of the configuration*.yaml. This is the default you can see in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  filesFolder: src/test/resources/files

If you have these files in the configured folder:

{% include copyCode.html %}

└─ src
  └─ test
     └─ resources
        └─ files
           ├─ myFile.txt
           └─ document.pdf

and in the web page there's an input field with type="file", you can leverage the upload method directly in any of your tests/pages like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    private WebAppPage webAppPage;

    public void myTest() {
        // Let's assume this is the input with type="file"
        WebElement fileUploadInput = webAppPage.getFileUploadInput();

        // leveraging method chaining, we upload the src/test/resources/files/myFile.txt, "myFile.txt");

        // Another example directly invoking the upload of src/test/resources/files/document.pdf
        upload(fileUploadInput, "document.pdf");

💡 Example
Check the [FilesIT.upload() test]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"} to see a real example

File Download

Files are downloaded in the folder specified in vars.downloadsFolder in the configuration*.yaml. If needed, you should change this value since this is used in several places, for example in all the browsers' capabilities. So, this is a useful way to avoid redundancy and to be able to change all the values with one key.

When downloading a file from the AUT, you can leverage Spectrum to check if it's what you expected. Technically speaking, checking the file's content is beyond the goal of a Selenium test, which aims to check web applications, so its boundary is the driver.

Given a file downloaded from the AUT (so, in the vars.downloadsFolder), Spectrum helps checking it by comparing its SHA 256 checksum with the checksum of a file in the folder specified in the runtime.filesFolder node of the configuration*.yaml.

Let's explain this with an example. Let's say that:

  • you want to check a file downloaded with the name downloadedFile.txt
  • you rely on the default filesFolder, which is src/test/resources/files

You need to place the expected file in that folder:

{% include copyCode.html %}

└─ src
  └─ test
     └─ resources
        └─ files
           └─ downloadedFile.txt

Now you can leverage the checkDownloadedFile(String) method like this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    private WebAppPage webAppPage;

    public void myTest() {

If the two files are the same their checksum will match, and that assertion will pass. In case you need to check a file with a different name, for example if the AUT generates files names dynamically, you can leverage the overloaded checkDownloadedFile(String, String) method, which takes the names of both the downloaded file and the one to check:

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    private WebAppPage webAppPage;

    public void myTest() {
        // Parameters order matters:
        //  - the first file will be searched in the downloadsFolder
        //  - the second file will be searched in the filesFolder
        assertTrue(checkDownloadedFile("downloadedFile.txt", "fileToCheck.txt"));

Though this check might seem silly, it helps avoid regressions: whenever changes in the AUT lead to produce a different file, for example more lines than before in an exported Excel, this is a way to signal something changed. If this is right, you just need to store the newly expected file in the filesFolder.

Again, checking the file's content is not in the scope of this kind of tests. Following the Excel example, you should instead focus on checking what led to having more lines: maybe there were more items shown in the web page, so you need to run assertions on those, or maybe it's just something happening in the backend of your application. In this case, you should check with units and integration tests rather than with Selenium.

💡 Example
Check the [ test]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"} to see a real example


As a general best practice, test code should only contain flow logic and assertions, while data should be kept outside. Spectrum embraces this by leveraging dedicated yaml files. This is completely optional, you can run all your tests without any data file.

By default, you can create data*.yaml files under the src/test/resources/data folder. Data files will be loaded and merged following the same conventions of configurations*.yaml files.

💡 Example
When running tests with -Dspectrum.profiles=test, Spectrum will merge these files in this order of precedence:

  1. data.yaml
  2. data-test.yaml

For data files to be properly unmarshalled, you must create the corresponding POJOs.

Let's see an example. Let's say we want to test the AUT with two users having two different roles (admin and guest). Both will have the same set of params, such as a name and a password to login.

We need to take three steps:

  • Create the yaml describing this scenario:

{% include copyCode.html %}

# data.yaml
    name: ada
    password: secret
    name: bob
    password: pwd
  • Create the POJO mapping the yaml above:

{% include copyCode.html %}

package your.package_name;

import lombok.Getter;

import java.util.Map;

public class Data {

    private Map<String, User> users;

    public static class User {
        private String name;
        private String password;

💡 Tip
The User class in the snippet above is declared as a static inner class. This is not mandatory, you could have plain public classes in their own java file.

  • Declare the Data class as generic in the SpectrumTest(s) and/or SpectrumPage(s) that will use it:

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.SpectrumTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import your.package_name.Data;

public class SomeIT extends SpectrumTest<Data> { // <-- Mind the generic here

    public void someTestMethod() {
        // We can now use the data object leveraging its getters.
        // No need to declare/instantiate the 'data' field: Spectrum is taking care of injecting it.
        // You can directly use it as it is here.

{% include copyCode.html %}

import io.github.giulong.spectrum.SpectrumPage;
import your.package_name.Data;

public class SomePage extends SpectrumPage<SomePage, Data> { // <-- Mind the generic here

    public void someServiceMethod() {

The Data generic must be specified only in classes actually using it. There's no need to set it everywhere.

