All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.5 (2023-12-20)
- add DebugStop component for stop (7be3e83)
- add invertColor property to RouteScheduleStop (1372a26)
- add RouteDestination (c2b64ec)
- add RouteIcon component (dec1970)
- add RouteInfos component (3391cb1)
- allow to overide styleOptions (cdb1e0d)
- display long name in route identifier component (603d41b)
- don't use default click behavior of the realtime layer (23f4025)
- fix DebugStop update (e168f8c)
- fix max size of route stop (cdbb995)
- hide delay if a stop is time based (7664724)
- move platform in stop name (2c8232c)
- move platform in stop name (8fc0568)
- prepare for override of RouteSchedule (b4c0dc5)
- put attributes value in context (7171824)
- re add defualt click on realtime layer (be122c7)
- reduce the size of font of delay (a4608c9)
- separate Copyright files (1aaaf74)
- separate Copyright files (bd08d59)
- split exports (5ea89e3)
- split route schedule in multiple component (c7e1847)
- split route stop display in multiple components (b3f0571)
- update bbox properly when following a train (0b20e1e)
- use font sans by default (63f9efe)
- use font serif by default (e8f528c)
- use line property for RouteIcon (756a29c)
- use same delays colors and values in route schedule and in the map (8169f47)
0.1.4 (2023-11-07)
0.1.3 (2023-11-03)
- add notifications from moco (#1) (3ca46e6)
- fix attributes definition (ac87d87)
- hide delay when they are null in route schedule (dfb3a6f)
0.1.2 (2023-10-20)
0.1.1 (2023-10-20)
- change web component name (9927ded)
- move package in geops scope (996e777)