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File metadata and controls

880 lines (671 loc) · 23.7 KB



This a complete redevelopment of a Neo4j PHP OGM. It was inspired by GraphAware Neo4j PHP OGM, although it doesn't support nearly as many features as Graphaware's OGM does. Redeveloping a full Doctrine compatible OGM would be too much work. But as features are added it will come close to it.

A few features from Doctrine are being used, such as parsing and caching annotations.

It uses Laudis Neo4j PHP Client which is the only PHP client recommended by Neo4j.

This bundle supports lazy loading for entities and collections.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Example
  3. Documentation
    1. Model
    2. Annotations
      1. @OGM/Entity
      2. @OGM/Relationship
      3. @OGM/Id
      4. @OGM/StartEntity
      5. @OGM/EndEntity
      6. @OGM/Property
      7. @OGM/Convert
      8. @OGM/QueryResult
      9. @OGM/Relation
    3. Repository
    4. Events
      1. NodeCreatedEvent
      2. NodeUpdatedEvent
      3. NodeDeletedEvent
      4. NodeLoadedEvent
  4. FAQ
    1. How do I query a node by its Neo4j id?
    2. Can I filter nodes by their relations?
    3. Can I run custom queries?
    4. Can I run custom queries and get hydrated objects ?
  5. License


Install with composer

composer require giudicelli/neo4j-php-ogm


For more complete examples, please check the examples directory.

namespace App;

use Neo4j\OGM\NodeManagerInterface;
use App\Entity\Movie;
use App\Entity\Person;
use App\Relationship\ActedIn;

function loadTomHanks(NodeManagerInterface $nm): Person {
    $tomHanks = new Person();
        ->setName('Tom Hanks')

    $forrestGump = new Movie();
        ->setTitle('Forrest Gump')
        ->setTagline('The world will never be the same once you\'ve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.')

    // This is a relationship
    $actedIn = new ActedIn();
        ->setRoles(['Forrest Gump'])

    // Now we need to refresh both entities
    // for the newly linked entities to show up

    return $tomHanks;



An entity node must implement the \Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface interface.

A relationship node must implement the \Neo4j\OGM\Model\RelationshipInterface interface.

If you want the OGM to automatically handle the created and updated time for the nodes, you need to implement:

  • \Neo4j\OGM\Model\NodeCreatedAtInterface interface, we also provide a trait \Neo4j\OGM\Model\NodeCreatedAtTrait you may use for a simple implementation.
  • \Neo4j\OGM\Model\NodeUpdatedAtInterface interface, we also provide a trait \Neo4j\OGM\Model\NodeUpdatedAtTrait you may use for a simple implementation.



Allows to declare an entity.

Option Description Required Value
label The Neo4j node label yes The label
repository Specify a custom repository to handle this entity no The class name of the custom repository
namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface;

 * @OGM\Entity(label="Movie")
class Movie implements EntityInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private $id;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;


Allows to declare a relationship.

Option Description Required Value
type The Neo4j relationship type yes
unique Is this relationship unique between the two entities no true/false (default true)
repository Specify a custom repository to handle this entity no The class name of the custom repository
namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\RelationshipInterface;

 * @OGM\Relationship(type="ACTED_IN")
class ActedIn implements RelationshipInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private ?int  $id = null;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;


The propery that holds the id generated by Neo4j. Both @OGM\Entity and @OGM\Relationship require the presence of this annotation.

namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface;

 * @OGM\Entity(label="Movie")
class Movie implements EntityInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private $id;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;


Allows to declare the start node of a relationship. @OGM/Relationship requires the presence of this annotation.

Option Description Required
target The entity class yes
namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\RelationshipInterface;
use App\Entity\Person;

 * @OGM\Relationship(type="ACTED_IN")
class ActedIn implements RelationshipInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private ?int  $id = null;

     * @OGM\StartEntity(target=Person::class)
    private ?Person $person = null;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getPerson(): ?Person
        return $this->person;

    public function setPerson(?Person $person): self
        $this->person = $person;

        return $this;


Allows to declare the end node of a relationship. @OGM/Relationship requires the presence of this annotation.