💡 Tip
For the sake of completeness, you can name the Data POJO as you prefer. You can name it and have this as generic in you SpectrumTest(s): public class SomeIT extends SpectrumTest<MySuperShinyWhatever> {

That said, I don't really see any valid use case for this. Let me know if you see one. Probably, could be useful to have different Data classes to be used in different tests, so to have different and clearer names.

💡 Example: parameterized tests
Check the [data.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/resources/data/data.yaml){:target="_blank"} and how it's used in the [LoginFormIT]({{ site.repository_url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"}. Look for the usage of data.getUsers() in that class.


Datafaker{:target="_blank"} is a popular library to generate fake data. You can leverage the injected faker instance in both pages and tests:

{% include copyCode.html %}

void test() {
    String name =; // Miss Samanta Schmidt
    String number = faker.numerify("##");
    String anotherNumber = faker.expression("#{numerify '##'}");

You can provide a custom random seed and a locale in your configuration*.yaml, for example:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  locale: it
  random: 24

The default in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"} is the following, meaning if you need no random seed and the english locale you can avoid configuring it explicitly:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  locale: en
  random: null

Event Sourcing - Notifications

Spectrum leverages event sourcing, meaning throughout the execution it fires events at specific moments. These events are sent in broadcast to a list of consumers. Each consumer defines the events it's interested into. Whenever an event is fired, any consumer interested into that is notified, performing the action it's supposed to (more in the Events Consumers section below).

Each [event]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/pojos/events/{:target="_blank"} defines a set of keys that consumers can use to define the events they want to be notified about. Most of them can be used in consumers with the type of match specified below:

Field Name Type Match
primaryId String regex
secondaryId String regex
tags Set<String> exact
reason String regex
result [Result]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/enums/{:target="_blank"} exact
context ExtensionContext{:target="_blank"} -

Let's see them in detail:

PrimaryId and SecondaryId

primaryId and secondaryId are strings through which you can identify each event. For example, for each test method, their value is:

  • primaryId → <CLASS NAME>
  • secondaryId → <TEST NAME>

Let's see what they mean with an example. Given the following test:

{% include copyCode.html %}

public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    public void dummyTest() {

Spectrum will fire an event with:

  • primaryId → "HelloWorldIT"
  • secondaryId → "dummyTest()" (Yes, the method name ends with the parenthesis)

If the @DisplayName is provided for either the class and/or the method, those will be used. Given:

{% include copyCode.html %}

@DisplayName("Class display name")
public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    @DisplayName("Method display name")
    public void dummyTest() {

Spectrum will fire an event with:

  • primaryId → "Class display name"
  • secondaryId → "Method display name"


Tags are a set of strings used to group events together. For example, all test methods will have the "test" tag. This way, instead of attaching a consumer to a specific event (with primary and secondary id, for example) you can listen to all events tagged in a particular way, such as all the tests.

💡 Example
Check the eventsConsumers in the [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}. Internal consumers need to take actions after each test is done, meaning they listen to events tagged with "test":

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - extentTest: # We need to add an entry to the Extent Report once each test is done
      - reason: after
        tags: [ test ]


Reason specifies why an event has been fired.


This is the result of the executed test. Of course, this will be available only in events fired after tests execution, as per the table below.


The JUnit's ExtensionContext is attached to each event. It's not considered when matching events, but it can be useful in custom templates to access objects stored in it. For example, the default [slack.json template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/templates/slack.json){:target="_blank"} uses it to print class and test names:

{% include copyCode.html %}

"text": "*Name*\n*Class*: `${event.context.parent.get().displayName}`\n*Test*: `${event.context.displayName}`"

Events fired

Spectrum fires these events. The first column in the table below highlights the moment when that specific event is fired. The other columns are the event's keys, with blank values being nulls.

When primaryId secondaryId tags reason result
Suite started [suite] before
Suite ended [suite] after
Class started (BeforeAll) <CLASS NAME> [class] before
Class ended (AfterAll) <CLASS NAME> [class] after
Test started (BeforeEach) <CLASS NAME> <TEST NAME> [test] before

💡 Tip
If you're not sure about a particular event, when it's fired and what are the actual values of its keys, you can always run with -Dspectrum.log.level=TRACE and look into logs. You'll find something like "Dispatching event ...":

{% include copyCode.html %}

18:00:05.076 D EventsDispatcher          | Dispatching event Event(primaryId=null, secondaryId=null, tags=[suite], reason=before, result=null)
18:00:05.081 T EventsConsumer            | ExtentTestConsumer matchers for Event(primaryId=null, secondaryId=null, tags=[suite], reason=before, result=null)
18:00:05.081 T EventsConsumer            | reasonMatches: false
18:00:05.081 T EventsConsumer            | resultMatches: false
18:00:05.081 T EventsConsumer            | TestBookConsumer matchers for Event(primaryId=null, secondaryId=null, tags=[suite], reason=before, result=null)
18:00:05.081 T EventsConsumer            | reasonMatches: false
18:00:05.081 T EventsConsumer            | resultMatches: false

