diff --git a/dev-libs/klibc/Manifest b/dev-libs/klibc/Manifest index 5953d6d..52ef50b 100644 --- a/dev-libs/klibc/Manifest +++ b/dev-libs/klibc/Manifest @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ AUX klibc-1.4.11-interp-flags.patch 494 SHA256 ef8c05d059bc0185b8b68ea42e660fa13ddb55e9653b10fbfdabd77dea7abe2a SHA512 64242223dee668467b52092dba81a3ab29137d3611cf11f331aae1fa9eb8a3ae19b3847128bd693cd2c835c7e2ff1e247cae821561ca7c039bb4a212c8726a42 WHIRLPOOL 46bb64ab7a398f4998d1455d42d8596a9be37f2919835198d098f5935e2f7aa0b8735acb1b79f5ddaf4b17e7af3c4f805b8d63496aa0568757a15bc187461a37 AUX klibc-1.5.7-strip-fix-dash-s.patch 420 SHA256 971cadc28aa362ff76ebfee8187bb6986afb4f3425b70b7200d1aa1c6fd746e7 SHA512 c1c70c86d34ac1ea716fe5f2caeb3005db6d060ed0c5dabe94a44f0317725c7775a9da8e463b71b8533f0315d6e0cd861c8684ddf1f426586296dc69d88ac438 WHIRLPOOL 38622e4a1a00cd418f39e5b23e90f83486c0c6d3421fc3b900a039739294552ab5f080de8f17c17c39efc0038451ba0345d3f3ffebbe77fb3f63d111873881de -AUX klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch 550 SHA256 982328f70450bb313ef25c4d54e10fa8752beb0442cbe69f6028f7ac46dee85d SHA512 078284b7c683b2cb1753d954955ecd9bc990712752b99c13f5bd433739621879a0da83d73ed8e4491cf4c07c93bf7eb132b7d39d55e98ea39be5f4fa383859df WHIRLPOOL 24def1262596812813b9016de119708098506a87bec587fac8bf49bf1f5cbf8b8bfc87da8a8d7d7db2112ace088bd5b7e05097a7bf9fee5afecc49d71cccbb63 +AUX klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch 488 SHA256 25491130c2d7f4b842e97584e16db4a66658d0c1afa808f6264920d9fbcca8c5 SHA512 9e72e10eae1639da2821ac14767ae7f8df1b7dcb2f559a47d8e6ac7f6ffa865a13f93c9824b8051cc2d0d23cac2c228274cfc3dabfac060eb32275d2eca100ac WHIRLPOOL 7daf8981b8555a78aad3c0afebcbc267bf9bae33f96f5be4d6829cddcd6410c44fc52609dd6f64525d21149f42508caf235470edd3c63b1ebb53f6fd73b19bd6 AUX klibc-2.0.3-kernel-uapi.patch 4584 SHA256 bd36198544896ec1af275f4d7a79940ffb4bb862b513371b83397aca5d09f14e SHA512 c0ed840875da65a185915a9ba1df335ec05bebfbb30f6be1bdf97fd94e45fdbd63c34ee70abb18cf71039876b71929ffa42fca6767c2ed8326e24454763761c5 WHIRLPOOL e6e25bc01da75157c18510105a9295dd7bbacdb69081e594bff586da2b2859d34460fa87a037075753ed301d6fcc556301abeaaee954451c61d870c1a20a7962 +AUX klibc.m4 3619 SHA256 02901ef2ca8b320d77b03fab4fa9bef809c11e2e418e7da00aa2c13c4a84dd44 SHA512 42cf4add07031105689d7438838e0306d32a637e8a4719afc11722fd8f1ac040e6bb92cc7ba3536b83a6de8907a91bc5ad11036f22810443f4cd24161950cc6b WHIRLPOOL 798f1af18939edb2c48aacf34cf4ef107468eeb47679d2695350c873bf19121ecdecb797b3a825675bee32b04f057211b2402b2a86d138a203c14f699da45c28 DIST klibc-2.0.3.tar.xz 468920 SHA256 02035f2b230020de569d40605485121e0fe481ed33a93bdb8bf8c6ee2695fffa SHA512 47a27496d8fa7c57279f9215367369dc9bae496f04b023a2e506813efca7db5de766ddcdb227804123a2fff7f6691dbf01cfaaed3396ce149e6b091f356fa233 WHIRLPOOL bba62fc57372053fdf78dac234f5210ce196723a27499da0fbcf4de05d06eee3ad1963ee5919680c3dcea3941c597a035e7110ad87545585b7430abb6d0d4c6b DIST klibc-2.0.4.tar.xz 469348 SHA256 7f9a0850586def7cf4faeeb75e5d0f66e613674c524f6e77b0f4d93a26c801cb SHA512 