Releases: geoschem/GCHP
GCHP 13.4.0
Updates that will affect full-chemistry benchmark simulations
- Migrate sulfate chemistry into KPP
- Convert the HOCl & HOBr reactions with dissolved SO2 to use gas phase SO2
- Turn off sea salt debromination by default
- Fix bug in Henry law CALC_HEFF routine in hetchem computations
- Bug fix: Remove double-counting of HCl uptake on acidic sea salt
- Update surface resistance for ozone deposition to ice/snow
- Update to HEMCO version 3.4.0
- AEIC 2019 aircraft emissions inventory
- Use degassing-only volcano emissions in GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations
- Fix end year for CEDS_NO_SHIP and MULTISEAICE entries in HEMCO_Config.rc
- Fix parallelization errors in GEOS-Chem Classic and add updates for better numerical stability
- Use updated definition of PM2.5; Add PM10 diagnostic
Updates that will NOT affect full-chemistry benchmark simulations
- Updated Hg chemistry in KPP
- NOTE: Still undergoing validation, a fix may be issued in a patch version (e.g. 13.4.1)
- Bug fix: Use REAL*8 precision in for CH3O2 + OH reaction definition in fullchem.eqn
- Updated Global Inventory of Methane Emissions from Oil/Gas/Coal (GFEI v2)
- Anthropogenic Methane Emission Inventory for Canada
- Use EDGARv6 global anthro emissions for CH4 simulation
- Updated Rn-222 emissions for TransportTracers simulations
- Retire HEMCO extension for CH4 wetland emissions
- Updates to enable automated run directory creation
- Bug fix: Allow GEOS-Chem Classic History to archive irregular intervals (e.g. a month and a day)
- Updates for running GEOS-Chem within GEOS
- Add CH4 pseudo flux diagnostic
- Add capability to write GEOS-Chem Classic timers to JSON file
- Update tagged Ox simulation to use archived prod/loss rates from GEOS-Chem and retire Linoz
- Apply bug fix for dust aciduptake simulation
Updates that will only affect GCHP
- Add capability to use mass fluxes in advection
- Switch advection to use total pressure (rather than dry)
- Add option for driving GCHP with native GEOS meteorological files
- Add diagnostic for vertical air movement (vertical mass flux)
- Define a GCHP "Default" diagnostic collection that will archive a small number of commonly-requested diagnostic fields
- Add capability to read native meteorological data files
- Fix communicators leak Weiyuan Jiang (GSFC)
- Fix unintuitive error handling when untemplated file is missing
- Fix incorrect output file timestamp with 24-hour duration and 1-hour frequency
- Fix units in FV3 mass flux variable that impacted vertical mass flux diagnostic
- Move call to setup_wetscav to prevent zero C_H2O used in wet scavening in first timestep
- This removes differences in wet scavenging when breaking up run
For more information, please see:
- Getting Started with GEOS-Chem
- NOTE: We are in the process of moving the GEOS-Chem Classic manual to
- GCHP manual at ReadTheDocs
- HEMCO manual at ReadTheDocs
- GEOS-Chem 13.4.0 page on the GEOS-Chem wiki
GCHP 13.3.4
Contains the following bug fixes (affecting GEOS-Chem Classic only)
- Bug fix: Now correctly check GEOS-Chem Classic History diagnostic subset indices
- Fix incorrect restart file path in dry-run configuration file download_data.yml
For more information, please see:
GCHP 13.3.3
Contains the following updates:
- Upgrade to HEMCO version 3.2.2, which includes the following bug fixes:
- Restore updating of manual HEMCO diagnostics, which had been clobbered due to a prior Git merge
- NOTE: This affects only the CH4, Hg, and TOMAS simulations
For more information, please see:
GCHP 13.3.2
Contains the following updates:
- Fix outdated path in GCHP fullchem config file ExtData.rc
Please see the following pages for details on these updates:
GCHP 13.3.1
Release date: 15 Nov 2021
Contains fixes for minor issues that were discovered during the 13.3.0 benchmarking process:
- Diagnostic fixes:
- Fix incorrect units in ProdLoss diagnostic output
- Bug fix: Remove second underscore from State_Chm Hg simulation fields
- Remove duplicate unit conversion from kg/kg dry to v/v dry in planeflight_mod.F90