Custom Events

Since eventsDispatcher is injected in every SpectrumTest and SpectrumPage, you can programmatically send custom events and listen to them:

{% include copyCode.html %}

@DisplayName("Class display name")
public class HelloWorldIT extends SpectrumTest<Void> {

    @DisplayName("Method display name")
    public void dummyTest() {"myCustom primary Id", "my custom reason");

💡 Example
Check the []({{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}/it/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it/tests/{:target="_blank"} test to see how to fire custom events, and the related [configuration.yaml]({{ site.github.url }}/it/src/test/resources/configuration.yaml){:target="_blank"} to check how eventsConsumers are set, leveraging regex matches (more on this below).

Events Consumers

Time to understand what to do with events: we need consumers!

Given the events' keys defined above, the consumers list will be looped to check if any of those is interested into being notified. This is done by comparing the fired event's keys with each consumer's events' keys.

Here below are the checks applied. Order matters: as soon as a check is satisfied, the consumer is notified, and the subsequent checks will not be considered. Spectrum will proceed with inspecting the next consumer.

  1. reason and primaryId and secondaryId
  2. reason and just primaryId
  3. reason and tags
  4. result and primaryId and secondaryId
  5. result and just primaryId
  6. result and tags

⚠️ Matches applied
You can specify regexes to match Reason, primaryId, and secondaryId.
To match tags and result you need to provide the exact value.

⚠️ Tags matchers condition
In the conditions above, "tags" means that the set of tags of the fired event and the set of tags of the consumer event must intersect. This means that they don't need to be all matching, it's enough to have at least one match among all the tags. Few examples:

Fired event's tags Consumer event's tags Match
[ tag1, tag2 ] [ tag1, tag2 ] ✅ tag1, tag2
[ tag1, tag2 ] [ tag2 ] ✅ tag2
[ tag1 ] [ tag1, tag2 ] ✅ tag1
[ tag1, tag2 ] [ tag666 ]

⚠️ Consumers exceptions
Each consumer handles events silently, meaning if any exception is thrown during the handling of an event, that will be logged and the execution of the tests will continue without breaking. This is meant to avoid that errors like network issues when sending an email can cause the whole suite to fail.

💡 Tip
You can configure how many consumers you need. Each consumer can listen to many events.

Let's now see how to configure few consumers:

💡 Example: reason and primaryId and secondaryId
We want to send a Slack notification before and after a specific test, and an email just after:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - slack:
        - primaryId: Class Name
          secondaryId: test name
          reason: before
        - primaryId: Class Name
          secondaryId: test name
          reason: after
  - mail:
        - primaryId: Class Name
          secondaryId: test name
          reason: after

💡 Example: result and tags
We want to send a mail notification if the whole suite fails:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - mail:
        - result: FAILED
          tags: [ suite ]

💡 Example: custom event by primaryId and reason

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - slack:
        - primaryId: primary.*  # every event which primaryId is starting with "primary" 
          reason: custom-event

💡 Tip
Consumers send notification using templates that leverage FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}. You can do the same in your custom templates, by accessing and evaluating all the event's fields directly in the template, and apply logic, if needed.

💡 Tip
You may add how many consumers you want, so if you want to use different templates just add different consumers and provide a template for each. Otherwise, if you set many events on the same consumer, they will share the template.

Mail Consumer

You can leverage this consumer to send email notifications. Spectrum uses Simple java Mail{:target="_blank"}, and you can configure it with the file src/test/resources/, as specified in the docs{:target="_blank"}.

For example, to send an email via GMail, you can use these properties by replacing placeholders with actual values:

{% include copyCode.html %}

simplejavamail.smtp.username=<YOUR GMAIL ADDRESS>
simplejavamail.smtp.password=<YOUR GMAIL APP PASSWORD>
simplejavamail.defaults.subject=Spectrum Notification

Actual configurations of any email provider to be used are out of scope. For the provided snippet, check Google's docs{:target="_blank"} on how to generate an app password.

Check Simple java Mail's docs to see all the available properties{:target="_blank"}.

⚠️ Mail Template
The default [mail.html template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/templates/mail.html){:target="_blank"} can either be used to notify about single tests or the whole suite result, as per the snippet below. You can use both or just the one you prefer.

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - mail:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ test ]
  - mail:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ suite ]

The default template is pretty basic, as you can see. The first is the test example, while the second is the suite result notification:

Test Mail Notification Suite Mail Notification

If you want to provide a custom template there are two ways:

  • provide a template with a custom name under src/test/resources/templates:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - mail:
      template: my-template.txt # The extension doesn't really matter.
        - reason: after
          tags: [ test ]
  • simply create the file src/test/resources/templates/mail.html. This will override the internal default, so there's no need to explicitly provide the template parameter.

