ROSMicroPy is a tightly coupled integration of MicroROS and Micropython, multithreaded, async message, Python based ROS2 firmware for embedded microprocessor devices
- Start / Stop ROS Stack
- Set the Address of the ROS Agent
- Set the Node name of the device
- Publish messages
- Subscribe to messages
- Run a server process
- Support for all standard ROS and Custom Types
- On device, dynamic on-the-fly, type creation
How to's on creating the supporting containers include:
- Creating a container for Firmware development
- Creating a container to run the ROS Agent
- Creating a container to run TeleopKey from Turtlesim
- Creating a container to run graphical ROS apps
- **[Plugin to compile ROS Types and store to the device](/docs/thonny/**
- Build System
- Connecting the different Threading Models
- Type Support
- Subscribing to an event
- Callback functions on Message Receive events
- Publishing ROS messages