This library will help you to speed up the integration with Pepipost API v2
2.5.0 version provides full access to the functionality of web API v2 for Sending emails
The goal is to simplify the complexity of integration and make the library Community Driven. We require your help to make sure the libraries are built in proper order. we would want you to create issues and pull requests or simply upvote or comment on existing issues or pull requests.
For any update of this library check Releases.
- dotnet SDK (> 2.0)
- mono devel
- Mono-develop IDE
- NETStandard.Library(>= 1.6.1)
- Pepipost
- A free account on Pepipost. If you don't have a one, click here to sign-up and get 30,000 emails free every month.
Start mono-develop IDE
Select File -> New Solution Or Simply Ctrl+shift+N
Template for new project prompt will appear App -> console application -> Next
Give name to your Project
Once you have named your project simply click create
After Project is successfully created
Let's add Nuget package dependencies as described earlier
Select official C# library Pepipost
Once all the packages are installed successfully
just copy and paste the in your program.cs file present in your project.
build the project shown below OR by clicking F8
Grab your Api_key and verified Sending Domain
- apikey will be available under Login to Pepipost -> Settings -> Integration
- Sending Domain will be available under Login to Pepiost -> Settings -> Sending Domains
Change apikey and Sending Domain in script
string apiKey = "XXXXX-your-api-key-XXXX"
(near by line no 25 if your have copy the = "your recipient emailid here"
(near by line no 31)body.From.FromEmail = "info@ your-verified-domain"
(near by line no 37) -
Building Project to Send Email
Run the project Press ctrl + F5
If your apikey and sending domain is proper response message will be success
If there is some problem related with config Error message will be Shown