💡 Tip
You may add how many consumers you want, so if you want to use different templates just add different consumers and provide a template for each. Otherwise, if you set many events on the same consumer, they will share the template.

You can also specify a list of attachments, by providing:

  • the name they will have in the email
  • the path to the file

For example, it's useful to send the html report and/or testbook when the suite is complete:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - mail:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ suite ]
        - name: report
          file: target/spectrum/inline-reports/report.html
        - name: testbook
          file: target/spectrum/testbook/testbook.html

⚠️ Mail Attachments
Mind that, like in the snippet above, attachments are specified at consumer level. This means for all the events of a specific consumer, all the attachments will be sent. If you need to send different sets of attachments, provide different consumers:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - mail:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ suite ]
        - name: report
          file: target/spectrum/inline-reports/report.html
  - mail:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ class ]
        - name: attachment
          file: path/to/attachment

Slack Consumer

A few steps are needed to configure your Slack Workspace to receive notifications from Spectrum:

  1. You need to log in and create an app from here{:target="_blank"} by following these steps:
    1. click on the Create New App button:

    2. choose to create it from an app manifest

    3. Select your workspace, delete the default yaml manifest and copy this one:

      {% include copyCode.html %}
        name: Spectrum
        description: Notification from Spectrum Selenium Framework
        background_color: "#2c2d30"
          display_name: Spectrum
          always_online: false
            - channels:read
            - chat:write
            - incoming-webhook
        org_deploy_enabled: false
        socket_mode_enabled: false
        token_rotation_enabled: false
    4. Click on Next and then Create

  2. You should have been redirected to the Basic Information page of the newly created app. From there:
    1. Install the app to Workspace:

    2. Choose the channel where you want to receive the notifications and click Allow:

  3. Go in the OAuth & Permissions page and copy the Bot User OAuth Token. You will need this in the configuration*.yaml (see last bullet) slack-token.png
  4. In Slack:
    1. open the channel you chose in the previous steps and invite the Spectrum app by sending this message: /invite @Spectrum. You should see this after sending it:

    2. right-click on the channel you chose in the previous steps and select View channel details:

    3. copy the Channel ID from the details overlay:

  5. Configure the Slack consumer(s) in your configuration*.yaml by providing the token and the Channel ID from the previous steps: {% include copyCode.html %}
      - slack:
          token: xoxb-***
          channel: C05***
          template: slack-suite.json
            - reason: before
              tags: [ suite ]
  6. If everything is configured correctly, with the consumer above you should receive a notification at the very beginning of your test suite.

⚠️ Slack Template
The default [slack.json template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/templates/slack.json){:target="_blank"} is meant to be used to notify about each test result, as per the snippet below. It might not be correctly interpolated if used on other events.

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - slack:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ test ]

If you want to provide a custom template there are two ways:

  • provide a template with a custom name under src/test/resources/templates:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - slack:
      template: my-template.txt # The extension doesn't really matter.
        - reason: after
          tags: [ test ]
  • simply create the file src/test/resources/templates/slack.json. This will override the internal default, so there's no need to explicitly provide the path.

💡 Tip
To test the slack handler works as expected, you can provide a simple template.txt with just an "Hello World from Spectrum" in it.

Test Steps Consumer

You can leverage this consumer to have a minimalistic report with the list of web driver's events, along with the time at which they were fired and the time delta between each. To have one generated for each test, you need to declare this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - testSteps:
        - reason: after
          tags: [ test, dynamicTest ]

⚠️ Template and output path
By default, the [test-steps.txt template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/templates/test-steps.txt){:target="_blank"} is used. If you want to provide a custom template there are two ways:

  • provide a template with a custom name under src/test/resources/templates:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - testSteps:
      template: my-template.html # The report produced will match the template's extension.
      output: target/spectrum/tests-steps # This is the default output path, no need to set it unless you want to change it.
        - reason: after
          tags: [ test, dynamicTest ]
  • simply create the file src/test/resources/templates/test-steps.txt. This will override the internal default, so there's no need to explicitly provide the path.

The template is interpolated with FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}. All the steps recorded are exposed in the steps variable and each is mapped onto the [ template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/pojos/events/{:target="_blank"}.

By default, a report like this will be produced:

{% include copyCode.html %}

Time                       | Time taken | Message
2024-11-30T21:53:00.516414 |     0.400s | About to get
2024-11-30T21:53:02.849405 |     2.332s | Text of tag name: h1 is 'Welcome to the-internet'
2024-11-30T21:53:02.870003 |     0.200s | Clicking on link text: Checkboxes
2024-11-30T21:53:03.053361 |     0.183s | Element css selector: #checkboxes -> tag name: input is selected? false
2024-11-30T21:53:03.067100 |     0.130s | Element css selector: #checkboxes -> tag name: input is selected? true
2024-11-30T21:53:03.067445 |     0.000s | Clicking on css selector: #checkboxes -> tag name: input
2024-11-30T21:53:03.291913 |     0.224s | Element css selector: #checkboxes -> tag name: input is selected? true

💡 Tip
Remember you can customise the messages logged: take a look at the WebDriver Events Listener section.