Option Description Required
target The entity class yes
namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\RelationshipInterface;
use App\Entity\Movie;
use App\Entity\Person;

 * @OGM\Relationship(type="ACTED_IN")
class ActedIn implements RelationshipInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private ?int  $id = null;

     * @OGM\StartEntity(target=Person::class)
    private ?Person $person = null;

     * @OGM\EndEntity(target=Movie::class)
    private ?Movie $movie = null;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getPerson(): ?Person
        return $this->person;

    public function setPerson(?Person $person): self
        $this->person = $person;

        return $this;

    public function getMovie(): ?Movie
        return $this->movie;

    public function setMovie(?Movie $movie): self
        $this->movie = $movie;

        return $this;


Allows to declare a property to store in Neo4j. It applies to both @OGM/Entity and @OGM/Relationship.

Option Description Required Value
type Enforce the type no One of "string", "boolean", "array", "int", "double"
nullable Can this field be null no true/false (default is true)
key Use this key as the property name on Neo4j no
namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface;

 * @OGM\Entity(label="Movie")
class Movie implements EntityInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private $id;

     * @OGM\Property(type="string", nullable=false)
    private $title;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title;

    public function setTitle(string $title): self
        $this->title = $title;

        return $this;


Convert an @OGM/Property before storing it in Neo4j or when retrieving it from Neo4j. It applies to both @OGM/Entity and @OGM/Relationship.

Option Description Required Value
type The type of conversion yes "datetime" The value will be converted to and from a PHP's DateTime. "datetime_immutable" The value will be converted to and from a PHP's DateTimeImmutable. "json" The value will be converted to and from JSON.
options The options to pass to the converter no See below

Options for "datetime" or "datetime_immutable"

Option Description Required Value
format The storing formate no "timestamp" to store as a unix timestamp, "long_timestamp" to store as unix timestamp but to keep the milliseconds precision, or any valid format
timezone The timezone to apply when loading the value no A valid PHP timezone
namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface;

 * @OGM\Entity(label="Movie")
class Movie implements EntityInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private $id;

     * @OGM\Property(type="string", nullable=false)
    private $title;

     * @OGM\Property()
     * @OGM\Convert(type="datetime", options={"format":"long_timestamp"})
    private $createdAt;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title;

    public function setTitle(string $title): self
        $this->title = $title;

        return $this;

    public function getCreatedAt(): ?\DateTimeInterface
        return $this->createdAt;

    public function setCreatedAt(\DateTimeInterface $createdAt): self
        $this->createdAt = $createdAt;

        return $this;


Run a sub-query and return its result. It only applies to @OGM/Entity.

Option Description Required Value
query The sub query to run yes The query must contain an "{ENTRY}" and an "{OUTPUT}", these two values will be automatically populated at run time
collection The returned value is a collection no true/false (default false)
orderBy How to order the results no An array of fields with the sorting order (ASC/DESC) (See below for details)
limit Limit the results to this number of items no A number (will be forced to 1 when collection is false)

Explanation on "orderBy"

By default orderBy is applied to {OUTPUT}:

@OGM\QueryResult(query="MATCH ({ENTRY})<-[r:ACTED_IN]-(actor:Person) RETURN actor AS {OUTPUT}", collection=true, orderBy={"born"="ASC"})

born is a property of the Person entity identified by actor which is returned as {OUTPUT}.

If you want it to be applied to an intermediate value, you simply need to specify it:

@OGM\QueryResult(query="MATCH ({ENTRY})<-[r:ACTED_IN]-(actor:Person) RETURN AS {OUTPUT}", collection=true, orderBy={"r.onSetDate"="ASC"})

onSetDate is a property of the ACTED_IN relationship.

namespace App\Entity;

use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface;

 * @OGM\Entity(label="Movie")
class Movie implements EntityInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private $id;

     * @OGM\Property(type="string", nullable=false)
    private $title;

     * @OGM\Property()
     * @OGM\Convert(type="datetime", options={"format"="long_timestamp"})
    private $createdAt;

