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- Benjamin Zwick (The University of Western Australia)
- Saima Safdar (The University of Western Australia)
- Andy Huynh (The University of Western Australia)
- Gerry Gralton (The University of Western Australia)
- Adam Wittek (The University of Western Australia)
- Karol Miller (The University of Western Australia)
SlicerCBM is an extension for 3D Slicer that provides tools for creating and solving computational models of biophysical systems and processes with a focus on clinical and biomedical applications.
Package SlicerCBM modules as an installable 3D Slicer extension.
Improve documentation of individual modules and workflow.
Complete the requirements for a new 3D Slicer extension (SlicerCBM/SlicerCBM#8)
Add the SlicerCBM extension to the Slicer Extensions Catalog.
Individual modules have been developed and are available on GitHub (
Checklist for submitting a new extension (SlicerCBM/SlicerCBM#8)
Code repository and documentation:
Sample data:
- Zwick BF, Safdar S, Bourantas GC, Joldes GR, Hyde DE, Warfield SK, Wittek A, Miller K. Data for patient-specific solution of the electrocorticography forward problem in deforming brain [Data set]. Zenodo; 2022.
Safdar S, Zwick BF, Bourantas G, Joldes GR, Warfield SK, Hyde DE, Wittek A, Miller K. Automatic Framework for Patient-Specific Biomechanical Computations of Organ Deformation: An Epilepsy (EEG) Case Study. In: Nielsen PMF, Nash MP, Li X, Miller K, Wittek A, editors. Computational Biomechanics for Medicine. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2022. p. 75–89.
Zwick BF, Bourantas GC, Safdar S, Joldes GR, Hyde DE, Warfield SK, Wittek A, Miller K. Patient-specific solution of the electrocorticography forward problem in deforming brain. NeuroImage. 2022;263:119649.
Yu Y, Safdar S, Bourantas GC, Zwick BF, Joldes GR, Kapur T, Frisken S, Kikinis R, Nabavi A, Golby A, Wittek A, Miller K. Automatic framework for patient-specific modelling of tumour resection-induced brain shift. Comput Biol Med. 2022;143:105271.
Safdar S, Joldes GR, Zwick BF, Bourantas GC, Kikinis R, Wittek A, Miller K. Automatic Framework for Patient-Specific Biomechanical Computations of Organ Deformation. In: Miller K, Wittek A, Nash M, Nielsen PMF, editors. Computational Biomechanics for Medicine. Cham: Springer; 2021. p. 3–16.