⚠️ Tags
This consumer is specific to single tests, so it won't work on tags other than test and dynamicTest.

Execution Summary

You can optionally have Spectrum generate an execution summary by providing one or more summary reporters. This is the default summary in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}.

{% include copyCode.html %}

  reporters: [ ] # List of reporters that will produce the summary in specific formats
  condition: ${successfulPercentage} == 100 # Execution successful if all tests are successful

The suite execution is considered successful based on the condition you provide. By default, all tests must end successfully.

The condition is evaluated leveraging FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}, meaning you can write complex conditions using the variables briefly explained below. They're all put in the vars map in the []({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/utils/{:target="_blank"}.

⚠️ FreeMarker
Explaining how FreeMarker works, and how to take the most out of it, goes beyond the goal of this doc. Please check its own docs{:target="_blank"}.

💡 Tip
Since the testBook's quality gate status is added to the vars used when evaluating the summary's condition, you can indirectly bind those two by having this:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  condition: ${qgStatus}

As an example, this is how you can have a html summary:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    - html:
        output: ${summaryReportOutput}/summary.html

Summary Reporters

💡 Tip
This section is very similar to the TestBook Reporters one, since they leverage the same objects 😉

All the reporters below have default values for their parameters, which means you can just configure them as empty objects like:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - log: { }
  - txt: { }
  - html: { }

Of course, they're all optional: you can add just those you want.

Below you will find the output produced by the default internal template for each reporter. Those are the real outputs produced when running Spectrum's own e2e tests you can find in the [it-testbook]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook){:target="_blank"} module.

If you want, you can provide a custom template of yours. As for all the other templates (such as those used in events consumers), you can leverage FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}.

For each reporter:

  • the snippets below will contain all the customisable parameters for each reporter
  • values reported in the snippets below are the defaults (no need to provide them)
  • template is a path relative to src/test/resources
  • output is the path relative to the project's root, and might contain the ${timestamp} placeholder
  • retention specifies which and how many reports to keep for each reporter
  • openAtEnd specifies, for reporters that produce a file, if you want it to be automatically opened when the suite execution is finished

Log Summary Reporter

This is the internal [logReporter.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/dynamic/summary/logReporter.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: summary.txt

Here is the output produced by the default internal template, for tests of the it-testbook module:

{% include copyCode.html %}

                                         EXECUTION SUMMARY

  Status           |   Count | Percent |                
  Successful tests |     6/8 |     75% | <==================================================>
  Failed tests     |     1/8 |   12.5% | <========>
  Aborted tests    |     0/8 |      0% | <>
  Skipped tests    |     1/8 |   12.5% | <========>

  Execution Time
  Started at: 2024 Jan 13 22:20:37
  Ended at:   2024 Jan 13 22:21:00
  Duration:   00:00:23

  Condition: ${successfulPercentage} == 100
  Evaluated: 75 == 100
  Result:    KO

Txt Summary Reporter

This is the internal [txtReporter.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/dynamic/summary/txtReporter.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: summary.txt
  output: ${summaryReportOutput}/summary-${timestamp}.txt
  retention: { }
  openAtEnd: false

For the sake of completeness, the output file was manually copied here{:target="_blank"}. It's the same that is logged, but saved to a dedicated file, so that you can send it as an attachment in an email, for example. Or you can provide different templates to log a shorter report and send the full thing to a file, it's up to you!

Html Summary Reporter

This is the internal [htmlReporter.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/dynamic/summary/htmlReporter.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: summary.html
  output: ${summaryReportOutput}/summary-${timestamp}.html
  retention: { }
  openAtEnd: false

For the sake of completeness, the output file was manually copied here{:target="_blank"}. This is what it looks like when opened in a browser:

Html Summary Reporter

Beside the default template, these are already available, you just need to pick the corresponding template:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: summary-pies.html

Html Summary Pies Reporter

TestBook - Coverage

Talking about coverage for e2e tests is not so straightforward. Coverage makes sense for unit tests, since they directly run against methods, so it's easy to check which lines were covered during the execution. On the other hand, e2e tests run against a long living instance of the AUT, with no visibility on the source code.

As e2e tests are tied to the business functionalities of the AUT, so should be their coverage. Spectrum helps you to keep track of which functionalities are covered by parsing a testbook, in which you can declare all the tests of your full suite. When running them, Spectrum will check which were actually executed and which not, generating a dedicated report in several formats of your choice.

These are the information needed in a testbook:

Field Type Default Mandatory Description
Class Name String null enclosing class name
Test Name String null name of the test method
Weight int 1 optional number representing the importance of the related test, with regards to all the others

In short, we need to uniquely identify each test by their class name and method name. Method name alone is not enough, since there might be test methods with the same name in different classes.

