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This help page aims to cover two aspects of micro's syntax highlighting engine:

  • How to create colorschemes and use them.
  • How to create syntax files to add to the list of languages micro can highlight.


To change your colorscheme, press Ctrl-e in micro to bring up the command prompt, and type:

set colorscheme twilight

(or whichever colorscheme you choose).

Micro comes with a number of colorschemes by default. The colorschemes that you can display will depend on what kind of color support your terminal has.

Omit color-link default "[fg color],[bg color]" will make the background color match the terminal's, and transparency if set.

Modern terminals tend to have a palette of 16 user-configurable colors (these colors can often be configured in the terminal preferences), and additional color support comes in three flavors.

  • 16-color: A colorscheme that uses the 16 default colors will always work but will only look good if the 16 default colors have been configured to the user's liking. Using a colorscheme that only uses the 16 colors from the terminal palette will also preserve the terminal's theme from other applications since the terminal will often use those same colors for other applications. Default colorschemes of this type include simple and solarized.

  • 256-color: Almost all terminals support displaying an additional 240 colors on top of the 16 user-configurable colors (creating 256 colors total). Colorschemes which use 256-color are portable because they will look the same regardless of the configured 16-color palette. However, the color range is fairly limited due to the small number of colors available. Default 256-color colorschemes include monokai, twilight, zenburn, darcula and more.

  • true-color: Some terminals support displaying "true color" with 16 million colors using standard RGB values. This mode will be able to support displaying any colorscheme, but it should be noted that the user-configured 16-color palette is ignored when using true-color mode (this means the colors while using the terminal emulator will be slightly off). Not all terminals support true color but at this point most do. True color support in micro is off by default but can be enabled by setting the environment variable MICRO_TRUECOLOR to 1. In addition your terminal must support it (usually indicated by setting $COLORTERM to truecolor). True-color colorschemes in micro typically end with -tc, such as solarized-tc, atom-dark-tc, material-tc, etc... If true color is not enabled but a true color colorscheme is used, micro will do its best to approximate the colors to the available 256 colors.

Here is the list of colorschemes:

256 color

These should work and look nice in most terminals. I recommend these themes the most.

  • monokai (also the default colorscheme)
  • zenburn
  • gruvbox
  • darcula
  • twilight
  • railscast
  • bubblegum

16 color

These may vary widely based on the 16 colors selected for your terminal.

  • simple
  • solarized (must have the solarized color palette in your terminal to use this colorscheme properly)
  • cmc-16
  • cmc-paper
  • geany

True color

True color requires your terminal to support it. This means that the environment variable COLORTERM should have the value truecolor, 24bit, or 24-bit. In addition, to enable true color in micro, the environment variable MICRO_TRUECOLOR must be set to 1.

  • solarized-tc: this is the solarized colorscheme for true color.
  • atom-dark-tc: this colorscheme is based off of Atom's "dark" colorscheme.
  • cmc-tc: A true colour variant of the cmc theme. It requires true color to look its best. Use cmc-16 if your terminal doesn't support true color.
  • gruvbox-tc: The true color version of the gruvbox colorscheme
  • github-tc: The true color version of the Github colorscheme
  • material-tc: Colorscheme based off of Google's Material Design palette

Creating a Colorscheme

Micro's colorschemes are also extremely simple to create. The default ones can be found here.

Custom colorschemes should be placed in the ~/.config/micro/colorschemes directory.

A number of custom directives are placed in a .micro file. Colorschemes are typically only 18-30 lines in total.

To create the colorscheme you need to link highlight groups with actual colors. This is done using the color-link command.

For example, to highlight all comments in green, you would use the command:

color-link comment "green"

Background colors can also be specified with a comma:

color-link comment "green,blue"

This will give the comments a blue background.

If you would like no foreground you can just use a comma with nothing in front:

color-link comment ",blue"

You can also put bold, italic, or underline in front of the color:

color-link comment "bold red"

There are three different ways to specify the color.

Color terminals usually have 16 colors that are preset by the user. This means that you cannot depend on those colors always being the same. You can use those colors with the names black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white and the bright variants of each one (brightblack, brightred...).

Then you can use the terminals 256 colors by using their numbers 1-256 (numbers 1-16 will refer to the named colors).

If the user's terminal supports true color, then you can also specify colors exactly using their hex codes. If the terminal is not true color but micro is told to use a true color colorscheme it will attempt to map the colors to the available 256 colors.

Generally colorschemes which require true color terminals to look good are marked with a -tc suffix and colorschemes which supply a white background are marked with a -paper suffix.