7a01d1744b49f3de64111fefc522b1d63f054199acf671254bc046d6f1d0b6ca68e050c99025bf8303751c2466a5e034677555649ae5909c40997858d393db8d WHIRLPOOL f5dc71b48f118155df512d8ac839b66d361b22ff4e040e49a562722d82f18ac83a8c682bf0b4c59a9b108473f74bebc673d38456cf0ab5b1051071ca3fa9b78e DIST klibc_2.0.2-1.debian.tar.gz 21305 SHA256 93f4b9be5a3c725a38b7ac137850311e3cf8d8094874006c7dce793d2b71e469 SHA512 9cbcc39396a49bc37ace79eaefad6e704ddc9f30aba1b39f40dd2888dad06eeeb7b9c1a387cee60a95cf5641f50bd7f225cf8209547c75a8bae8af4285152d91 WHIRLPOOL a42e148550a27426e8f38b54cb4f3b1f355759d573ab27c0ecadb0c68d0afd54a5950471628ec4e2e27ac9c8b9d841940d6b0f2c0a873d4feab7af37e7989a52 +DIST klibc_2.0.4-9.debian.tar.xz 28628 SHA256 069f3496d66bda23bca227acdbf2b5e5b57e57419db619c293b81ed4929aba12 SHA512 0fe9a6642be962fa631919850d7eeed5a87c10682766ee10fe31dec2b19a6179e0067602acb26bdc2aa8ceecfd39b1dc95a76f3b0a9bc813b172c0ffe9f0ff53 WHIRLPOOL 96de652f4b0cea4e2c117f541d820b9e869c05763e408b7bd203d04ae2b70a89939713794e0dda27f253b2662ef03aea62bd669b06de4a2290f807890b1b01e8 DIST linux-4.0.tar.xz 82313052 SHA256 0f2f7d44979bc8f71c4fc5d3308c03499c26a824dd311fdf6eef4dee0d7d5991 SHA512 ce13d2c1c17908fd9a4aa42bb6348a0cb13dd22e560bd54c61b8bfdf62726d6095f130c59177a2fe4793b7dc399481bf10d3556d1d571616000f180304e5a995 WHIRLPOOL c481256e23dc82209942d4f2fc9a94aa7fc4c3c69b05eaa041a58ca4bdc5781274ec4c49d597ccf94b634d61418ec578d20a6569c6c7052b4d3cf33611c99001 +DIST linux-4.14.tar.xz 100770500 SHA256 f81d59477e90a130857ce18dc02f4fbe5725854911db1e7ba770c7cd350f96a7 SHA512 77e43a02d766c3d73b7e25c4aafb2e931d6b16e870510c22cef0cdb05c3acb7952b8908ebad12b10ef982c6efbe286364b1544586e715cf38390e483927904d8 WHIRLPOOL fee10d54ecb210156aa55364ecc15867127819e9f7ff9ec5f6ef159b1013e2ae3d3a28d35c62d663886cbe826b996a1387671766093be002536309045a8e4d10 DIST linux-4.4.tar.xz 87295988 SHA256 401d7c8fef594999a460d10c72c5a94e9c2e1022f16795ec51746b0d165418b2 SHA512 13c8459933a8b80608e226a1398e3d1848352ace84bcfb7e6a4a33cb230bbe1ab719d4b58e067283df91ce5311be6d2d595fc8c19e2ae6ecc652499415614b3e WHIRLPOOL 02abc203d867404b9934aaa4c1e5b5dcbb0b0021e91a03f3a7e7fd224eed106821d8b4949f32a590536db150e5a88c16fcde88538777a26d0c17900f0257b1bc EBUILD klibc-2.0.3-r1.ebuild 9349 SHA256 a0fb248e84bfbf4564a913ae18a3270b244f6584fee4d198fa62c539a2e03509 SHA512 cc2e511c9cc36c8494630cf473f337c6d4e30cdcf90c22c4aa34fcc3f16d7acef9dbe715edef7051cec547e5d3847740094019828a769998f144b90f462d5751 WHIRLPOOL 4115fd593f2107f76f5731719ec0cdb799cb932134146666bf05ef58accf0e07f40b3cd0ec1b282fa8c675c566d47b71d93b8e9775868319ec56be71faeed433 +EBUILD klibc-2.0.4-r2.ebuild 9394 SHA256 ecaefd011443c38cd620942b962ca17dc021bf67a8ba9e26e96ef921bfb4ebad SHA512 e18603f0bc9862960cf2856d771f7e144f175c71de2464f87d348ca8d0579d2064bf5f42de65f3f9b620d9640b717077dc4548125bf9a3a07809e10585bd991f WHIRLPOOL 2cfac007377812f05856d9c31834455b815fa9bd24a9b46f61d17e4b93fc50b16313be3102c05001be869cd7f5108c37274753b10eefd262a03913f7c7955b36 EBUILD klibc-2.0.4.ebuild 9349 SHA256 60db314129efeac21c22287f668dc0776100972c12defee307865a5ccbfdd3ae SHA512 e17155f4abfeab9da152aa20f22d93c27cf329a655f693d69d5e5bc9a582e96ec0e70db36421f6d9d5b6a7cd663ef4050eccd68e5ad362d4df2695e56a19387e