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65 lines (57 loc) · 7.88 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (57 loc) · 7.88 KB

Print of screen in Arch Print of screen in Arch 2


sudo pacman -S galculator network-manager-applet ttf-dejavu thunar playerctl ssh-tools redshift lxappearance autotiling lazygit lm_sensors xclip acpi tk vivaldi rofi feh picom xfce4-settings zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions zsh-syntax-highlighting fzf neofetch pavucontrol sfml system-config-printer cups ttf-dejavu shutter neovim npm python unzip ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols alacritty stow viewnior xarchiver ripgrep

yay -S systat grabc lazydocker dracula-gtk-theme kora-icon-theme fastcompmgr-git spotify picom-conf xlayoutdisplay dropbox appimagelauncher i3lock-fancy-git

Install oh-my-zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Keybinding Explanation
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase system volume by 10%.
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease system volume by 10%.
XF86AudioMute Mute/unmute the system audio.
XF86AudioMicMute Mute/unmute the microphone.
$mod+F10 Toggle audio mute.
$mod+F11 Decrease volume by 5%.
$mod+F12 Increase volume by 5%.
$mod+F9 Open the PulseAudio volume control (pavucontrol).
XF86AudioPlay Play/pause media player.
XF86AudioPause Pause media player.
XF86AudioNext Skip to the next track in the media player.
XF86AudioPrev Go to the previous track in the media player.
$mod+Return Open a terminal (using i3-sensible-terminal).
$mod+w Launch the Vivaldi web browser.
$mod+n Open the Thunar file manager.
$mod+c Open the Galculator application.
$mod+q Close the currently focused window.
$mod+d Launch dmenu (program launcher).
$mod+Shift+space Toggle floating window mode.
$mod+space Switch between tiling and floating window modes.
$mod+f Toggle fullscreen mode for the focused container.
$mod+h Split the current container horizontally.
$mod+v Split the current container vertically.
$mod+s Change layout to stacked.
$mod+e Toggle between horizontal and vertical split layouts.
$mod+h, $mod+j, $mod+k, $mod+l Move focus between windows (left, down, up, right).
$mod+Shift+j, $mod+Shift+k, $mod+Shift+l, $mod+Shift+ccedilla Move the focused window in the corresponding direction (left, down, up, right).
$mod+Left, $mod+Down, $mod+Up, $mod+Right Alternative keybindings to move focus between windows (left, down, up, right).
$mod+Shift+Left, $mod+Shift+Down, $mod+Shift+Up, $mod+Shift+Right Alternative keybindings to move windows (left, down, up, right).
$mod+a Focus on the parent container.
$mod+1 to $mod+0 Switch to workspaces 1 to 10.
$mod+Tab Toggle between the last two workspaces.
$mod+Shift+1 to $mod+Shift+0 Move the focused container to workspaces 1 to 10.
$mod+Shift+c Reload i3 configuration.
$mod+Shift+r Restart i3 without losing the layout or session.
$mod+Shift+e Exit i3 (logs out of X session).
$mod+r Enter resize mode.
h, j, k, l Resize window: shrink/grow width/height. (Left, Down, Up, Right) in resize mode.
Left, Down, Up, Right Resize window: shrink/grow width/height using arrow keys in resize mode.
Return, Escape, $mod+r Exit resize mode and return to default mode.
$mod+40 Launch the rofi application launcher.
$mod+Shift+space Toggle window between floating and tiling mode.
$mod+Shift+q Close focused window.