     * @OGM\QueryResult(query="MATCH ({ENTRY})<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor:Person) RETURN AS {OUTPUT}",collection=true,limit=2,orderBy={"actor.born"="ASC"})
    private $oldestTwoActors;

     * @OGM\QueryResult(query="MATCH ({ENTRY})<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor:Person) RETURN avg({ENTRY}.released - actor.born) AS {OUTPUT}")
    private $averageActorsAge;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title;

    public function setTitle(string $title): self
        $this->title = $title;

        return $this;

    public function getCreatedAt(): ?\DateTimeInterface
        return $this->createdAt;

    public function setCreatedAt(\DateTimeInterface $createdAt): self
        $this->createdAt = $createdAt;

        return $this;

    public function getOldestTwoActors(): array {
        return $this->oldestTwoActors;

    public function getAverageActorsAge(): float {
        return $this->averageActorsAge;


Get the associated other entities in a relationship with the entity. It only applies to @OGM/Entity.

Option Description Required Value
relationship The relationship yes The class name of the relationship
direction The direction of the relationship concerning the current entity yes INCOMING when the relationship's @OGM/EndEntity is this entity. OUTGOING when the relationship's @OGM/StartEntity is this entity. BOTH when the relationship goes both ways.
collection The returned value is a collection no true/false (default false)
orderBy How to order the results no An array of fields with the sorting order (ASC/DESC) (See below for details)
limit Limit the results to this number of items no A number (will be forced to 1 when collection is false)
fetch How the relations should be fetched no EAGER to force the loading. LAZY to lazy load (default when collection is false). EXTRA_LAZY to lazy load the whole collection (default when collection is true) (See below for details)
filters Apply basic filters no An array of fields with their expected value (See below for details)

Explanation on "fetch"

  1. EAGER means that all data is queried and loaded. This is very resources consuming, so unless you're absolutely sure you will need the data, avoid using it.

  2. LAZY means only the ids are fetched. The actual real content is loaded the first time you try to access a property. When collection is true, the whole collection is built by the query but only the relations'id are returned. If your collection contains thousands of relations you do not want to use this as it would be very resources consuming.

  3. EXTRA_LAZY only applies when collection is true. The collection is not built by the query, it only gets loaded the first time you try accessing it. When the collection is fetched, the relations it contains are LAZY.

Explanation on "orderBy"

By default orderBy is applied to the other end of the relationship:


born is a property of the other end of the ActedIn relationship.

If you want it to be applied to a property of the ActedIn relationship:


onSetDate is a property of the ActedIn relationship.

Explanation on "filters"

Applies basic filters on either the relationsip or on the other end of the relationship.

By default, the filters are applied the other end of the relationship:


gender is a property of the other end of the ActedIn relationship.

If you want a filter to be applied to a property of the ActedIn relationship:


Lorem is a property of the ActedIn relationship.

namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Neo4j\OGM\Annotation as OGM;
use Neo4j\OGM\Common\Direction;
use App\Relationship\ActedIn;
use App\Relationship\Directed;
use App\Relationship\Produced;
use App\Relationship\Reviewed;
use Neo4j\OGM\Model\EntityInterface;

 * @OGM\Entity(label="Movie")
class Movie implements EntityInterface
     * @OGM\Id()
    private $id;

     * @OGM\Property(type="string")
    private $title;

     * @OGM\Property(type="int")
    private $released;

     * @OGM\Property(type="string")
    private $tagline;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=ActedIn::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true,orderBy={"born"="ASC"},relationshipProperty="actorsMeta")
    private $actors;
    private $actorsMeta;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=ActedIn::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true,orderBy={"born"="ASC"},relationshipProperty="femaleActorsMeta",filters={"gender"="FEMALE"})
    private $femaleActors;
    private $femaleActorsMeta;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=ActedIn::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true,orderBy={"born"="ASC"},relationshipProperty="femaleActorsMeta",filters={"gender"="MALE"})
    private $maleActors;
    private $maleActorsMeta;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=Directed::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true)
    private $directors;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=Produced::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true)
    private $producers;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=Reviewed::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true,relationshipProperty="reviewsMeta")
    private $reviews;
    private $reviewsMeta;