WHIRLPOOL c2a549dc343ba59ca11fb520b2fdc25cb7f58a03af7e406db2ab9a454733fd957cbfcd3f8d392789b30d23278c0f8adc954dfed2f0762619581ac93c8d485bd0 diff --git a/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch b/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch index cfbc5f6..3ddf834 100644 --- a/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch +++ b/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ diff -Nuar --exclude '*.g' --exclude '*.cmd' klibc-2.0.2-r1/work/klibc-2.0.2/usr/utils/mkfifo.c klibc-2.0.2.orig/work/klibc-2.0.2/usr/utils/mkfifo.c ---- klibc-2.0.2-r1/work/klibc-2.0.2/usr/utils/mkfifo.c 2012-10-03 09:41:43.000000000 -0700 -+++ klibc-2.0.2.orig/work/klibc-2.0.2/usr/utils/mkfifo.c 2013-12-26 13:19:34.270949780 -0800 +--- a/usr/utils/mkfifo.c 2012-10-03 09:41:43.000000000 -0700 ++++ b/usr/utils/mkfifo.c 2013-12-26 13:19:34.270949780 -0800 @@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ char *progname; diff --git a/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc.m4 b/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3892269 --- /dev/null +++ b/dev-libs/klibc/files/klibc.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# klibc.m4 serial 99 +## Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +## This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU +## General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General +## Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program +## that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under +## the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. +## +## This file can can be used in projects which are not available under +## the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public +## License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext +## functionality. +## Please note that the actual code of the KLIBC Library is partly covered +## by the GNU Library General Public License, and party copyrighted by the +## Regents of The University of California, and the rest is covered by a +## MIT style license. + +# Authors: +# Martin Schlemmer , 2005. + + +# AC_CHECK_KLIBC +# -------------- +# Check if the user wants KLIBC support enabled. If so, set KLIBC=yes and +# fill in KLIBC_PREFIX, KLIBC_BINDIR, KLIBC_SBINDIR, KLIBC_LIBDIR and +# KLIBC_INCLUDEDIR. CC is also set to the proper klcc executable. +# NOTE: This should be called before AC_PROG_CC, and before header, function +# or type checks. +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_KLIBC], +[AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_PROG_CC]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE([klibc], + [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-klibc], + [Enable linking to klibc [no]. You need at + least klibc-1.0 or later for this. Set KLCC + to the absolute file name of klcc if not in + the PATH])], + [KLIBC=$enableval], [KLIBC=no]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE([klibc-layout], + [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-klibc-layout], + [Enable installing