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Display the system volume and optionally the default playback device and indeax. Offers controls for these via clicks/scrolling. Supports changing audiostreams that are already playing.


pulseaudio, alsa (alsa-utils package), fontawesome (fonts-font-awesome package) for the speaker symbols


Left/right clicks change default playback device, middle click mutes, scrolling adjusts volume. If your keyboard has audio buttons, it is suggested to add the the following to your i3 config

# change volume or toggle mute
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 5%+ && pkill -RTMIN+1 i3blocks 
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 5%- && pkill -RTMIN+1 i3blocks
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q -D pulse sset Master toggle && pkill -RTMIN+1 i3blocks

where the number 1 in -RTMIN+1 can be replaced to another signal number, as long as it agrees what you put for signal= in your i3blocks config. The previous lines also assume your mixer is "pulse" and your scontrol is "Master". If yours are different, change them appropriately.

Alternatively to using signals, you may use the SUBSCRIBE=1 option in your config in order to have the block automatically respond to audio change events. This option requires interval=persist and always uses the LONG_FORMAT.


#MIXER=[determined automatically]
#SCONTROL=[determined automatically]
##exposed format variables: ${SYMB}, ${VOL}, ${INDEX}, ${NAME}
## SUBSCRIBE=1 requires interval=persist and always uses LONG_FORMAT