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Gimlet's REST API

Gimlet has a simple REST API for importing and exporting question data, along with some of the other information you might need to do those things.

Getting help

If this guide isn't enough for you, please file an issue or contact [email protected] and we'll give you a hand.

Getting an API key

To get an API key, have an administrator head to:

Account -> Branches -> Users -> (Choose an Email)

and click the "Generate API Key" button.

The API key grants a user access to add and query questions for sites they are a member of.

URLs and authentication

The API is accessible at:


Use HTTP Basic authentication; username is your Gimlet email, and password is your API key.


Listing questions

GET https://<yourdomain><site_id>/questions?start_date=YYYY-MM-DD&end_date=YYYY-MM-DD

All times and dates are in your account's local time zone. Start and end dates are inclusive.

Returns a JSON object with one attribute: questions which is an array of questions occurring between start_date and end_date. The array contains:

  • question_number Integer
  • initials String (or null)
  • email String, email of the user logging this question
  • location String, name of the location facet
  • duration String, name of the duration facet
  • format String, name of the format facet
  • asked_by String, name of the asked_by (Questioner) facet
  • question_type String, name of the question_type facet
  • difficulty String, name of the difficulty facet value
  • asked_at Date and time in the "Asked at" field
  • question_date Date portion of asked_at
  • question_time Time portion of asked_at
  • question_half_hour Question time, rounded to nearest half-hour
  • question_weekday String, weekday of question
  • added_at Date and time the question was added to the database
  • tags String. Space-separated list of tags
  • site String. Branch name
  • account String. Account name
  • question String. Question text
  • answer String. Answer text

You can also get the data in CSV format. You can do this either by setting the request header Accept: text/csv or by changing /questions to /questions.csv in your URL.

Note that there is no pagination on these requests. If you request a date range with a million questions, we'll stream them all to you. Be ready.

Adding a question

POST https://<yourdomain><site_id>/questions
Facet ID or Name?

To make things a bit easier, you can either refer to facets by their ID (eg, location_id) or name (eg, location_name). If you include both in your request, the behavior is undefined — one of them will win but you won't know which one.

The following parameters are required:

  • site_id
  • question[location_name] or question[location_id]
  • question[duration_name] or question[duration_id]
  • question[format_name] or question[format_id]
  • question[question_type_name] or question[question_type_id]
  • question[questioner_name] or question[questioner_id]

The following parameters are optional:

  • question[difficulty_name] or question[difficulty_id]
  • question[tag_list]
  • question[initials]
  • question[question]
  • question[answer]
  • question[asked_at_time] (24-hour, local time)
  • question[asked_at_date] (mm/dd/yyyy)

Branches (aka "sites")

GET https://<yourdomain>

Returns a JSON object with one attribute: branches which is an array of objects containing the following attributes:

  • id Integer, indicating the id of this branch/site.
  • name String.
  • status String, will be 'active', 'archive_pending', or 'archived'
  • question_count Integer, indicates the current number of questions for this branch/site.
  • use_initials Boolean, true if initials are stored with questions
  • use_difficulty Boolean, true if difficulty is enabled
  • use_qa Boolean, true if question/answer text are stored with questions
  • use_tagging Boolean, true if tags are stored with questions


GET https://<yourdomain><site_id>/facets

Returns a JSON object with one attribute: facets which is an array of objects containing the following attributes:

  • id Integer, indicating the ID of this facet
  • type String. One of 'Duration', 'Format', 'Location', 'Questioner', 'QuestionType', 'Difficulty'
  • name String.


Listing users

GET https://<yourdomain>

Returns a JSON object with one attribute: users which is an array of objects containing the following attributes:

  • id Integer, indicating the ID of this user
  • email String.
  • current_sign_in_at Timestamp, updated when the user signs in
  • last_sign_in_at Timestamp, of the previous sign in
  • sites Array. A collection of objects containing site id integers

Adding a user

POST https://<yourdomain>

The following parameters are required:

  • user[email]
  • user[site_ids]

Updating a user

PUT https://<yourdomain><user_id>

The following parameters are required:

  • user[email]
  • user[site_ids]

Deleting a user

DELETE https://<yourdomain><user_id>