- fix #258 (by @Trede98)
- update sdk signature information (by @davidme-stripe)
- fix issues with Stripe iOS dependency
- fix errors with shippingMethod for Apple Play (thanks @andhieka)
- preserve card name on iOS (thanks @brauliolomeli)
- currency support for CreditCard model (thanks @cis-emp1822)
- update Stripe iOS dependency to support Xcode 11.4 (#131)
- bump Android gradle for latest Flutter support (thanks @ened)
- fix #97 (thanks @sandeep-at-airlift)
- support Stripe Connected accounts (thanks @nicowernli)
- fix Android kotlin compilation problems (#72)
- fix canMakeNativePayPayments request when it includes a list of networks (thanks @alexstuckey)
- fix Android configuration for Activities (#68)
- fix completeNativePayRequest + cancelNativePayRequest methods (thanks @jocelyngirard)
- cancelling paymentRequestWithCardForm will now return the Future on Android (fixes #55)
- update minimum deployment target for iOS to 10.0
the stripe_payment plugin is now ported from tipsi-stripe React Native plugin: https://github.com/tipsi/tipsi-stripe New features include:
- canMakeNativePayPayments()
- deviceSupportsNativePay()
- potentiallyAvailableNativePayNetworks()
- completeNativePayRequest()
- cancelNativePayRequest()
- paymentRequestWithCardForm()
- createTokenWithCard()
- createTokenWithBankAccount()
- createSourceWithParams()
- Add native iOS confirmation
- readme update
- Lowered iOS minimum deployment target to 9.0
- removed dependency to stripe_native
- removed useNativeReceipt method
Breaking change: Initialize the plugin has changed: StripePayment.setSettings(StripeSettings(publishableKey: "pk_test_"));
Added support for:
- SCA and 2FA (two factor authentication)
- confirm + setup payments
- Apple / Google Pay via stripe_native (https://pub.dev/packages/stripe_native)
- Update Stripe dependencies
- BREAKING: This plugin now uses the Payment Intent to create a payment method instead of creating a Source.
- Breaking: Minimum Android target is 19 (from 18)
- Breaking: Minimum iOS target is 9.0 (from 8.0)
- Update Android Stripe dependency to 10.2.1
- Update iOS Stripe dependency to 16.0.3
- Breaking change: use AndroidX
- Updating Android Gradle
- Fix crash on iOS for newer Flutter beta (fixes jonasbark#12)
- Increase Kotlin and Gradle versions
- Dart 2 fixes
- Compatible with Flutter SDK >=0.1.4 <2.0.0"
- Initial release.