We welcome your contributed recording to the workshop. Here are a few general guidelines:
- Talks, discussions and interviews will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube: Your participation in the event signifies your consent to being recorded.
- Brevity is valued: Focus on the key ideas. Viewers can reach out to you via Slack for follow up.
- Keep all discussion positive and respectful: We are building a community of people with the common interest of improving scientific software through better software teams.
A recorded presentation involves a single speaker (or multiple speakers in sequence) delivering a talk aided by slides. Instructions:
- Recorded presentations are by invitation based on whitepaper contributions or workshop needs. You will be contacted by one of the workshop organizers.
- We are hoping to have all presentations recorded by Wednesday, July 14.
- Please keep your presentation to at most 15 minutes. Shorter is better if possible.
- If you use slides, please upload them to the RecordingList page just before or after the recording of your presentation.
A recorded discussion involves several people who can speak authoritatively to a specific theme, along with a moderator to guide the conversation. Instructions:
- You will be contacted by one of the workshop organizers to find a time to meet by Zoom to record your discussion.
- We are hoping to have all discussions recorded by Wednesday, July 14.
- We plan to limit discussions from 15 to 20 minutes. Shorter is better if possible.
- We prefer not to use slides unless there is detailed technical information needed occasionally during the discussion.
- If comfortable, we encourage a discussion be done using Zoom video. However, it is not required. We recommend that all participants use video or no participants use video (not a mix of some using video and others not). No one should feel compelled to use video.
A recorded involves one or two interviewees, along with an interviewer to guide the conversation. Instructions:
- You will be contacted by one of the workshop organizers to find a time to meet by Zoom to record your interview.
- The interview will touch on the four software teams sub-themes of the workshop: definitions, challenges, technical improvements and cultural improvements. The moderator will prompt you for any thoughts you have on the sub-themes and omit those that may not be of interest to you.
- We are hoping to have all interviews recorded by Wednesday, July 14.
- We plan to limit interviews from 10 to 15 minutes. Shorter is better if possible.
- We prefer not to use slides unless there is detailed technical information needed occasionally during the discussion.
- If comfortable, we encourage an interview be done using Zoom video. However, it is not required. We recommend that all participants use video or no participants use video (not a mix of some using video and others not). No one should feel compelled to use video.