We found that it was hard to crack a lot of silos hidden in our institutes. While we advertised widely, it was worth going into HDR rooms that were likely to be doing R or Python (usually your data scientists) and talking to them.
The areas of research that you will find get the most attendance from Hacky Hours:
- Environment
- Bioinformatics
- Chemoinformatics
- Allied Health
- Medical
- Psychology
- Social Marketing
Please do add other areas to target. Otherwise, there have been studies such as https://zenodo.org/record/14809#.WevWzZ8xDCJ that can highlight areas to target.
Career path wise, we found most people who attended were Higher Degree Researchers and Early Career Researchers. The occasional Professor will stop by but not often. We also get Librarians and other general staff stopping in from time to time, either to catch up or share the work they are doing.