Build and run the Agent Container
Build and run the TeleopKey Container
Install and run Thonny
Build and run the ROS Console Container
From the ROS Console, run the rqt GUI App
Arrange terminals running the required containers, arrange them as a stacked array on the left hand side of the screen. A terminal program that supports splitting the window horizontally, makes window management easier
Open the Thonny and arrange it on the top right of the screen
Move the rqt bottom bottom right hand of the screen.
Visual Code Studio can be loaded on another Desktop allowing you to switch from the compiler for the firmware, to the configuration to perform Python development.
Sample Python code is located in the example directory
The sample code can be loaded on the device by dragging it from the top (Local Directory) down to the device directory.
To start the ROS System and register to receive /cmd_vel messages with the data type of geometry_twist