- Minetest v5.5 compatible
- UI Fixes
- Refactoring (blocks, examples)
- Players now start with codelevel=4
- Examples are generated when newplayer join
- Moved optional dependencies to dependencies
- add call yield
- fix english translation
- add help next to code editor (commands and block list)
- optional depends on vector3, worldedit, wool, etc
- added max number of functions/loops calls before yield
- get block at drone position
- function that returns a block at random in a list of blocks
- update README (commands, directory)
- check player meta state on join
- editor : add options to create/remove files
- change to 'close file'
- checkboxes translations
- editor : add checkboxes to save/load on exit (fix bug?)
- filesystem : change to file names instead of indexes
- file : put an initial simple example.lua ready to use
- filesystem : handle removed/added files when restoring editor state
- set drone limits/speed with authlevel (volume, calls, commands, dimension)
- api now have a custom vector library
- corrected centered shapes placement
- tool fixes/textures
- add cylinder() and dome()
- WE center placing functions
- separate H and V cylinder and centered funcitons
- sanity checks of input types -> abs values !
- fix trad
- fix centered cylinders placement
- rewrite programs with appropriate functions
- review max volume allowed
- update list of commands in README and contentDB
- safe formspecs
- check compatible versions of minetest
- add turn(n) ?
- add sphere()
- add cube()
- add move(r,f,u)
- relative positioning
- checkpoint saves drone dir
- use minetest.write
- remove error() when possible
- default drone move by 1
- drone label with program
- remove drone on leave