diff --git a/tests/test_cli.py b/tests/test_cli.py
index 3ad304d6e..fc7c6564e 100644
--- a/tests/test_cli.py
+++ b/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -235,6 +235,15 @@ def test_create_bdev_ana_ipv6(self, caplog, gateway):
     def test_create_subsystem_ana(self, caplog, gateway):
+        with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex:
+            try:
+                cli(["create_subsystem", "-n", subsystem, "-t"])
+            except SystemExit as sysex:
+                # should fail with non-zero return code
+                assert sysex != 0
+                pass
+            assert "HA enabled but ANA-reporting is disabled" in str(ex.value)
+        caplog.clear()
         cli(["create_subsystem", "-n", subsystem, "-a", "-t"])
         assert f"Created subsystem {subsystem}: True" in caplog.text
         assert "ana reporting: True" in caplog.text
diff --git a/tests/test_grpc.py b/tests/test_grpc.py
index e92a11e37..3bd67a437 100644
--- a/tests/test_grpc.py
+++ b/tests/test_grpc.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def test_create_get_subsys(caplog, config):
         for i in range(created_resource_count):
-            assert "Failed" not in caplog.text
+            assert "failed" not in caplog.text.lower()
diff --git a/tests/test_omap_lock.py b/tests/test_omap_lock.py
index cd48e08ba..d3d4674e6 100644
--- a/tests/test_omap_lock.py
+++ b/tests/test_omap_lock.py
@@ -15,19 +15,13 @@
 subsystem_prefix = "nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode"
 created_resource_count = 500
-def conn(config, request):
+def conn_omap_reread(config, request):
     """Sets up and tears down Gateways A and B."""
-    update_notify = True
-    update_interval_sec = 5
+    update_notify = False
+    update_interval_sec = 300
     disable_unlock = False
     lock_duration = 60
-    if request.node.name == "test_multi_gateway_omap_reread":
-        update_notify = False
-        update_interval_sec = 300
-    elif request.node.name == "test_trying_to_lock_twice":
-        disable_unlock = True
-        lock_duration = 100    # This should be bigger than lock retries * retry sleep interval
     # Setup GatewayA and GatewayB configs
     configA = copy.deepcopy(config)
@@ -75,10 +69,120 @@ def conn(config, request):
-def test_multi_gateway_omap_reread(config, conn, caplog):
+def conn_lock_twice(config, request):
+    """Sets up and tears down Gateways A and B."""
+    update_notify = True
+    update_interval_sec = 5
+    disable_unlock = True
+    lock_duration = 100    # This should be bigger than lock retries * retry sleep interval
+    # Setup GatewayA and GatewayB configs
+    configA = copy.deepcopy(config)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["name"] = "GatewayAA"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["group"] = "Group2"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["state_update_notify"] = str(update_notify)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["state_update_interval_sec"] = str(update_interval_sec)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["omap_file_disable_unlock"] = str(disable_unlock)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["omap_file_lock_duration"] = str(lock_duration)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["min_controller_id"] = "1"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["max_controller_id"] = "20000"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["enable_spdk_discovery_controller"] = "True"
+    configA.config["spdk"]["rpc_socket_name"] = "spdk_GatewayAA.sock"
+    portA = configA.getint("gateway", "port") + 2
+    configA.config["gateway"]["port"] = str(portA)
+    configB = copy.deepcopy(configA)
+    addr = configA.get("gateway", "addr")
+    portB = portA + 1
+    configB.config["gateway"]["name"] = "GatewayBB"
+    configB.config["gateway"]["port"] = str(portB)
+    configB.config["gateway"]["min_controller_id"] = "20001"
+    configB.config["gateway"]["max_controller_id"] = "40000"
+    configB.config["spdk"]["rpc_socket_name"] = "spdk_GatewayBB.sock"
+    configB.config["spdk"]["tgt_cmd_extra_args"] = "-m 0x02"
+    # Start servers
+    with (
+       GatewayServer(configA) as gatewayA,
+       GatewayServer(configB) as gatewayB,
+    ):
+        gatewayA.serve()
+        # Delete existing OMAP state
+        gatewayA.gateway_rpc.gateway_state.delete_state()
+        # Create new
+        gatewayB.serve()
+        # Bind the client and Gateways A & B
+        channelA = grpc.insecure_channel(f"{addr}:{portA}")
+        stubA = pb2_grpc.GatewayStub(channelA)
+        channelB = grpc.insecure_channel(f"{addr}:{portB}")
+        stubB = pb2_grpc.GatewayStub(channelB)
+        yield stubA, stubB
+        # Stop gateways
+        gatewayA.server.stop(grace=1)
+        gatewayB.server.stop(grace=1)
+        gatewayB.gateway_rpc.gateway_state.delete_state()
+def conn_concurrent(config, request):
+    """Sets up and tears down Gateways A and B."""