Here is a list of the colorscheme groups that you can use:

  • default (color of the background and foreground for unhighlighted text)
  • comment
  • identifier
  • constant
  • statement
  • symbol
  • preproc
  • type
  • special
  • underlined
  • error
  • todo
  • statusline (Color of the statusline)
  • tabbar (Color of the tabbar that lists open files)
  • indent-char (Color of the character which indicates tabs if the option is enabled)
  • line-number
  • gutter-error
  • gutter-warning
  • cursor-line
  • current-line-number
  • color-column
  • ignore
  • divider (Color of the divider between vertical splits)

Colorschemes must be placed in the ~/.config/micro/colorschemes directory to be used.

In addition to the main colorscheme groups, there are subgroups that you can specify by adding .subgroup to the group. If you're creating your own custom syntax files, you can make use of your own subgroups.

If micro can't match the subgroup, it'll default to the root group, so it's safe and recommended to use subgroups in your custom syntax files.

For example if constant.string is found in your colorscheme, micro will us that for highlighting strings. If it's not found, it will use constant instead. Micro tries to match the largest set of groups it can find in the colorscheme definitions, so if, for examle constant.bool.true is found then micro will use that. If constant.bool.true is not found but constant.bool is found micro will use constant.bool. If not, it uses constant.

Here's a list of subgroups used in micro's built-in syntax files.

  • comment.bright (Some filetypes have distinctions between types of comments)
  • constant.bool
  • constant.bool.true
  • constant.bool.false
  • constant.number
  • constant.specialChar
  • constant.string
  • constant.string.url
  • identifier.class (Also used for functions)
  • identifier.macro
  • identifier.var
  • preproc.shebang (The #! at the beginning of a file that tells the os what script interpreter to use)
  • symbol.brackets ({}()[] and sometimes <>)
  • symbol.operator (Color operator symbols differently)
  • symbol.tag (For html tags, among other things)
  • type.keyword (If you want a special highlight for keywords like private)

In the future, plugins may also be able to use color groups for styling.

Syntax files

The syntax files are written in yaml-format and specify how to highlight languages.

Micro's builtin syntax highlighting tries very hard to be sane, sensible and provide ample coverage of the meaningful elements of a language. Micro has syntax files built in for over 100 languages now! However, there may be situations where you find Micro's highlighting to be insufficient or not to your liking. The good news is that you can create your own syntax files, and place them in ~/.config/micro/syntax and Micro will use those instead.

Filetype definition

You must start the syntax file by declaring the filetype:

filetype: go

Detect definition

Then you must provide information about how to detect the filetype:

    filename: "\\.go$"

Micro will match this regex against a given filename to detect the filetype. You may also provide an optional header regex that will check the first line of the file. For example:

    filename: "\\.ya?ml$"
    header: "%YAML"

Syntax rules

Next you must provide the syntax highlighting rules. There are two types of rules: patterns and regions. A pattern is matched on a single line and usually a single word as well. A region highlights between two patterns over multiple lines and may have rules of its own inside the region.

Here are some example patterns in Go:

    - special: "\\b(break|case|continue|default|go|goto|range|return)\\b"
    - statement: "\\b(else|for|if|switch)\\b"
    - preproc: "\\b(package|import|const|var|type|struct|func|go|defer|iota)\\b"

The order of patterns does matter as patterns lower in the file will overwrite the ones defined above them.

And here are some example regions for Go:

- constant.string:
    start: "\""
    end: "\""
        - constant.specialChar: "%."
        - constant.specialChar: "\\\\[abfnrtv'\\\"\\\\]"
        - constant.specialChar: "\\\\([0-7]{3}|x[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}|u[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|U[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})"

- comment:
    start: "//"
    end: "$"
        - todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?"

- comment:
    start: "/\\*"
    end: "\\*/"
        - todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?"

Notice how the regions may contain rules inside of them. Any inner rules that are matched are then skipped when searching for the end of the region. For example, when highlighting "foo \" bar", since \" is matched by an inner rule in the region, it is skipped. Likewise for "foo \\" bar, since \\ is matched by an inner rule, it is skipped, and then the " is found and the string ends at the correct place.

You may also explicitly mark skip regexes if you don't want them to be highlighted. For example:

- constant.string:
    start: "\""
    end: "\""
    skip: "\\."
    rules: []


You may also include rules from other syntax files as embedded languages. For example, the following is possible for html:

- default:
    start: "<script.*?>"
    end: "</script.*?>"
        - include: "javascript"

- default:
    start: "<style.*?>"
    end: "</style.*?>"
        - include: "css"

Syntax file headers

Syntax file headers are an optimization and it is likely you do not need to worry about them.

Syntax file headers are files that contain only the filetype and the detection regular expressions for a given syntax file. They have a .hdr suffix and are used by default only for the pre-installed syntax files. Header files allow micro to parse the syntax files much faster when checking the filetype of a certain file. Custom syntax files may provide header files in ~/.config/micro/syntax as well but it is not necessary (only do this if you have many (100+) custom syntax files and want to improve performance).