binaries, libraries and + headers into the klibc prefix [yes] ])], + [if test "X$KLIBC" != Xno; then + KLIBC_LAYOUT=$enableval + else + KLIBC_LAYOUT=no + fi], + [if test "X$KLIBC" != Xno; then + KLIBC_LAYOUT=yes + else + KLIBC_LAYOUT=no + fi]) + +if test "X$KLIBC" != Xno; then + # Basic cross compiling support. I do not think it is wise to use + # AC_CHECK_TOOL, because if we are cross compiling, we do not want + # just 'klcc' to be returned ... + if test "${host_alias}" != "${build_alias}"; then + AC_CHECK_PROGS([KLCC], [${host_alias}-klcc], [no]) + else + AC_CHECK_PROGS([KLCC], [klcc], [no]) + fi + if test "X$KLCC" = Xno; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find klibc frontend 'klcc'!]) + fi + + CC="$KLCC" + CFLAGS="-Os" + + KLIBC_KCROSS="$($KLCC -print-klibc-kcross 2>/dev/null)" + KLIBC_PREFIX="$($KLCC -print-klibc-prefix 2>/dev/null)" + KLIBC_BIN_DIR="$($KLCC -print-klibc-bindir 2>/dev/null)" + KLIBC_SBIN_DIR="${KLIBC_PREFIX}/${KLIBC_KCROSS}sbin" + KLIBC_LIB_DIR="$($KLCC -print-klibc-libdir 2>/dev/null)" + KLIBC_INCLUDE_DIR="$($KLCC -print-klibc-includedir 2>/dev/null)" + + if test "X$KLIBC_LAYOUT" != Xno; then + prefix="$KLIBC_PREFIX" + bindir="$KLIBC_BIN_DIR" + sbindir="$KLIBC_SBIN_DIR" + libdir="$KLIBC_LIB_DIR" + includedir="$KLIBC_INCLUDE_DIR" + fi + + # At least KLIBC_LIB_DIR should be valid, else klibc is too old or + # something went wrong + if test ! -d "$KLIBC_LIB_DIR"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([your klibc installation is too old or not functional!]) + fi +fi + +AC_SUBST(KLIBC) +])# AC_CHECK_KLIBC + diff --git a/dev-libs/klibc/klibc-2.0.4-r2.ebuild b/dev-libs/klibc/klibc-2.0.4-r2.ebuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3034cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dev-libs/klibc/klibc-2.0.4-r2.ebuild @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 + +# Robin H. Johnson , 12 Nov 2007: +# This still needs major work. +# But it is significently better than the previous version. +# In that it will now build on biarch systems, such as ppc64-32ul. + +# NOTES: +# ====== +# We need to bring in the kernel sources seperately +# Because they have to be configured in a way that differs from the copy in +# /usr/src/. The sys-kernel/linux-headers are too stripped down to use +# unfortunately. +# This will be able to go away once the klibc author updates his code +# to build again the headers provided by the kernel's 'headers_install' target. + +EAPI=6 +K_TARBALL_SUFFIX="xz" + +inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic + +DESCRIPTION="A minimal libc subset for use with initramfs" +HOMEPAGE="http://www.zytor.com/mailman/listinfo/klibc/ https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/klibc/" +KV_MAJOR="4" KV_MINOR="x" KV_SUB="14" +PKV_EXTRA="" +if [[ ${PKV_EXTRA} ]]; then + if [[ ${KV_MAJOR} == 2 ]]; then + PKV="${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}.$((${KV_SUB}+1))-${PKV_EXTRA}" + else + PKV="${KV_MAJOR}.$((${KV_SUB}+1))-${PKV_EXTRA}" + fi + PATCH_URI="mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/v${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}/patch-${PKV}.