You can also give a weight to each test: you can give a higher weight to those tests that are meant to check functionalities of the AUT that are more important or critical. In the report produced, tests will be also aggregated considering their weights. In this way, the final coverage percentage varies based on the weights, meaning critical functionalities will have a higher impact on the outcome.

Additionally, you can set a Quality Gate, which is a boolean condition that will be evaluated to mark the suite as successful or not.

These are the testbook parameters you need to configure:

Parameter Description
qualityGate object holding the condition to be evaluated to consider the execution successful or failed
parser object specifying the format of the provided testbook
reporters list of objects to specify which kind of report(s) to produce

Quality Gate

The QG node has only one property, which is the boolean condition to be evaluated:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  condition: ${weightedSuccessful.percentage} > 60

The example above means that the execution is considered successful if more than 60% of the weighted tests are successful.

The condition is evaluated leveraging FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}, meaning you can write complex conditions using the variables briefly explained below. They're all put in the vars map in the []({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/utils/testbook/{:target="_blank"}.

⚠️ FreeMarker
Explaining how FreeMarker works, and how to take the most out of it, goes beyond the goal of this doc. Please check its own docs{:target="_blank"}.

Generic variables:

Variable Description
mappedTests map of tests executed and found in the provided testbook
unmappedTests map of tests executed but not found in the provided testbook
groupedMappedTests like mappedTests, but grouped by class names
groupedUnmappedTests like unmappedTests, but grouped by class names
[statistics]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/pojos/testbook/{:target="_blank"} object containing all the object reported in the lists below, plus additional ones
[qg]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/pojos/testbook/{:target="_blank"} qualityGate node from configuration*.yaml
timestamp when the testbook was generated

Each key in the lists below is an instance of the inner static class [Statistics]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/pojos/testbook/{:target="_blank"}, and it holds both a total int field and a percentage double field. For example, given the successful key here below, you can access:

  • ${}
  • ${successful.percentage}

Statistics of tests mapped in the testbook:

  • successful
  • failed
  • aborted
  • disabled
  • notRun

Statistics of tests, mapped or not in the provided testbook, based on their weights:

  • grandSuccessful
  • grandFailed
  • grandAborted
  • grandDisabled
  • grandNotRun

Statistics of tests mapped in the testbook, based on their weights

  • weightedSuccessful
  • weightedFailed
  • weightedAborted
  • weightedDisabled
  • weightedNotRun

Statistics of all tests, mapped or not in the testbook, based on their weights

  • grandWeightedSuccessful
  • grandWeightedFailed
  • grandWeightedAborted
  • grandWeightedDisabled
  • grandWeightedNotRun

💡 Tip
It's hard to explain and grasp each of these vars. The best way is to:

  1. check the [default html template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/testbook/template.html){:target="_blank"} and the [default txt template]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/testbook/template.txt){:target="_blank"}
  2. run your suite with the html reporter and/or the txt reporter as explained below
  3. check the outcome

TestBook Parsers

Txt TestBook Parser

You can provide a txt file where each line is in this format:


For example:

{% include copyCode.html %}

test class::my test
another class::another test
another class::weighted test##123

The first and second rows above maps just a class name and a test name, while the third provides also an explicit weight.

Csv TestBook Parser

You can provide a csv file where each line is in this format:


For example:

{% include copyCode.html %}

test class,my test
another class,another test
another class,weighted test,123

The first and second rows above maps just a class name and a test name, while the third provides also an explicit weight.

Yaml TestBook Parser

You can provide a yaml file where you have class names as keys in the root of the file. Each of those is mapped to a list of objects made of two fields:

  • name
  • weight (optional)

For example:

{% include copyCode.html %}

test class:
  - name: my test

another class:
  - name: another test
  - name: weighted test
    weight: 123

TestBook Reporters

💡 Tip
This section is very similar to the Summary Reporters one, since they leverage the same objects 😉

All the reporters below have default values for their parameters, which means you can just configure them as empty objects like:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  - log: { }
  - txt: { }
  - html: { }

Of course, they're all optional: you can add just those you want.

Below you will find the output produced by the default internal template for each reporter. Those are the real outputs produced when running Spectrum's own e2e tests you can find in the [it-testbook]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook){:target="_blank"} module. This means you can:

  • check the it_testbook's module [testbook.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook/src/test/resources/testbook.yaml){:target="_blank"}
  • check the actual it_testbook's module [tests]({{ site.repository_url }}/it-testbook/src/test/java/io/github/giulong/spectrum/it_testbook/tests){:target="_blank"} and especially their @DisplayName
  • look at the produced reports shown below for each reporter

⚠️ it-testbook module's reports
The default templates have a Mapped Tests and Unmapped Tests sections at the bottom, in which tests are grouped by their classes.

As you will see from the reports produced below, the testbook.yaml used in the it-testbook module maps tests that are not present in the suite.

