nodejs json-rpc for bitcoin
it- call
with host, port, username, password as args - call
with the method, param and callback (the callback takes (err, result))
- optional: call
with the number of milliseconds to wait if 500 isn't enough
var bitcoin_rpc = require('node-bitcoin-rpc')
bitcoin_rpc.init('host', port, 'rpc_username', rpc_pass)'getbalance', [], function (err, res) {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('I have an error :( ' + err + ' ' + res.error)
} else {
console.log('Yay! I need to do whatevere now with ' + res.result)
- host; localhost
- port: 8332
- rpc_username: bitcoinrpc
- rpc_password: foo
- connection timeout: 500 ms