- Add smarter thumbnail finding
- Should be able to put thumbnails in local directory, or any parent.
- Don't request permanent tokens
- Implement text previews
- Allow trailing slash on load
- Maintain state of selected items across navigations
- Will probably require passing in current render state to components
- Create an async task list for tracking things like moves and uploads that can take a long time.
- Add ability to force login even if top-level doesn't require it.
- Add ability to generate capability URLs for apps like VLC.
- Handle selecting both parent and child items, ie don't want to attempt to delete a child if the parent has already be deleted.
- Warn when overwriting.
- Add ability to show QR code for a location.
- When talking to HTTP/1.1 servers, it appears uploads with more than the max number of concurrent requests will hang because the SSE requests are blocking the uploads.