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Build windows installer

Philippe Bordron edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 11 revisions

Building a Windows installer of D-Genies is done in two times:

  • First, python part of D-Genies is packaged as a standalone executable with pyinstaller (this way, python is not needed on targeted systems)
  • Second, Inno Setup is used to package D-Genies and manage its installation process.

On Linux with wine (WIP)

Prepare data

mkdir win_build
cp -rp win32 win_build/
cp -rp src/dgenies/{templates,static,md} win_build/win32/data/dgenies/
cp -p src/bin/dgenies win_build/win32/

Prepare the wine environment

In this cookbook, we have used wine-7.0-rc2-staging, but any recent version of wine must be good.

cd win_build
export WINEPREFIX="${PWD}/wine-pyinstall"
WINEARCH="win32" winecfg

In the window that pop up, we check that wine is configured as Windows 7, our minimal target system, and we click OK

Pyinstaller documentation tells we need to include the Visual C++ run-time .dlls. Python 3.5+ needs Visual Studio 2015 run-time

env WINEPREFIX="${PWD}/wine-pyinstall" sh winetricks vcrun2015 

Install python and required packages


  • Floreal guide seems to use 32 bits python -> switch to x84_64?
  • add UPX?
Install python

Starting version 3.9, python is only compatible with Windows 8.1+. Python 3.8 is the last compatible with Windows 7, our target. Moreover, python 3.8.11+ has no windows binary. We get the 3.8.10 for x86 (32 bits). In future, we will drop Windows 7.


chmod +x python-3.8.10.exe

For the purpose of automated and silent installation, we create a file called unattend.xml with following contents. We put it in the same directory that the python installer.

    <Option Name="InstallAllUsers" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="TargetDir" Value="C:\python38" />
    <Option Name="DefaultAllUsersTargetDir" Value="C:\python38" />
    <Option Name="DefaultJustForMeTargetDir" Value="C:\python38" />
    <Option Name="DefaultCustomTargetDir" Value="C:\python38" />
    <Option Name="AssociateFiles" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="CompileAll" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="PrependPath" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="Shortcuts" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="Include_doc" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="Include_debug" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="Include_dev" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="Include_exe" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="Include_launcher" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="InstallLauncherAllUsers" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="Include_lib" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="Include_pip" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="Include_symbols" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="Include_tcltk" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="Include_test" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="Include_tools" Value="1" />
    <Option Name="LauncherOnly" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="SimpleInstall" Value="0" />
    <Option Name="SimpleInstallDescription">Python for D-Genies installer builder with wine on Linux</Option>

We install then python with following command:

wine ./python-3.8.10.exe /quiet /log python-install.log

Install dgenies

For pypi release:

wine "C:\python38\python.exe" -m pip install dgenies --prefer-binary --log ${PWD}/dgenies-install.log

For dev release, build a dist wheel file (.whl), and then use this command:

wine "C:\python38\python.exe" -m pip install </absolute/path/to/dgenies-<version>-py3-none-any.whl> --prefer-binary --log ${PWD}/dgenies-install.log

where you replace </absolute/path/to/dgenies> with the right path. You can also use the --force-reinstall option if needed.

Install pyinstaller

We install pyinstaller (version 4.8 when redacting this guide) this way

wine "C:\python38\python.exe" -m pip install pyinstaller --log ${PWD}/pyinstaller-install.log

Install Inno setup

Done with Inno Setup 6.2

# Last version can be downloaded at
# We use a stable link here for reproductibility.
wget -O is.exe
chmod +x is.exe
wine ./is.exe /SILENT /ALLUSERS /LOG="innosetup.log" /DIR="C:\innosetup"

Build installer

Run pyinstaller

cd win32
wine "C:\python38\Scripts\pyinstaller.exe" --icon=data/logo.ico --clean

Run innosetup

wine "C:\innosetup\ISCC.exe" build_setup.iss

Installer is in Output directory and can be copied where you want:

cp Output/dgenies-*.exe ../

On Windows itself

Original author: Floréal Cabanettes (@florealcab)

Prepare files

Download the win32 folder of the repository.

Add in data/dgenies/templates folder of the win32 folder all files contained in the src/dgenies/templates folder of the dgenies repository.

Add in data/dgenies/static folder of the win32 folder all files and folders contained in the src/dgenies/static folder of the dgenies repository.

Add in data/dgenies/md folder of the win32 folder all files and folders contained in the src/dgenies/md folder of the dgenies repository.

Copy the src/bin/dgenies script from the dgenies repository to the win32 folder and rename it

Install required packages

Start by installing dgenies:

pip install dgenies

Then, install pyinstaller, which will create the executable for windows:

pip install pyinstaller

You will also need Inno Setup to build setup file. We use the 5.9 version.

Run pyinstaller

Into the win32 folder, run the following command.


pyinstaller --icon=data/logo.ico --clean

This will create a dist folder with inside a dgeniesrun folder. Other folders will be created, but you can delete them.

Run innosetup

Launch build of the build_setup.iss file with InnoSetup. It will create the EXE setup file inside the new Output folder.