Short description application description.
- iOS 12.0+
- Xcode 12+
- Swift 5.2+
This app is using CocoaPods to integrate and version control 3rd party dependencies.
Bundler makes sure all parties use the same CocoaPods (and Fastlane) version which increases stability during development.
bundle install
bundle exec pod install
Swift Package manager is also used but it's dependencies are resolved automatically by Xcode, at both development and build time.
Any additonal workflow step a new developer should know about
- sync localizable strings
- manual code generation
- etc ...
Use tablesgenerator to edit.
If code signing is other than Automatic, please include links to where the certificates are stores.
Code signing | Automatic | Match | Match |
Profile | Debug | Distribution | Distribution |
API Configuration | Development | Development | Production |
There's a handly fastlane action (fastlane/Fastfile
) that renews all necessary certificates. Please run this command locally on your machine:
bundle exec fastlane renew_certificates
Add if there are any notes.
Update this part based on the project configuration.
Continous integration & delivery is enabled using's built-in feature and configured using the gitlab-ci.yml file.
Nightlies are set up using GitLab pipeline schedules (Project > CI / CD > Schedules
Environment variables are used to configure how and where builds are distributed (check them out at Project > Settings> CI / CD > Variables
- App Store Connect: Client / Halcyon Mobile
- Basecamp: Halcyon Mobile
- ...