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX}" +fi +if [[ ${KV_MAJOR} == 2 ]]; then + OKV="${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}.${KV_SUB}" +else + OKV="${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_SUB}" +fi +KERNEL_URI=" + mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/v${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}/linux-${OKV}.tar.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX} + mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/v${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}/testing/linux-${OKV}.tar.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX}" +DEBIAN_PV=2.0.4 +DEBIAN_PR=9 +DEBIAN_A="${PN}_${DEBIAN_PV}-${DEBIAN_PR}.debian.tar.xz" +SRC_URI=" + mirror://kernel/linux/libs/klibc/${PV:0:3}/${P}.tar.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX} + mirror://debian/pool/main/k/klibc/${DEBIAN_A} + ${PATCH_URI} + ${KERNEL_URI}" + +LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 LGPL-2 )" +KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ia64 -mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc x86" +SLOT="0" +IUSE="debug test custom-cflags" + +DEPEND="dev-lang/perl" +RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" + +KS="${WORKDIR}/linux-${OKV}" + +# Klibc has no PT_GNU_STACK support, so scanning for execstacks is moot +QA_EXECSTACK="*" +# Do not strip +RESTRICT="strip" + +kernel_asm_arch() { + a="${1:${ARCH}}" + case ${a} in + # Merged arches + x86) echo i386 ;; # for build on x86 userspace & 64bit kernel + amd64) echo x86 ;; + ppc*) echo powerpc ;; + # Non-merged + alpha|arm|arm64|ia64|m68k|mips|sh|sparc*) echo ${1} ;; + *) die "TODO: Update the code for your asm-ARCH symlink" ;; + esac +} + +# For a given Gentoo ARCH, +# specify the kernel defconfig most relevant +kernel_defconfig() { + a="${1:${ARCH}}" + # most, but not all arches have a sanely named defconfig + case ${a} in + ppc64) echo ppc64_defconfig ;; + ppc) echo pmac32_defconfig ;; + sh*) die "TODO: Your arch is not supported by the klibc ebuild. Please suggest a defconfig in a bug." ;; + *) echo defconfig ;; + esac +} + +src_unpack() { + unpack linux-${OKV}.tar.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX} ${P}.tar.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX} ${DEBIAN_A} +} + +PATCHES=( + # Build interp.o with EXTRA_KLIBCAFLAGS (.S source) + "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.11-interp-flags.patch + # Fix usage of -s, bug #201006 + "${FILESDIR}"/klibc-1.5.7-strip-fix-dash-s.patch + # The inline definition from sys/stat.h does not seem to get used + # So just copy it to make this compile for now + "${FILESDIR}"/klibc-2.0.2-mkfifo.patch + # Newer kernels have some headers in the uapi dir + "${FILESDIR}"/klibc-2.0.3-kernel-uapi.patch +) + +src_prepare() { + [[ ${PKV} ]] && eapply "${DISTDIR}"/patch-${PKV}.