This means all those will be shown in the Mapped Tests as Not Run, while all the tests actually executed will appear in the Unmapped Tests section with their respective results.

If you want, you can provide a custom template of yours. As for all the other templates (such as those used in events consumers), you can leverage FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}.

For each reporter:

  • the snippets below will contain all the customisable parameters for each reporter
  • values reported in the snippets below are the defaults (no need to provide them)
  • template is a path relative to src/test/resources
  • output is the path relative to the project's root, and might contain the ${timestamp} placeholder
  • retention specifies which and how many reports to keep for each reporter
  • openAtEnd specifies, for reporters that produce a file, if you want it to be automatically opened when the suite execution is finished

Log TestBook Reporter

This is the internal [logReporter.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/dynamic/testbook/logReporter.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: testbook.txt

Here is the output produced by the default internal template, for tests of the it-testbook module:

{% include copyCode.html %}


                                        SPECTRUM TESTBOOK RESULTS
                                    Generated on: 30/07/2023 15:40:35


Mapped Tests:                      4
Unmapped Tests:                    8
Grand Total:              4 + 8 = 12
Total Weighted:                    7
Grand Total Weighted:     7 + 8 = 15

[Ratio of tests mapped in the TestBook, based on their weights]
Successful:     0/7      0% <>
Failed:         0/7      0% <>
Aborted:        0/7      0% <>
Disabled:       0/7      0% <>
Not run:        7/7    100% <==================================================================>

[Ratio of all tests, mapped or not, based on their weights]
Successful:    6/15     40% <==========================>
Failed:        1/15   6.67% <====>
Aborted:       0/15      0% <>
Disabled:      1/15   6.67% <====>
Not run:       7/15  46.67% <===============================>

[Ratio of tests mapped in the TestBook]
Successful:     0/4      0% <>
Failed:         0/4      0% <>
Aborted:        0/4      0% <>
Disabled:       0/4      0% <>
Not run:        4/4    100% <==================================================================>

[Ratio of tests, mapped or not, based on their weights]
Successful:    6/12     50% <=================================>
Failed:        1/12   8.33% <=====>
Aborted:       0/12      0% <>
Disabled:      1/12   8.33% <=====>
Not run:       4/12  33.33% <======================>

| Condition: ${weightedSuccessful.percentage} > 60
| Evaluated: 0 > 60
| Result:    KO
| Test Name                                                                        | Weight | Result     |
| Hello World Selenium-------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------------|
|   - Successful                                                                   |      1 | Not Run    |
|   - This is my first selenium!                                                   |      2 | Not Run    |
|   - another test                                                                 |      3 | Not Run    |
| Test Name                                                                        | Weight | Result     |
| Second Class---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------------|
|   - skipped                                                                      |      1 | Not Run    |

| Test Name                                                                        | Weight | Result     |
| Demo test------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------------|
|   - Skipped Test                                                                 |      1 | Disabled   |
|   - Sending custom events                                                        |      1 | Successful |
|   - This one should fail for demonstration purposes                              |      1 | Failed     |
| Test Name                                                                        | Weight | Result     |
| Login Form leveraging the data.yaml----------------------------------------------|--------|------------|
|   - with user giulio we expect login to be successful: false                     |      1 | Successful |
|   - with user tom we expect login to be successful: true                         |      1 | Successful |
| Test Name                                                                        | Weight | Result     |
| Files Test-----------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------------|
|   - upload                                                                       |      1 | Successful |
|   - download                                                                     |      1 | Successful |
| Test Name                                                                        | Weight | Result     |
| Checkbox Page--------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------------|
|   - testWithNoDisplayName()                                                      |      1 | Successful |


Txt TestBook Reporter

This is the internal [txtReporter.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/dynamic/testbook/txtReporter.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: testbook.txt
  output: ${testBookReportOutput}/testbook-${timestamp}.txt
  retention: { }
  openAtEnd: false

For the sake of completeness, the output file was manually copied here{:target="_blank"}. It's the same that is logged, but saved to a dedicated file, so that you can send it as an attachment in an email, for example. Or you can provide different templates to log a shorter report and send the full thing to a file, it's up to you!

Html TestBook Reporter

This is the internal [htmlReporter.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/dynamic/testbook/htmlReporter.yaml){:target="_blank"}:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: testbook.html
  output: ${testBookReportOutput}/testBook-${timestamp}.html
  retention: { }
  openAtEnd: false

For the sake of completeness, the output file was manually copied here{:target="_blank"}. This is what it looks like when opened in a browser:

Html TestBook Reporter

Beside the default template, these are already available, you just need to pick the corresponding template:

{% include copyCode.html %}

  template: testbook-pies.html

Html TestBook Pies Reporter

Default TestBook

The one below is the testBook in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}. As you can see, it has a quality gate already set, as well as a yaml parser but no reporters.