+    update_notify = True
+    update_interval_sec = 5
+    disable_unlock = False
+    lock_duration = 60
+    # Setup GatewayA and GatewayB configs
+    configA = copy.deepcopy(config)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["name"] = "GatewayAAA"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["group"] = "Group3"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["state_update_notify"] = str(update_notify)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["state_update_interval_sec"] = str(update_interval_sec)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["omap_file_disable_unlock"] = str(disable_unlock)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["omap_file_lock_duration"] = str(lock_duration)
+    configA.config["gateway"]["min_controller_id"] = "1"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["max_controller_id"] = "20000"
+    configA.config["gateway"]["enable_spdk_discovery_controller"] = "True"
+    configA.config["spdk"]["rpc_socket_name"] = "spdk_GatewayAAA.sock"
+    portA = configA.getint("gateway", "port") + 4
+    configA.config["gateway"]["port"] = str(portA)
+    configB = copy.deepcopy(configA)
+    addr = configA.get("gateway", "addr")
+    portB = portA + 1
+    configB.config["gateway"]["name"] = "GatewayBBB"
+    configB.config["gateway"]["port"] = str(portB)
+    configB.config["gateway"]["min_controller_id"] = "20001"
+    configB.config["gateway"]["max_controller_id"] = "40000"
+    configB.config["spdk"]["rpc_socket_name"] = "spdk_GatewayBBB.sock"
+    configB.config["spdk"]["tgt_cmd_extra_args"] = "-m 0x02"
+    # Start servers
+    with (
+       GatewayServer(configA) as gatewayA,
+       GatewayServer(configB) as gatewayB,
+    ):
+        gatewayA.serve()
+        # Delete existing OMAP state
+        gatewayA.gateway_rpc.gateway_state.delete_state()
+        # Create new
+        gatewayB.serve()
+        # Bind the client and Gateways A & B
+        channelA = grpc.insecure_channel(f"{addr}:{portA}")
+        stubA = pb2_grpc.GatewayStub(channelA)
+        channelB = grpc.insecure_channel(f"{addr}:{portB}")
+        stubB = pb2_grpc.GatewayStub(channelB)
+        yield stubA, stubB
+        # Stop gateways
+        gatewayA.server.stop(grace=1)
+        gatewayB.server.stop(grace=1)
+        gatewayB.gateway_rpc.gateway_state.delete_state()
+def test_multi_gateway_omap_reread(config, conn_omap_reread, caplog):
     """Tests reading out of date OMAP file
-    stubA, stubB, gatewayA, gatewayB = conn
+    stubA, stubB, gatewayA, gatewayB = conn_omap_reread
     bdev = bdev_prefix + "X0"
     bdev2 = bdev_prefix + "X1"
     bdev3 = bdev_prefix + "X2"
@@ -112,7 +216,7 @@ def test_multi_gateway_omap_reread(config, conn, caplog):
     assert len(listB) == 1
     listA = json.loads(json_format.MessageToJson(
-        stubB.get_subsystems(get_subsystems_req),
+        stubA.get_subsystems(get_subsystems_req),
     assert len(listA) == num_subsystems
@@ -154,21 +258,21 @@ def test_multi_gateway_omap_reread(config, conn, caplog):
     assert bdevsB[1]["name"] == bdev2
     assert bdevsB[2]["name"] == bdev3
-def test_trying_to_lock_twice(config, image, conn, caplog):
+def test_trying_to_lock_twice(config, image, conn_lock_twice, caplog):
     """Tests an attempt to lock the OMAP file from two gateways at the same time
-    stubA, stubB, gatewayA, gatewayB = conn
+    stubA, stubB = conn_lock_twice
     with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex:
