- uses MIDI value as core data
- can translate from string to MIDI (possibly slightly annoying)
- can also provide pitchbend amount for microtonal stuff
- can build set of notes based on notation and output array of MIDI + pitchbend info
- really annoying
([A-Za-z]b?#?)(\d)([a-z]{3})(b?#?\d)* // captures ['c','c#','cb'] [4] ['min'] [7]
- Defines number of notes per octave
- Defines MIDI note number + pitchbend value for each note
- a collection of scale degrees that are then used alongside a Temperament
- has a key signature
- can change root scale degree. notes triggered by scale change based on root, scale, and temperament
- should be able to read tuning files from tune.js
Example: a = Scale({ key:'f minor', root:1 }) a.note( 0 ) // outputs a Note object equivalent to F a.root = 4 // modulate to Bb major a.note( 2 ) // outputs a Note object equivalent to D (the third of Bb)