     * @OGM\QueryResult(query="MATCH ({ENTRY})<-[r:REVIEWED]-(:Person) RETURN avg(r.rating) AS {OUTPUT}")
    private $rating;

     * @OGM\Relation(relationship=ActedIn::class,direction=Direction::INCOMING,collection=true,limit=2,orderBy={"born"="ASC"})
    private $oldestTwoActors;

     * @OGM\QueryResult(query="MATCH ({ENTRY})<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor:Person) RETURN avg({ENTRY}.released - actor.born) AS {OUTPUT}")
    private $averageActorsAge;

    public function __construct()
        $this->actors = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->actorsMeta = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->directors = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->producers = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->reviews = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->reviewsMeta = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->oldestTwoActors = new ArrayCollection();

    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title;

    public function setTitle(string $title): self
        $this->title = $title;

        return $this;

    public function getReleased(): int
        return $this->released;

    public function setReleased(int $released): self
        $this->released = $released;

        return $this;

    public function getTagline(): string
        return $this->tagline;

    public function setTagline(string $tagline): self
        $this->tagline = $tagline;

        return $this;

    public function getActors(): Collection
        return $this->actors;

    public function getActorsMeta(): Collection
        return $this->actorsMeta;

    public function getFemaleActors(): Collection
        return $this->femaleActors;

    public function getFemaleActorsMeta(): Collection
        return $this->femaleActorsMeta;

    public function getMaleActors(): Collection
        return $this->maleActors;

    public function getMaleActorsMeta(): Collection
        return $this->maleActorsMeta;

    public function getDirectors(): Collection
        return $this->directors;

    public function getProducers(): Collection
        return $this->producers;

    public function getReviews(): Collection
        return $this->reviews;

    public function getReviewsMeta(): Collection
        return $this->reviewsMeta;

    public function getRating(): ?float
        return $this->rating;

    public function getOldestTwoActors(): Collection
        return $this->oldestTwoActors;

    public function getAverageActorsAge(): float
        return $this->averageActorsAge;


The default node repository is Neo4j\OGM\Repository\BaseRepository. If you create a custom repository, you either need to extend Neo4j\OGM\Repository\BaseRepository or to implement Neo4j\OGM\Repository\RepositoryInterface.



The \Neo4j\OGM\Event\NodeCreatedEvent event is dispatched after a node (@OGM\Entity or @OGM\Relationship) has been created.


The \Neo4j\OGM\Event\NodeUpdatedEvent event is dispatched after a node (@OGM\Entity or @OGM\Relationship) has been updated.


The \Neo4j\OGM\Event\NodeDeletedEvent event is dispatched after a node (@OGM\Entity or @OGM\Relationship) has been deleted.


The \Neo4j\OGM\Event\NodeLoadedEvent event is dispatched after a node (@OGM\Entity or @OGM\Relationship) has been fully loaded, not its eventual lazy instance.


How do I query a node by its Neo4j id?

We've introduced a special operator id() which allows you to query a node by its id.


$node = $repository->findOneBy(['id()' => $id]);

Can I filter nodes by their relations?

In Doctrine you can easily filter results by their relation, which ends up creating a join for you. Using OGM it's not possible at the time. But we're planning on adding this feature.

Can I run custom queries?

Yes you can. The Neo4j client can be accessed through the NodeManagerInterface::getClient method.

Can I run custom queries and get hydrated objects?

Yes you can. You need to use Neo4j\OGM\Repository\BaseRepository's findByQuery or findOneByQuery method.

namespace App;

use Neo4j\OGM\NodeManagerInterface;
use App\Entity\Movie;
use App\Entity\Person;
use App\Relationship\ActedIn;

/** @return Person[]|null */
function loadCostars(NodeManagerInterface $nm, string $name): ?array {
    $query = 'MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(costar:Person)';
    $query .= PHP_EOL.'WHERE = $name';
    $query .= PHP_EOL.'WITH DISTINCT costar AS costar';
    $params = ['name' => $name];

    return $nm->getRepository(Person::class)->findByQuery(


The library is released under the MIT License, refer to the LICENSE file bundled with this package.