{% include copyCode.html %}

# internal configuration.default.yaml
    condition: ${weightedSuccessful.percentage} > 60  # Execution successful if more than 60% of the weighted tests are successful
      path: testbook.yaml # we provided the yaml testbook in src/test/resources/testbook.yaml
  reporters: [ ] # List of testBook reporters that will produce the execution report in specific formats

In your configuration.yaml you need to provide the reporters you want:

{% include copyCode.html %}

    - log: { }  # the report will be logged
    - html:
        output: ${testBookReportOutput}/testbook.html # a html report will be produced at this path

Full TestBook Examples

{% include copyCode.html %}

    condition: ${weightedSuccessful.percentage} > 60  # Execution successful if more than 60% of the weighted tests are successful
      path: testbook.yaml # we provided the yaml testbook in src/test/resources/testbook.yaml
    - log: { }  # the report will be logged
    - txt:
        output: ${testBookReportOutput}/testbook.txt # a text report will be produced at this path
    - html:
        output: ${testBookReportOutput}/testbook.html # a html report will be produced at this path

{% include copyCode.html %}

    condition: ${weightedSuccessful.percentage} > 60  # Execution successful if more than 60% of the weighted tests are successful
      path: testbook.yaml # we provided the yaml testbook in src/test/resources/testbook.yaml
    - txt:
        template: template.txt  # we want to produce a text report based on a custom template in src/test/resources/templates
    - html:
        template: my-custom-template.html # src/test/resources/templates/my-custom-template.html
        output: some/path/testbook.html # a html report will be produced at this path

{% include copyCode.html %}

    condition: ${weightedSuccessful.percentage} > 40 || ${failed} < 10  # We want the testbook to be marked as successful if we have at least 40% of successful weighted tests or less than 10 tests (not considering their weights!!) failed
      path: testbook.txt # we provided the yaml testbook in src/test/resources/testbook.txt
    - log: { }  # we just want the report to be logged

Parallel Execution

Spectrum tests can be run in parallel by leveraging JUnit Parallel Execution{:target="_blank"}


Spectrum caches a <PROJECT NAME>-metadata.json file to store some cross-executions metadata, such as the last successful executions. The <PROJECT NAME> prefix ensures to avoid clashes between different projects that use Spectrum in your workspace. This is purely internal implementation and you should never edit that file manually. Still, you can specify its location via the runtime.cacheFolder parameter in your configuration.yaml.

The default value, as you can see in the internal [configuration.default.yaml]({{ site.repository_url }}/spectrum/src/main/resources/yaml/configuration.default.yaml){:target="_blank"}, is ${user.home}/.cache/spectrum


If you want to customise the banner logged at the beginning of each execution, you just need to place a file named src/test/resources/banner.txt in your project. It's interpolated with FreeMarker{:target="_blank"}, and these are the variables you can use:

Variable Value
${name} spectrum
${version} Spectrum version, such as 1.8.1

Project Structure

Let's see how your project will look like. Few assumptions for this example:

  • you defined base values plus three profiles, each with its own set of Data:
    • [base] → configuration.yaml + data.yaml
    • local → configuration-local.yaml + data-local.yaml
    • test → configuration-test.yaml + data-test.yaml
    • uat → configuration-uat.yaml + data-uat.yaml
  • you configured the yaml testbook parser, which will read the testbook.yaml
  • you configured both a html and a txt testbook reporters, which will produce testbook.html and testbook.txt reports
  • you configured the extent report to have a fixed name with: extent.fileName: report.html

{% include copyCode.html %}

└─ src
|  └─ test
|     ├─ java
|     |  └─ com.your.tests
|     |     └─ ...
|     └─ resources
|        ├─ data
|        |  ├─ data.yaml
|        |  ├─ data-local.yaml
|        |  ├─ data-test.yaml
|        |  └─ data-uat.yaml
|        ├─ configuration.yaml
|        ├─ configuration-local.yaml
|        ├─ configuration-test.yaml
|        ├─ configuration-uat.yaml
|        └─ testbook.yaml
├─ target
|  └─ spectrum
|     |─ logs
|     |  └─ spectrum.log   # rotated daily
|     |─ reports
|     |  └─ report         # each report is in its own folder
|     |     |─ screenshots    # folder where screenshots are saved
|     |     |─ videos         # folder where videos are saved
|     |     └─ report.html    # by default the name ends with the timestamp
|     └─ testbook
|        |─ testbook.html  # by default the name ends with the timestamp
|        └─ testbook.txt   # by default the name ends with the timestamp
└─ pom.xml

Bugs Report and Feature Requests

Found a bug? Want to request a new feature? Just follow these links and provide the requested details:

If you're not sure about what to ask, or for anything else related to Spectrum, you can also choose a proper discussion category{:target="_blank"}.


You can find details about Spectrum releases here{:target="_blank"}.


Creator GitHub Linkedin Email
Giulio Longfils giulong Giulio Longfils [email protected]

If you're using Spectrum, please consider giving it a GitHub Star{:target="_blank"} ⭐