- Now allow GEOS-Chem Classic History collection names to contain an underscore
- Other updates and fixes:
- Stop gracefully if the chemical solver fails to converge to a solution twice in a row
- Also print out concentrations and reaction rates at the affected grid box, which can aid in debugging the problem
- Fix call to timers in fullchem_mod.F90
- Use default timesteps (transport=600s, chemistry=1200s) for nested-grid simulations using 0.5° x 0.625° grids
- EXCEPTION: CH4 simulations at 0.5° x 0.625° will still use transport=300s, chemistry=600s timesteps
- Fix incorrect file path in TOMAS routine YuIMN_Code.F90
- GCHP updates and fixes:
- Fix incorrect file timestamp with freq=1hr and duration=24hr
- The script now removes additional log files produced by GCHP
Please see the following pages for details on these updates:
GCHP 13.3.0
Release Date: 15 Nov 2021
GCHP 13.3.0 contains the following updates:
- Gas-phase chemistry updates:
- Addition of aromatic VOC chemistry
- Addition of C2H2 and C2H4 chemistry
- Addition of CH3O2 + OH reaction
- Addition of HMS chemistry
- Heterogenous chemistry updates:
- Cleaning up hetchem reaction rate computations for clarity and efficiency
- Updates to IONO2 hydrolysis reaction following Wang et al. (2021)
- Revise gamma(N2O5) computation; cap A at 3.2e-8
- Fixed typo in routine CloudHet
- Fixed typos in ClNO2 hetchem reactions: HNO2 should be a product, not HNO3
- Add better error trap criteria to prevent reaction rate computations from blowing up
- Emissions updates:
- Add option to use NEI2016 emissions over the US (turned off by default)
- Avoid double counting of acetone source from monoterpenes when using online MEGAN
- Update volcano emissions to May 2020 and add climatology
- Updated offline dust emissions from Meng et al. (2021)
- NOTE: benchmark simulations use online dust emissions instead
- Send all HEMCO error messages to GEOS-Chem log
- Other updates:
- Updated aerosol dry deposition
- The ObsPack diagnostic can now use the ?ADV? Wildcard
- Features only affecting GCHP:
- Include thread number in GEOS-Chem and HEMCO error messages
- GCHP Adjoint updates
Please see the following pages for details on these updates, including benchmarks:
GCHP 13.2.1
This release fixes the following issue identified since 13.2.0:
- Retire tropchem simulation as an option
- Bug fix for JvalO3O1D and JValO3O3P diagnostics
- Bug fixes for the planeflight diagnostic
- Several bug fixes for nested-grid simulations
- Several bug fixes for Hg simulations
- Add WashU data server to GCHP data download script
- Update the script to read global settings from a YAML file
- Bug fix for better error messages if GCHP throws an error during set up
- Minor GCHP run directory updates
Please see the following links for more information on this version.
GCHP 13.2.0
This is the release for GCHP 13.2.0. Major updates since 13.1.2 include:
- CEDS v2 emissions through 2019
- Updated Yuan/BNU MODIS LAI product (2000-2019)
- Improved wet scavenging from Luo et al. (2020) (as option)
- Blowing snow emissions of sea salt and sea salt bromide
- Trace metal simulation
- Set lev positive 'up' for all diagnostic files except Emission
- Update MAPL to prevent minimum CMake version 3.14
- Updates to GCHP sample run scripts including multi-run bug fix
Please see the following links for more information on this version.
- GEOS-Chem 13.2.0 wiki page
- 13.2.0 milestone for geoschem/geos-chem
- 13.2.0 milestone for geoschem/GCHP
- 3.1.0 milestone for geoschem/HEMCO
GCHP 13.1.2
- Zero-diff updates required for CESM2-GC
- Updated the script to fetch GCAP2 met fields from U. Rochester server
- Added .zenodo.json for auto-filling DOI fields
For more info:
GCHP 13.1.1
This release fixes the following issue identified since 13.1.0:
- Fix for PM2.5 diagnostic
- Updates for compatibility of GEOS-Chem in GEOS
- Expand support for GNU Fortran compilers to include version 10
- Fix bug in regex used for linking to ESMF
Please see the following links for more information on this version.