${K_TARBALL_SUFFIX} + + # Symlink /usr/src/linux to ${S}/linux + ln -snf "${KS}" linux + #ln -snf "/usr" linux + + # Borrow the debian fixes too + for p in $(<"${WORKDIR}"/debian/patches/series) ; do + PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}/debian/patches/${p}" ) + done + + default +} + +# klibc has it's own ideas of arches +# They reflect userspace strictly. +# This functions maps from a Gentoo ARCH, to an arch that klibc expects +# Look at klibc-${S}/usr/klibc/arch for a list of these arches +klibc_arch() { + a="${1:${ARCH}}" + case ${a} in + amd64) echo x86_64;; + mips) die 'TODO: Use the $ABI' ;; + x86) echo i386;; + *) echo ${a} ;; + esac +} + +src_compile() { + local myargs="all" + local myARCH="${ARCH}" myABI="${ABI}" + # TODO: For cross-compiling + # You should set ARCH and ABI here + CC="$(tc-getCC)" + LD="$(tc-getLD)" + HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" + HOSTLD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)" + KLIBCARCH="$(klibc_arch ${ARCH})" + KLIBCASMARCH="$(kernel_asm_arch ${ARCH})" + libdir="$(get_libdir)" + # This should be the defconfig corresponding to your userspace! + # NOT your kernel. PPC64-32ul would choose 'ppc' for example. + defconfig=$(kernel_defconfig ${ARCH}) + unset ABI ARCH # Unset these, because they interfere + unset KBUILD_OUTPUT # we are using a private copy + + cd "${KS}" + emake ${defconfig} CC="${CC}" HOSTCC="${HOSTCC}" ARCH="${KLIBCASMARCH}" || die "No defconfig" + if [[ "${KLIBCARCH/arm}" != "${KLIBCARCH}" ]] && \ + [[ "${CHOST/eabi}" != "${CHOST}" ]]; then + # The delete and insert are seperate statements + # so that they are reliably used. + sed -i \ + -e '/CONFIG_AEABI/d' \ + -e '1iCONFIG_AEABI=y' \ + -e '/CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT/d' \ + -e '1iCONFIG_OABI_COMPAT=y' \ + -e '1iCONFIG_ARM_UNWIND=y' \ + "${KS}"/.config \ + "${S}"/defconfig + fi + emake prepare CC="${CC}" HOSTCC="${HOSTCC}" ARCH="${KLIBCASMARCH}" || die "Failed to prepare kernel sources for header usage" + + cd "${S}" + + use debug && myargs="${myargs} V=1" + use test && myargs="${myargs} test" + append-ldflags -z noexecstack + append-flags -nostdlib + + emake \ + EXTRA_KLIBCAFLAGS="-Wa,--noexecstack" \ + EXTRA_KLIBCLDFLAGS="-z noexecstack" \ + HOSTLDFLAGS="-z noexecstack" \ + KLIBCOPTFLAGS='-nostdlib' \ + HOSTCC="${HOSTCC}" CC="${CC}" \ + HOSTLD="${HOSTLD}" LD="${LD}" \ + INSTALLDIR="/usr/${libdir}/klibc" \ + KLIBCARCH=${KLIBCARCH} \ + KLIBCASMARCH=${KLIBCASMARCH} \ + SHLIBDIR="/${libdir}" \ + libdir="/usr/${libdir}" \ + mandir="/usr/share/man" \ + T="${T}" \ + $(use custom-cflags || echo SKIP_)HOSTCFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ + $(use custom-cflags || echo SKIP_)HOSTLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ + $(use custom-cflags || echo SKIP_)KLIBCOPTFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ + ${myargs} || die "Compile failed!" + + #SHLIBDIR="/${libdir}" \ + + ARCH="${myARCH}" ABI="${myABI}" +} + +src_install() { + local myargs + local myARCH="${ARCH}" myABI="${ABI}" + # TODO: For cross-compiling + # You should set ARCH and ABI here + CC="$(tc-getCC)" + HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" + KLIBCARCH="$(klibc_arch ${ARCH})" + KLIBCASMARCH="$(kernel_asm_arch ${ARCH})" + libdir="$(get_libdir)" + # This should be the defconfig corresponding to your userspace! + # NOT your kernel. PPC64-32ul would choose 'ppc' for example. + defconfig=$(kernel_defconfig ${ARCH}) + + use debug && myargs="${myargs} V=1" + + local klibc_prefix + if tc-is-cross-compiler ; then + klibc_prefix=$("${S}/klcc/${KLIBCARCH}-klcc" -print-klibc-prefix) + else + klibc_prefix=$("${S}/klcc/klcc" -print-klibc-prefix) + fi + + unset ABI ARCH # Unset these, because they interfere + unset KBUILD_OUTPUT # we are using a private copy + + emake \ + EXTRA_KLIBCAFLAGS="-Wa,--noexecstack" \ + EXTRA_KLIBCLDFLAGS="-z noexecstack" \ + HOSTLDFLAGS="-z noexecstack" \ + KLIBCOPTFLAGS='-nostdlib' \ + HOSTCC="${HOSTCC}" CC="${CC}" \ + HOSTLD="${HOSTLD}" LD="${LD}" \ + INSTALLDIR="/usr/${libdir}/klibc" \ + INSTALLROOT="${D}" \ + KLIBCARCH=${KLIBCARCH} \ + KLIBCASMARCH=${KLIBCASMARCH} \ + SHLIBDIR="/${libdir}" \ + libdir="/usr/${libdir}" \ + mandir="/usr/share/man" \ + T="${T}" \ + $(use custom-cflags || echo SKIP_)HOSTCFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ + $(use custom-cflags || echo SKIP_)HOSTLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ + $(use custom-cflags || echo SKIP_)KLIBCOPTFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ + ${myargs} \ + install || die "Install failed!" + + #SHLIBDIR="/${libdir}" \ + + # klibc doesn't support prelinking, so we need to mask it + cat > "${T}/70klibc" <<-EOF + PRELINK_PATH_MASK="/usr/${libdir}/klibc" + EOF + + doenvd "${T}"/70klibc + + # Fix the permissions (bug #178053) on /usr/${libdir}/klibc/include + # Actually I have no idea, why the includes have those weird-ass permissions + # on a particular system, might be due to inherited permissions from parent + # directory + # NOTE: This totally violates sandbox + # find "${D}"/usr/${libdir}/klibc/include | xargs chmod o+rX + find "${D}"/usr/${libdir}/klibc/include -type f \ + \( -name '.install' -o -name '..install.cmd' \) -delete || die + + # Hardlinks becoming copies + for x in gunzip zcat ; do + rm -f "${D}/${klibc_prefix}/bin/${x}" + dosym gzip "${klibc_prefix}/bin/${x}" + done + + # Restore now, so we can use the tc- functions + ARCH="${myARCH}" ABI="${myABI}" + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler ; then + cd "${S}" + insinto /usr/share/aclocal + doins contrib/klibc.m4 + + dodoc README usr/klibc/CAVEATS + docinto gzip; dodoc usr/gzip/README + fi + + # Fix up the symlink + # Mainly for merged arches + linkname="${D}/usr/${libdir}/klibc/include/asm" + if [ -L "${linkname}" ] && [ ! -e "${linkname}" ] ; then + ln -snf asm-${KLIBCASMARCH} "${linkname}" + fi +} + +src_test() { + if ! tc-is-cross-compiler ; then + cd "${S}"/usr/klibc/tests + ALL_TESTS="$(ls *.c |sed 's,\.c$,,g')" + BROKEN_TESTS="fcntl fnmatch testrand48" + failed=0 + for t in $ALL_TESTS ; do + if has $t $BROKEN_TESTS ; then + echo "=== $t SKIP" + else + echo -n "=== $t " + ./$t /dev/null + rc=$? + if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then + echo PASS + else + echo FAIL + failed=1 + fi + fi + done + [ $failed -ne 0 ] && die "Some tests failed." + fi +}