-        create_resource_by_index(stubA, 0)
-        create_resource_by_index(stubB, 1)
+        create_resource_by_index(stubA, 100000, None)
+        create_resource_by_index(stubB, 100001, None)
     assert "OMAP file unlock was disabled, will not unlock file" in caplog.text
     assert "The OMAP file is locked, will try again in" in caplog.text
     assert "Unable to lock OMAP file" in caplog.text
     time.sleep(120) # Wait enough time for OMAP lock to be released
-def create_resource_by_index(stub, i):
+def create_resource_by_index(stub, i, caplog):
     bdev = f"{bdev_prefix}{i}"
     bdev_req = pb2.create_bdev_req(bdev_name=bdev,
@@ -176,37 +280,62 @@ def create_resource_by_index(stub, i):
     ret_bdev = stub.create_bdev(bdev_req)
     assert ret_bdev
+    if caplog != None:
+        assert f"create_bdev: {bdev}" in caplog.text
+        assert "create_bdev failed" not in caplog.text
     subsystem = f"{subsystem_prefix}{i}"
     subsystem_req = pb2.create_subsystem_req(subsystem_nqn=subsystem)
     ret_subsystem = stub.create_subsystem(subsystem_req)
     assert ret_subsystem
+    if caplog != None:
+        assert f"create_subsystem {subsystem}: True" in caplog.text
+        assert "create_subsystem failed" not in caplog.text
     namespace_req = pb2.add_namespace_req(subsystem_nqn=subsystem,
     ret_namespace = stub.add_namespace(namespace_req)
     assert ret_namespace
-def check_resource_by_index(i, caplog):
-    bdev = f"{bdev_prefix}{i}"
+def check_resource_by_index(i, resource_list):
     # notice that this also verifies the namespace as the bdev name is in the namespaces section
-    assert f"{bdev}" in caplog.text
+    bdev = f"{bdev_prefix}{i}"
     subsystem = f"{subsystem_prefix}{i}"
-    assert f"{subsystem}" in caplog.text
+    found = False
+    for res in resource_list:
+        try:
+            if res["nqn"] != subsystem:
+                continue
+            for ns in res["namespaces"]:
+                if ns["bdev_name"] == bdev:
+                    found = True
+                    break
+            break
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+    assert found
-def test_multi_gateway_concurrent_changes(config, image, conn, caplog):
+def test_multi_gateway_concurrent_changes(config, image, conn_concurrent, caplog):
     """Tests concurrent changes to the OMAP from two gateways
-    stubA, stubB, gatewayA, gatewayB = conn
+    stubA, stubB = conn_concurrent
     for i in range(created_resource_count):
-        if i % 2:
-            stub = stubA
+        if i % 2 == 0:
+            create_resource_by_index(stubA, i, caplog)
-            stub = stubB
-        create_resource_by_index(stub, i)
-        assert "Failed" not in caplog.text
+            create_resource_by_index(stubB, i, caplog)
+        assert "failed" not in caplog.text.lower()
     # Let the update some time to bring both gateways to the same page
+    caplog.clear()
+    get_subsystems_req = pb2.get_subsystems_req()
+    listA = json.loads(json_format.MessageToJson(
+        stubA.get_subsystems(get_subsystems_req),
+        preserving_proto_field_name=True))['subsystems']
+    listB = json.loads(json_format.MessageToJson(
+        stubB.get_subsystems(get_subsystems_req),
+        preserving_proto_field_name=True))['subsystems']
     for i in range(created_resource_count):
-        check_resource_by_index(i, caplog)
+        check_resource_by_index(i, listA)
+        check_resource_by_index(i, listB)